Dimitri Christakis on how TV affects the brain of young children

Great presentation about a reality that a lot among us understood, thought about or suspected but couldn’t nevertheless express in scientific terms. In a nutshell, here are the highlights: The brain of young children triple in size during the first two years. Too little stimulation for babies is as bad as too much. Television, through non-stop screen changes, overstimulate the brain of young children, which is likely to create attention deficits later in life. The more young children watch television before the age of 3, the more likely they are to develop attention problems… Frightening but probably true.  I am glad that I threw my television set out in the garbage can. That was a good decision.

Wilhelm Reich: The greatest doctor to have walked on the surface of this Earth

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), if you don’t already know him, is worth the detour. He must be, along with Nicolas Tesla and a few others, among the most underrated scientists of all time. Not only did Reich, definitely Sigmund Freud’s most brilliant student and successor, achieve an impressive amount of successes and discoveries in the immediate fields of psychology and psychoanalysis that were his (such as on the subjects of neurosis, anxiety, sex-morality, orgasm, character, etc) but he also undertook extensive research and practice, later in his career, in the areas of medecine, physics, astrophysics and engineering. More specifically, he dedicated many years on the subject of cancer, as he was looking to understand its causes and possibly even maybe to find a cure. He made extensive experiments in that direction using the discovery of Orgone Energy, with « bions » administered via a syringe, and with the Orgone Energy Accumulator (a box made out of wood and metal in which patients were standing) to try to alleviate at least some of the suffering of his patients. On topics of natural science, he worked on aurora borealis as a manifestation of Orgone Energy present in the sky and on the links it has with nuclear energy. He also completed the circle that made him akin with the Ancients, as he engineered and crafted himself the tools and technology necessary for his experiments, from the Cloudbuster (a cannon for fertilizing clouds), the Orgone Energy Accumulator, to the bion formula and other things.

The circumstances surrounding his death, like in the case of so many great characters, are both tragic and unclear. After having managed to survive the rise of Nazism in both Germany and Norway by escaping at the last minute (he emigrated to the U.S. in 1939) the powers of this world finally got to him where he expected them the least, the United States of America. Starting in 1947, the FDA began a propaganda campaign against Reich that lasted for years. In 1954, an Injunction was filed against him using the excuse of Orgone Energy. The Judge decreed that all Orgone Energy Accumulator and all related material should be destroyed. The burning of books that became the law of the land under the Nazis was continuing here at home in North America, as if the Inquisition was still going on. As his appeals were all denied, he was incarcerated in 1957 and died of heart failure later that year. Heart failure being a signature of the Underground Reich when it is time to get rid of somebody who is in the way, his death will always look to me rather like an execution. But, according to more recent research undertaken on the matter by James DeMeo, PhD, a specialist on Reich and Orgone energy, Communist agents seemed to have played a key role, along with other people. Please take the time to get more acquianted with this great scientist.

Biography of Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich Last Will and Testament

History of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust

History of the Archives of the Orgone Institute

The Wilhelm Reich Museum

Books by Wilhelm Reich

La bureaucratisation du Québec, prise 2: Le Dr Gaétan Barrette commente sur le système de santé

Voici le Dr Gaétan Barrette, président de la Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec, qui commente sur l’état lamentable de la gestion du système de santé, dans les hôpitaux, les Agences de santé, au Ministère, etc. Ce système est tellement mal géré que nous, les citoyens payeurs de taxes, nous ramassons avec des services de très mauvaise qualité malgré les milliards que nous y injectons. Écoutez ici les remarques d’un homme sensé qui a de bonnes solutions pour le Québec, dans l’ordre avec Benoit Dutrizac, puis avec Paul Arcand.

Le Dr Gaétan Barrette sur les ondes de Benoit Dutrizac

Le Dr Barrette sur les ondes de Paul Arcand, première partie

Le Dr Barrette sur les ondes de Paul Arcand, deuxième partie

The world according to Monsanto: Welcome to food fascism

These two documentaries tell a sad story, one that we would rather not hear. But these days, bad news are about pretty much what we hear all day long anyway, so let’s get to it. Monsanto is this big giant corporation that has got its hands on the food industry since a couple of decades. They were known before for their chemical products, such as Agent Orange, aspartame, PCBs, polystyrene, and more recently for the famous Roundup Ready herbicide. Since they have patented genetically modified organisms, such as soy beans, they have literally ruined the life of countless farmers who simply wanted to make a decent living out of their land and farming. Now, due to business contracts with Monsanto for the use of their seeds, often signed under pressure or threats of being put out of business, they live under the burden of heavy obligations. And their production is diminishing, like if it was not enough, and the quality has decreased. Furthermore, if farmers don’t use GMOs seeds provided by Monsanto, they often find themselves annoyed with lawsuits, surveilled and investigated by the corporation agents, allegedly because their lands have been contaminated by cross aerial pollination, from whatever source, thus constituting an infringement of patent rights. Farmers, from dignified members of our society have been retrograded into serfs, like if we were back in the Middle Ages.

Personally, I am disgusted by this. Humans didn’t create life forms. They don’t belong to them. Remember the text of Genesis? I am afraid that, again, it is yet another trick used by the fascists of this world, call them globalists if you want, to control the world’s supply of food. Their first goal is to eliminate competition. If they make everybody working for them, then they don’t have to worry about it. Second, it looks like a strategy to control who has the right to eat and eat what, and who is allowed to grow food… You guessed it, in other terms, those who comply with these giant corporations like Monsanto. The nightmares of population reduction are coming back. By taking control of the food supply and by transforming life forms into property, Monsanto has crossed the line between legitimate business and criminal enterprise. What is the next step? Putting a patent on the air, water…and on certain breeds of animals and humans? I am telling you, no need to watch horror movies. You have the horror right here in front of you with the business of GMOs patented under law. On top of that, it appears that Monsanto provided either false or misleading information to the Canadian and American authorities when they presented the project of GMOs for approval. Talk about corporate ethics and responsiblity. So here are in order the documentaries The World According To Monsanto and Percy Schmeiser – David versus Monsanto. Continuer la lecture

Le Dr Gaetan Barette: 30 millions de dollars pourraient régler le problème des urgences… Ah ben tab…

Écoutez cette entrevue avec le Docteur Gaëtan Barette, président de la FMSQ. Selon lui, 30 millions de dollars seraient suffisants pour régler le problème d’engorgement dans les urgences. Ce problème existe depuis plus de dix ans, il est connu du Ministère qui sait exactement le nombre de lits manquants dans le système. Toujours selon Gaëtan Barette, les gens au pouvoir à Québec se servent de la « crise » dans les urgences, qui est artificielle en fait, pour s’amuser à des jeux politiques et à des stratégies à saveur électorale. S’ils le voulaient, ils pourraient régler cette situation rapidement et à faible coût, si on considère le budget total du Ministère de la Santé, qui est d’environ trente milliards.

Ah ben tab… Je savais que nos politiciens étaient incompétents et parfois malhonnêtes mais là… Je pense que la blague a assez duré. Allez-vous, chers leaders politiques, vous sortir les doigts dedans le nez et le régler, le maudit problème? Je ne peux pas croire que vous preniez en otage la population comme cela! Comme tous les autres citoyens, je me disais: « Il n’y a pas assez de médecins et d’infirmières, les coûts dans le domaine de la santé ont explosé » et autres rationalisations du genre. Mais…voyez-vous…après avoir entendu cette entrevue…c’est encore pire que je pensais. Non seulement le Québec est un état corrompu mais en plus, des solutions simples, faciles et peu coûteuses ne sont pas mises en place tout simplement par mesquinerie politique. Franchement, je pense que vous devriez avoir honte de votre comportement. Le Gouvernement Libéral est indigne. Il devrait démissionner et demander au Parti Québécois de former le nouveau gouvernement. Il n’a plus la légitimité de gouverner.

Gaetan Barette avec Benoit Dutrizac

Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China, by David Kilgour and David Matas

© Yobidaba | Dreamstime.com

Here is a report on organ harvesting in China. Believe it or not, it appears that Falun Gong practitioners are the victims of a campaign aimed at harvesting their organs without their consent, evidently. These organs then go to rich Chinese families, friends with the communist regime. The report has been realized by David Kilgour, Member of Parliament of Canada for more than 25 years, and David Matas, who worked as a representative for the Canadian Government on the international scene in several organizations.

Organ Harvesting

Antonia Juhasz releases new book on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

© Madmaxer | Dreamstime.com

Appearing on the Peter B. Collins Show, Antonia Juhasz presents her new book: Black Tide: The Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill. That book allows us the « pleasure » of continuing our study of that terrible catastrophy. In an earlier post, I tried to make the case that the blow out was in part due to gross or even criminal negligence on the part of BP and/or Transocean managers and supervisors. They were trying to save costs anywhere they could and in doing so, they dropped some importants security procedures that they should have kept in place, and that led to the accident. Juhasz’s book is doing a similar analysis and brings some other interesting facts. First, did you know that new leases and drilling permits were given only two weeks after the BP oil spill? A moratorium was effectively put in place but it affected only the exploration part of the industry, not the drilling. Second, the industry is inflating the number of jobs related to its activities. According to Juhasz, we are talking about 800 000 jobs at maximum, and not 9 M jobs, like the industry pretends. Third, apparently the limit for campaign contributions by corporations has been abolished in the U.S., which allows for any industry, such as the oil industry, to give whatever amount of money to whoever they want. Thus, it opens the doors wide open for them to take control of Congress and Senate in order to force their agenda on the American public and on the world. And fourth, in terms of transparency and PR damage control, Juhasz recalls an incident that happened to her and the group of Gulf residents she was accompanying in their way to the BP shareholders’s meeting in London, BP’s Annual General Meeting, roughly a year after the accident. Believe it or not, their group was denied access to the meeting, even if they had due legal shares in their possession, and were forced to stay in the lobby… So while the oil industry does its lobby to court the political apparatus to engineer policies in favour of their interests, you, the citizens, have to wait in the lobby, the material one, instead of being granted access to democratic life and proceedings… Well, talking about the rise of fascism, we have a good example here. Listen to the interview in the first portion of the show.

Antonia Juhasz on Peter B. Collins Show