The ‘coup’ against Red Ice TV and independent media…

We are passing through extremely dark times. The recent solar eclipse is a mind-blowing expression of that. Decent and honest people are being attacked and destroyed while crooks and killers get away with almost anything. Why is that? It is difficult to give a definitive answer as this problem is multifaceted. The hacking of Red Ice TV website is a good example of what we are going through. The website is owned and run by a young couple, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff. They belong to a fringe movement of the political right, called the Alt-Right. You probably heard of that movement. Their website was taken down during the events of the Charlottesville rally called Unite the Right in which one person died and several people were injured after clashes between participants and protesters. I can say that although there are things that I would phrase differently, I do support the work that they do. They do an important service to the community by providing a platform to political dissidents and free thinkers in the United States and worldwide. Their resource is absolutely indispensable in these terrible times we are getting through. Yet their website was hacked, supposedly by the ‘antifa’, but it remains to be seen who did it. Here are some of my reflections on the subject.

First, anybody that took a look at their material could see that more than often they provide opportunities to people who are extremely critical of not only Muslims but also of Jews and⁄or Israel, and of non-white ethnic groups in particular. I believe that nobody is above critical thinking. If somebody has something to say about a certain group or a certain category of individuals, if it is sound and rational, we should celebrate that as a great contribution to society. But clearly, there are people who don’t think this way.

Second, and this is a crucial point, their website provide what we could call ‘free TV’. In effect, they often livestream political gatherings on their website, events that they participate in or that represent important milestones in the political sphere. As such, they may be seen as an unjust competition. There is absolutely no publicity on their website. Their activities are funded by their listeners and viewers through voluntary contributions. It goes without saying that big TV networks are probably frustrated and angry about Red Ice TV and other websites of the same type such as The Rebel, etc. Put yourself in the shoes of the big TV networks for a moment. They pump up millions and millions of dollars into their channels. But the more money they put in, the crappier the content gets. When I was a kid, there was only four channels on TV and for today’s standards, it was rather good. Now you have 500 channels and the content is terrible most of the time. Marshall McLuhan has written extensively on the nature of the media. ‘The medium in the message’, he was saying. Well, that’s the point. TV is like a bottle of sauce. The amount of sauce in it is finite. If you take that sauce and try to put into more bottles, it only dilutes the sauce more and more. At one point, there is no sauce anymore but water that’s what is happening with TV. Playing directly in this phenomenon is the obsession of specialization. When zapping, you can fall on a channel dedicated to the preparation of omelettes on July sunday mornings every Year of the Dragon. Well…I am joking but does it need to be that specialized? Probably not. As I have said, TV was much better when there was only a handful of channels and that was before specialization occurred.

So again, put yourself in the shoes of big TV network producers. You have a bunch of kids or young adults creating excellent TV, almost for free, and offering it for free to the world! Big TV is certainly not happy about that. The shows that independent media offer on the web are far better than the ones that you get from the ‘official’ TV. I am not saying that they are the ones who hacked Red Ice TV but let’s say that they wouldn’t mind, really. Independent media content creators make their own TV, film themselves with regular cameras and cellphones, and livestream or upload their shows on the web at a fraction of the cost…It is often said that big newspapers are losing readership, that it is falling year after year and that certain ones are on the path to bankruptcy. But it is also true for TV. It is very expensive to put on the air and the viewers are dropping it in favor of the internet that offers content that is interactive, new, bold and edgy. Personally, I don’t see any solution for big TV networks. They will continue to fall apart. TV, in its present form, is a medium that belongs to the past.

Another part of the problem is censorship and control. Just take a look at the number of hosts that have lost their jobs recently at Fox News for example. Fox News is good TV network, of right-wing orientation, that provides a platform for people that you don’t hear on the other networks. Guests come from the right-wing in general, they are Republicans, libertarians, conservatives, etc. But the content is made for a general public, not a smaller fringe like the Alt-Right or some other orientation. You have to be blind not to see that a certain ‘purge’ is going on at Fox that seems to follow the purge that is happening also at the same time in the Trump Administration. Those who were supporting Trump the most enthusiastically, such as Andrea Tantaros and Bill O’Reilly are no longer there. I am not getting into the specific reasons about why these hosts were fired or have resigned, I don’t work at Fox News so I don’t know what is going on there, all I am just saying is that a lot of them were supporting Trump and that is not a coincidence.

To come back at the hacking of Red Ice TV website, the hacking happened on the very day of the Unite the Right rally when they were en route to the event or just on arrival. I already talked about the rally itself so you can read my analysis in this previous article. We know that the State of Emergency was declared rather early as the event was starting. And that’s rather relevant here because in any standard State of Emergency law, or martial law, you may have provisions that allow the government to take control of communications. You don’t need a big IQ to figure out that somebody used the State of Emergency as a pretext to take down the site, or that somebody just waited for them to leave their apartment as the two hosts were departing for Charlottesville. I am joining two Youtube videos in which they themselves talk about the incident as they went through it and the possible leads of investigations that they have.

Why am I writing about that subject? Because although you may think that ‘it doesn’t concern me’ or ‘it is good for them if they did something wrong’ or ‘I am not getting involved’ or ‘it is not my concern’ you are next. If our elites can do that to a young couple, with a young baby, destroy their business and their livelihood and you don’t come to their defense, who is gonna take your defense when it is your turn? What happened to Red Ice TV and at the Charlottesville rally is unacceptable. What happened to the Jews during World War Two was a test-run. It is obvious that our globalist elites are preparing that same fate for all of us. Master crooks and thieves, of a caliber never seen, are at work. Regardless of the color of our skin, regardless of our religion, our values, our ethnic background, we will be subjected to the most brutal totalitarian regime that the Earth has ever known, unless we make a serious course correction. In effect, you have to understand that Hitler and Stalin didn’t have the technology that we have today. That technology gives the power to take total control. We have embraced technologies that allow our elites to know everything about every single individual anywhere on the planet. Our civilizational ship is a Titanic on a collision course and when the impact occurs, you are going to feel it, believe me. A few days ago, North Korea was able to launch a missile that flew over Japan and it was not taken down. But yet, we find the time and the energy to take down some websites and Youtube channels that express hate and racism…Don’t you think that our priorities are not the good ones? I will write a follow up on that article, focussing on tips and advice. For the moment, I will leave you with Henrik and Lana. Listen to what they have to say. Again, I repeat that the fact that you agree or disagree with them and their political ideas is not the issue. The issue is freedom of speech and our future as free men and women. If we don’t fight back against these very dangerous people who are trying to take control of the planet, our children and grandchildren will only have a life of misery and pain in slave labor camps. That’s what is looming on the horizon, folks.

Why I stopped blogging in English…

Parti Québécois’s 2013 Charter of Values was a terrific opportunity for all Quebec patriots to express, in a formal document, the values upon which our society stands. Westerners, living among themselves for centuries as white and Christian individuals, took those values for granted without taking the time to identify and define them. Now, as the floodgates of immigration have been opened, these values are being challenged, questioned by other beliefs and ways of thinking. If successful, to my knowledge, the Charter of Values would have been the first official document adopted by a state legislature to define and defend those values we all share and cherish (besides the American Constitution, of course).

Unfortunately, there was a lot of opposition to the Charter. Various groups ranging from islamist groups, leftist organisations, freedom of expression lobbyists, judicial think tanks and legal experts, etc, expressed their opposition to the document each for their own reasons. On the other hand, a lot of groups and people supported the Charter in a way that was significant. But the most surprising of all came from the Conservative Party of Canada. The party denounced the Charter vehemently and in the process attacked the Parti Québécois itself for having crafted it and presented it. No need to say that it stroke a huge blow to the Parti Québécois and to the project of the Charter of Values. Eventually, the Parti Québécois lost the election on the following spring and the Charter of Values died with its defeat.

Following the stand taken by the Conservative Party of Canada against the Charter of Values, I decided at that time to stop blogging in English completely for doing it solely in French. That was my own way to protest politically against what seemed to me as something completely unfair. You see, being myself a Canadian and knowing a few things about Canadian politics, I knew and understood that the Conservative Party of Canada was doing that not to compromise their votes from the various communities of immigrants, especially Muslims. They played the « racism » card against the Parti Québécois, thinking that they would look nice and keep or get their votes at the next federal election. They went on full seduction mode, thinking that immigrants would literally rush to the voting booths to have the privilege and distinction to cast their ballots for the Conservatives.

And what happened exactly on election night in the fall of 2015? Canadians voted largely…for the Liberals of Justin Trudeau. The leader of the Conservatives, Stephen Harper, resigned. You see, what we call the Right or the conservatives, is not a unified front, nowhere in the world I would say. And a pattern that I have noticed through the years is that conservatives or right-wingers have the tendency to shoot themselves in the foot, figuratively speaking. The Charter of Values was a tremendous opportunity for all patriots to get a victory on defending their values and having adopted it by a state legislature. This would have created a precedent, a canvas, a blue-print, a model, for other legislatures in the western world to draft their own document or bill to do the same. By sabotaging the efforts of the Parti Québécois to adopt the Charter of Values, Canadian Conservatives not only hurt Québec patriots but hurt patriots worldwide. It was a huge blow to all nationalists.

I am absolutely appalled and astonished by the lack of political maturity and vision of a lot of so-called « professional » politicians. They don’t have a large scale and a long-run vision. They think only of what is good for the next two weeks or for the next election. They don’t understand that a short term loss can’t transform itself into a big victory in the middle and in the long term. Helping the Parti Québécois present and adopt its Charter would have allowed the Conservative Party of Canada to craft its own version of a charter, bill and/or policies to identify and defend the values of Canada, the way they see them appropriate for the country.

You see, a lot of the so-called right-wing or conservative parties think that they can win the hearts and minds of immigrants and refugees. They don’t understand that no matter how hard they try, left-wing parties will always propose something more appealing: more money, more governmental hand-outs, more advantages, more family reunification, more anything. Figuratively, to sum things up, you could say that the Left will always have sexier legs than the Right. And that’s precisely what the Conservatives in Canada don’t understand. And to be fair, I am not sure the Parti Québécois understand it either. Those two parties will continue to loose elections until the end of time unless they realize that we are at a crossroads. Either we do what it takes to survive and win the war against our enemies or we accept the idea of being replaced by populations from the third-world and simply die out of existence.

I am not very optimistic. I saw the news of the events at Charlottesville today. Again, the media is completely distorting the facts, as usual. Even Fox News, that I like very much, gets it wrong. The media is putting the blame on the patriots for what happened but think about it for a second. We are being invaded from the four corners of the Earth, we are being attacked by a hostile religion, islam to name it, that wants to impose us its moral code and obligations, drug cartels are destroying our communities, our history is being rewritten to erase our achievements and great victories and, on top of that, we have to deal with nuclear threats and cyber attacks coming from rogue regimes such North Korea, and we are supposed to believe that it is the fault of patriots?

As long as we will continue to accuse ourselves of the world’s problem and take the blame for everything, nothing will change. Our adversaries see that and they prey on our sens of guilt, on our fear, masochism and self-deprecation. You see, we suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. We have come to identify with our aggressors and raptors and now we defend them at our own peril. If we don’t correct that, it is true, that we will disappear. I would like to finish with a question: According to you, how long will it take for North Korea to launch a missile or drop an atomic bomb on our heads? And I guess that, if it happens, it will be the fault of the patriots, right? Because, in the end, so goes the narrative, it is always the fault of the patriots…