Entrevue avec David Duke

Le candidat au Sénat américain David Duke présente ici les grandes lignes de sa philosophie politique. Associé à l’extrême-droite américaine, David Duke défend une ligne patriotique qui refuse l’immigration de masse et qui essaie de défendre les droits des Européens de souche qui compose la population d’origine des États-Unis. Aussi, David Duke a un discours qui est souvent très critique envers la communauté juive et Israël. Nul n’est au-dessus de la méthode scientifique. Tous les peuples, peu importe leur religion ou leur origine ethnique, peuvent et doivent faire l’objet de critiques, si elles sont fondées évidemment. Je crois que David Duke réussit à faire une critique sérieuse des agissements et de la mentalité de certains membres de la communauté juive sans tomber dans l’antisémitisme. Certains ne sont pas de cet avis et ils en ont le droit. De toute manière, comme le dit Duke lui-même, il vaut mieux se faire sa propre idée que de croire sur parole ce que nous dit les médias de masse. Donc, à vous de juger.


The systematic rewriting of world history: Dave Emory presents several examples

In FTR #584, Dave Emory explores several cases of direct manipulation related to world history, where known and accepted facts are being challenged and attacked by presenting alternative and different ones. In a nutshell, the forces of fascism are engaged in a spree of disinformation and propaganda to reprogram the populations to accept their world-views and own version of history. It is quite understandable since they would benefit greatly from a broad public acceptance of these new narratives. Among the many elements studied in this broadcast, there is the ridicule mythology surrounding football star George Gipp and Ronald Reagan used to maintain infantile illusions on a truly corrupted institution; there is the case of Iran, basically a regime based on nazi ideology, that held a Holocaust denial conference recently; the role played by François Genoud and Achmed Huber in the post-war fascist international and their relationships with Islamist elements in the Middle East; the role played by Andreas Von Buelow, an ex-BND (German secret service) agent, who works hard in the so-called « progressive » sector to have the population accept the bogus theory that Israel and the Mossad are behind 9/11; a recall that these same fascist and nazi elements still continue to argue that Roosevelt is responsible for WWII, while it is widely known that Hitler is the main cause of it; the denial of the « Rape of Nanking » when armed forces of fascist Japan massacred and raped hundreds of thousands of civilians in the city of Nanking, China; the constitution of a treasure in Asia called, don’t look at me, Golden Lily, representing the wealth that fascist Japan looted during WWII and that they have hidden somewhere out of reach for the Allies, at which point Emory recalls the marvelous book of pioneer researchers Sterling and Peggy Seagraves titled Golden Lily; and many other elements.

FTR #584: Rewriting History

Martin Lee presents The Beast Reawakens on For the Record

This nice interview with Martin Lee by anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory is a great follow up to A Fireside Chat. In that program, Dave Emory takes the time to explain the concept of the Underground Reich and its implications for today and for our lives. In this chat, FTR #81, Martin Lee takes the opportunity to present his masterpiece work The Beast Reawakens. That book remains a milestone in the understanding of current events in terms of a return of fascism since the end of WWII but especially since the reunification of Germany. More precisely, it tries to underline the signs that are visible out there that the « beast » is effectively in a process of reawakening. We can see it in many different things and Martin Lee brings us to realize the scope of its implications. Among the many subjects Lee passes on, we find the rise of anti-semitism in the German Army, the use of psychological warfare on populations, the National Alliance, the role played by the Wehrmacht, the operations « Stay Behind », the pro-fascist junta in Greece, the militia, Elohim City, the Oklahoma City Bombing, etc.

At one point, Dave Emory brings the concept of « perceived discontinuity » in trying to explain the incapacity of a lot of people to understand things that are taking place and to read them correctly. In effect, if things look discontinuous, one might be tempted to conclude that there are no relationship between what is happening today and what happened in the past, several decades ago. That’s a very good point and I would add that it is probably an engineered one, for the very reason that it is necessary for the gradual and insidious implementation of fascism.

Interview with Martin Lee