The Standards and the Poors: Series of articles on how the « downgrade » has been a dog-and-pony show to hurt U.S. economy and citizens

Rise of the Fourth Reich

Insecure securities and irregular regulation



The rise of financial terrorism

Germany Watch – Spooking markets

German Casino Behavior

S&P’s President Deven Sharma leaves

Warren Buffet’s 2010 Presidential Medal of Freedom: Finally, a still-sane man in the U.S.!

© I3alda |

Billionaire Warren Buffet wrote a letter to the editor of the New York Times recently. The letter was published in the August 15th edition. The reason why I am talking to you about that is that it is so rare to hear or read rich people in the U.S., and in the world, to actually say that it might be good to share both wealth and responsibilities with others, that it becomes an event by itself. As a centrist, I am becoming so weary of the useful fools on the Left but also on the Right, that sometimes I feel discouraged by all the crap that I hear or read. Here, with this letter, you have the opinion of a man who, believe it or not, and contrary to the vast majority of his peers, seems to have kept his senses, his intelligence, his judgement, his mental faculties. That’s certainly refreshing. So there is no way in hell that I want to miss that opportunity to underline that exercice. When people in charge, officially or in the shadows, conduct themselves as idiots, bandits and criminals, I think we have to say it and denounce it. But when they show opposite behavior, good and decent qualities, in all fairness, we have to pay tribute. It’s been a long time since I have not see anything coming out of the U.S., besides the work of my friends that I like to reference as often as I can, that seems moderate, thoughful and wise. That’s why I invite you to read this. The solution of our problems is not on the Right. The rich have to pay their taxes like any other citizens, in all fairness. And the solution is not on the Left. Seizing the wealth of the rich to give it to the poor makes no sense. When there are no rich anymore, who is going to invest huge chunks of capital when it is needed? The real solution is in the Center. Everybody is taxed by the governement at the same rate. Period. Thus, nobody can whine they are not treated with fairness. I also join a short clip of Buffet following the news that he had been chosen Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient for 2010.

Warren Buffet on taxation

Fascism and gun control: What you don’t know

This lecture by Dave Emory takes a look at a phenomenon that has taken place around the world, and here at home as well in the U.S. and in Canada. The whole issue about gun control appears to be a gimmick conceived by pro-fascist elements of the intelligence community in order to suscitate a reaction against gun control itself, thus creating a tension in the population between partisans of gun control and people who oppose it. If it eventually passes into a law, it has the advantage of disarming the people, rendering them susceptible to surrender to a coup d’état of some kind. In the event of such coup d’état, bunch of thugs belonging to the extreme-right type, such as neo-nazis, would be deputized, i.e. transformed into agents of law and order, such as the Freikorps or Brownshirts were in pre-war nazi Germany. Nazi Germany passed a gun control legislation in 1938, just before the war, so Jews, liberals and dissidents couldn’t defend themselves against these thugs who were sent to round them up. Also, it appears that the gun control legislation that was passed in the U.S. in 1968 copy-pasted to a large extent the German law of 1938.

An argument that is made pretty often to justify gun control is that guns kill people, so by reducing the number of guns and their accessibility, a society then reduces statistics on murders. Well, if you think about it carefully, that’s stupid. A gun by itself has never killed anyone. It is humans who kill. Nothing will ever happen until a human being takes the gun and shoots. Dave Emory brings (at the time of the lecture, in the ’90s) a very important statistic concerning Switzerland. Although the country had a very high proportion of citizens who possessed a weapon, the crime and murder rates were among the lowest in the world. You see? That’s the opposite of what the propaganda says. A disarmed population has a much higher chance of being subject to crime and agression if they can’t defend themselves. Emory goes on to say that everyone in Switzerland had to do some time in the army…and that they brought their weapon with them when they got out of it, with full rounds of amunitions. The concept that is being defended here is that every citizen in Switzerland is considered to be a member of the army and as such, is susceptible to be called to defend the country in case of a coup or agression. According to you, what would happen to bunches of Brownshirts who would try to round up these citizens? They would receive a bullet between the eyes. That’s why everybody keep quiet in that country. In the end, what is important to remember, is the fact that an armed population favor the decrease of the crime rate, not the other way around. I am particularly glad that the Conservative government here in Canada is willing to abolish the long-gun registry. In case of a coup d’état, the population needs to be able to defend themselves.

And in Norway, people there should not let themselves be disturbed, distracted and influenced by the mass-killings that have happened recently. What is important is the well-being of the community in the long run. Being aware that Breivik is probably an agent of these same pro-fascist elements of the intelligence community that Emory describes in this lecture, the population has to keep the focus on what is good for them and not let themselves be carried away by their emotions. Judgement and discernement are always essential.

L-4 Fascism, Gun Control and the Intelligence Community

Right-wing useful fools: When Tea Partiers become Tea Baggers

There is something I have got to tell you concerning the financial crisis in the U.S. I am tired of hearing that it is Obama’s fault for this, Obama’s fault for that, and so on. Right-wing activists, Tea Partiers and the like, are always quick to blame the Left and what they call the « liberals » and/or Democrats for everything that happens in their country. If you use your intelligence and discernment, you can see obviously that things are not that simple. Obama didn’t create the debt nor the deficit. They were there when he took office, but somehow Tea Partiers seem not to remember that. They talk about Obama as if he would have taken the country with no debt and no deficit at all and brought them to their present levels. When they speak, and I know that at first hand because I have people like that in my proximity, all they have to say involve the Left and the liberals…but the Right has nothing to do with anything. Overall, they have a rather positive opinion of George W. Bush while he contributed greatly to the U.S. debt by creating the war in Irak out of nothing with its huge spending budget, with the only intention of wrecking the U.S. economy. Check this post for more details about that.

I am a liberal democrat. I have never hidden it. I defend the interests of the Center of the political spectrum and believe me, from here, I can see that there are as many fools on the Right side than there are on the Left side. So please, give me a break with your scapegoating of Obama. You are not Tea Partiers but rather Tea Baggers. You take the mantle of patriotism and truth, but in the end, what you do amounts to treason because you are creating the very conditions by which the destruction of the U.S. will come, destruction that supposedly you are trying to avoid. Hypocritically, you are doing exactly what you are pretending trying to have the country avoid. I suggest that you read one of Dave Emory’s latest blog entry, in which he puts some meat around the bone on that subject. I also suggest that you read all the comments that people have posted on it. Think about it. Reality is a complex thing. I also join a newspaper article by Kelly McParland that analyses the situation and gives the same diagnosis.

Dave Emory on S&P downgrade

Kelly McParland

The debt ceiling debate: terrorist rhetoric or the end of the niceties?

In a recent article, Globe and Mail’s Neil Reynolds expressed his astonishment and perhaps even sadness as regards to the rhetoric that has been employed during the debt ceiling debate in the U.S. After presenting an almost exhaustive list of people in the media who displayed language using the « terrorist » label, he concludes the article by saying that democracy would never have come into existence in the first place with such behavior, calling it « preposterous and shameful ». Although I appreciate the sentiment that he is showing here, I am not sure that it is the proper thing that has to been understood. For me, this language is rather the expression of a « five-minutes-to-midnight » feeling where suddenly, in the face of an impending catastrophy and collapse, people abandon the niceties because there is no point keeping them anymore. A lot of folks in the Tea Party and the Republican Party want the destruction of the United States. One doesn’t need to be an expert to see that. Democrats who used to be skeptics or who didn’t want to face reality now have no longer the choice. One can deny the building is on fire, but once the flames are up to your ass, it’s another pair of sleeves, or pants if you prefer. The rhetoric of the Democrats and liberals, although unusual, is accurate and appropriate for people who start to see things as they are. If Democrats and liberals don’t do something really fast to take back control of this country, it will collapse and Balkanize. What we have to understand here is that because something is cute, it doesn’t make it right necessarily, and on the opposite, because something is repulsive at face value, it doesn’t make it wrong automatically. I think good judgement is always necessary. Democrats are awakening to the impending catastrophy. I just wish it is not too late. As a means of enriching the discussion, I propose John Moore’s analysis of the situation in a recent edition of the National Post. I think that he has a rather fair assessment of right-wing activists, or purits as the calls them, in the U.S.

John Moore on right-wing in the U.S.

The engineer has wrecked the train: American Idol Banana Republic and its cartoon leaders

A repost from anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory assesses the present political, economical and financial situation of the United States with great accuracy, as early as 2003. We must admit that he was right on target when recording that show. Here are the basic facts. The Irak war reveals itself to have been a deliberate scheme by the Bush Admistration to increase spending of the federal government in a way that would send it on a vertical spiral of deficits and debt. Accompanied by tax cuts to benefit the wealthy that inevitably decrease the state budget, these two measures or decisions look rather like sabotage attempts to destroy the U.S. economy, either for bringing a totalitarian regime or for Balkanizing them. People belonging to mainstream academia and media, such as Paul Krugman, have made similar analyses. The tax cuts implemented by the Bush Administration are so deep that it is impossible to maintain them without cutting U.S. spending, where the money is, i.e. in social programs or military budget. A report commissioned by the Treasury Department estimated that the U.S. face a chronic budget accumulated deficits of some 44 trillion dollars, if tax rates and spending budget remain the same. To close the gap, a 66% accross the board tax increase would be necessary. The show reminds us of a striking similarity that exists between the behavior of the French elite before WWII and the one of the American elite these days. If the French elite was acting in preparation for a takeover by Germany in defense against Communism, the behavior of the present-day power elite in the U.S. is suggesting that a similar process is under way. The broadcast also deals with other related elements of the puzzle, such as the role played by tax havens like Liechtenstein, Nassau, Panama and Switzerland. It has to be noted that Saddam Hussein siphoned off millions of dollars from oil corporations as bribes into offshore accounts. Hussein used this bribe money to finance weapons deals during embargo periods. Continuer la lecture

The TransCanada Corp Keystone XL expansion: personal tragedies and human suffering through civilization changes

This National Post article about a Nebraska rancher opposed to the passing of the Keystone Pipeline XL expansion on his land is revelatory. Randy Thompson, a cattle buyer, is fighting to avoid a foreign company, TransCanada Corp, from bringing its pipeline on his land. I am saying revelatory because similar situations have happened on thousands of different occasions in the past. Everytime a new empire sets foot, or a new civilization takes roots, or an old one dies, we see good and decent people being caught in the implosion, explosion or redefining of the old ways to set the path for the new ones. People like Mr Thompson who have been forced to relocalize or cede a part of their land, by persuasion or by force, have been millions throughout history. Whether we talk about the Roman Empire conquering the world, the French Revolution cutting a few strategic heads, the armies of Muhammad conquering North Africa or the American colonies declaring their independence, in these occurences, there were always people who, even though they hadn’t done anything wrong, were caught in the processes of change to their detriment. That’s the way I see what is happening to Mr Thompson.

The Anglo-American Empire is under attack by the forces of the Third Reich that have gone underground after WWII, and they are more alive than ever. In effect, they have veiled their activities in all kinds of cloaks, such as the Green movement, social activism of all sorts, counter-culture activities, religious cults, religions per se, and sometimes intelligence agencies and other governmental, military and international organizations that they have infiltrated and co-opted to implement and push forward their agenda. Furthermore, the Anglo-American Empire is under attack as well by the most reactionary people that you can find on the surface of this Earth, the Arab/Islamic world that has been, since WWII, contaminated by nazism due to the collaboration of Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, with Adolf Hitler. This world, driven by the morals of Sharia, proposes of bringing the world back to what it was in 7th century A.D. Clearly, we can’t go back to that era, simply because of the most basic rule of human history: to always look forward. These reactionary elements that we find in the Arab world, in Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and other states of the Gulf, are basically 7th century Bedouins…with billions of petro-dollars in their pockets…which makes them extremely dangerous. Contrary to westerners, these Bedouins have not worked to get their wealth. They were only lucky enough to be the nomads walking the country when the gasoline engine was invented and that oil became something important. Continuer la lecture

Update on North American Gestapo: are TSA agents the new Mecca for perverts, deviants and power-trippers?

© Fabrizio Mariani |

Look at these TSA agents stripsearching a child… What are you trying to accomplish here, guys? Do you really think we don’t see that you are taking « secondary benefits » by « enforcing » the law? This stripsearch is absolutely outrageous. Anyone can see that your organisation, the TSA, has become a repair of deviants and perverts, in this case pedophiles we might say… Have you lost all decency? The laws that have been passed in the U.S. give a free pass to all kinds of practises that are only too reminiscent of Nazi Germany. It is only the uniform that has changed. Not only children are stripsearched but elders, the disabled and the sick, people in wheelchairs as well… But during this time, Muslims can get a free pass without searches as you can see in the second video shot at Montreal’s Trudeau airport. Curiously, it is the ordinary citizens who are stripsearched, not the people likely of being terrorists. What the hell does that mean, if not that in fact you are protecting your own people? In Canada, we have an agency called CATSA that apparently, according to travellers, enforces exactly the same procedures. As citizens, as free men and women, we have to react against these abuses. I would say this: don’t take the plane. Vote with your wallet. When the airports are empty because we have decided not to accept to be treated like prisoners in a concentration or extermination camp or like animals in a slaughterhouse, they will have no choice but to re-evaluate their policies. The third video shows a breastfeeding mother forced to wait for 42 minutes in a special room because she refuses that her milk passes through the scanner, which is a source of radiation. Disgusting. Stand up and fight folks!

U.S. Gestapo welcomes Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff to America: Danke Schoen Mein Fuhrer!

© Fabrizio Mariani |

Well, well, well… It seems that anti-liberal or anti-social-democracy sentiments are on the rise in the U.S. Look at the treatment that Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff received when she arrived at the airport in Florida on March 4th. For those of you who don’t know, she was trialed in Austria recently for « incitement to hatred » in relation with a series of speeches  critical of Islam that she gave. She was then pulled off from the line and interrogated for long minutes. She was asked questions as if she were some kind of a criminal. She and a traveling companion were released but were told to « tone down the rhetoric ».

Frankly, I am happy to live in Canada. At this point, it is pretty much too late for Europe, as it will quickly fall into civil war very soon. The bloodshed will be terrible. And in the U.S., some members of the elite of that society, sometimes belonging to the Republican Party  or their sponsors/collaborators have deliberately sold the people to Islamic fundamentalists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and/or similar groups. They have committed treason against the nation itself by giving away the land to the worst kind of humans imaginable: religious fanatics. Honestly, you, the people responsible for that mess, disgust me. You are ready to betray every principle, every law, every right, everything in a nutshell, just to be able to maintain this alliance with pro-corporate capitalism Islamists. For some money, you are ready to sell your soul and all of us with it to these psychopaths? You are a disgrace to this continent. You have wrecked the train of the liberal world, its social structures and economy altogether, and for what exactly, a few unions, a few rights, a few taxes that you judged were « nuisances » to your « liberty »? How many more « Freedom Fighters », such as those Nazi war criminals from the Belarus and the Ukraine that you brought here after WWII, are you willing to bring over to finish the job of submitting us? Personally, I will never submit to Islam. I will remain faithful to Graeco-Roman-Judeo-Christian civilization to my last breath. And for that, there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry.


Pat Condell on Islam illuminati Anjem Choudary

Check the newest video from Islam debunker and atheist activist Pat Condell. His analysis is excellent as always. I just have one question regarding Choudary. His rhetoric is so gross, so direct, so plain, that I am beginning to suspect that he is in fact a covert operative or an agent provocateur hired to discredit Islamists who have infiltrated western society. Because, let’s face it, if otherwise, he is a complete fool. The rules of taqqiya apply to any Muslim who is on jihad. The only logical explaination is that he has been recruited to expose this threat. But by who? It is not clear. Islamists and Jihadists are very clever people. They don’t expose themselves as grossly as Choudary does, not so frankly, otherwise they are idiots, as I said. It will be interesting to see how his different actions and statements will play out in relation with Muslim infiltration and its opposition by local resistance and reaction. In the second video, you can hear Choudary pontificate on Sean Hannity’s show. Hannity is certainly not a reference here but it gives an idea of what kind of rhetoric Choudary proposes. I will let you judge by yourself.