Why should we need white slavers when we have Louis Farrakhan?

Louis Farrakhan, the neighbour of Barack Obama and leader of the Nation of Islam, continues to be what he is…an islamo-facist. Last week-end, he spoke before 600 students somewhere in the United States. During the speech, he said to students, and among them black students, « not to be friends with Jews because they are behind black slavery ». This may be not the exact quote but it is the essence of what he said. In fact, what Farrakhan does is covering the tracks of the very people who do engage in black slavery in Africa, i.e. continental Muslims. He simply protects his fellow Muslim brothers. Typical modus operandi of totalitarians of all stripes. Here I propose an interview with Charles Jacobs on Secure Freedom Radio, hosted by Frank Gaffney of the Center For Security Policy, and one radio show and an update blog post by Dave Emory on this charming fellow, Louis Farrakhan. I also join two PDF documents that will allow you to have a better grasp of the « humanitarian » dimension of his political activism.

Charles Jacobs on Secure Freedom Radio

FTR #21 Louis Farrakhan and the Politics of Murder

A Meeting of the Minds: “Truther” Richard Gage and Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan: Tormenting the Heart of Africa

Genocide and The Slavery in The Sudan

Ayers and Dohrn, Barack Obama, the death of Andrew Breitbart and the rise of Third Position fascism

(06-08-2012) N.B.: Before I let you read the article, here are a couple of points that I posted on SpitfireList.com on May 20th 2012 as a response to some criticism about the article from the website host. These remarks should serve as caveat, precisions, to be able to put into context the core of the text. I admit that this article was a reckless attempt, not necessarily successful, to explain and put into context something rather difficult to conceptualize. In the end, I think Obama is a good man but he is surrended by people who are not and who are trying to seize the occasion to do harm. Here it is:

Thanks for these remarks. I will clar­ify a few points just to be sure we agree on my posi­tions con­cern­ing Obama and the rest. Maybe the writ­ing of my arti­cle could be improved to reflect that.

First, I have never said that OBAMA killed Bre­it­bart or that he wanted to kill him. He nev­er­the­less signed, if I am not mis­taken, an Exec­u­tive Order that legal­izes tar­get­ted assas­si­na­tions of Amer­i­can cit­i­zens. Some­body else could have done it. Maybe.

Sec­ond, I have never said that Obama was third posi­tion. It is rather the crowd sur­round­ing him and with whom he evolved that gives me that impres­sion. For me, the Chicago milieu is bad and breeds rad­i­cals. But the right is not any bet­ter, of course.

Third, I agree, the Weath­er­men were prob­a­bly agent provocateurs.

Fourth, con­cern­ing Israel, reli­gious Zion­ism is prob­a­bly wrong as you say, but we must not for­get that Israelis face anni­hi­la­tion not only since 1922 (that’s 1917 in fact- Ed), year of the Bal­four Dec­la­ra­tion, but since the begin­nings of Chris­tian­ity. John Loftus’s The Secret War Against the Jews remains, for me, the best tool to under­stand the sit­u­a­tion. When the fate of the Jews is secured, the state of Israel is secured, we will have plenty of time to crit­i­cize Zion­ism and Netanyahu or any other politi­cian in place. I don’t like Netanyahu court­ing right-wingers, but there is not much of a choice. Obama is not favor­able toward Israel and the U.S. has only two parties…

Fifth, yes, Obama is very dif­fer­ent from Bush. Ide­aly, if we could com­bine the best of the two in just one can­di­date, that would be great. But unfor­tu­nately, it doesn’t work like that it seems.

I kept it brief and I hope it clar­i­fies things.


The recent death of Andrew Breitbart has opened a Pandora’s box. The controversy has raged over the fact that he was very vocal during the whole month of February about releasing, on March 1st, some tapes that would irremediably hurt Barack Obama and seriously undermine his chances to get re-elected. Apparently, the videos show Barack Obama during his college days with radicals. The fact that he died only hours before having the occasion to do so, has led many in political circles to ask themselves whether or not Breitbart could have been eliminated. The sudden heart attack that brought him down is seen by certain people as possibly only the official version of the story. Well, we may never know what really happened. However, this event has opened a rift, so to speak, in the political analysis spectrum, and now certain connections from the past emerge on the surface. A first tape has been released on March 7th. It shows Barack Obama during his college days at Harvard University endorsing and hugging Derrick Bell, a controversial professor who expressed radical leftist ideas about race. The hugging part of the video was censored at the time of the Presidential Election to avoid doing any damage to Obama’s campaign.

A thread is common and I want to present it to you. Kevin Coogan, a marvelous author, has written a book titled Dreamer of the Day: Fran­cis Parker Yockey and the Post­war Fas­cist Inter­na­tional. This book presents the political philosophy of Francis Parker Yockey, a post-war fascist political thinker. In a nutshell, Yockey wanted to breed a new kind of fascism where nazism/fascism, communism and Islam would merge, along with elements characteristic of Third World sensibilities, to create a new form of fascism that didn’t exist before WWII. Uniting the Far-Left and the Far-Right, with the Iran of the Ayatollahs and the Nation of Islam, was a priority and a goal in itself for him. Continuer la lecture

Islamic Militants in Gaza: « We Harvest the Skulls of the Jews »

Isn’t touching to see such « moderate » Muslims expressing their love and tenderness for the Jewish people? Barack Obama must be proud of them. They definitely represent the future of the Middle East and of the Muslim populations. And the « Arab Spring » is the beginning of a new era of democracy…

Conférence de Guy Millière du 8 décembre 2011: La politique pro-islamiste de Barack Obama

Décidément, Barack Obama aura réussi à berner tout le monde, sauf Guy Millière et quelques autres bien entendu. Il a concocté un numéro de séduction d’une adresse telle qu’il a réussi à charmer, endormir et anesthésier non seulement le public américain mais le monde entier aussi, alors que ce qu’il incarne n’est de toute évidence pas très beau. Comme le révèle Guy Millière dans cette excellente conférence, les suites de l’élection de Barack Obama étaient prévisibles, pour peu que l’on connaisse son passé. En effet, ce que les médias ne vous disent jamais, c’est qu’Obama est un islamiste convaincu. Les premiers gestes qu’il a posés suite à son élection le confirment, de son entretien chaleureux avec Mahmoud Abbas à sa visite au Caire, sans parler des gens qui composent son entourage. Aussi faut-il ne pas trop se surprendre du « printemps arabe ». Les événements de l’hiver et du printemps derniers, bien qu’apparentés à des révolutions, sont en fait des renversements, des coups d’état, qui étaient annoncés en filigrane dans le discours d’Obama au Caire. Un hiver islamique s’annonce donc. Guy Millière analyse ici le rôle joué par l’administration d’Obama dans le « printemps arabe » et les répercussions que celui-ci aura sur la sécurité, la prospérité et l’avenir d’Israël. À voir absolument.