Entrevue avec la docteure Ana Mihalcea sur les nanotechnologies et le contrôle mental des populations

Ken Pereira lève le voile sur la visite de Nikola Tesla au Québec

Ken Pereira était en feu aujourd’hui lors de cette émission. Ne manquez pas ça.

Spécial médecine et pharmaceutique: Entrevues avec Claire Séverac et avec les docteurs Delépine

TV Libertés a présenté dernièrement un spécial mettant en vedette Claire Séverac. Je vous offre ici les deux entrevues qu’ils ont choisies et réalisées, l’une portant sur le lobby pharmaceutique et l’autre sur le phénomène dit des « chemtrails » lors de la parution d’un de ses livres. Je joins également un épisode de l’émission Oxygène, toujours sur TV Libertés, où les docteurs Nicole et Gérard Delépine dressent le portrait de la dégradation des conditions de travail et de la qualité de la médecine dans le système médical français.

Nikola Tesla: Un génie méconnu et censuré

Le Lys d'OrVoici un documentaire sur la vie et l’oeuvre de Nikola Tesla. Brillant scientifique et extraordinaire inventeur, son génie égale au minimum celui de personnages plus connus comme Leonard Da Vinci ou Archimède. Tesla a imaginé et/ou réalisé un nombre incroyable d’avancées scientifiques et d’inventions, allant du laser, des robots, de la radio, de la transmission sans-fil, des tubes fluorescents, aux Rayons-X, à la télévision et à internet. Ses plus importantes découvertes demeurent à ce jour l’invention du courant alternatif, ainsi que la conceptualisation des technologies de type HAARP, de l’énergie libre et du rayon à particules surnommé à l’époque « the Death Ray », « le Rayon de la Mort ». Sur le plan de l’ingénierie, il fit ériger une tour immense, la tour Wardenclyffe, dans l’espoir de réaliser la première transmission d’ondes radio avant Marconi. En conflit perpétuel avec Edison qui était son rival direct, il connut aussi sa part de problèmes avec des mécènes potentiels, comme l’industriel JP Morgan, qui pensaient davantage en termes de rentabilité économique que d’évolution du genre humain. Si Tesla voulait aider l’humanité, il découvrit vite que cela n’était pas le cas de beaucoup de ses contemporains. Aussi, un peu plus tard dans sa vie, il censura lui-même certaines parties de ses travaux jugeant les humains insuffisamment sages pour manier le pouvoir extrême donné par ses inventions. Entre autres, il travaillait sur une « super arme » capable de mettre un terme à toutes les guerres. Il donna une partie des schémas pour cette arme à certains pays comme les États-Unis, la Russie et la Grande-Bretagne, pour les forcer à travailler ensemble au lieu de se faire la guerre.

En un mot, l’histoire de Tesla est fascinante à plusieurs égards car elle illustre bien l’impasse du monde moderne. Incapable à la fois d’accepter son passé mais aussi le brillant avenir qui s’offre à lui grâce à la technologie, ce monde moderne censure, détruit et salit ce qui pourtant pourrait le sauver et lui permettre d’évoluer. Tesla est censuré dans un monde où l’on glorifie des nullités comme des chanteurs populaires à trois accords, de quelconques acteurs de cinéma et des sportifs professionnels aux gros muscles mais au petit cerveau. Et il est censuré aussi par une communauté scientifique qui choisit quels sont les scientifiques que l’on reconnaîtra et ceux dont on taira le nom. Ainsi, alors que l’on fait les gorges chaudes pour les Newton, Galilée, Da Vinci et Einstein, on maintient sous silence les Tesla, Wilhelm Reich et Giordano Bruno, et ce parce qu’ils ne correspondent pas à l’idéologie de la caste dominante qui maintient la Terre d’aujourd’hui dans un état de sous-développement et de terreur. Je joins la page Wikipédia sur Tesla et le lien pour le site web de la compagnie Tesla, fabriquant de voitures électriques.

Page Widipédia (en anglais) sur Tesla


The Third Reich – Operation UFO Complete Documentary

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Russia in the league of weather warfare

© Patricia Fatta | Dreamstime.com

According to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a Duma member, Russia could be tempted by the use of electromagnetic weapons to conduct warfare against other nations. In an article published in The Nation, he alludes to Georgia that could be annexed by Russia and to the instability in the Middle East region. The article comes, for me, as a confirmation of something that I have been aware for a certain period of time. States and nations are at war using various types of means, including the use of electromagnetic radiation, whether they are ELF, HF, microwaves, regular EM waves, etc. It think we can assume that there are at least a dozen countries and/or entities that have developped the capability to use electromagnetic waves and conduct warfare with them. Russia and China immediately come to mind, and the Third Reich evidently as well, as a de facto « State » with no aboveground official territory. The other states that could have the technology are anybody’s guess. The article is also very helpful to remind us that the American facility based in Alaska, HAARP, doesn’t have to take the blame for every curious and dubious weather phenomenon that occurs. If an artificial weather phenomenon has been triggered with electromagnetic waves, it could come from anyone that possesses the technology. I think it is fair to assume that, in the past, the people who work at the HAARP facility in Alaska have been unfairly accused of triggering weather catastrophies, while it was probably somebody else’s fault. In respect with our situation here in North America, it is conceivable to envision that the Underground Reich, Russia and oil-producer reactionary elements of the Middle East are the best candidates to do environmental damage over here. I guess we will see in the near future who does what.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky on The Nation

Scientific paper on HAARP and ELF electromagnetic radiation

© Patricia Fatta | Dreamstime.com

This is a scientific paper that came up during a discussion about HAARP on the SpitfireList.com website. We were talking about the level of credibility that we should give to the hypothesis that certain governments are playing with the weather to inflict damage and pain to other nations, in other terms to conduct warfare. We were asking ourselves if it would be conceivable that specific phenomena such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc, could be triggered directly by facilities such as HAARP or equivalent ones elsewhere on Earth. I don’t possess the scientific background to be able to form an educated opinion on the validity of this document but it looks good. If you do have qualifications to comment and/or criticize on it, please do so. This subject is extremely important and I would welcome any help. This is an excellent post by Dave Emory and the comments that follow are excellent as well. It is so rare to be able to have a discussion with educated, articulated and informed people that it deserves to be underlined. So if you have anything to contribute, please add your input.

High Power ELF

Floods and fires in Canada. Is someone playing HAARP on us?

© Patricia Fatta | Dreamstime.com

Since a couple of weeks, there are a few environmental crises that are happening in this country. Mainly, you have the floods in the Provinces of Quebec, Manitoba and New Brunswick. There are floods along the Mississippi River in the United States as well. And you have fires in the Province of Alberta. What I find particularly odd, is that floods are happening these days only where you find important numbers of French-Canadians. The Province of Quebec, where they are the majority; Manitoba where they are just a few but where it used to be home of Patriot Louis Riel; in New Brunswick where there are a good proportion of them…and along the Mississippi River, which was explored thoroughly by French navigators Louis Jolliet, Jacques Marquette and Pierre LeMoyne d’Iberville, among others. Remember that when the French abandon the continent and the British Crown took over Canada, French-Canadians living in the area called in these times Acadia but today New Brunswick, were deported to Louisiana. And you know that you can’t separate the Mississippi River from the State of Louisiana.

As well, you have gigantic fires in the Province of Alberta, where winds have suddenly « changed » direction to consume entire villages in minutes. A region called « Slave Lake » is seriously hurt. Alberta is the area of Canada where you find oil sands. Production is under way for several years now and eventually, we will be able to become indepedent in terms of energy. That will make us safer toward countries that sponsor terrorism, such as countries of the Gulf and others. But now with these fires, production is halted in part and the Rainbow Pipeline, which is a key structure, is shut down. Question: are French-Canadians judged to be a liability in North America, ripe to be blackmailed and threatened using « natural » catastrophies to keep us down? Is Alberta judged to be too militant or fierce or too intense in its desire to make the country independent in terms of energy? Does that tickles the oil power elite of the world? Or the Third Reich that doesn’t like Canada’s position on Israel? Or something else? Does the fact that the area specifically affected is named « Slave Lake » mean something special that we should understand? In other terms that we are slaves and that we should remain as such for our own sake? Check the articles below. If your mind needs to be refreshed with some technical notions on HAARP, please consult the HAARP and Tesla Technology section on the right side of this page. Also, to have an idea of what kind of international regulations do exist on the use of electro-magnetic weaponry, please check as well these links on the ENMOD convention, here and here

Richelieu River in Quebec



Alberta fires

Alberta and oil

Alberta and oil-2