Project Veritas: L’escroquerie des diagnostics de Covid-19 à New York

Le public francophone, en particulier celui du Québec, aurait intérêt à regarder cette vidéo de Project Veritas. James O’Keefe de Project Veritas a fait une enquête auprès des maisons funéraires de New York. Le témoignage des dirigeants de ces maisons  funéraires met en lumière que les médecins de New York ont tendance à mettre Covid-19 comme étant la cause du décès sur le certificat de décès, que les malades aient été atteints ou non de la Covid-19, qu’ils aient été testés ou non, ou que la Covid-19 soit la cause du décès ou non. Je rappelle pour ceux qui ne le sauraient pas, qu’aux États-Unis, un hôpital reçoit 13 000 dollars pour le traitement d’un patient atteint de la Covid-19 et 39 000 dollars si ce dernier doit être branché sur un ventilateur. Il y a donc un incitatif financier faisant en sorte que les médecins et les hôpitaux inscrivent Covid-19 sur le certificat de décès de façon presque systématique. Ceci a pour effet de gonfler les statistiques de décès reliés à la Covid-19, ce qui fait paraître la situation bien pire qu’elle ne l’est en fait. Et cela se pourrait-il que ce stratagème se déroule aussi au Québec, à Montréal en particulier?

The documentary Panodrama – An Exposé of the Fake News BBC, by Tommy Robinson

The energetic Tommy Robinson has put together a documentary that is quite interesting in many respects. Using the methods used and popularized by James O’Keefe at Project Veritas of infiltration and undercover filming and recording, he exposed rather brilliantly the BBC and one of their shows, Panorama. The documentary shows that the BBC seems to be working with a far-left organization called Hope Not Hate to identify, target, frame and destroy individuals who don’t correspond to the far-left ideology of the day. After having heard that these organizations were working on a project to take him down, Tommy Robinson decided to serve them with their own medicine by exposing their methods. Among the many things that the documentary exposes on the part of the BBC, Panorama and Hope Not Hate, we find behaviors that can be classified as intimidation, blackmail, inventing false stories, conducting scripted interviews and even sexual allegations are brought up at some point. When watching the video, we have the impression that a lot is going on behind the scenes. The context of everything that is going on during the interview, the conversations, the social gatherings is difficult to establish clearly. However, there is enough meat on the bone here to see that Tommy Robinson was clairvoyant about what was going to happen to him if the BBC, Panorama and Hope Not Hate would have been able to present some kind of «dossier» or «documentary» about him. He would have been completely destroyed. Now it is they who have to defend themselves. In the world of today, the puck is going very fast. Patriots and nationalists worldwide will not survive if they don’t feel the danger and see in advance the occasions and situations where they are about to be destroyed. We all have to do like Tommy: Fight back and turn the situation on the people who are after us. There is always a weakness in a plot. Find it and you just got the means to turn a potentially dangerous situation into a smashing victory. Two thumbs up, Tommy Robinson, you did it!

Project Veritas: Deep State Unmasked series, part 3 and 4

Interviews with John Guandolo, Bill Marshall and James O’Keefe on Secure Freedom Radio

I present you these three one-hour long interviews on Secure Freedom Radio with three great American patriots.

John Guandolo on The Politization of the FBI

Bill Marshall on FISA Memo Released

James O’Keefe on American Pravda

Project Veritas series on Twitter censorship policies, Part I and II

Judging by this ongoing series, there seems to be a conspiracy at Twitter to take down or at least censure President Trump. I don’t think they will succeed but it is certainly interesting to watch. I join also the full article accompanying the release of the second video, where you can read specific information regarding this subject.

Entrevue de James O’Keefe sur Secure Freedom Radio

Cette entrevue avec le président et fondateur de Project Veritas est très troublante. Durant cette entrevue, O’Keefe raconte aux auditeurs le résultat d’une enquête qu’ils ont réalisé sur les campus des universités américaines de Barry et Cornell. Ils ont envoyé des représentants qui, se faisant passer pour des étudiants, ont essayé de voir s’il était possible d’obtenir de l’aide pour créer un groupe étudiant qui serait pro-État islamique. Le groupe aurait pour mission de faire parvenir de l’aide à l’État islamique et de faire venir ici des djihadistes. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître, cela ne semblait pas du tout un problème, sur ces deux campus en tous cas. On vit vraiment dans un curieux de monde. Retrouvez l’entrevue au deuxième segment.

James O’Keefe sur Secure Freedom Radio

Republicans strengthen right-wing Jihad against the poor, leftists, liberals and anyone who don’t think like them

Well, well, well… Look at what we got here… These days, in Wisconsin, there is literally a vendetta against unions to finish off any capacity from the poorest segment of the population of our so-called « democratic » countries to organize and defend themselves against the sharks and wolves of the ultra-rich. Many Republicans perceive unions as being « socialist ». Really? But… haven’t they read the Gospel, where Jesus is presented as somebody who shares with, gives and help his brothers? How this sacred Jihad against unions is in any way compatible with the most basic principles of social-democracy, liberalism, which is based on the Gospel? It is not. And you know why? Because it is just another deception, a mascarade to hide the pro-fascist agenda of the Republican Party. Republicans want to destroy the middle class and with it, social-democracy itself. That‘s what they are trying to do.

You want another example? Take this story about Ron Schiller, Foundation President at the National Public Radio network. It appears that he has been set up by a right-wing activist, James O’Keefe, a specialist of these matters apparently who, among other targets, helped to destroy the credibility of ACORN. O’Keefe sent two of his accomplices, Shaughn Adeleye and Simon Templar (we can bet that is not his real name either…) to pose as members of a phony Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Muslim Education Action Center. During this highly edited interview, we can hear and see Schiller, among other things, making negative comments on the Tea Party and the Republican Party. O’Keefe then posted the hidden-camera video on Youtube, which led to a media scandal and the firing of chief executive Vivian Schiller, no relation with the other. Evidently, taken out of context, the different comments Schiller made sound rather unacceptable for an executive. But O’Keefe hasn’t provided us yet with the unedited version of the interview, which I guess would be revealing. But I think we can assume that we will never have the chance to see the integral of the recording…

NPR is getting accustomed to conservative harassment. In the 1990s and in 2005, similar attempts were made on them. These recent attacks are part of a global strategy from the Republicans to cut off on « federal spending », which is only a pretext to cease all kinds of social measures and programs that help the poor and the middle class in the U.S. Last month, a bill was passed in the House of Representatives that would end funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which supports NPR. Frankly, this O’Keefe is a manipulator and a right-wing biggot. I provide you here with an article and the videos that O’Keefe made available on Youtube on this story. In the first one, you will be able to judge for yourself how edited it is and how it cannot have any credibility whatsoever for that reason. Not knowing the general context in which these comments were made, one cannot induce an interpretation like O’Keefe does. But it doesn’t matter for the Republican Party. They are after the poor and the middle class and they are ready to crush everyone on their path.
