Archives par mot-clé : Aldous Huxley
Le film Endgame d’Alex Jones
Ne manquez surtout pas la deuxième partie de ce film où l’agenda des mondialistes était exposé avec beaucoup de justesse par Alex Jones, et ce dès 2007.
Alex Jones présente un extrait de la série d’Amazon ‘Utopia’
Cette série télé annonçait le déploiement d’un vaccin porteur d’un virus qui stériliserait la population mondiale. Eh bien, c’est exactement ce qu’on a avec le vaccin pour la covid-19. Bienvenue au Grand Reset.
L’Éducation Nationale: Soixante ans de gâchis socialiste et libéral
Ce documentaire de Jean-Philippe Amar et Emmanuel Amara « Éducation Nationale. Un grand corps malade » trace le portrait du système scolaire français. En donnant la parole à des professeurs, des spécialistes de l’éducation, des fonctionnaires du système et à des anciens ministres, il permet de mettre en lumière l’échec lamentable de la « nouvelle école », celle où, de toute évidence, on n’apprend plus rien. Plus précisément, le passage de l’école secondaire à l’université en France semble particulièrement difficile tant au niveau de la maîtrise de la langue que des connaissances générales et de l’aptitude à lier les connaissances entre elles. Moi qui suis Québécois, chers Français, je dois vous dire que cela n’est guère mieux ici. C’est à se demander si nos deux peuples ne rivalisent pas de médiocrité dans ce domaine. Le passage de l’ancien système scolaire, dont le coeur était le Collège Classique, une institution merveilleuse, élitiste, qui favorisait l’éclosion du meilleur dans l’homme, à la « nouvelle école », a créé des générations de diplômés qui ne sont en fait que des ignares, des cancres, qui ne savent ni lire, ni écrire, ni compter et qui n’ont que de très rudimentaires connaissances générales, que ce soit en histoire, en économie ou en d’autres sujets. Vous connaissez ce proverbe qui dit que « lorsque l’on se compare on se console »? Eh bien, je ne suis pas sûr d’être consolé car ce portrait respectif de nos deux systèmes scolaires, français et québécois, laisse présager des jours sombres pour la francophonie. Si la France et le Québec ne peuvent assurer le maintien d’un niveau de qualité décent dans l’utilisation de la langue française et de la structuration des idées qui rendent la culture française si magnifique, eh bien qui le fera? Je n’enlève rien ni aux Suisses ni aux Belges, ni d’ailleurs aux peuples francophones qui, force est d’admettre, ont d’autres chats à fouetter pour le moment. C’est à nous de s’occuper de l’avancement de la culture française.
Une chose est sûre, la « nouvelle école », fruit du désir des industrialistes du dix-neuvième siècle de créer des masses innombrables de consommateurs toujours de plus en plus dociles et soumis, est en train de faire s’écrouler la civilisation elle-même. Relisez le Meilleur des Mondes d’Aldous Huxley et particulièrement les passages où le personnage de Mustapha Menier s’exprime. L’école que nous avons aujourd’hui est le fruit de l’engineering social qui a été planifié voilà plusieurs décennies.
Andrew Gavin Marshall on The Boiling Frogs: NGOs, universities and social engineering
This interview with Andrew Gavin Marshall on The Boiling Frogs show presents many relevant issues. In a nutshell, Marshall tries to raise our awareness on how the education system and so-called non-profit organizations have come to play a central role in the shaping of people’s minds. We are way passed the point where our universities and NGOs would still be in the business of helping people and caring for their needs as future responsible citizens. We live in an information (read intelligence) era where control has become the objective of every policy maker. The second half of the show is particularly striking for this. Marshall helps us to realize that Foundations such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford provide founding only to NGOs that have pre-selected agendas and actions that fit with the ideology of these giant corporations. Social engineering is the new science by which oligarchs, industrialists and corporations now control the world. If you control people’s minds, you do actually control them. During the last decades, we have seen the realization of what was only contemplated or projected in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: A world where every need and desire is foreseen in advance and duly manufactured and presented to the people as a « choice ». NGOs and universities make sure that citizens have a pre-fabricated mind perfectly suited to accept, integrate and consume these ideas, and in turn approved products and services. All for the benefit of giant corporations that came to replace the royal families and the Church as the ruling elite during the 19th and 20th century.
Addendum to Brave New World preschools in Sweden: More possible links between IKEA and fascism
In a recent post about a school in Sweden that teaches kids how to bypass « stereotypization » in terms of gender roles, I alluded to the fact that IKEA stores have on-site day-care centers and that these two facts, although seemingly unrelated, could very well be. In a larger scheme, they could represent the implementation of a totalitarian agenda of some kind, probably fascist because of its similarities with the world depicted in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. In a recent blog post, anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory brought some more meat around the bone of that trail of enquiry. Emory sees a possible connection between Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, and the Bormann Capital Network that he so often talked about. For those who don’t know, this network represent more than 750 corporations that Martin Bormann, the successor to Adolf Hitler, created abroad in neutral countries to be able to ship out the entire Nazi loot that they had plundered during WWII. Sweden has the « prestigious » title of the most important recipient of these corporations, hosting 233 out of the 750. Author Elisabeth Asbrink in a new book explores these links between Kamprad and nazism. Emory also notes that the name of Per Engdahl is be remembered in the rising and development of post-WWII fascism and in connection with Kamprad.
Brave New World preschools in Sweden: Another expression of the Pirate Bay vortex?
This article of The Globe and Mail by Jenny Soffel is extremely relevant. It presents the case of a preschool in Sweden, Egalia, funded by taxpayers and located near Stockholm, where incredible efforts are made to have children avoid making any connections to gender identity for the sake of equality of the sexes. For example and among other things, children’s books in Egalia deal exclusively with homosexual couples, single parents or adopted children, but not with heterosexual families. Talk about equality! Also, staff members try to avoid masculine and feminine references from their speech and have adopted the neutral pronoun «hen», used by gays and feminists to replace the « han » and « hon », the equivalents of him and her. Generally speaking, Sweden is a society where breaking down gender roles is a priority, if not an obsession. Certain preschools even have « gender pedagogues » (no kidding) to make sure that no one goes down the dangerous path of stereotypization, if I can coin that term. To give a concrete example, at Egalia, Lego blocks are intentionally placed next to the kitchen…to make sure the kids get the message to think and behave as neutrals.
I have been reflecting for a while on how much Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was really not in fact a « novel of anticipation » as it has been advertised to be, but rather a blueprint for a world ruled by fascism that was to come. I think that with Egalia, we have a perfect expression here of that agenda. Sweden has been presented in the media as a kind of earthly paradise were social-democracy had triumphed over capitalism, where men and women and citizens of all origins are all equal, a peaceful society where everything slides smoothly with no squeaky wheels. Famous IKEA company has become the emblem of that «perfection». It is a smaller embodiment of that paradise where you can find everything you need for your house and even have lunch, while your kids are being taken care of…in an on-site day-care center! Talk about foreseeing the needs of the clientele! Continuer la lecture