Lode Vanoost makes a pretty good assessment of the situation in Libya. In a nutshell, he says that NATO is not going to give up its position once Gaddafi has been removed. For him, we are witnessing the second colonization of Africa. While Egypt and Tunisia have seen uprisings by their citizens that led to the toppling of their dictators, Libya is experiencing something else. In effect, the « uprising » in Libya is led by armed gangs with the backing of NATO and with the use of military force. It has nothing to do with Egypt and Tunisia. He concludes the interview by saying, with great accuracy: « People or organizations who take power by violence are not really tempted to give away that power by democratic means ». Yes, indeed. And it has certainly to do with the advances of China in Africa that has taken place in the last years. The West is trying to protect its backyard.
Archives de catégorie : Guerre
Le documentaire « La bombe à retardement » sur l’histoire nucléaire d’Israel
Ce documentaire étonnant raconte l’histoire nucléaire d’Israel. Entre autres éléments à retenir, c’est la révolution en Algérie qui a poussé Israel à faire quelque chose pour augmenter son niveau de sécurité. Quoique la protection extérieure d’un autre état ait été considérée pendant quelque temps, le gouvernement israélien a rapidement choisi l’option de l’arme ultime. C’est finalement la France qui donnera, par son aide et ses ressources, la bombe à Israel, au grand dam du Général de Gaulle qui fera cesser l’aide nucléaire française. Contre vents et marées, Israel termine quand même la construction de son réacteur. Dès lors, l’attitude des Américains change complètement. Eux qui s’étaient montrés réticents voire même sévères, deviennent alors plutôt polis et courtois. L’U.R.S.S. entre dans le jeu elle aussi en concluant une alliance stratégique avec l’Égypte. Israel se verra en état d’alerte nucléaire à trois reprises: en 1967 lors de la Guerre des Six Jours, en 1973 lors de la Guerre de Yom Kippur et en 1991 lors de la Guerre du Golfe.
Le plus marrant là-dedans, c’est de réaliser combien les fascistes et anti-sémites en France aujourd’hui doivent être frustrés de cela. En effet, si l’Union Européenne avait existé à cette époque, JAMAIS une telle chose se serait produite. C’est parce que la France était un pays SOUVERAIN que cela fut possible. Dès lors que la France, ainsi que tous les autres pays d’Europe de l’Ouest, sont devenus les lèche-bottes de l’Allemagne dans cette farce monumentale que constitue l’UE, eh bien ces pays ont perdu la possibilité de prendre des décisions de pays souverains, comme l’a fait la France lors de cet épisode. Et aujourd’hui, les petits fascistes français, ceux-là même qui financent et organisent des campagnes de boycott et des Flotilles de la Liberté contre Israel, doivent bien s’en mordre les doigts! Car avec l’arme nucléaire, Israel peut se défendre contre tous ses ennemis, INCLUANT la France, si jamais celle-ci se révélait incapable de résister aux sirènes du Troisième Reich et de faire plaisir à ses amis islamistes.
la bombe à retardement Israël - 1/3 par prophecy_comes_sometlmes
la bombe à retardement Israël - 2/3 par prophecy_comes_sometlmes
La bombe à retardement Israël - 3/3 par prophecy_comes_sometlmes
While the Canadian government is pursuing war criminals with energy, the song remains the same in Hungary
Since a few weeks ago, the Canadian government has begun chasing and arresting war criminals with energy under the leadership of the Conservative Party. During this time in the European Union, this project of Nazi Greater Europe come true, war criminals after more than sixty years continue to get away with their crimes. I think it is pretty obvious now for everyone that if these individuals were not prosecuted after WWII and not to this day for the vast majority of them, it is precisely because a lot of people were sympathetic to their cause. In other words, without saying it in plain terms, certain people agree with what these war criminals did, i.e. to exterminate, or helping to, Jews and other « undesirables » such as Romas, Serbs, Slavs, Gypsies, etc. During WWII, there were those who took the decisions, those who carried them out…and those who did nothing to prevent it from happening, either out of cowardice, fear, collaboration…or because they agreed. In the case of this nice fellow, Sandor Kepiro, a Hungarian charged with war crimes against Serbs and Jews, he evidently got away with an acquittal in the marvelous kingdom of the European Union and at the venerable age of 97 years old. Worth noting in the article that follows, is that the Fidesz government of Hungary has rehabilitated the Horthy fascist dictatorship of WWII during which Kepiro committed his crimes, and also that the judge seemed to be biaised when ruling about behavior in court. In effect, some people who showed up with the star of David were asked to remove it, while extreme right-wing nationalists from the Burgkomitate 64 were allowed in with the Arrow Cross Party symbol. Outside the court, many right-wing Jobbik Party and National League Foundation supporters were present to encourage Kepiro. The author of the article, Markus Salzmann, concludes with the astute remark that the « revolution » of 1989 that swept Eastern Europe and that was supposed to bring democracy finally in that part of the world after decades of communism, has revealed itself to be the triumph of exploitation and capitalism. Eastern Europeans are a long way from democracy, as are citizens of the Middle East after the « Arab Spring ». In both cases I am afraid, the sweet candy of democracy was used to bring and install some form of fascism. Sad but probably true. As for Kepiro, he will die as an old man protected by the collaborators of the European Union. The song remains the same on the Old Continent.
Caroline Glick on a few Israel-related subjects: Livni, options and the next Lebanese war
The excellent Caroline Glick stikes back with some good articles on Israel’s political situation. Among several subjects, she comments here on Israel’s opposition leader Tzipi Livni, former Foreign Minister, who has embraced the international Left and the Palestinian cause for her own political gain, at the detriment of the interests…of her own people. Considering that during WWII six millions of her compatriots were exterminated by the nazi regime, there is only one word that can be used to describe such political action: treason. With « friends » like that, you don’t need enemies. It is one thing to be an opportunist but it is another to deliver your own people into the hands of butchers, and that is exactly what Livni is doing. What is wrong with her? She makes me think to those Jews who collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, thinking that their lives would be spared. Sometimes they were, sometimes not, especially when they became useless. There is no difference today between the Left and the Extreme-Right. It is one and the same. The words and the clothing might be different, but in the end it is all about ripping off the poor…and killing the Jews. She should think about it, because the State of Israel is the only thing that prevents the mass-extermination of Jews and that’s why so much enemies are pressing at its doors these days. In the other two articles, Glick analyses Israel’s options and the possible start of a war with Lebanon. Good work!
A scenario for WWIII: Israel, the EU and the United States
You think that the world is going just right ? Well, think again. This world is going right to the brink, sliding little by little, notch per notch, toward Armageddon. Obviously, if we are ever going to engage into a new world war, it won’t be the progressives’s fault, nor the liberals’s, nor the democrats’s. It will be the fault of all the totalitarian stooges and agents that are way too numerous out there in the open. It will be because of their machinations, manipulations, misdeeds to deliberately sabotage liberal democracy that we will face ourselves with a world that will have crumbled from within into total collapse. We may very well be the last humans of history to experience what is called democracy. It has been invented during the Enlightenment, so it can disappear, it is not eternal, especially if we don’t do anything to protect it.
You may wonder where I am going with this. Well, follow my train of thought. If you have been observant of the international scene, with its political, economical and geo-strategical dimensions, you must have noticed that certain signs are present that lead to conclude that big changes are on the way. Nothing is permanent. We have seen it during history many times. States and Empires only last for a time, inevitably they all end up collapsing one day or another. It is just a question of time. In recent years, many events have sent us clues to gather and analyse. Among other elements, we can mention 9/11, the creation of the Euro Zone and the European Union, the rise of Islam, tensions and conflicts continuing to increase within the United States, the rise of China’s economic power, the desire for a greater variety of sources of energy and for healthier food and medecine, water becoming more important as a natural resource, important migration of populations, the number of cars reaching the numbers of humans on Earth, pollution problems, etc. This list is not exhaustive.
Here is what I see in these events for the future. Very soon, a combination of three things will undoubtably unleash the dogs of WWIII. First, a series of Arab countries will declare war on Israel over the pretext of the question of Palestine. Around the same time or a little later, civil war will begin in Europe, due to the high level of social tensions caused by the Euro Zone and the European Union that have been custom-built to benefit Germany, and by Muslim immigration that refuse to integrate into european society. And finally, the United States, once the greatest democracy in the world, will collapse in shame, breaking into smaller republics, becoming the Balkans of North America. Each one of these new republics will have its own agenda, political regime and ideology, sometimes ready to join the Canadian Federation but sometimes not. In certain cases they will embrace fascism to become corporate states and some other times they will try to continue clinging to the notion of liberal democracy. I continue to think that Vermont and Maine are made for being Canadian provinces. If Canada collapses as well into smaller entities, they would fit perfectly into a new larger state composed of Quebec, New Brunswick and the states of New England. Can you imagine all Franco-Americans and French-Canadians of the North-East in the same state? That would be cool.
Listen to me folks. This is not necessarily what I wish for but rather what the signs are telling me concerning the future. There will be a lot of people that will wake up in astonishment and bewilderment when it all starts. In my case, I will be ready to continue the fight even harder for democracy, because I am already aware of the big game that is being played. While the masses will still be into the stages of trying to come out of their sleep and get awake, I will be a warrior for our great civilization made out of Greco-Roman culture, Judeo-Christian moral values, Enlightenment philosophical principles, liberal democratic political ideology, and secularist social and civil organization. If the world has any chance of survival, it is with that program. Any totalitarian utopia will inevitably fail, for the simple reason that humans are fallible. Totalitarian regimes need perfect people to make it work. As it can’t find any, it governs through force using terror and torture to discourage dissent, resistance and revolution. Totalitarians seek to build a glass castle. However, as soon as somebody drops something, the whole building breaks into pieces.
Make Love not War: my response to the American « Justice » for Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Tired of these incessant wars throughout the world? Tired of the military-industrial complex that makes money with the blood of innocents, of the poor, of children? Tired of their political games to control the world, to seize power for their own benefit? Tired of an elite that will go to any lenghts in order to reach its goals, including humiliating and dishonouring so many men and women throughout history? This is my response to the American « Justice ». Today, I unleash my army of Cat-Women. Because, frankly, dear Americans, you’re so puritan, uptight and conservative. Some real fun, sex and pleasure would benefit you greatly. I have picked a video for you. I hope you will like it. It says: « Destination unknown ». That’s what happens when somebody has some fun. Good things may follow, in terms of happiness, development and joy. Look at these young women. Aren’t they beautiful and sexy? Make love not war, that’s the key. I will let you go now, hoping you will learn to have some fun and stop these stupid smearing games. Because, between you and me, we know Strauss-Kahn was smeared, it is so obvious. In the end, if you can’t compete on the debate level, using ideas, argumentation and discussion, you definitely are a pity as a nation. I hope this video will inspire you.