More information about Paul Manning and his book Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile

FTR #152 Update on Germany

Full documentary on Che Guevara: A children’s crusade gone mad

This documentary is terrific to make us realize how bad leftist, socialist or communist movements are. When Guevara, the Castro brothers and their followers (they were 82 at the very beginning) left Mexico for Cuba in an attempt to engineer a coup d’état against the pro-American dictator of the time, the whole entreprise looks today like a children’s crusade gone mad. First, the trip itself was awful as they lost their way several times. Then, their boat got stuck in the sand a few meters from the shores. When they finally reached the land, they were welcomed with heavy fire from the local army. They lost almost the whole group, down to 17. And it it with these 17 men that Guevara and the Castro brothers, from their hiding place in the mountains, miraculously succeeded to raise a small troop and overthrow the Cuban governement. At first, they were welcomed as liberators. But rapidly, as the reality of their ideology became more apparent, the people came to realize that the country was heading for a full communist state.

Guevara had other guerilla adventures in Congo and Bolivia. But, in the end, he failed to realize his goal, like any other communist revolutionary before him, because communism is not a good ideology. It destroys societies as it simply replaces a certain form of exploitation by another. That’s why I find that the whole personality cult that has developed around Guevara is absolutely intoxicating. A lot of youth bear his portrait on T-shirts, as if he were some kind of Christ-like figure. That’s a total inversion of all values. Instead of bearing the portrait of Christ who exemplifies the greatest form of humanity and service, they bear the portrait of someone who was, essentially, a killer, a criminal and a dictator. But I guess it’s only consistent with the spirit of the times… Continuer la lecture

November 22nd, the anniversary of the assassination of JFK: An occasion to discover the works of Mae Brussel

One of the first individuals to have researched and studied the assassination of President JFK is Mae Brussel, an American women and radio host who dedicated her life to unmask the Underground Reich, literally a Third Reich gone underground at the end of WWII. In the tradition of pioneer American journalists such as Edward R. Murrow and Paul Manning, Mae Brussel opened a whole field of research that we could label as « fascism studies », or in other terms, the intellectual and scientific study of the political and ideological movement called fascism, which is far from being dead. On the contrary, it is on the rise due to the state of deep sleep in which the populations of the world are, especially in the « free » world. Fascism, functioning like a mafia in its underground phase, is slowly gangrening, corroding, corrupting, decomposing the societies of the world and especially « free » democracies. The works of Mae Brussel inspired other reseachers, radio hosts and writers, such as the excellent anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory, and more recently top-of-the-notch journalist and writer Russ Baker in a marvelous book titled Family of Secrets, an incredible research endeavour on the history of the Bush family and the links they entertain with the milieu surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy. Mae Brussel died of cancer in 1988. So please, take a few moments to get acquainted with this amazing women. I provide here the link to her website, maintained by Tim Canale, and another one to an article that she wrote originally for The Rebel publication that relates specifically to the assassination of President Kennedy and the Underground Reich.

The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination

‘Wickedleaks’ and the wolf behind the sheeps

For a complete and detailed analysis of the WikiLeaks circus, maze, merry-go-round, roller coaster or whatever, read that wonderful article of fascism studies specialist Dave Emory.
