A very important broadcast by Joe Imbriano of the Fullerton Informer. Among very essential things, he points out that the coming 5G networks and their new Wi-GIG systems will broadcast at 60 Ghz, which is, apparently, the oxygen absorption spectrum. Also, the coming Wi-Fi 6 will broadcast at 6Ghz, which is the Iodine absorption spectrum. In other terms, these new technologies will bring illnesses and health problems that we have never seen before. They will interfere in normal bodily functions, disturb the metabolism and, more specifically, cause a lot of respiratory problems that could be fatal. Imbriano says that the authorities will blame a virus of some kind, like the Covid-19 or some other, for these illnesses and deaths. For him, the worldwide shutdown that we are going through these days is a dry run, a drill and a psychological operation. The authorities are taking this opportunity to deploy and calibrate this new technology.
Archives par mot-clé : Microwaves
Alex Jones: President Trump is considering banning the purchase of Huawei and ZTE equipment
For more information on the subject, check this previous article where you can find an interview with Declan Ganley on Secure Freedom Radio:
Interview with Declan Ganley about the 5G wireless system, on SFR
Electronic harassment in the West: A growing national security threat…
Electronic espionage and harassment is becoming a real problem now for the ordinary citizen in the West. In this series of interviews with Frank Calzon on Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, the Free Cuba advocate presents what we know so far about the case of sonic harassment that American diplomats may have endured at the American Embassy in Cuba. Allegedly, the Cubans are using some technology involving sound to attack the personnel there. Diplomatic staff at the embassy complain about several health problems, such as headaches, hearing loss, etc. Well, something tells me that it is just the tip of the iceberg. We live surrounded by eletronic waves. In the past, we used to deal only with Hertzian waves but now with all the cellphones, Wi-Fi systems, smart technology devices, etc, we live completely immersed in microwaves 24/7. And that leads to another problem. We know already that EMP technology (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) technology exists and that it is in the hands of the most powerful nations on the planet (USA, Russia, China, North Korea, etc). But so far, we made the assumption that they would use that technology only with large-scale weaponry such as nuclear bombs for example. But what about small-scale miniaturized versions of it, to be used on specific targets, such as individuals?
In that context, I am also providing an interview with former NSA agent Karen Stewart that I have published and commented on this blog last year. In this interview given to Luca Zanna, she talks about her experience at the NSA and the level of harassment that she had to cope with. Specifically, she refers to ‘energy weapons’ that were used apparently to degrade her health and body. While she explains the various details of her ordeal and misfortune, she always takes for granted that the harassment that she was the target of was made by agents of the NSA. But it stands to reason to believe that foreign intelligence services would gladly use these technologies, if they do possess them, on our citizens here in the West, especially on the most brilliant, conscious, astute, capable and brave among us. In other terms, they would gladly use them against our best warriors for freedom in an effort to take them out. Cuba is not a major country. It is a pawn of Russia and China and a friend of North Korea since the communist revolution. So I think that it is fair to assume that they probably do use some sort of sonic, microwave or EMP technology to harass the diplomatic personnel of the USA, at the request, probably, of one or more of their patrons. In the last couple of years I saw a lot people falling ill over here, developing bizarre sicknesses, having accidents of all sorts. Something is wrong. I really think that we are being attacked using various eletronic technologies and that this continuous stream of waves degrades our health and our capability to fight back. Basically, any electronic device using microwaves can be turned against us and while we pretend everything is OK, public health is degrading at a rapid pace. It is a growing national security threat that we have to deal with immediately. In each of the three following links, you will find one interview with Frank Calzon. And don’t forget to listen to the witness account of Karen Stewart in the link provided above.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Russia in the league of weather warfare
© Patricia Fatta | Dreamstime.com
According to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a Duma member, Russia could be tempted by the use of electromagnetic weapons to conduct warfare against other nations. In an article published in The Nation, he alludes to Georgia that could be annexed by Russia and to the instability in the Middle East region. The article comes, for me, as a confirmation of something that I have been aware for a certain period of time. States and nations are at war using various types of means, including the use of electromagnetic radiation, whether they are ELF, HF, microwaves, regular EM waves, etc. It think we can assume that there are at least a dozen countries and/or entities that have developped the capability to use electromagnetic waves and conduct warfare with them. Russia and China immediately come to mind, and the Third Reich evidently as well, as a de facto « State » with no aboveground official territory. The other states that could have the technology are anybody’s guess. The article is also very helpful to remind us that the American facility based in Alaska, HAARP, doesn’t have to take the blame for every curious and dubious weather phenomenon that occurs. If an artificial weather phenomenon has been triggered with electromagnetic waves, it could come from anyone that possesses the technology. I think it is fair to assume that, in the past, the people who work at the HAARP facility in Alaska have been unfairly accused of triggering weather catastrophies, while it was probably somebody else’s fault. In respect with our situation here in North America, it is conceivable to envision that the Underground Reich, Russia and oil-producer reactionary elements of the Middle East are the best candidates to do environmental damage over here. I guess we will see in the near future who does what.