The interview with Patrick Casey begins around the 20:00 minute mark. I also suggest an interview with Diana West aired on Secure Freedom Radio where she talks about the dehumanization of patriots and nationalists that is going on right now in the western world, mainly on the internet and in the media.
Archives par mot-clé : Patriots
Some tips of advice to political dissidents, resistants, right-wingers and alt-righters
As America’s Left is getting ready to take down Trump, or at least trying to do so, the timing is perfect for me to present some pieces of advice to patriots out there who might wonder how exactly it is possible to survive in the very dangerous world we live in. That a bunch of thugs are trying to take out the good guys is nothing new. It is a movie that we have seen before. So to all political dissidents, resistants, right-wingers, alt-righters, in other terms everyone who is trying to fight the monstrous beast that is devouring the human race at this time, here is what I have to say to you, to help you, if it is possible. I am providing these tips and recommendations not necessarily in order of importance but rather randomly. Also, due to the sensitive nature of these tips, I invite you to read between the lines. As with any good book, the most interesting stuff is always between the lines. Here we go.
1- Try to compartmentalize your life as much as possible. To avoid the very uncomfortable situation in which Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV found themselves when their website was hacked recently, it is important that you separate, as much as possible, the four basic categories of your life: Your source of income, your political life, your sentimental life and your friendships. In the case of this nice couple who is running Red Ice TV, it is impossible for them to do otherwise since everything they do is mingled together. In effect, their political activity, which they do as a couple, is at the same time their main source of income. That’s a fundamental mistake that you, out there, who might be thinking about jumping in into the political landscape should avoid. A political activist should never expect to gain a salary from a political activity. It is wiser to have a job and keep it rather than to expect donations to pour in. Also, to depend on Youtube advertisement revenue to pay your bills is not very smart, as Youtube can pull the plug on you at any time. Regarding personal matters now, your sentimental life should remain outside both your job environment and your political engagement. To have a relationship at work has the tendency to complicate things greatly and it can put your job at jeopardy sometimes. You can have friends at work but make sure they never meet with your other friends that you might have at social clubs for example. I am bringing that up because the more your life is integrated into one big piece, the easier you are to be taken down. All your enemies have to do is to craft one single operation and you are out. On the other hand, if your life is compartmentalized, these same enemies now have to craft several smaller operations to destroy you. It represents more work and so more possibility for failure. In other terms, don’t make it too easy for our enemies to attack and destroy us. Compartmentalization puts barriers and safety mechanisms that will prevent a total destruction of your life.
2- Lose your illusions on social media. Social media platforms don’t care about you. They care about their profit and their reputation. Also, when you register on them, you have to understand that you are being reduced to the electronic trail that you leave. And for the Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc, of this world, that’s what you are, an electronic trail. So to contemplate the idea that these companies could and should respect your rights is rather grotesque. Users of social media can use these platforms as much as they want, for free… But wait a minute. Have you ever wondered why it is ‘free’? In this world, nothing is free. There is a price for everything. So the only logical conclusion to all this is that for social media, the content you upload on their platforms has a value that is, at least, equal to a monthly fee that you could provide. A residential phone line may costs around 20 to 30 dollars in Canada or the U.S. Now if you consider that with Facebook for example, you can reach your friends and contacts anywhere around the world, at any time, and as much as you want, and that service is supposed to be ‘free’? There is something that we don’t understand here. If social media platforms don’t charge us for the great service that they are providing, it can only mean that they make much more money differently. Spontaneously, you could say that they are maybe selling our data, or electronic trail, out there to the highest bidder. But there is worse. The data provided by the millions of users constitutes a gigantic data bank on persons. And that is absolutely invaluable. There are so many ways that this information can be exploited, against us most of the time. Some might even take control of the whole planet with that. It is a pity that, lured by the gratuitousness of their service, so many individuals have put literaly their whole lives on Facebook and Twitter.
3- Stop considering your appartment or house as a safe zone. We live in a very dangerous world. Everywhere is a theater of war. Anything can happen anytime, anywhere to anyone. You should not consider what you call ‘home’ as a safe place. We live surrounded by electronics. These devices can record all kinds of information about us and send them to third parties that we are not even aware of. This information then can be exploited against you by anyone who has the will and the capability. If it is not already the case, you should behave at ‘home’ the same way you behave in a public place. Recently, a woman in the Province of Quebec made a troubling discovery. She found that one of her neighbours was spying on her. He had installed cameras in the attic and through the walls. If it happened to her, it can happen to you. To see the complete story, if you read French, you can see this article.
4- Stop considering food products as safe by default. You should always be extremely careful about what you eat. Don’t take for granted that it is safe, whether you are at home, at the supermarket or at a restaurant. A lot of chemicals, vaccines, pesticides, hormones, etc, are added to food products in the non-organic food industry. Mega food corporations are in a business that is very profitable are every decisions they make is made for profit. You should make food choices that will favor your health and your safety, not you wallet. Everybody understand that grocery is expensive but you shouldn’t take any chances. Use your brain and if you have any doubts about certain products, don’t use them. Destroy them instead.
5- Our elites are not after the terrorists, they are after you. Sad but true. That’s why it is important to remind ourselves how difficult it is to be a political dissident in the West. The West is no longer free. It has become a new Soviet Union, disguised behind the numerous flags of the countries of Europe and North America. To a large extent, the terror threat has been fabricated in order to strip the populations of their rights and then seize their wealth. If you look at the history of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, that’s exactly what happened. We are being told of a terror threat and so forth, but when it comes down to legislation on the matter, it is always citizens, patriots and nationalists who get hammered down the most. Recently, after giving 10.5 millions dollars to Omar Khadr, a terrorist, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada struck again. He gave another large portion of Canadian tax-payers’ money, 31.3 millions dollars to be precise, to three men of Middle East extraction suspected of terrorist activity. It speaks volumes about what is the real agenda of these elites and who is considered an ally and who a friend. So, in that context, it is important that you realize that you will meet considerable opposition and hostility if you choose to continue on the path of resistance and political dissidence. You have to expect to be put under surveillance, at least for a certain period of time. That surveillance may include the fact of being followed, recorded and filmed, at least for a while. Of course, all situations are different. There are significant variations from country to country, and between individuals. There are not two cases that are exactly similar. And the term ‘surveillance’ most be understood in a broad sense. In effect, during the time you are being ‘surveilled’, considerable pressure can be put on you using various techniques of harassment and intimidation. This harassment and intimidation has the obvious goal of trying to make you quit the path of resistance in favor of the herd. And here you have to make a choice. You have to decide whether you are man or a woman of conviction or not. You are the only one who can make that call.
As I am reflecting on the future that is looming for humankind, I can’t help but to think that we are heading toward destruction. The world is collapsing and unless there is a serious course correction in our values and in our behavior, it will be a complete catastrophe. Time is running out.
Why I stopped blogging in English…
Parti Québécois’s 2013 Charter of Values was a terrific opportunity for all Quebec patriots to express, in a formal document, the values upon which our society stands. Westerners, living among themselves for centuries as white and Christian individuals, took those values for granted without taking the time to identify and define them. Now, as the floodgates of immigration have been opened, these values are being challenged, questioned by other beliefs and ways of thinking. If successful, to my knowledge, the Charter of Values would have been the first official document adopted by a state legislature to define and defend those values we all share and cherish (besides the American Constitution, of course).
Unfortunately, there was a lot of opposition to the Charter. Various groups ranging from islamist groups, leftist organisations, freedom of expression lobbyists, judicial think tanks and legal experts, etc, expressed their opposition to the document each for their own reasons. On the other hand, a lot of groups and people supported the Charter in a way that was significant. But the most surprising of all came from the Conservative Party of Canada. The party denounced the Charter vehemently and in the process attacked the Parti Québécois itself for having crafted it and presented it. No need to say that it stroke a huge blow to the Parti Québécois and to the project of the Charter of Values. Eventually, the Parti Québécois lost the election on the following spring and the Charter of Values died with its defeat.
Following the stand taken by the Conservative Party of Canada against the Charter of Values, I decided at that time to stop blogging in English completely for doing it solely in French. That was my own way to protest politically against what seemed to me as something completely unfair. You see, being myself a Canadian and knowing a few things about Canadian politics, I knew and understood that the Conservative Party of Canada was doing that not to compromise their votes from the various communities of immigrants, especially Muslims. They played the « racism » card against the Parti Québécois, thinking that they would look nice and keep or get their votes at the next federal election. They went on full seduction mode, thinking that immigrants would literally rush to the voting booths to have the privilege and distinction to cast their ballots for the Conservatives.
And what happened exactly on election night in the fall of 2015? Canadians voted largely…for the Liberals of Justin Trudeau. The leader of the Conservatives, Stephen Harper, resigned. You see, what we call the Right or the conservatives, is not a unified front, nowhere in the world I would say. And a pattern that I have noticed through the years is that conservatives or right-wingers have the tendency to shoot themselves in the foot, figuratively speaking. The Charter of Values was a tremendous opportunity for all patriots to get a victory on defending their values and having adopted it by a state legislature. This would have created a precedent, a canvas, a blue-print, a model, for other legislatures in the western world to draft their own document or bill to do the same. By sabotaging the efforts of the Parti Québécois to adopt the Charter of Values, Canadian Conservatives not only hurt Québec patriots but hurt patriots worldwide. It was a huge blow to all nationalists.
I am absolutely appalled and astonished by the lack of political maturity and vision of a lot of so-called « professional » politicians. They don’t have a large scale and a long-run vision. They think only of what is good for the next two weeks or for the next election. They don’t understand that a short term loss can’t transform itself into a big victory in the middle and in the long term. Helping the Parti Québécois present and adopt its Charter would have allowed the Conservative Party of Canada to craft its own version of a charter, bill and/or policies to identify and defend the values of Canada, the way they see them appropriate for the country.
You see, a lot of the so-called right-wing or conservative parties think that they can win the hearts and minds of immigrants and refugees. They don’t understand that no matter how hard they try, left-wing parties will always propose something more appealing: more money, more governmental hand-outs, more advantages, more family reunification, more anything. Figuratively, to sum things up, you could say that the Left will always have sexier legs than the Right. And that’s precisely what the Conservatives in Canada don’t understand. And to be fair, I am not sure the Parti Québécois understand it either. Those two parties will continue to loose elections until the end of time unless they realize that we are at a crossroads. Either we do what it takes to survive and win the war against our enemies or we accept the idea of being replaced by populations from the third-world and simply die out of existence.
I am not very optimistic. I saw the news of the events at Charlottesville today. Again, the media is completely distorting the facts, as usual. Even Fox News, that I like very much, gets it wrong. The media is putting the blame on the patriots for what happened but think about it for a second. We are being invaded from the four corners of the Earth, we are being attacked by a hostile religion, islam to name it, that wants to impose us its moral code and obligations, drug cartels are destroying our communities, our history is being rewritten to erase our achievements and great victories and, on top of that, we have to deal with nuclear threats and cyber attacks coming from rogue regimes such North Korea, and we are supposed to believe that it is the fault of patriots?
As long as we will continue to accuse ourselves of the world’s problem and take the blame for everything, nothing will change. Our adversaries see that and they prey on our sens of guilt, on our fear, masochism and self-deprecation. You see, we suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. We have come to identify with our aggressors and raptors and now we defend them at our own peril. If we don’t correct that, it is true, that we will disappear. I would like to finish with a question: According to you, how long will it take for North Korea to launch a missile or drop an atomic bomb on our heads? And I guess that, if it happens, it will be the fault of the patriots, right? Because, in the end, so goes the narrative, it is always the fault of the patriots…