Émission Oxygène de TV Libertés: Le cancer

L’émission fait un tour d’horizon de la situation du cancer en France, des traitements disponibles, de la réalité sur le terrain des malades, etc. Les intervenants de cette émission, les docteurs Gérard Leborgne et Nicole Delépine, et Carine Curtet partagent leurs expériences et leurs réflexions sur cette maladie et sur la difficulté d’obtenir des traitements significatifs pour la soigner. Parmi les points cruciaux abordés, on notera la pratique de la biopsie qui, selon eux, stimule en fait le développement des cellules cancéreuses. Il vaudra mieux donc ne pas abuser de cette pratique car, toujours selon les personnes nommés ci-haut, la plupart des cancers disparaissent tout seul, vaincus par l’organisme.

Cancer: The Forbidden Cures documentary

This great movie presents the real history of modern western medecine. It shows how lobbyists from Big Pharma have come not only to control medecine but to define what medecine itself is in the first place. This industry is controlled by crooks, literally, while people die from cancer and other illnesses all over the world, all for the profit of Big Pharma.

Dimitri Christakis on how TV affects the brain of young children

Great presentation about a reality that a lot among us understood, thought about or suspected but couldn’t nevertheless express in scientific terms. In a nutshell, here are the highlights: The brain of young children triple in size during the first two years. Too little stimulation for babies is as bad as too much. Television, through non-stop screen changes, overstimulate the brain of young children, which is likely to create attention deficits later in life. The more young children watch television before the age of 3, the more likely they are to develop attention problems… Frightening but probably true.  I am glad that I threw my television set out in the garbage can. That was a good decision.

Wilhelm Reich and Orgone energy: A brief introduction by James DeMeo

Here is a short video produced by James DeMeo, PhD, on extraordinary physician, scientist and inventor Wilhelm Reich. Following a recent article, this presentation will help you get more acquainted with this exceptional man and his research. Among other topics, the video puts the emphasis on the discovery of Orgone energy, which is present in all living organisms, in space and in the atmosphere, and that can be seen, under certain conditions, as a blue glow that emanates from them. Great presentation.