Entrevue de Marine Le Pen à BFMTV: Elle met K.O. Jean Leonetti

Cette entrevue de Marine Le Pen à BFMTV est absolument fabuleuse. Elle permet de mettre en lumière un état de fait qui s’avère de plus en plus indéniable: Il n’y a qu’elle dans la course à la Présidentielle. Les autres candidats ne sont que des fantoches, des petits fonctionnaires de l’Union Européenne protégeant leur carrière au lieu de défendre la France, et tout ça pour une « Europe » qui ne fonctionnera jamais selon les paramètres actuels. L’Union Européenne et sa monnaie unique, calquée sur la carte de la Grande Allemagne nazie et fonctionnant politiquement sous le mode de l’Union soviétique, est en train de faire mourir un à un tous les peuples européens, en brisant leur économie, leur culture, leur patrimoine, pour ne profiter qu’à un nombre très réduit de non-élus siégeant à Brussels et leurs alliés des « marchés financiers ». Le point fort de cette entrevue-émission s’est produit lors du débat avec Jean Leonetti, ministre chargé des affaires européennes. Ce monsieur supposément très bien élevé s’est comporté comme un véritable rustre en état impoli, désagréable et de mauvaise foi. Il n’a pas cessé d’interrompre Marine Le Pen pour ne dire au fond que des âneries bien souvent ou des phrases vides ou hargneuses. Combien y a-t-il de petits fonctionnaires de ce genre dans l’appareil étatique de l’Union Européenne et dans chacun de ses états membres, je ne sais trop. Mais avec une pareille performance, ce n’est pas étonnant que l’Europe s’en aille chez le diable… En fin de compte, il est évident que la gauche française n’est plus dans le coup en ce qui concerne la défense des citoyens et de leurs intérêts, elle qui se vautre dans une logique de collaboration. À ce sujet, vous pouvez voir cette entrevue avec Éric Zemmour sur la collaboration des réseaux gauchistes en France dans les années qui ont précédé la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Décidément, et la France et l’Europe sont au bord du gouffre. Ceux qui ont encore le coeur de défendre leur patrie et ce merveilleux continent qu’est l’Europe doivent se lever et combattre courageusement ces totalitaires collabos qui l’ont transformée en numéro de cirque.

BFMTV 2012 : Marine Le Pen, le reportage par BFMTV

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Harry Beckhough, codebreaker during WWII: A century of fight against Nazism

This marvellous presentation by Harry Beckhough, codebreaker during WWII, is the ultimate result of almost a century of battles, resistance and efforts on his part against the Nazis and their machinations throughout the world and particularly in Europe. During WWII, Beckhough was semi-kidnapped by some agents from Station X who brought him to Bletchley Park, England, the headquarters for codebreakers of German ciphers and other encryption codes. Later, he also worked to break Japanese code. After the war, he was sent to Germany to help with the de-nazification process of some of Germany’s most important universities, such as in Cologne and Bonn. At the venerable of 97 years old, Mr Beckhough is a invaluable witness of the events that preceeded, unfolded during and followed WWII. He saw with his own eyes Hitler coming to power, attacking countries and nations, destroying their cultures and societies. He then saw Europe falling again under German rule, this time not through military means but through deception, in the early stages of the European Union, called in the 70’s the Common Market. In the early 90’s, the European Union was formally born with the Maastricht Treaty, manufactured specifically to meet the needs and plans of Germany. Certain countries adhered unwillingly to the EU, as they were forced to vote again after a first refusal at a referendum. The creation of the Euro and the Lisbon Treaty further extended the complete domination of Germany over Europe and its nations. Also, a few years ago a law was adopted in Germany that made that all new laws or measures adopted by the EU Parliament in Brussels needed formal approval by the German Court before coming into action. In a nutshell, Germany, using Lenin-like tactics of deception, took away the sovereignty of all EU states. It seeks global domination through what we could call the United States of Europe. Beckhough finally identifies a low-profile individual who, he thinks, will be the next Fuhrer in Europe: Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, a descendant of Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, and of Aloys II, Prince of Liechtenstien. He is married to Stephanie von Bismarck-Schönhausen.

Nigel Farage in Germany warning its people about the totalitarian nature of the EU

The excellent Nigel Farage is back at the plate. In this conference, cut in three parts for Youtube, Farage explains to the public what has to be understood about the European Union. First, it is not democratic. On the contrary, it is totalitarian in nature. Each of its country members has to surrender its sovereignty to the EU Parliament in Brussels. Laws that affect the millions of Europeans are passed by non-elected bureaucrats instead of being voted and passed by legitimate and duly elected representatives of each European country. Second, it is a failure, besides of the political one, both financially and economically, that leads countries to collapse and be bankrupt, to benefit Germany in the end. This way, willingly or unwillingly, Germany is taking over the economy of every bankrupt country of the Union and, according to Farage, the day is not far when all economic decisions will be made in Brussels. He also points out that the people who created the EU were not democrats. They were some sort of totalitarian schemers.

Well…if we look at what the EU is, politically, economically, financially, if we look at its symbols, etc, it reminds me of the Roman Empire. The logo makes one think to that image of the Book of Revelation about the « woman with twelve stars » above her head, or something like that. We can note as well that this symbolism is close to the one of the UN, anyway. It goes along the same lines. Continuity in thought? Also, we can all see on the map that the EU covers roughly the same territory as the one envisioned by Adolf Hitler for its Greater Germany. Just a coincidence? To make a long story short, I think there are powerful forces at work to turn Europe and each of its democratic countries into a unified totalitarian regime, fabricated with elements taken out of both communism and fascism. That’s probably why the EU is opening its doors so widely to welcome Jew-hating reactionary Muslims. They are pouring in by the millions to turn Europe into its medieval barbarism. Elements within post-war nazism and post-U.S.S.R. socialism have been busy behind the scenes to prepare for the destruction of Europe, and now they are inviting their « guests of honor », the Muslim bigots, to join in and help them with their enterprise. Continuer la lecture