Étienne Pinte et Mgr Jacques Turck dénoncent le vote Front National: Attention, les souffleurs de verre contre-attaquent…

Étienne Pinte, député UMP des Yvelines et Mgr Jacques Turck, Prélat d’Honneur et curé de Saint-Étienne – Saint-Bruno à Issy-les-Moulineaux, viennent de publier un livre intitulé Extrême-droite. Pourquoi les chrétiens ne peuvent pas se taire, dans lequel ils s’inquiètent de la montée des intentions de vote du Front National chez les pratiquants catholiques. Les auteurs y détaillent les propositions du Front pour ensuite s’efforcer de démontrer leur supposée « incompatibilité » avec les valeurs « chrétiennes et évangéliques ». Leur argumentaire s’articule autour de notions que l’on entend souvent de la part des détracteurs de ce parti politique, à savoir le « rejet de l’étranger », la « fermeture des frontières », le « rejet de la diversité, etc. Je vous propose deux débats qui ont eu lieu récemment. Le premier, présenté lors de l’émission « Ça vous regarde » sur la chaîne LCP, opposait Pinte et Turck à Louis Aliot, vice-président du Front National. Antoine D’Abbundo, rédacteur en chef du magazine Pèlerin, était aussi présent afin de donner un éclairage sur la question qui se voulait non partisan. Le deuxième, présenté sur les ondes de Radio Notre-Dame dans le cadre de l’émission « La voix est libre », opposait ces deux mêmes catholiques à Bruno Gollnisch, député français au Parlement européen et président du groupe Front National au Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes.

Avant de vous laisser le plaisir (mais je crois surtout le déplaisir) de visionner et d’écouter ces deux débats, laissez-moi vous faire part de mes observations. Tout d’abord, en tant qu’ancien Grand Séminariste qui a quitté la vénérable institution du Grand Séminaire en claquant la porte, et en tant que théologien, je dois dire que je suis profondément écœuré par tous ces prélats, monseigneurs, mouettes de sacristie, bedeaux fanatiques et autres catholiques convaincus qui n’ont de chrétien que le nom. Depuis ce jour béni où j’ai quitté le Grand Séminaire, je n’ai cessé de constater à quel point les chrétiens catholiques, et spécialement les hommes d’église, ne vivent pas dans la réalité. Ils soufflent du verre. À les entendre parler, on a toujours l’impression qu’ils parlent d’un monde qui n’existent pas. Ainsi, ils passent leurs journées à faire la leçon à tout le monde alors qu’ils ne touchent souvent en aucune façon aux peines qui affligent les citoyens ordinaires. Par exemple, on les entend faire la morale aux femmes qui se font avorter alors que comme hommes ils ne seront jamais aux prises avec une grossesse, prêcher au peuple d’adopter certains comportements de « générosité » et d « ouverture » envers les autres alors qu’eux-mêmes vivent dans des tours d’ivoire protégées et à l’écart de la société civile, suggérer aux gens de payer toujours de plus en plus de taxes et d’impôts pour accueillir toujours de plus en plus d’étrangers, alors qu’eux-mêmes ne travaillent pas de leurs mains pour gagner leur pain et qu’ils vivent plutôt aux crochets des autres, par le biais de la « charité », de la dîme et de la quête dominicale… Continuer la lecture

Sweet Victoria celebrates Halloween and reminds us about our civilization

I just thought that, for Halloween, a little change of topic would be welcomed. Our lives are so boring, tiresome, difficult, in this era of slow descent into fascism that something more beautiful, lighter, and refreshing is definitely more than needed. Everything is going down the drain. Everything is collapsing and decaying. In such a dark period of our times, there is only the beauty and charm of a gracious woman that can succeed to make us forget for a few moments about our dire predicament. This sweet « Sweet Victoria » has an incredible body and irresistible charm. And it is precisely to be able to taste and appreciate women like these that we have to continue the fight against fascism, and especially the religious type like Islam. Our western civilization is one of taste, reflexion, beauty, science and grace. Such women exist in the Islamic world too but they are buried under several layers of burqas, niqabs, tchadors and hijabs, both material and conceptual. I will fight to my last breath to save my civilization, women like that, and our rights as men to enjoy them. And when I get to Paradise, I will be greeted by adult females such as Sweet Victoria, not by six-year-old little girls like the ones the « Prophet » Muhammed liked.

L’Église Catholique au service de l’humanité: plus de 2000 ans d’abus…

Je vous invite à écouter cette entrevue avec France Bédard, Présidente et fondatrice de l’Association des victimes de prêtres catholiques. Elle nous relate son expérience personnelle d’abus de la part d’un prêtre et nous entretient également sur l’Association, ses buts, ses actions en justice, etc. Les gens doivent avoir le courage de dénoncer l’abus sexuel de tout azimuts, incluant celui fait par le clergé et le personnel catholique. Eux qui se présentent avec tant de vertu, de pureté, seraient-ils, en fait, des hypocrites de la plus basse espèce? Combien d’enfants ont été abusés depuis le début de l’Église Catholique? « Laissez venir à moi les petits enfants »…disait Jésus. Le clergé catholique aurait-il interprété cette phrase pour légitimer l’abus sexuel sur les enfants? Les pédophiles l’auraient-ils compris comme une caution, une permission? Cette « caution » aurait-elle, par la suite, « inspiré » certains à trouver la « vocation » pour entrer dans les ordres? Une nouvelle forme de christianisme s’annonce à nos portes. L’Église Catholique qui agonise depuis quelques siècles déjà va bientôt mourir pour laisser la place à autre chose. Un jour, Ève sera représentée complètement nue dans les églises et les jours saints, ce seront des danseuses nues d’âge adulte qui viendront divertir les croyants. Le règne des pédophiles sera chose du passé. Voici l’entrevue, ainsi que le lien pour la page web de l’Association.

France Bédard, Présidente de l’Association des victimes de prêtres


The Middle East: An earthly paradise that is just awaiting to be sculpted out

© Laurent Renault | Dreamstime.com

I have come to change my mind about the Arab Spring. At first, I thought it was yet just another trick used by the powerful of this planet to effectuate a land grab or, on the other hand, a ruse used by the Islamists to get rid of the bloody dictators who had stopped them from taking power, or both of these two scenarios. You know, in the sense that now that fierce dictators were out of the way, western powers could move in, with the complicity of the Islamists, or vice versa, and take whatever they want at the expanse of any real democracy. But now, I see it differently. The Arab and Muslim populations of the Middle East are caught in a time loop. Because of Islam, they are stuck in 7th century A.D. They can’t get out of it and evolve from there. That’s why Islam must die. The population of the Middle East will never be able to evolve and attain happiness until Islam is defeated and abolished. Judaism and Christianity have shown that they are very well capable of creating societies that are wealthy, rich, prosperous, and all things being equal, happy. Corporations are very efficient when it is time to create wealth, jobs and opportunities. This competence to create prosperity and richness should also be available to develop other parts of the world than just Europe and North America. It must be given to the Middle East, even by force, as a way to help it get out of its own misery.

That’s why today I want to give my blessing to it. Go for it. The Middle East needs to be transformed, for its population’s sake and for our own sake. I can imagine it in a few decades or hundred years. This vast stretch of land, that certain call the Earth Island or Eurasia, will have become an earthly paradise. Instead of desert, one will see lands filled with magnificent green plants and flowers. Incredible crops will be nourished by incessant streams of water coming from the underground. From the Strait of Gibraltar to the confines of China, one will find only beauty, fresh air and harmony. Its population will have been freed from the burden of Islam. Instead, they will be under the soft rule of a new form of Christianity that will have reconciled will Judaism. Jerusalem will hold the Holy See, the place where the King-Messiah will reside in permanence, while the Catholic Church will be dead for a long time. Its women will be the freest and the most beautiful ones in the world. Brown-skinned or suntanned, they will have long hair down to the bottom, breasts as big as watermelons, with always a smile on their face. Men will long to be in their company and they won’t be disappointed. And children will play in full security and innocence, out of the reach of mind-controlling imams and mollahs. Continuer la lecture

Symphony-X on the Electric Messiah

On this blog, I am trying to bring you only the best of human culture. Through science, rational thought, critical thinking, studies in literature, psychology, religious studies, and wisdom and judgement that come from a life dedicated to the pursuit of the truth, I think that I can pretend that you can find on this site only the best things possible, at least I hope. In a world dominated by millions of lies and deceptions, I stand as a lighthouse in the darkest of seas. But I am not alone. I consider the people that I reference regularly on this blog as my friends, collaborators, colleagues, companions of arms, or whatever expression best fits. They too are lighthouses and they shed light on the same darkest sea, close to my waters or further away. We are only a few left that have not been yet subjugated, brainwashed, mind-controlled, submitted, crushed, dominated, etc, by the powers of the Beast. And time is running short. That’s why, if you have to experience an awakening, a rebirth, I suggest that you do it now, before it is too late and the forces of darkness are too much advanced to be able for you to counter them. Now is the time. I am trying to bring, for everyone, a platform for the awakening of the faculties of understanding and awareness. This is an incredible opportunity for you to make such a leap, if you haven’t been there yet. I offer you this song by Symphony-X to stimulate your reflection. It talks about the arrival of a Messiah figure during an electronic age. Is this the Messiah or the Anti-Christ? Am I liberated or enchained by what I believe in?

Kanon the Preacher: What is wrong with that kid?

Seeing this video gave me pause. Is he possessed, mind-controlled or brainwashed? Or is he under some kind of hypnotic suggestion or control from the outside? Is there a spirit, a ghost that has taken control of him? To exhibit such kind of behavior at this age is not normal. I suspect that there is something wrong that is interfering in the normal development of that child. Every child has the right to receive the best education and treatment possible to permit him/her to grow up sanely and in a healthy way. I can understand the propaganda purpose of an adult preacher who would say that there is only one god and that this god is no one else than Jesus, but these words don’t mean anything in the mouth of a child. Only a grown man or woman can talk about and understand the deep significations of theological and philosophical subtleties. Care is of the essence here.

Frank Schaeffer on the Evangelical cloak of the Republican Party

Radio host Peter B. Collins receives in this podcast Frank Schaeffer, ex-Evangelical leader for many years in the U.S.. Son of Reconstructionist preacher Francis Schaeffer, Frank has a lot to say about the links that exist between the Republican Party and the Evangelical movement. According to him, that movement has literally taken over the Party. It dictates its policies to the political establishment. Among the many representatives of this trend, Schaeffer mentions Michelle Bachmann who, apparently, is under the spell of the Evangelicals. He goes at length to explain how her politics are the expression of the Evangelical background that she has. Schaeffer also takes the opportunity to present certain parts of the material of his new book Sex, Mom and God,  and to talk about his father in relation with the Evangelical movement. Globally, I found this interview rather relevant. Having a master degree in Religious Studies, I am always curious about personal religious backgrounds, narratives and stories. Although I have got away from the religious scene for the most part, out of boringness and sometimes disgust and distrust, it is always interesting to see elements like that surging where you expect them the least.

I share a good part of the explanations presented by Frank Schaeffer here on this subject, but not totally. First of all, I am not sure that the Evangelical movement has taken over the Republican Party. I rather have the impression that it is the Republican Party that uses the Evangelical movement as a cloak to better hide its machinations. People with cash and power don’t have religious beliefs; if they really had, they probably wouldn’t be rich and powerful. The world is not run by religion; it is run by money and money gives power. I totally respect the opinion of somebody like Frank Schaeffer who survived the mind-control and brainwash environment of such a movement, but I think it is more accurate to think that the Evangelical movement is used as yet another tool, garment, cloak, etc, to engineer the American society and the whole world into a pre-determined totalitarian reactionary agenda. In numerous articles in the past, I have said, along with heroic researcher Dave Emory, that the Republican Party is fascist in nature, having among other things links to the Third Reich that go back to WWII. Continuer la lecture

New England is preparing for changes to come: More French, the Fleur-de-Lys…and a lot of poutine (I guess!)

© Laurent Renault | Dreamstime.com

This news is absolutely surrealistic. Things are going so fast since the start of 2011, we are having difficulty keeping up with all the changes. I began to raise your awareness in a couple of posts recently here, and here, about the impending collapse of the U.S. and the unavoidable Balkanization that would ensue. Independent republics would form, all with their own agendas. This National Post article informs us (I didn’t know, for myself) that a lot of businesses below the border (in the U.S.) have begun adapting to a new clientele that they are trying to seduce and bring to their shops: Canadians but especially Quebecers. The use of the French language is beginning to be implemented, slowly but still, fleur-de-lyses decorate windows at certain restaurants, etc. There is even a website that gives useful information to shoppers concerning border wait times, price comparisons, etc.

That is just incredible! During the French period of the colonization, the country that is called Canada today was called Nouvelle France, New France. So, is it far-fetched to envision a union of New France with New England? No. If you look at the map, you will see that what are called today the states of Maine, Vermont, New York, etc, belong to the same land mass as the Provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick. The irony here, and I can’t help but to underline it (please forgive me!) is that people south of the border seem to show a willingness to use the French language rather superior to what we could ever got out of certain Canadians here in Montreal or just over the St-Lawrence river in Ottawa. Anyhow, I am glad that it is becoming a reality. You know what, I just had an idea. A blueberry pie made with blueberries from Lac-St-Jean, served with Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, from Vermont. That would be delicious! Or French and literature classes that would be taught at the Wilhelm Reich Museum in Rangeley, Maine. Maybe someday…in our new country. Until then we will keep imagine great things for the future, because anything in life always begins with a great idea. The fleur-de-lys is here to stay and it will conquer the world.

More fleur-de-lys south of the border

The most beautiful women in the world: The Arab females who will defeat Islam

© Rozum | Dreamstime.com

Yes folks, it’s true! Check this following video and you will see. The beauty of these women is such that a even corpse would get a boner! Arab women possess such a class, of almost an aristocratic nature, that nobody can resist their charm. And I bet it is these faces, these features that, when they are finally able to express themselves freely out of the totalitarian web of the Islamic veil, will destroy and eradicate Islam from the surface of this Earth! Arab women, the Gospel is calling you to freedom! All you have to do is to follow the example of these superb counter-Jihad resistants who freely and graciously expose us to the wrath of their weapons of mass-seduction! One day, Christians in the Middle East will die not at the hands of Islamic warriors or terrorists, but out of exhaustion from endless nights of love with these beauty warriors! The time for change is now!