Pepe Escobar on the Boiling Frogs: more insights about the Middle East uprisings

In this interview with the Boiling Frogs, Asia Times reporter and Real News Network Pepe Escobar shares his observations on the uprisings in the Middle East, more specifically on countries such as Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Tunisia. He puts into context the various roles played by western powers and interests such as France, Britain and NATO in the development in these popular revolts. In Libya in particular, Gaddafi was apparently beginning to make deals with the Chinese, and that might have created a certain uneasiness in high places in western countries. The different points he makes present a considerable amount of overlap with Dave Emory‘s assessment of the situation. This interview is certainly a good complement to what Emory has already found on the subject. In the second part of it, he then comments on the ever changing U.S. official version of the operation that killed bin Laden, taking the opportunity there to look more closely at specific details of a narrative that doesn’t seem to make sens on a military standpoint. In his opinion, and I agree with him, the operation was a PSYOPS to begin with. Read my earlier post to see how I presented it then, and this one also, when we learned that Bradley Manning might have blown the operation in advance. Why was it conducted? Because in the geo-political theater of the 21st century, Pakistan seems to be getting more and more cosy with China and Russia, and that could explain the raid on the compound. Check this post as well, where I presented the situation in that area of the world as a stage for the everlasting Anglo-Afghan War inspired by Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard game. Escobar touches several other points that are worth taking into consideration.

However, I have a critical observation to make though. His position on Israel is flawed. But in the so-called progressive sector, he is definitely not alone in that situation. In fact, the vast majority of « progressives » fall into that category, as they blame Israel for all kinds of things that are not true or inaccurate. At the very end of the interview, as he and the Boiling Frogs’s hosts wrap up, he then comments on Obama’s proposal to Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, for a possible resolution of the conflict. Obama’s proposal presents the creation of a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders, in other terms with the frontiers that were in usage before the Six-Day War. The pre-1967 borders are not defensible. You don’t need a Ph.D. in military operations to understand that. Any state, to be able to defend its borders needs some kind of natural obstacles such as mountains, forests, sea, lake, river, ravine, etc. Because otherwise, it is just impossible to defend them on open territory. Such borders are possible in the case of countries that are really close in terms of policy, regime, agenda, etc, like Canada and the U.S., and even with those two, there are problems. So you can imagine that between countries that are enemies to one another, that don’t share the same culture, religion, ideology, interests, etc, it can’t be acceptable. Furthermore, a lot of groups, governments, activists and religious extremists are dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and they would just jump on the occasion to finalize what they have begun for so many years. With the pre-1967 borders, it opens the doors for the mass extermination of the Israelis and the disappearance of Israel as a country. But Escopar is just another « progressive » who thinks that it is a good idea to implement those frontiers, while Netanyahu is not stupid and will never accept that.

Here is this interview with the Boiling Frogs. Following, there is an excellent post by Sibel Edmonds exploring several leads in trying to explain the timing of the bin Laden operation. Again, the idea is presented that the U.S.-Pakistani relationship has been disintegrating for several years and that, on the opposite, a much better one is being developped between Pakistan and China.

The Boiling Frogs with Pepe Escobar

Sibel Edmonds on Pakistan-China relationship

Israel is preparing to produce 50 000 barils of oil a day: Take that, Third Reich!

© Emirsimsek |

A major project in under way in Israel to produce a shale gas deposit in the area of Jerusalem. According to Dr Vinegar of Israel Energy Initiatives, Israel has the second-biggest shale deposit in the world, just under Saudi Arabia with a 250 billion barils estimate. It would allow Israel to produce domestically 50 000 barils a day out of the 270 000 barils that it needs for its daily consumption. Authorities are considering environmental risks, and are planning for a 18-month pilot phase, which would be followed by a 4-year demonstration phase. At this point, up to 1000 people could be employed by the time commercial exploitation begins. Take that, Third Reich! You have not won the war yet! We will fight you until our last breath!

Wall Street Journal article

TMX takeover by LSE: a group of Canadian banks and Pension Funds fight back

Finally, some groups from our country, like in the case of the Equinox Minerals bid by China Minmetals, made an offer to buy the TMX to keep the control of that stock exchange in Canada. Because, let’s speak frankly here, that supposed « merger of equals » is nothing less than a takeover of the TMX by the LSE. Question: why, according to you, the LSE wants so bad to buy the TMX? Financial analysts and « experts » could mention dozens of reasons but the most obvious that comes to mind is because the TMX controls the world’s resources. In previous articles on the so-called « revolutions » in the Middle East I, along with heroic anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory, warned readers and listeners not to get too optimistic about the « democratic » nature of these uprisings. These operations were conducted for strategical and geo-political reasons. The Earth’s resources are beginning to spread a little thinner in recent years due to the rise of the globe’s population and demand for products. Control of resources is the key of power for the world of tomorrow. Control the resources and you control the game, don’t control the resources and you’ll be left alone. It is as simple as that. In my posts, I often reminded you that our civilization is superior and that we have to take some measures to make sure that no one could take away all the great inventions and the quality of life that we have accomplished.

A geo-political concept that is often forgotten but nevertheless really essential for a real comprehension of the world is the concept of the « Earth Island ». It describes a stretch of land that begins at the Strait of Gibraltar and spreads until the confines of China. That piece of Earth contains the most of the world’s resources, the most population, the most lands, the most oil, etc. So at least a partial control of that area is essential for any global power or civilization. It is no surprise if the LSE wants to acquire control over the TMX. In effect, then they could be in a better position to manipulate the market in favor of their own interests. It is obvious that when the LSE made this bid for the TMX, their board of directors thought about their own wealth and the one of all the people they are networking with, and not the wealth of Canadians and of the world. That’s why I recommend that you, the TMX, close the deal with the Canadian groups. That’s the logical thing to do. If we keep the control of that institution here, then we are sure to keep some kind of control over our economy. Canada is a big country but with a tiny population, with a political sovereignty that depends totally on the good will of the Americans, with a rather tiny number of institutions, so that would be foolish to relinquish a tool such as the TMX, while our country is already not a big player on the world’s scene. As a Quebecker, having already lost the Montreal Stock Exchange, I would perceive this as an insult. If we accepted the deal with the Toronto Stock Exchange and the loss of control that resulted, that was not to see it go overseas afterwards. Here is a Globe and Mail article that presents the bid of the Canadian group, and a series of earlier posts about the uprisings in the Middle East.





Antonia Juhasz releases new book on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

© Madmaxer |

Appearing on the Peter B. Collins Show, Antonia Juhasz presents her new book: Black Tide: The Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill. That book allows us the « pleasure » of continuing our study of that terrible catastrophy. In an earlier post, I tried to make the case that the blow out was in part due to gross or even criminal negligence on the part of BP and/or Transocean managers and supervisors. They were trying to save costs anywhere they could and in doing so, they dropped some importants security procedures that they should have kept in place, and that led to the accident. Juhasz’s book is doing a similar analysis and brings some other interesting facts. First, did you know that new leases and drilling permits were given only two weeks after the BP oil spill? A moratorium was effectively put in place but it affected only the exploration part of the industry, not the drilling. Second, the industry is inflating the number of jobs related to its activities. According to Juhasz, we are talking about 800 000 jobs at maximum, and not 9 M jobs, like the industry pretends. Third, apparently the limit for campaign contributions by corporations has been abolished in the U.S., which allows for any industry, such as the oil industry, to give whatever amount of money to whoever they want. Thus, it opens the doors wide open for them to take control of Congress and Senate in order to force their agenda on the American public and on the world. And fourth, in terms of transparency and PR damage control, Juhasz recalls an incident that happened to her and the group of Gulf residents she was accompanying in their way to the BP shareholders’s meeting in London, BP’s Annual General Meeting, roughly a year after the accident. Believe it or not, their group was denied access to the meeting, even if they had due legal shares in their possession, and were forced to stay in the lobby… So while the oil industry does its lobby to court the political apparatus to engineer policies in favour of their interests, you, the citizens, have to wait in the lobby, the material one, instead of being granted access to democratic life and proceedings… Well, talking about the rise of fascism, we have a good example here. Listen to the interview in the first portion of the show.

Antonia Juhasz on Peter B. Collins Show

Le câble de WikiLeaks sur Power Corporation, Robin Philpot et la « Province » du Canada

Le câble de WikiLeaks publié dans Le Devoir sur les relations entre les hommes politiques canadiens et québécois et Power Corporation a fait beaucoup jaser depuis hier. Envoyé à Washington en 2009 par le nouvel ambassadeur des États-Unis au Canada, David Jacobson, le document met en lumière le questionnement de l’ambassadeur quant au niveau d’influence réelle qu’exerce Power Corporation sur la vie politique canadienne et québécoise. Le câble mentionne également les investissements de Power dans une société pétrolière française, Total, ainsi que dans les sables bitumineux de l’Alberta. L’ambassadeur donne en exemple le comportement de Jean Charest lors du sommet environnemental de Copenhague, où  le Premier Ministre du Québec semble avoir adouci sa rhétorique contre le gouvernement Harper et ses politiques sur les gaz à effets de serre.

Je vous propose ici le vidéo d’une conférence que Robin Philpot, auteur du livre Derrière l’État Desmarais: Power a donné au siège de la Société St-Jean-Baptiste voilà quelques années suite à la parution de son livre, ainsi qu’une entrevue donnée sur un ton plus humouristique à l’animateur de radio Benoît Dutrizac du 98,5 FM. Dans le vidéo de la conférence, on y apprend entre autres qu’à peu près rien n’a été publié sur l’empire Desmarais ou Power Corporation à ce jour. Les bibliothèques sont vides, alors que dans n’importe quel autre pays du monde, des dizaines de livres seraient consacrés à une famille aussi importante. Aussi, il semble avoir un vide médiatique autour des Desmarais, comme si on ne pouvait pas parler de cette famille-là ni de leurs affaires. Philpot y fait le tour du parcours financier et monétaire de l’empire et présente comment il s’est constitué. La fortune de la famille a commencé à se matérialiser grâce à l’industrie de l’hydro-électricité, avant que l’État québécois ne la nationalise. Avec les années, plusieurs entreprises se sont ajoutées au holding Desmarais comme Great West, Investors, etc. En de nombreuses occasions, la famille Desmarais a bénéficié de l’aide de l’État québécois ou canadien pour faire l’acquisition d’entreprises ou pour en prendre le contrôle et voilà quelques décennies, de généreuses subventions gouvernementales lui ont été accordées afin de moderniser la machinerie de l’industrie forestière. Or, depuis 1989, l’empire Desmarais n’a pas réinvesti un seul sou dans l’économie québécoise, ce qui est vraiment troublant. Leurs capitaux ont plutôt été placés aux États-Unis, en Chine, etc. Continuer la lecture

The TransCanada Corporation pipeline project: it’s way better to shed oil than blood

Yesterday’s Globe and Mail edition featured an article on oil spills that have happened recently in relation with the North American pipeline that is in the process of being completed. Among recent spills, we have had incidents in a Michigan river, a Chicago suburb, a small ranch and a forest in Alberta and now in North Dakota. As it was to be expected, many have expressed reservations in regards with the pipeline industry, doubting that the activity in itself is anything but secure. Elizabeth May of the Green Party took the opportunity to celebrate her victory in the last elections by presenting the known propaganda line of the Green movement and, after all, she has been elected to do just that. I don’t have a problem with it.

What I have a problem with is, again, the lack of long-term vision that affects a lot of Canadians when comes the time of studying and analysing a situation. Terrorism and Islamic civilization-jihadism is sponsored by oil producer countries, namely Arab and Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia, states of the Gulf, Iran, possibly Pakistan, and others that we don’t know. What we are trying to do in America by constructing this pipeline is to become independent vis à vis these countries that sponsor terrorism and that use the oil supply to exert threats and blackmail on western countries. To give the example of Europe, it seems rather too late for them, if we are to judge on the fact that they have embraced the campaign of delegitimization of Israel put forward by the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Being dependent on the oil coming from the countries of the OIC, the European Union has committed treason on their citizens by accepting that Europe would be progressively assimilated by Islam and its values. We can see it by the enormous amount of immigrants that pour in every year coming from Arab and Muslims countries. These immigrants are arabizing and islamizing Europe, and its leaders don’t do anything to counter that, because they are complicit. They have struck a deal with the OIC and they have to keep their end of the bargain. Is it what you would like to happen to North America, to have a bunch of mullahs and imams setting their agenda on us, to be able to islamize and assimilate our countries? Continuer la lecture

Update on China’s bid for Equinox Minerals Ltd

Finally, somebody in Canada reacted to the attempt by a foreign group to take control of the canadian company Equinox Minerals Ltd. Canadian company Barrick Gold Corp made a bid of $7.3 billion dollars to acquire Equinox Minerals. 15 hours after the offer, China Minmetals Resources Ltd announced that it was pulling out of the bidding process. By making this acquisition, Barrick Gold broadens its field of interest to include copper in its portfolio. I like it, globally. Not knowing what the Chinese were up to with that bid, I prefer for the moment that the control of the company stays here. It is in the culture of the  business community now to always aim at getting bigger and bigger and to swallow smaller companies, I know. Maybe in 100 years there will be only 5 companies left on the whole surface of the Earth. That’s the goal of the Third Reich anyway, to be able to control the world with a few number of companies. But for today, I think it is a good news for Canada that we could keep Equinox here. Check on the earlier post and read the articles below.

Barrick’s bid

China’s withdrawal