Hamas shooting Fatah

Take a look at what Hamas means by ‘democracy’. See how love, compassion, desire to negociate and make deals are built-in in organizations like these. In this video, we see Hamas soldiers executing Fatah members…probably for their own good. Yes, it is surely out of the love for one’s neighbour that Hamas troops executed these poor Fatah operatives, probably to give them a chance to go to heaven immediately and profit from the many virgins that await them! In the end, when Hamas kill people like Jews, Fatah or westerners, they make them a favor! Allah is so great!!!


Manda Zand-Ervin describes the situation of women in Iran

Watch this Iranium bonus footage. Manda Zand-Ervin fled Iran in 1979 after she was fired from her high government position. She currently lives in the U.S. and is the president and co-founder of the Alliance of Iranian Women. She describes here how women in Iran went from enjoying rights similar to those of American women, to being oppressed and abused second-class citizens.

Quelques différences de « présentation » dans les pages web des Frères musulmans

Le site web anti-totalitaire ExtremeCentre.org nous présente ici les banderoles respectives des sites web des Frères musulmans en anglais d’une part, et en arabe, d’autre part. En quoi la taqiyya a des exigences qui demeurent non négociables…


Anti-semitic manifestation in Tunis

Who told you that manifestations in Tunisia and Egypt were ‘democratic’? Who told  you that Islamism, Jihadism and anti-semitism had nothing to do with these protests? Well, think again. The hatred and violence toward Jews in the Middle East is not a fantasy and an invention of conservatives and pro-war Americans. It is a fact. Hatred of Jews is built-in in the Arab culture and Islamism opens the doors wide open for it to come to the surface. Look at these protesters in front of the Grand Synagogue in Tunis. Do they look like great admirers of the Jews? According to another blogger, they apparently say: « Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud, jaysh Muhammad sawfa ya‘ud« , « Jews, remember the battle of Khaybar, Muhammad’s army will be back ». Very reassuring! Decidedly, Muslims are such great democrats, sensitive and loving of Jews! They really believe in accommodation, peace and collaboration! So we can believe them when they say that only want democracy and freedom of rights in the western world, when asking for religious accommodations, right?

Civil war is on its way in Europe

You don’t believe it? Watch this clip from CBN news. They went to France to have a look at the situation and it is not glowing. Those from European descent have lost control over their land. The Islamists are all over the place and they’re not interested in doing accommodations: they take by force. Open your eyes! Islamists are not interested in sharing, debates of ideas and intellectual studies. They are invadors who want our lands and everything else we have. The no-zones of France will someday exist in your country, wherever you live, if you don’t do something about it. Fight back!

Le taqqiyeur Dieudonné fait rage!

Vraiment ce Dieudonné est un taqiyyeur incroyable. Quel manipulateur! Il a reussi dans ce débat avec Christine Tasin de Riposte Laique à sortir tous les sophismes, mensonges et demi-vérités possibles! Il est la parfaite incarnation de ce qu’est devenue la gauche, i.e. traître, complice de la droite, manipulée par et vendue aux fascistes. Nous avons nous aussi  au Québec de ces connards supposément de gauche qui font le jeu de la droite et des islamistes. Le pire, c’est qu’on dirait qu’il croit vraiment ce qu’il dit! Oui, notre civilisation est supérieure, ça ne prend pas un doctorat pour comprendre cela! Après une demi-heure d’écoute, je n’étais plus capable tellement c’est insupportable de l’entendre. En passant, un boycott de Dieudonné serait approprié. Résistez chers citoyens! Il vaut mieux mourir debout que de vivre à genoux!

The terrible state of Britain: Islamization alert!

Here is a video from the BBC on how Islamic schools in Britain brainwash kids to become antisemites, pro-Sharia Jihadists and propagandists. This is disgusting. And you are letting it continue, western leaders? How dare you! This is treason!

The BBC caught pants down in the Gaza Flotilla incident coverage: deliberate anti-Israel bias

Yeah…German and Islamic control over western media is rampant. This is just another good example. This report the BBC made of the incident, which is by the way only representative of how it was treated globally in the western media, is a classic form of Israel basing. The Turkish flotilla crew in this report are portrayed as  being the victims and Israel as being the agressor, while it is the other way around! It is almost psychedelic. Wake-up folks. We are being manipulated.


Addendum on « Iranium » movie: finally shown in Ottawa last sunday

Finally, they managed to find their balls…lost somewhere in a dark corner of the Library and Archives Canada building. I hope they still work…because we are going to need them more and more in the near future with the rise of Islamic-fascism. You can watch the trailer here. Althought a few things should be nuanced in the film, accompanied by a more complete historical background, it is worth it, at least for the awakening.


Center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney fights back

Here are three videos in which Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center For Security Policy, tries to fight back against Islamists in America and elsewhere. The most interesting thing here happens in the third video and it is the attitude and behavior of CNN Anderson Cooper. What is the problem with this guy? In the interview, he literally gives a free pass to Suhail Khan. If you want to know who Khan really is, check the earlier post about him on this site. It is incredible to see how in the interview Cooper tries to demolish and demonize Frank Gaffney’s argument. Cooper doesn’t even bother to look at the argument and facts and to ask Khan at least to comment on them. It must be, in his whole career, the easiest interview Khan has ever given. He was not interviewed as a matter of fact. He just stood by while Cooper was playing either the fool, the ignorant, the bigot, the leftist or something else. In the end, it is either this: Cooper is in with the Islamists or he doesn’t understand at all how the world really works. Personally I don’t know. I will let you decide.