Makis « Hammer » Voridis: The return of Thor and the rise of Wotan in Greece?

The picture that you can see here in this post by anti-fascist researcher and radio host Dave Emory is reminiscent, as he points out, of the fascis, « a bun­dle of rods bound together with an axe head joined to it ». The fascis was chosen by Mussolini to describe the Corporate State. As it is rightfully brought to our attention by Mark Ames in this article, the new « Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks », Makis « Hammer » Voridis, was seen and photographed during his youth chasing down leftist students with a hammer on campus in Greece. He was the leader of a group of fascist students called « Student Alternative » at the University of Athens law school. The character of Voridis himself and his use of a hammer/axe is exemplarily relevant in this context and it opens the doors wide open for me.

Fascism, in its essence, is not a Christian phenomenon. Although it has shown signs of affection for crosses and other Christian symbols, we can’t really say it implies any particular relationship with Christianity. On the contrary. Fascism, and we have seen it in full light with Nazism, is derived rather from the Norse/Scandinavian and/or Germanic mythology, expressed notably in the sacred books of the Eddas. This mythology is centered on the need and the desire to wage war, to prepare for battle, to conquer. There is nothing « Christian » about it. The symbols chosen by Nazi Germany, the torches, the swastika, the crosses, the flags, all these things were realigned to satisfy the needs of a religion of war, destruction and bloodshed. The fact that Mussolini chose the fascis to describe his project for Italy is not incidental and the fact that Makis Voridis used such an instrument in the past is literally a sign, even if it is a bad one, from the heavens to give us a clue. As Emory points out, a fascist junta took power in Greece in 1967 and its leaders were drawn form the residua of WWII collaborationists who were running the local government for the Third Reich.

But there is something that speaks volumes even more. One of the main characters of Norse/Scandinavian mythology is Thor, son of Odin. Well, it just happens that Thor always goes to battle with his favorite companion, Mjöllnir, a hammer… Thor was even integrated in the more modern mythology of Marvel Comics in the sixties. A blockbuster film was made last year about it. And when we know the business connections that exist between American and German corporations and their influence in the rise of fascism in Europe, it is not a surprise. More specifically in terms of Germanic mythology, Odin has its equivalent in the god Wotan. Great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung has written a text on the cult of Wotan and its relationship with the rise of Nazism in Germany and his contemporary criticism remains certainly as valid today as it was yesterday. Wotan is the « the god of storm and frenzy, the unleasher of passions and the lust of battle; moreover he is a superlative magician and artist in illusion who is versed in all secrets of an occult nature ». Sounds familiar with a guy named Hitler? Jung analyses several important aspects of German culture and literature, such as Nietzsche and his masterpiece Thus Spake Zarathustra, the inheritage of Meister Eckhart, the relationships between Wotan and Dionysus, among other things.

So, my friends, I would ask you, is Makis « Hammer » Voridis, an incarnation of Thor, descending form the skies…or just another puppet of a fascist takeover of Greece that is to come really soon?

Kevin Freeman on economic and financial terrorism: The Chinese threat and Unrestricted Warfare

© Boroda |

This episode from the Frank Gaffney Show on Secure Freedom Radio deals with a more tenuous aspect of terrorism than the one we are used to deal with. In effect, terrorism and warfare undertaken through means of economic and financial manipulations are not easily recognizable and diagnosable by us, the laymen, in normal circumstances. If such shenanigans can have as terrible consequences as 9/11 produced, they can never be as spectacular and so they remain most of the time unnoticed. The 2008 financial collapse produced a loss of wealth estimated at 13 trillion dollars for the U.S. and 53 trillions for the whole world. Frank Gaffney’s January 17th guest, Kevin Freeman, brought to our attention something that unfortunately passed under the radar of a vast number of western observers. In effect, two colonels of the People’s Liberation Army of China, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, have written in 1999 a book on military strategy titled Unrestricted Warfare. That manuel seems to have inspired a few of the machinations that we have seen unfolding since the ’90s, including possibly even 9/11 itself. In a nutshell, the book describes how a weaker military power can wage war against a powerful country like the United States through unconventional means, such as lawfare, economic warfare, network (computer) warfare, terrorism, etc, in a way to progressively weaken it and have it crumble from the inside.

Kevin Freeman unfolds the analysis of this case using the example of what he calls « Bear Raids », i.e. the aggressive and hostile financial and market manipulations that were used and that led to the crash of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. George Soros is widely known to have used these kind of tricks against institutions perceived as weak links to become the rich man he is today, and he certainly didn’t miss the opportunity to do so prior to and during the 2008 crisis. He is even mentioned by name in the document itself of Unrestricted Warfare, at least once on page 135 of the English version. Anonymous people betted against these firms, in other terms they betted on their collapse. Freeman mentions a bet of some 1,7 million dollars. Who would take such a bet without having concrete evidence that the market will effectively collapse? Signs were indicating that these bets were coming from the Middle East and London. Kevin Freeman then alludes to more specific tricks used by financial predators and sharks, like short selling and naked short selling. Without puting into question the competence of Kevin Freeman on these matters, I think Lucy Komisar has done a better job of explaining the mechanics of these two particular gambits, so as a complement I would refer you to this previous post where you will be able to get a lot of detailed information about short selling and naked short selling. I recommend that you listen to the one-hour interview that she gave to radio host Dave Emory in For The Record #650. Freeman also touches on some complementary elements to try to sum up the question of financial terrorism in relation with Unrestricted Warfare. That show is a not-to-miss to understand a little better the world in which we live.

Kevin Freeman with Frank Gaffney

Uncle Sam and Nazism: The role played by Henry Ford and other industrialists in the rise of the Third Reich

Dave Emory’s For The Record show #511 revisits the broadcast of May 23rd 1980 in which connections between American industrialists and financiers and their German counterparts during WWII were explored. Among many others, the role played by Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford is discussed at considerable length. First, Henry Ford published a very important book that would prove to be instrumental in the rise of both fascism and anti-semitism in Europe, titled The International Jew. Hitler praised Henry Ford for the book, which became the basis of his ideological views on the economy, the nation and on the Jews. It is said that Hitler literally copied several portions of The International Jew and incorporated them into his own book, Mein Kampf, besides being influenced as well by another very important publication of this era, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fake manifesto describing a worldwide plot by the Jews to take over the world, was written by the Tsarist police to discredit the Bolshevik revolution. Ford financed Hitler considerably and his stature as an industrialist greatly contributed to give Hitler and the Nazis credibility. Hitler eventually awarded him with the Grand Cross of the German Eagle on July 1938. Also, Ford’s son was named on the board of directors of American I.G., the American counterpart of I.G. Farben of Germany, a company that would play a key role for the Reich before and during WWII. Among other things, they are the ones who manufactured the Zyklon-B gas that was used to kill the Jews in concentration camps.

Emory explores the role played by I.G. Farben, German General Electric, United Steel, ITT, the Rockefeller family, the Bush family, Brown Brothers Harriman, Sullivan and Cromwell, and other interests who were ready to work in favor of Germany. A lot of « arrangements » made during WWII between American and German companies and/or subsidiaries. After all, business had to continue despite of the war. For example, the reinsurance sector led to a lot of leakage in intelligence as American insurance companies were reinsuring assets, such as boats about to depart for Europe, in Munich. As the Germans knew in advance what ship would leave on a particular date with a specific cargo, all they had to do was to send submarines along the shores of America and wait for the targetted boats and sink them. Another element that was instrumental in the success of the Third Reich, at least at the beginning of the war, was the technology transfer and licensing being done under the Rockefeller company Standard Oil of New Jersey and General Motors to I.G. Farben, for the fabrication of synthetic oil: the hydrogenation process, iso-octane and tetra-ethyl lead technologies and butyl rubber. It allowed Hitler and the Nazis to go forward with their war plans and proceed with the invasion of Poland and other countries. If that transfer of technology had not happened, WWII would not have occured in the first place.

Uncle Sam and the swastika: 25 years later

Netanyahu’s UN adress of 09-23-2011 on Palestinian bid

© Emirsimsek |

Watch this great presentation by Netanyahu at the UN last friday. He spoke the truth. No games, no detours. I don’t know what to say really. I am just so glad he made that speech. That is brilliant. I join a few articles on the subject by the National Post.

Netanyahu's speech at the UN on 09-23-2011

Netanyahu chides UN

Abbas UN speech directed hostility at Israel

Abbas may be declaring end to peace

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould: The 9/11 and Psychological Warfare series

Top notch journalists Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould reflect here on 9/11 and psychological warfare. It is always a pleasure to read these two. The high quality of their work needs to be praised. I could analyse in details these articles but I think it is best if you just read for yourself the fabulous research that they have done. For more information, don’t forget to visit their website at: Invisible History.

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part I

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part II

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part III

9/11, Psychological Warfare and the American Narrative – Part IV

Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China, by David Kilgour and David Matas

© Yobidaba |

Here is a report on organ harvesting in China. Believe it or not, it appears that Falun Gong practitioners are the victims of a campaign aimed at harvesting their organs without their consent, evidently. These organs then go to rich Chinese families, friends with the communist regime. The report has been realized by David Kilgour, Member of Parliament of Canada for more than 25 years, and David Matas, who worked as a representative for the Canadian Government on the international scene in several organizations.

Organ Harvesting

Capitalism is The Crisis: A movie about the rise of fascism and high finance organized crime

This movie about the evolution of capitalism is a must-see. It puts into context the 2008 « financial crisis », which was in reality only a trick to defraud public treasuries and pension funds in the U.S. and around the world to benefit corporate finance. It was a plain and simple theft. And it has been used as a pretext to steal even more from the poor and the middle class by imposing on them « austerity » measures to compensate for the losses. Austerity measures don’t solve any problems but, on the contrary, exacerbate them by creating unemployment, a slowdown in consumption, decrease in investments, etc, which in turn creates even more umeployment. Among other things, the documentary takes a look at social protests held during the G20 meeting in Toronto, in Greece and Europe, and in Wisconsin.

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould comment on Ahmed Wali Karzai assassination

Again, the excellent Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould continue their groundbreaking presentation and analysis of the complex and difficult situation in AfPak, the region of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The murder of Hamid Karzai’s brother, who was apparently the local druglord (heroin), comes within a few weeks of the bin Laden one. It seems that, one by one, the Americans and/or their allies are getting rid of bad assets in the region. Have the bin Ladens and the Karzais of this world went astray of the agendas that were set for them? It certainly seems so. Thank you Paul and Elizabeth for the great job that you do for us.

Fitzgerald-Gould on Ahmed Wali Karzai

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Russia in the league of weather warfare

© Patricia Fatta |

According to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a Duma member, Russia could be tempted by the use of electromagnetic weapons to conduct warfare against other nations. In an article published in The Nation, he alludes to Georgia that could be annexed by Russia and to the instability in the Middle East region. The article comes, for me, as a confirmation of something that I have been aware for a certain period of time. States and nations are at war using various types of means, including the use of electromagnetic radiation, whether they are ELF, HF, microwaves, regular EM waves, etc. It think we can assume that there are at least a dozen countries and/or entities that have developped the capability to use electromagnetic waves and conduct warfare with them. Russia and China immediately come to mind, and the Third Reich evidently as well, as a de facto « State » with no aboveground official territory. The other states that could have the technology are anybody’s guess. The article is also very helpful to remind us that the American facility based in Alaska, HAARP, doesn’t have to take the blame for every curious and dubious weather phenomenon that occurs. If an artificial weather phenomenon has been triggered with electromagnetic waves, it could come from anyone that possesses the technology. I think it is fair to assume that, in the past, the people who work at the HAARP facility in Alaska have been unfairly accused of triggering weather catastrophies, while it was probably somebody else’s fault. In respect with our situation here in North America, it is conceivable to envision that the Underground Reich, Russia and oil-producer reactionary elements of the Middle East are the best candidates to do environmental damage over here. I guess we will see in the near future who does what.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky on The Nation