Entrevue #8 avec Peter Levenda sur l’héritage hitlérien et le djihad mondial

Levenda continue de présenter le contenu de son livre The Hitler Legacy sur les ondes de l’émission de radio For The Record animé par Dave Emory. Entre autres éléments à retenir, Levenda attire notre attention sur le théâtre de l’Asie du Sud-Est, notamment sur l’Indonésie et le rôle joué par le Président Sukarno. Il revient aussi brièvement sur l’Opération Golden Lily visant à mettre à l’écart des Alliés le trésor de guerre accumulé par le Japon Impérial durant la guerre, ainsi que sur des fonds similaires comme le Fonds Révolutionnaire. Certains liens avec des personnages connus sont abordés, comme Lee Harvey Oswald. Levenda regarde aussi le cas d’un mystérieux couple formé de Georg Anton Pöch et de Hella Pöch et il étudie la possibilité que ce couple aurait pu être Adolf Hilter et Eva Braun en fuite sous une fausse identité. Plusieurs autres sujets sont abordés.

FTR #845 Interview (#8) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”

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Entrevues #5, #6 et #7 avec Peter Levenda sur l’héritage hitlérien et le djihad mondial

Lors de ces trois autres entrevues accordées à l’animateur de radio Dave Emory, Peter Levenda continue de présenter les différents éléments constitutifs de son dernier livre, The Hitler Legacy, sur l’idéologie nazie et la constitution d’un réseau underground avant, pendant et après la guerre, qui s’est maintenu en place jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Entre autres éléments à retenir, l’auteur revient sur les routes de fuite appelées ODESSA, sur le rôle joué par certains personnages-clés des SS, sur l’expédition nazie au Tibet en 1938 et les liens qui ont été alors créés avec le Dalaï-Lama et son entourage, sur la concordance existant entre les bouddhisme zen et tibétain et la philosophie nazie au niveau de la transformation de la religion en arme de guerre, sur la présence nazie durant la guerre en Asie du Sud-Est, sur le rôle joué par le Président Sukarno, sur les péripéties de l’or confisqué (volé) durant la guerre, sur la Conférence de Bandung d’avril 1955 (la commémoration de cette même réunion à Bandung vient tout juste d’avoir lieu voilà quelques jours), sur la création d’un système bancaire alternatif à celui mis en place par les États-Unis (comme l’AIIB nouvellement créé par la Chine cette année) et bien d’autres sujets. Il y a énormément d’information à voir. C’est pourquoi il est recommandé de lire également les articles liés en plus d’écouter les entrevues.

FTR #842 Interview (#5) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”

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FTR #843 Interview (#6) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”

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FTR #844 Interview (#7) with Peter Levenda about “The Hitler Legacy”

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Learn more about Operation Golden Lily with Dave Emory on For the Record

FTR #451 Petals from the Golden Lily

Saintsations present the Golden Lily: Keep going like that, babies!

My blog is almost never mentioned anywhere, except on SpitfireList and on a few others. Sometimes, I ask myself if that all the work that I invest in this blog is worth it. On the other hand, I also have the impression that I do have an impact of some sort. For example, after I have written some article, things move suddenly. There is a reaction in the mediasphere and it encourages me to continue. When I saw the golden lily on the uniform of these cheerleaders, I couldn’t believe it. The New Orleans Saints have been bearing the logo of the fleur-de-lys for a long time. And their cheerleaders, the Saintsations, bear the golden lily on their chest. A dream come true! Check it out! With an army like that, I will conquer the world!

The Saintsations

The Golden Lily and the Lys d’Or: Hey crooks, give us back our wealth!

© Laurent Renault | Dreamstime.com

The Golden Lily is a sort of buried treasure. It is composed of the immense loot of gold made by Japan during WWII. A good chunk of it has been safe-housed in the Philippines, for an  estimated value, in 1942 dollars, of 100 billions. In FTR #688, Dave Emory explores this fascinating case about global economy, war crime and high finance. Even before the war, the U.S., Japan, Germany and Italy were cartel partners. So it is no surprise if that loot of gold, and the loot of the Third Reich as a whole, came to become the basis for post-WWII world economy. An institution called the Black Eagle Trust has been instrumental in these matters. Several banking institutions have come to play an important role as holders for the gold and/or for its monetary value, such as Union Bank of Switzerland and Citigroup. Emory’s broadcast is based on a fascinating book written by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave and titled Gold Warriors. According to their research, it appears that in Japan the Royal Family, organized crime, the armed forces, corporations and the secret service were all involved in the rise of fascism and with the organization of all its manoeuvres, including the loot of gold. After the war, the de-fascismization of Japan has been a farce and the same with the de-nazification of Germany.

It is a fascinating story. The thing I like a little less, is the correspondence between the name that has been chosen for this loot, Golden Lily, and the very name of my blog, Lys d’Or. I am not sure exactly what Japanese fascists mean by that. Golden obviously refers to gold, but Lily? In my case, the Lys d’Or is the emblem or symbol of French Royalty. If you have had the occasion to browse through the permanent pages of this site, you have seen what I mean by that. But I have slightly altered its meaning to empower the individual instead of monarchs crowned through heredity. We are Kings and Queens. We don’t need no hierarchies. And the thing that pisses me off the most is that, again, it is the bad guys who have the power, the money and the wealth. If I had the wealth of the Golden Lily, it is incredible the things that I could do to help people, develop communities, supports sectors in need, encourage good scientific research, publish non-conventional authors and scientist, etc, etc. But I can’t…because it is the bad guys who have the Golden Lily…while all I have to make a difference is my blog. If I had this wealth, we wouldn’t need any police or intelligence agencies anymore to plot, scheme and sabotage to control the world or to be able to pick up a few crumbles here and there left without surveillance by our adversaries. You see, unfortunately, the people who govern the Earth today possess three basic characteristics: they are crazy, they are fools and they are crooks. If you have got a comprehension of these characteristics, you are in a position to understand a lot of things, even if you are not officially « in the know ».

The only solution for the people who believe in progress, democracy, liberty, freedom of speech, the bill of rights and the constitution, is to do exactly what these crooks from the Underground Reich have done to the liberal world. We need to infiltrate them and cannibalize them from the inside out. It may take 500 years or longer, but in the end we will win, if we show enough resilience. One day all the gold of the Earth will shine over your heads, you the crooks of the world, while you rot in hell. Here is also an interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, authors of Gold Warriors.

Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave