Archives par mot-clé : Red-Green axis
Diana West on the Red-Green Axis on Secure Freedom Radio
The Dalai-Lama: Europe belongs to Europeans…
The Dalai-Lama stated the obvious. Of course, migrants, refugees and a lot of so-called ‘immigrants’ should go back to their home countries once the situation has settled there (the sooner the better). Here is Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV commenting on the news. This only proves that Buddhists have the heart at the right place. There is a proverb in French that says: «Charité bien ordonnée commence par soi-même», which means that you should always provide for yourself before considering providing for others. There are thousands, millions of people in America and Europe who are desperately in need of medical care and of decent food and housing…and we are welcoming refugees by the millions? A few years ago, I started a series of articles in French under the title Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, or in English, the deployment of the Christico-Buddhistic Axis. The idea behind that association, collaboration, alliance, is that these two religions, the two big religions of each side of the planet, are completely compatible, the same way Islam and Communism are compatible. So, if they are compatible, we should work together to fight for a better world and to deter threats to our rights and freedoms. If the association of Communism and Islam is often referred to as the Red-Green Axis, the alliance between the freedom-loving christian West and the Buddhist East could be referred to as the Blue-Orange Axis – orange for the most common color of a monk’s garment. If we don’t pull our strength together, both Christians and Buddhists are going to disappear, be massacred by either communists or Islamists. Europe for Europeans…and the East for those who agree with the Buddha! Here are the four articles in French of the series I was talking about, if you would like to take a look at them.
Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique ou le rayonnement bleu-orange
Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, deuxième partie: Le Bouddha bleu…
Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, troisième partie: Jésus aurait été moine bouddhiste…
Le déploiement de l’axe christo-bouddhique, quatrième partie: Le Sanctuaire de Rozabal…
Andy Bostom on John Brennan’s abuse of classified information, on Secure Freedom Radio
If you listen to that show, one thing will become very clear. At the top of western countries, a lot of them, we find people who are nothing short of communists. From their places of power and influence, they can empower and enable islamists and shariah-adherent operatives and use them to terrorize our population to force them into submission. Islamists are hired guns. They couldn’t do anything if they were not enabled by people from our own ranks who have betrayed western civilization and its values. That’s the Red-Green Axis in its full deployment. John Brennan is one of the many people who went down that road. Now it’s easy to understand what really took place during the Obama years, why it happened and how. All those years we couldn’t make heads or tails with what the Obama Administration was doing while it was in our face all along. The Arab Spring and the rising of ISIS didn’t happen spontaneously. The Obama Administration made it happen, and now the whole planet it stuck with the problem. To continue your research, I also provide the link for an article by Andy Bostom on this very subject:
John Brennan’s Useful Idiocy For Stalinism and Sharia