Geert Wilders final remarks at the Amsterdam trial – english subtitles

During his second trial on charges of inciting hatred toward Muslims and Moroccans, Geert Wilders made these final remarks on June 1st 2011. It is a pity that anyone should be tried for defending his own society and civilization. It is not him who should be tried, it is those Muslim and Islamist bigots who are subverting our western world with 7th century ethics and codes of conduct. But, because we are governed by traitors and cowards who have sold Europe and the whole world to Islamists to advance their business deals and desires for hegemony, we get that result. In my case, I will not surrender without a fight. I will resist up to the end. I will never submit or convert to Islam. Like Djemila Benhabib says, it is preferable to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

Geert Wilders Final Remarks at The Amsterdam Trial - English Subtitles

Nigel Farage in Germany warning its people about the totalitarian nature of the EU

The excellent Nigel Farage is back at the plate. In this conference, cut in three parts for Youtube, Farage explains to the public what has to be understood about the European Union. First, it is not democratic. On the contrary, it is totalitarian in nature. Each of its country members has to surrender its sovereignty to the EU Parliament in Brussels. Laws that affect the millions of Europeans are passed by non-elected bureaucrats instead of being voted and passed by legitimate and duly elected representatives of each European country. Second, it is a failure, besides of the political one, both financially and economically, that leads countries to collapse and be bankrupt, to benefit Germany in the end. This way, willingly or unwillingly, Germany is taking over the economy of every bankrupt country of the Union and, according to Farage, the day is not far when all economic decisions will be made in Brussels. He also points out that the people who created the EU were not democrats. They were some sort of totalitarian schemers.

Well…if we look at what the EU is, politically, economically, financially, if we look at its symbols, etc, it reminds me of the Roman Empire. The logo makes one think to that image of the Book of Revelation about the « woman with twelve stars » above her head, or something like that. We can note as well that this symbolism is close to the one of the UN, anyway. It goes along the same lines. Continuity in thought? Also, we can all see on the map that the EU covers roughly the same territory as the one envisioned by Adolf Hitler for its Greater Germany. Just a coincidence? To make a long story short, I think there are powerful forces at work to turn Europe and each of its democratic countries into a unified totalitarian regime, fabricated with elements taken out of both communism and fascism. That’s probably why the EU is opening its doors so widely to welcome Jew-hating reactionary Muslims. They are pouring in by the millions to turn Europe into its medieval barbarism. Elements within post-war nazism and post-U.S.S.R. socialism have been busy behind the scenes to prepare for the destruction of Europe, and now they are inviting their « guests of honor », the Muslim bigots, to join in and help them with their enterprise. Continuer la lecture

Beautiful animated presentation on the delegitimization of Israel: anti-semitism is on the rise

Presented by Concept Wizard. Now that anti-semitism is back on track, due to the treasonous behavior of the European Union in favor of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to the hatred that is coming from Muslim groups, populations and countries, to the activism of the Third Reich/Bormann Capital Network which continues to encourage the hatred of the Jews as its long-term agenda, Jews and Israel are in danger. If you haven’t done it yet, you must wake up! Messengers of deceptions are at work! Jews and Israel are not the problem on Earth. Human culture is! That’s why everyone must look into their own backyard to see want they could change to make the world a better place. Jews have the right to have their own state. Israel is as legitimate as any other state. Open your eyes before your energy, money and talents are used to exterminate the Jews. Because, you know what? For those who spread anti-semitism, you’re next to the slaughter if you don’t obey everything they say. For them, humans are animals. Open your eyes and fight back!

Pipeline of Hatred

The problem is Islam – by Wafa Sultan, or how Muhammad created a political system that will destroy the whole world

So, what were we telling you since a couple of years? That it is Islam the problem, not the Arabs per se, not radical Islam, not political Islam, not wahhabism nor anything else. Now these statements, which were qualified as islamophobic, are corroborated by a Muslim woman from Syria. Yes, Islam is the problem. Muhammad, this great individual, was an unliterate. He was a killer and probably a psychopath. He married his second wife when she was 6 years old… Yes, you got me right. He was a pedophile, to express it in western terms. Listen to Wafa Sultan, a Syrian woman, explain how she got tired of Islam and its lies. She calls you to stand up and fight back against this « religion of love and peace » because it might be the greatest threat that the world has ever faced. Islam has a power of corruption never seen before in our world, and unfortunately our leaders seem to be complicit in allowing all these Muslims, who are in fact infiltraters, to come over to America and Europe to pervert and force the local populations into submission. Thank you New World Order, you have screwed us all.

Crocodile tears on display at U.S. Congress: an extraordinary performance

Check this video featuring Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison’s Testimony during House Committee on Homeland Security Hearing on Radicalization. What a performance! This guy deserves an Oscar! Well, Matt Damon, Tom Cruise and the like, you’d better watch your backs because this guy is coming to steal your jobs! Wow! Isn’t he just terrific? Frankly, I am moved. It is so touching… I have no idea if what he says about Hamdani is true or not but it sounds bogus to me. It smells just like another attempt to portray Muslims as innocent little creatures who only want to be hugged and loved and who feel compassion and tenderness for their neighbours. Well, if you think that, maybe you should check the news. For example in the Middle East, where everyday hundreds  of Christians are massacred by « innocent » Muslims because they are characterized as « dhimmis », i.e. non-believers in the Koran. Thank you Representative Keith Ellison but we will pass. Next time we see you cry, we will think about the hundreds of thousands of Christians who have been massacred in places such as Sudan. That will put things into perspective. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

U.S. Joint Chief of Staff dominated by Knights of Malta?

According to Seymour Hersh, a lot of high officials in the U.S. Chief of Staff are dominated or under the influence of the Knights of Malta and/or Opus Dei. They see themselves as protectors of the Christians, as if they were in a Crusade mode.  Apparently, the anti-Muslim sentiment is growing in the military.

Comment: Do we really have the choice to go after the Jihadists? Even if the U.S. Chief of Staff is controlled by the Knights of Malta, it doesn’t change the fact that our civilization is under attack by Sharia and Islamism. If we don’t protect our civilization, our Christian civilization, it will disappear, carried away by the Tsunami of Jihad. We have to resist. Christians, be strong and fight!
