March 8th hysteria: a bolshevik tsunami

© Andrew Khritin |

Since last tueday, March 8th, we have been flooded with a deluge of articles singing the anthem of the glory of feminism. Far from being critical of the movement itself in relation with real gains it has brought to women, these articles were generally pretty complacent with the subject, beating the drum for even more feminization of society. One issue that finds itself on the front burner all the time is « equality » of representation of the sexes in jobs. Feminists absolutely want their 50% representation quota. It appears non-negociable. Norway, which practise policies around those lines, is often cited as an example. Quebec, my Province, is another stronghold of this tendency.

Well, the 50% representation quota has yet to prove its efficiency. Can you imagine an american football club, for example, where the team should be composed of 50% of Afro-Americans and 50%  of European-Americans? And what about Latinos? Shouldn’t they be included too, with a 33% of representation? A professional sport club is managed in a way to have in the roster the best players possible, wherever they come from. Their ethnic or geographic origin doesn’t matter. And that’s exactly the opposite that feminists try to do with the 50% representation quota. According to their logic, businesses shouldn’t be composed of the best people possible, whatever they are women or men,  but with « equal » representation of these.

Frankly, the whole thing is depressing. On one side, you have the fascists who try to degrade, exploit and submit everyone in a way that makes them slaves, robots or animals. There is no place for human evolution, for nuances, for critical thinking or sensibility. And on the other side, you have the communists/socialists who try instead to found Republics with « new » ideas that were never part of human tradition, while these « new » ideas are yet to prove themselves as worthy and efficient. It is obvious that communism/socialism can’t produce  anything of value. Just take the soviet car Lada as an example. Was it good? No. Examples are numerous where we can see that a system based on bolshevik, marxist, socialist or communist ideas cannot stimulate and engineer anything that will work and stand in the long run. When workers are assured to keep their jobs, they don’t work as well and as hard, and it shows in the final quality of the product.

During this time, feminists continue to brainwash themselves with these idealistic ideas based on fantasy and delusion. It looks like that they don’t understand the game of human life. While in all animal species it is the female that feeds and takes care of the offsprings, certain feminists advocate for the male in human societies to stay home and do precisely that while women go to work! Listen, I could go on for pages but I will simply let you read these three articles from local newspapers. You can find articles with similar views in your local area. Have a good reading and try not to be contaminated by this propaganda.




Hang on, Colonel Ghadafi! You have to continue to fight back against Islamists!

Yes, dear readers. Ghadafi MUST continue fighting the Islamo-fascists that are trying to take over the country. It is a question of life and death for western civilization! We are assisting now at an attempt to recreate the Ottoman Empire, through a Caliphate that would begin at the Detroit of Gibraltar to end at the confines of China. An immense land-mass, the Earth Island as it is called, containing the biggest concentration of natural resources, of oil, of land, etc, where unadulterated Islamic beliefs and practises, Sharia, would be the law of the land. An Empire where pure corporate capitalism would have the time of its life, free to conquer, submit, destroy and exterminate at will! Really, you have to continue the fight, Ghadafi. You might be our last hope to avoid such a nightmare. If Libya stays strong, firm, defiant, it might be enough to sabotage this attempt by the forces of darkness to corrupt the world more than it already is and to bring it to total destruction. Keep fighting back! Stay strong! The future of the whole world is on your shoulders! Check these articles where Ghadafi is seen arriving in a hotel in Tripoli, his fists high in the air in sign of combat and defiance. Really, that expresses beautifully the spirit of resistance!



U.S. Gestapo welcomes Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff to America: Danke Schoen Mein Fuhrer!

© Fabrizio Mariani |

Well, well, well… It seems that anti-liberal or anti-social-democracy sentiments are on the rise in the U.S. Look at the treatment that Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff received when she arrived at the airport in Florida on March 4th. For those of you who don’t know, she was trialed in Austria recently for « incitement to hatred » in relation with a series of speeches  critical of Islam that she gave. She was then pulled off from the line and interrogated for long minutes. She was asked questions as if she were some kind of a criminal. She and a traveling companion were released but were told to « tone down the rhetoric ».

Frankly, I am happy to live in Canada. At this point, it is pretty much too late for Europe, as it will quickly fall into civil war very soon. The bloodshed will be terrible. And in the U.S., some members of the elite of that society, sometimes belonging to the Republican Party  or their sponsors/collaborators have deliberately sold the people to Islamic fundamentalists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and/or similar groups. They have committed treason against the nation itself by giving away the land to the worst kind of humans imaginable: religious fanatics. Honestly, you, the people responsible for that mess, disgust me. You are ready to betray every principle, every law, every right, everything in a nutshell, just to be able to maintain this alliance with pro-corporate capitalism Islamists. For some money, you are ready to sell your soul and all of us with it to these psychopaths? You are a disgrace to this continent. You have wrecked the train of the liberal world, its social structures and economy altogether, and for what exactly, a few unions, a few rights, a few taxes that you judged were « nuisances » to your « liberty »? How many more « Freedom Fighters », such as those Nazi war criminals from the Belarus and the Ukraine that you brought here after WWII, are you willing to bring over to finish the job of submitting us? Personally, I will never submit to Islam. I will remain faithful to Graeco-Roman-Judeo-Christian civilization to my last breath. And for that, there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry.


La dérive du Québec en éducation: la conséquence de 50 ans de socialisme

Voici quelques vidéos du site LaDéséducation, qui est maintenant devenu LaRééducation pour la deuxième série. Dans le premier document, Omar Aktouf, un professeur d’université, nous présente toute une série de chiffres montrant les nombreux endroits où l’État québécois pourrait puiser de l’argent pour répondre aux besoins de la population. Souvent, c’est dans la poche des plus riches ou dans des programmes mal administrés. S’il y a quelqu’un qui ose encore dire que nous ne nous faisons par fourrer, je me demande qu’est-ce que cela va prendre pour qu’il comprenne! L’argent s’envole à coups de milliards! Réveillez-vous, bon sang!

Dans le deuxième vidéo, l’équipe de LaRééducation nous présente le cas de l’École Val-Joubert à Sainte-Paule, près de Matane, Québec. Cette école semble tout à fait fantastique en termes d’intégration, d’apprentissage, d’encadrement, etc. Mais il y a juste un problème…l’école a été fermée! Tiens, tiens, tiens… Cela se pourrait-il que les bons bureaucrates du Ministère de l’Éducation se sont fait prendre les culottes baissées d’incompétence crasse? Voilà une école qui fonctionne bien et qui donne des résultats et nos bons bureaucrates, malgré toutes leurs réformes savantes et régimes pédagogiques, n’en sont pas responsables! Si le taux de décrochage de l’école avait été élevé, si l’apprentissage avait été moyen, si l’intégration avait été difficile, j’imagine que l’école serait encore ouverte aujourd’hui. Voyez-vous, des bureaucrates et des fonctionnaires, c’est un peu comme des parasites. Des rats, par exemple, ont besoin qu’il y ait de la nourriture dans les égoûts ou dans les ruelles pour pouvoir se nourrir. Par eux-mêmes, les parasites ne créent rien: ils vivent aux dépens des autres. Les fonctionnaires et bureaucrates de l’éducation et des gouvernements en général trouvent leur raison d’être dans les problèmes du système et non pas dans ses solutions. Imaginez que le Ministère engage quelqu’un pour s’attaquer au décrochage scolaire. Si effectivement il parvient à régler le problème du décrochage, il vient du même coup de mettre un terme à son emploi. Le Ministère n’aura plus besoin de lui. De plus, le gouvernement perd ainsi des opportunités d’organiser des conférences de presse, de créer des comités, des commissions, des états généraux, des consultations par lesquels il peut donner des emplois à ses amis, donateurs, collaborateurs et faire-valoir, qui sont un autre genre de parasites. Vous comprenez que le gouvernement n’a aucun réel intérêt à régler les problèmes, que ce soit en santé, en éducation ou ailleurs, parce que ce sont justement les problèmes qui alimentent la machine gouvernementale et politique. Comme vous voyez, on est dans de sales draps!

The Guardian’s David Cronin takes the armour of « Free Palestine »

Poor David Cronin… What is he trying to prove here? On February 22nd, while he was affected to cover a EU press conference in Brussel, he engaged in an attempt to make a « citizen’s arrest » of Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. The accusation is, again, that Israel practise apartheid against the Palestinians but one cannot fail to see the connection with the anti-Israel two week boycott event that is being held from March 7th to the 20th. In doing so, Cronin has clearly crossed the line between jounalism and activism. Not being an expert, I would say that it violates the basic rules of jounalism that are recognized and followed through worldwide. What is really interesting though is that Cronin apparently co-authored an article about this incident in which he was nonetheless the key player. The article appeared on the Google News RSS feed. Cronin made a « correction » in the comments section of the news, saying that he didn’t co-author it. But was it an attempt to cover-up after the fact or a « slip of the keyboard »? After Julian Assange’s comments on the Guardian’s editor and team, alleging they were Jewish, it is certainly flavorous to see that anti-Israel video. Check the report that HonestReporting made of it and the video of the « citizen’s arrest » attempt. Terrific moments in democracy…


Feminism is bolshevism: two examples

Here are two newspaper articles that express the naivety and immaturity of what is called « feminist » thinking, which is nothing else than disguised bolshevism. The 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day is coming next tuesday on March 8th. The precursor of the Day, the National Women’s Day, was organized by the Socialist Party of America in 1909. In 1911, the first International Women’s Day took place in Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany, at which occasion women took the opportunity to advocate for their rights. Starting in 1913, the Day was progressively transfered to March 8th. In 1917, the Day was held on the 23rd of February in Petrograd. A bread riot broke out led by women. They marched through the streets gathering men from the many factories. Up to 100,000 people occupied downtown districts for three or four days. Many people joined the protests, quite similar to what we are seeing now in the Middle East. More recently, to give a local example, in 2000, 50 feminist activists met at Philips Square in downtown Montreal on March 9th, the day after the Day. They proceeded to Mary Queen of the World catholic cathedral where, inside, they spray-painted slogans for abortion on the altar, sticked sanitary napkins on pictures and walls, spread condoms all over the place and committed various mayhems. You surely have your own examples in your area.

I propose to you two articles to feed your reflection on the links between feminism and bolshevism. First, a paper from Naomi Wolf, in which she tries to convince us that women played an important role in the uprisings in the Middle East. You see, we have to read reality as it is, not as we would like it to be. She idealizes these women from the street protests as if they were some kind of heroes, linking them implicitely to women in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, while they probably were only, like their male counterpart, useful fools participating in a much bigger game. We have to let go with this infantile and desastrous tendency to intellectualize and conceptualize things. Reality is what it is, not what we would like it to be. Women as much as men are the prey of powerful forces that couldn’t care less about women’s rights or rights of any sorts, unless they play along with the agenda of the oligarchies that rule the world.


The second article is by Janet Bagnall from the Montreal Gazette. Incidently, she opens her article by mentioning the 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day. She tries to make the case of Norway as a model for equality. Again, we have the « privilege » to be gunned down with numbers relative to gender representation in certain jobs. She gives for example the statistics that only 3% of women are chief executives of the world’s biggest 500 companies, and that only 15% of parliamentary positions are held by women, as if it was only a question of mathematics. There are plenty of factors that explain why women are under-represented in certain jobs, the most important being biological and physiological differences that make a woman different from a man. That, the feminists can’t understand. They absolutely have to get their 50% quota of representation because if not, they won’t sleep at night. In all animal species, the female give birth and take care of the offsprings while the male chase and bring food. It has been like that for a long time with humans and it will remain exactly like that probably until the end of times, because humans don’t choose what they are. They manage with it and make the best out of it.

Bagnall brings the example of Norway as being almost the closest realization of feminist Paradise on earth. In 2006, the State introduced a law that requires at least a 40% representation of women in boards of publicly traded companies… But what if there are not enough qualified women to fill all these positions? Does that mean that they have to hire incompetent women to complete the quota? It looks that way. Skei Grande, leader of the Liberal Party in Norway, said to Bagnall that they don’t even think about gender representation anymore. It is 50%-50% and that’s it…

You know, I am a strong partisan of competence in workplaces and I don’t like these forced quotas that enterprises have to conform to. In the end, I can’t help but to see in this the footprint of bolshevism, which I call red fascism. Equality doesn’t mean egalitarianism. Women and men being equals doesn’t imply that they have to do exactly the same things and the same way. Our women in the western world have been corrupted by a totalitarian ideology, feminism, which is only a front for bolshevism. That is why they have been complaining for a century and are still continuing to do so. Bolshevism can’t make women happy and it will never be able to. Women have to look elsewhere, inside of them first, and second in the wisdom of the tradition. Man is not the enemy of woman, he is her partner.


‘Happiness’ replaces ‘Harmony’ as China’s buzzword

© Mahesh14 |

Welcome to Brave New World, Communist China’s version. After several years of ‘Harmony’ being forced upon the population of China, the era of ‘Happiness’ begins in the background of the many uprisings that are happening since a couple of weeks in the Middle East and that have reached China as well, where 100 people gathered in protest against the regime have been arrested so far. The communist regime is certainly interested to change the atmosphere of recent weeks and refocus on more « positive » thinking. Officials in China have now the mandate, and they will be judged on that ability apparently, to make people feel happy. Welcome to the perfect world of communism where the State thinks for you and for your every need.


Assange alleges smear job by a Jewish-led conspiracy

Well, well, well… Isn’t that just fantastic? Julian Assange, probably the fakiest Lefty of the century (see FTR #724, FTR #732 and FTR #733) has shown his true colors. The story published in Private Eye magazine reports that Assange suggested that a smear campaign  was being orchestrated by Jews, including allegedly the editor of The Guardian, Alan Rusbridger, as well as other staff members such as David Leigh and John Kampfner. Rusbridger is not Jewish at all to start with. But the most interesting thing here is the synchronicity with a worldwide anti-Israel event that will take place from March 7th to the 20th. The 7th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week will aim at protesting against the supposed apartheid that Israelis impose on Palestinians. The fact that these statements by Julian Assange were pronounced just a fews days before this worldwide event begins is not a coincidence. I think they were deliberately planted there because they are a part of the Annual Week. But here…we have to be understanding and show our compassion to Julian Assange. After all, it is hard to live a life of pretension and acting 24 hours a day… When you are a fascist, to pretend to be a Leftist is difficult. So if he, once in a while, drops the ball, we have to be forgiving. Every man can make mistakes, even professional liars.


Hate is coming to Orange County? What about the desire to resist and fight back?

You know what? I like it… I know, it is not beautiful, not sexy, not elegant, not « mesured » or « moderate » but I like it, because it expresses finally these emotions that for political correctness, relativism of values and mutliculturalism we have suppressed for so long. We have to fight back against what is clearly an invasion of our space and life. Islamic militants promote a barbaric philosophy that, if allowed to flourish, will make humans de-evolve to barbarians. We have to rise and fight against these people, even if it is not cute.

Amir Khadir and the ready-to-wear anti-semitism

© Roman Malyshev |

This is an article from Barbara Key of the National Post. She presents the case here of Amir Khadir of Québec Solidaire Party, Quebec MNA in the circonscription of Mercier. Last fall, Amir Khadir joined a group of anti-Israel protesters, the PAJU, the Palestinians And Jews United. That group advocates the boycott of all products manufactured in Israel as a denounciation of what they call the « apartheid » that, supposedly, Israel imposes on Palestinians. The PAJU has targeted a small store on St-Denis street in Montreal, Le Marcheur, for the  only reason that it sells shoes of the brand Beautifeel, made in Israel.

Here are a few facts about Israel’s day-to-day life:

  • 20% of the population is composed of non-Jews
  • The Arab minority in Israel has to right to vote and has representatives in the Parlement
  • Non-Jews can have sexual relations with Jews. They can use the same transportation system and the same hospitals. They can give or receive blood from Jews
  • Arab workers in Israel have the same rights and conditions than Jewish workers
  • Arabs have access to the same schools than the Jews
  • There is no discrimination in public places such as cinema venue or beaches
  • Arabic is one of the official languages in Israel

So how « apartheid » does that sound? What is really interesting about the article is that I am involved in this. I belong to the counter-protesters who join Mr Archambault and Ms Auger in their fight against fanaticism, fascism, nazism and anti-semitism. Every saturday we gather to make sure that these fascists from the PAJU won’t get the upper hand in that conflict and that the rights of Jews and French-Canadians or Québécois are respected and defended. Many people are beginning to ask themselves what Amir Khadir really does in the end. He admitted to have been in the past a member of the People’s Mujahiddin of Iran, a socialist Islamist group created to overthrow the Islamic Republic of Iran. Khadir’s brother, Omid, was arrested in Paris in 2003 at the organization’s base in a police operation. So it is not clear what his agenda is but, under the circumstances, we have to be very careful and ready to combat tooth and nail against anything he does. Social-democracy is the best political system that the world has ever invented. We have to do everything in our power to protect it.

What is striking here is how criticism of Israel is just another front for anti-semitism. Bashing Israel being more socially acceptable than just expressing direct and plain anti-semitic views, it can be sold more easily to the middle class, to he bourgeois who delect indulging in this kind of sentiments. Effectively, denouncing Israel sounds cool, right, seeming to come from a learned opinion because it doesn’t possess the stain of anti-semitism and nazism that is often fatal. It is ready-to-wear anti-semitism for the bourgeois.

