Let’s hear two of the most kind leaders on Earth these days, as the world is heading toward either barbarism or annihilation, unless we, democrats, do whatever it takes to defend democracy, human rights and freedom of speech.
Archives par mot-clé : Benjamin Netanyahu
Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel
This reportage about Barack Obama says it all about both the man and the President. Overall, his conduct has been characterized by deceit, hypocrisy and lie. Any questions?
Netanyahu’s UN adress of 09-23-2011 on Palestinian bid
Watch this great presentation by Netanyahu at the UN last friday. He spoke the truth. No games, no detours. I don’t know what to say really. I am just so glad he made that speech. That is brilliant. I join a few articles on the subject by the National Post.
Netanyahu's speech at the UN on 09-23-2011
‘Team B II’ Members with ‘Israel: You’re Not Alone’
Check this video from the coalition « Israel: You’re Not Alone« . The coalition gave a press conference in Washington D.C. on May 23rd. Three members of « Team B II » and co-authors of the document Sharia: The Threat to America that exposes the infiltration of America and the western world by Muslim Brotherhood agents, joined the coalition. They are: Tom Trento, Gen. Jerry Boykin, and Frank Gaffney of the Center For Security Policy. What prompted the coalition to adress the press is, guess what, Barack Obama’s infatuation with the 1967 lines, which he clearly expressed earlier in May in a State Department declaration. This statement by Obama not only upset Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, but a certain number of « real » Americans as well, like the ones you can get acquainted with here in this video. I begin to think that Obama, maybe, has lost judgement. His policy on the Middle East is short-sighted, irresponsible and just crazy. In an earlier post, I came to the conclusion that he is no longer the man of the situation and that he will have to be replaced at the Presidential Election in 2012. But before that, those of us who really believe in democracy and in the liberal world, and that want to protect our civilization against the attacks made by barbaric and reactionary ideologies, must stand by Israel and the Jewish community. Real progressives support Israel. It’s not a matter of debate. This is how you manage to differentiate the real from the phony ones. Israel is the cradle of Judeo-Christian civilization and it must treated as such, not like Obama wants to treat it…almost like a Muslim or a dhimmi would do. Check this out.
Confrontation at Concordia: an Iran-Nazi fifth column in Canada
This film, Confrontation at Concordia, is a great follow up and complement to Discordia, that documentary produced by the National Film Board of Canada about the 2002 riot at Concordia University. This short film shows how the activist, pro-Islamist, leftist and sometimes extreme-leftist milieu in North American universities is in fact an Iran-Nazi fifth column among us that threatens to destroy our society. People who participate in protests against Israel in our universities are often violent, racist, anti-semitic, obnoxious. They encourage mayhem, vandalizing and destroying property and denying freedom of speech to Jews and opponents. I would like here to remind Palestinians and Arab nations a few things, in case you haven’t got history right. First, if we go back in past centuries, the Arab world made no significant development in terms of science, culture, civilization, in roughly 8 centuries, from the 12th to the 20th. It looks as if the Crusades had struck such a blow on the Arab civilization that it virtually stopped there its development. And that’s not Israel’s fault. Second, you lost WWI and as a result, the Ottoman Empire was divided into several countries but no country was formed under the name Palestine. Israel didn’t exist at the time, so it can’t be blamed for it, although a lot of people do. So I wonder on what basis exactly you are blaming the Jews for your predicament and your situation. You should look at yourselves first. Look at what you did wrong to explain your situation. It takes only cowards to blame the Jews for anything. Look into yourselves.
Next, in the second video, Benjamin Netanyahu adresses the students of Canada about the situation in the Near-East, Israel and its relation with Palestinians. The contrast between the « democratic » expressions of the pro-Palestinian activists and the moderation of Netanyahu is staggering. He also sketches the various reasons, historical, ideological, political, cultural, etc, that have led to so much hatred toward the Jews and the State of Israel. Netanyahu is a moderate man, civilized, democratic, liberal. To label him as a war criminal is nonsense. It gives you an idea about the level of brainwashing, mind-control, propaganda and hysteria that exist in the Arab/Muslim worldwide community. Nothing is never their fault; it’s always either Israel’s or America’s. This has got to end. Come on, brave men. I summon you to rise up and fight back against this tyranny of lies and deceptions! Israel is our Fatherland. We have to protect it. If it is destroyed, peace will never come in the Middle East nor anywhere else on Earth. Continuer la lecture
L’émeute de l’Université Concordia de 2002: Délégitimation d’Israel au Canada
Je vous présente ici un documentaire de l’ONF intitulé Discordia, sur l’importante émeute qu’il y a eue à l’Université Concordia de Montréal en 2002. Benjamin Netanyahu, le Premier Ministre actuel d’Israël avait été alors invité par un groupe d’étudiants juifs de l’université pour prononcer une conférence. Lorsque les activistes islamiques et gauchistes de Concordia ont eu vent de la nouvelle, ils ont organisé une gigantesque manifestation qui a rapidement tourné à l’émeute. Les responsables de l’événement ont alors décidé d’annuler la conférence et Netanyahu a quitté discrètement l’immeuble. En visionnant le document, on apprend que l’association étudiante de Concordia, la CSU, a joué un rôle important dans l’organisation des protestations. Sa Présidente, Sabine Freisinger, ainsi que son Vice-Président, Aaron Maté, étaient directement impliqués. Or, il appert que Sabine Freisinger est une des activistes qui fait parti du groupe PAJU, Palestiniens et Juifs Unis, qui à tous les samedis harcèlent un petit commerçant du Plateau Mont-Royal, la boutique Le Marcheur, parce qu’il vent des souliers fabriqués en Israël correspondant à 2% de son chiffre d’affaires, et ce avec la bénédiction et le leadership d’Amir Khadir, député de Mercier à l’Assemblée Nationale. Cette manifestation du PAJU s’inscrit dans la campagne mondiale de délégitimation d’Israël, la BDS, Boycott-Désinvestissement-Sanctions. Dans le documentaire, en plus de Freisinger, on aperçoit également Chadi Marouf qui lui aussi participe au boycott du Marcheur, ainsi que Jaggi Singh, cet activiste altermondialiste bien connu qui a plaidé coupable récemment à une accusation d’avoir incité des citoyens à démolir la clôture de sécurité du G20. Notez à cet effet qu’Amir Khadir, surprise surprise, notre bon député de Mercier, est intervenu dans ce dossier en payant une partie de la caution pour le faire libérer. Voir l’article de Radio-Canada à cet effet. On peut donc voir côte à côte Jaggi Singh, Chadi Marouf et Aaron Maté dans les locaux de la CSU à Concordia. Et on peut également faire la connaissance du « charmant » Palestinien Samer Elatrash. C’est lui qui a pris en charge l’émeute et selon ce que l’on apprend, un procès a été intenté contre lui pour le rôle qu’il y a joué.
Integral Netanyahu speech before U.S. Congress on 05/24/2011
© I3alda | Dreamstime.com
This is the integral speech. You don’t want to miss that from the man who stands up to Obama. Will Israel accept that its territory be shrinked to a tiny indefensible piece of land, while it is surrounded by hostile and bloodthirsty nations? Of course not. Two thumbs up for a man who rises up for democracy, freedom of speech, against all odds! Frankly, there is a problem with Obama and I think that I am not alone who begin to see that. His call to have Israel return to the pre-1967 « borders » is insane. These « borders » are in fact the 1949 armistice lines. There are not borders or frontiers, only lines that both parties agreed with for the ceasefire. Remember that Israel was attacked in 1948, 1967 and 1973. So the « borders » of post-1967 are not a fancy taste or inclination. They are essential for its security in the short term. How come nobody sees that? Could Third Reich progaganda be at work here? Of course not… Continuer la lecture
The Economics of 9/11. When greed becomes high class virtue: social darwinism on the horizon
Much has been said and discussed about the various hypotheses related to the engineering of 9/11, in terms of concrete, physical means. Controlled demolition, nano-thermites, beams of energy, wired buildings, etc, every possible lead has been explored, including the one of the official narrative. Because it entails a much deeper, complex set of evidence and pieces of information, I will discuss this aspect of the subject in a later post. However, for the moment, let’s be aware that very little has been said about the financial or economical dimensions of 9/11, which are in fact extremely important for the comprehension of what happened on that date.
As it is often the case, I rely for that matter on the research of the excellent anti-fascist radio host Dave Emory. To begin with, to set the scene, one thing that has to be cleared right away is that there are powerful elements in western society, including America, who are in business joint ventures with the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB, as an entity, has a corporate capitalism doctrine based on the teachings of Ibn Khaldun, a medieval Muslim philosopher. Because of that, members of this reactionary group have been identified as dignified business partners by these same elements of our society who advocate economic laissez-faire policies. In other terms, what we also call free market capitalism, or used to call fascism in the ’30s and ’40s, is now in league with Islamists to impose by force their economic and financial model over the world, at the expense evidently of local populations who only demand for democratic reforms, freedom of speech and respect of human rights. In that regard, the situation is comparable to what happened during WWII, when U.S. and other western corporations did business with Nazi Germany while U.S. and allied troops were dying on the battle field fighting against them. Continuer la lecture
Série de cartes sur les frontières de 1967: pour contrer la propagande occidentale et islamique
Je vous propose une série de cartes et d’informations utiles pour vous aider à contrer la propagande haineuse dirigée contre Israel provenant de l’Islam, ainsi que celle provenant de l’Occident et qui sert à protéger ses intérêts financiers et investissements. En effet, malheureusement, pour ne pas froisser leurs partenaires d’affaires, plusieurs pays occidentaux semblent prêts à mordre dans cette propagande de pacotille sur les lignes de 1967 qui, si elles sont retenues, vont tout simplement ouvrir la porte à l’extermination pure et simple de tous les Israéliens. Car les Islamistes ne vont jamais se satisfaire de simplement obtenir, entre autres, le territoire de la Cisjordanie. Non. Ce qu’ils veulent, c’est exterminer Israel, car Israel, ce sont des Juifs. Le Coran compare les Juifs à des chiens et tous les musulmans sont indoctrinés depuis l’enfance à haïr les Juifs, les tuer et souhaiter leur extermination. Obama, consciemment ou non, se fait l’intermédiaire et le messager de ce désir profond, et de ce fait, vient de perdre toute crédibilité comme intervenant sur la question. Au fond, je commence à me demander si Obama ne serait pas la marionnette de puissances islamiques, liées aux pays producteurs de pétrole, ou encore d’intérêts occidentaux ayant des liens commerciaux étroits avec ces gens. D’une manière ou d’une autre, Obama vient de montrer son vrai visage. On ne peut plus lui faire confiance. Maintenant, Stephan Harper, Premier Ministre du Canada, devient le meilleur allié de Netanyahu dans son projet de protéger Israel, le seul État démocratique du proche et moyen-Orient. Donnons-leur notre appui inconditionnel. Ne manquez pas le commentaire de Rav Dynovitz que j’ai joint. Cela résume bien le ridicule de la position d’Obama.
Video presentation about the necessity of defensible borders for Israel
Check this video presentation about Israel defensible borders. It shows clearly why Obama’s proposal is not realistic at all. In fact, it is suicidal and Netanyahu would be an idiot to accept that. I begin to suspect that Obama might be too much under the influence of people like Karl Rove or Grover Norquist, who are working to please America’s Muslim business partners around the world. Obama’s proposal falls clearly under the agenda of the OIC, the Arab League and the Bormann Capital Network and all their nazi friends. The retreat of Israel to pre-1967 borders is crazyness. To call for that is a call for the destruction of Israel and the mass-extermination of its inhabitants. That would certainly please the Third Reich and the millions of anti-semites and Nazis that populate the Earth. The presentation is short but effective and clear. If that doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will.