This radio show by Dave Emory explores the heroic investigation of private citizen Rita Katz on Operation Green Quest that led to the Holy Land Foundation trial. Her work allowed us to unveil the deep penetration of the GOP and of the Bush Administration by islamist elements from the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Al-Qaeda. However, her research was eventually subverted and neutralized by members of the CIA and FBI. Among several things, Dave Emory explores the role eventually played by the Ptech firm, owned and controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, on the day of 9/11. In effect, the fact that it is Ptech that developped the threat assessment software used by the Air Force, the FAA and Norad could account for the confusion experienced on the morning of 9/11, which facilitated the attacks and delivered New York and Washington D.C. to hostile forces. Also, the role played by the Safa Trust and the SAAR network on the economic side of it is also explored, among other elements. Rita Katz has written a book titled Terrorist Hunter in which she chronicles the whole story.
Archives de catégorie : Science de la guerre
Gordon Chang analyzes the Chinese-Russian axis on Secure Freedom Radio
Interview airs in segment #4.
Richard Martineau sur Maurais Live: Comment il vit les menaces de mort
L’entrevue commence vers 11:23.
More information about Paul Manning and his book Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile
America at Risk: Dave Deptula on the Military’s Aging Aviation Force
The Implications of Sequestration on Defense
Heather Robinson: Iran delivers weapons to Syria through Irak
Interview airs in segment #2.
The Threat from Iran: Ken Timmerman
You can watch Mr Timmerman in another conference, held by EMPact America, by checking this earlier post.
An EMP attack… What the hell is that?
Here are two videos that briefly explain what is an EMP attack and what would be the consequences of such an attack on the United States. Please visit EMPACT America for more details.
A Fireside Chat: Get to know more Dave Emory as he explains the concept of the « Underground Reich »
This show by anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory is definitely « different » from the other shows. In this broadcast, we get to know more of Dave Emory as he explains a key concept of his political analyses, that of the « Underground Reich ». As a starting point, Emory presents a glimpse into the political and military strategy of Sun-Tzu, a Chinese general, as he wrote in his manuel, The Art of War. Incidently, these few passages were excerpted in The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen. Reinhard Gehlen, for those who don’t know, was Hitler’s intelligence chief for the Eastern Front before he was hired by the CIA at the end of the war. Through the Cold War, Gehlen continued to spy on the Soviets but then on for the benefit of the CIA. As Emory explains more in details what he means by the « Underground Reich », he tries to make us reflect on the possibility that such tactics as described by Sun-Tzu could very well be applied here in the western world, and on the means that we could use to fight back against them. Finally, through psychological, spiritual and metaphysical analyses, Emory invites us to reflect on the higher meaning of life and on what it means to resist and fight back against tyranny. This show is absolutely fabulous. This is a must-listen!