Wilhelm Reich and Orgone energy: A brief introduction by James DeMeo

Here is a short video produced by James DeMeo, PhD, on extraordinary physician, scientist and inventor Wilhelm Reich. Following a recent article, this presentation will help you get more acquainted with this exceptional man and his research. Among other topics, the video puts the emphasis on the discovery of Orgone energy, which is present in all living organisms, in space and in the atmosphere, and that can be seen, under certain conditions, as a blue glow that emanates from them. Great presentation.

Armin van Buuren’s A State Of Trance Official Podcast Episodes 189 and 207

Once in a while, I will bring you music that I like and that, in my opinion, brings a positive energy and attitude. Trance Music is one of these. It brings people together, makes them happy and relaxed. It is definitely the best of all the subgenres that emerged from the Electronic Music scene. Two thumbs up! Here are two samples of the excellent Armin van Buuren.

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Wilhelm Reich: The greatest doctor to have walked on the surface of this Earth

Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), if you don’t already know him, is worth the detour. He must be, along with Nicolas Tesla and a few others, among the most underrated scientists of all time. Not only did Reich, definitely Sigmund Freud’s most brilliant student and successor, achieve an impressive amount of successes and discoveries in the immediate fields of psychology and psychoanalysis that were his (such as on the subjects of neurosis, anxiety, sex-morality, orgasm, character, etc) but he also undertook extensive research and practice, later in his career, in the areas of medecine, physics, astrophysics and engineering. More specifically, he dedicated many years on the subject of cancer, as he was looking to understand its causes and possibly even maybe to find a cure. He made extensive experiments in that direction using the discovery of Orgone Energy, with « bions » administered via a syringe, and with the Orgone Energy Accumulator (a box made out of wood and metal in which patients were standing) to try to alleviate at least some of the suffering of his patients. On topics of natural science, he worked on aurora borealis as a manifestation of Orgone Energy present in the sky and on the links it has with nuclear energy. He also completed the circle that made him akin with the Ancients, as he engineered and crafted himself the tools and technology necessary for his experiments, from the Cloudbuster (a cannon for fertilizing clouds), the Orgone Energy Accumulator, to the bion formula and other things.

The circumstances surrounding his death, like in the case of so many great characters, are both tragic and unclear. After having managed to survive the rise of Nazism in both Germany and Norway by escaping at the last minute (he emigrated to the U.S. in 1939) the powers of this world finally got to him where he expected them the least, the United States of America. Starting in 1947, the FDA began a propaganda campaign against Reich that lasted for years. In 1954, an Injunction was filed against him using the excuse of Orgone Energy. The Judge decreed that all Orgone Energy Accumulator and all related material should be destroyed. The burning of books that became the law of the land under the Nazis was continuing here at home in North America, as if the Inquisition was still going on. As his appeals were all denied, he was incarcerated in 1957 and died of heart failure later that year. Heart failure being a signature of the Underground Reich when it is time to get rid of somebody who is in the way, his death will always look to me rather like an execution. But, according to more recent research undertaken on the matter by James DeMeo, PhD, a specialist on Reich and Orgone energy, Communist agents seemed to have played a key role, along with other people. Please take the time to get more acquianted with this great scientist.

Biography of Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich Last Will and Testament

History of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust

History of the Archives of the Orgone Institute

The Wilhelm Reich Museum

Books by Wilhelm Reich

Tired of winter? Here is Christine Mendoza to heat it up!

Our civilization is fantastic. Starting with the Ancient Egyptians, the Hebrews, the Ancient Greeks, the Romans, the early Christians, medieval Europe, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution and up to this day, we have built a world in which liberty, freedom and democracy are essential. Let’s not forget that! This is why we have to continue the fight against those who would like to take that away from us to implement a totalitarian world. And the fight is just beginning! Stand up and fight!