Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden speaks about JFK assassination

This speech by Abraham Bolden is very revealing. It confirms what Russ Baker has written in his marvelous book Family of Secrets. Bolden, the first African-American man to serve for the Secret Service has quite an interesting story to tell. Bolden served during the Kennedy years and was named by Kennedy himself on the White House beat. He says that the Secret Service was openly racist in those years, toward blacks at least, and that its agents were frustrated toward Kennedy for hiring a black man. Some agents were saying privately that they wouldn’t do anything to defend the President and that he would soon be « taken care of ». Apparently, he was not eager enough for some people to invade Cuba and needed to be replaced by somebody who would be. Bolden heard that a hotel maid reported having seen a room equipped with riffles and maps of the President’s itinerary. This itinerary for a Chicago visit in the fall of 1963 was similar to the following Dallas visit on November 22nd 1963. Bolden tried to speak about it, before and after the assassination. According to him, reports have been changed to cover for the perpetrators of the assassination. For example, an incident involving the security of the President that occured on October the 27th 1963 was retyped to November the 28th 1963. Because Bolden didn’t shut his mouth, he was arrested and tried on bogus charges, and sent to a mental hospital.

Stalin wouldn’t have done it better. This speech was given recently. It expresses for me the true nature of JFK, completely different from the propaganda that the people who engineered this coup try to make us believe. A recent book published by Random House and titled Once Upon A Secret, by Mimi Alford, is a good example of such propaganda and smear attempts. Thanks to Russ Baker for having unearthed this piece of truly revealing information. Here is the article on where you can listen to the speech. Baker gave several interviews to radio host and antifascist researcher Dave Emory. To access these interviews, see this post.

Secret Service Vet With Very Strange JFK Story

Comedian Bill Hicks on the assassination of JFK

Thanks to Russ Baker from to have rediscovered and shared with us this incredible performance by comedian Bill Hicks. Through humor, Hicks reminds us that the official version of JFK’s assassination is ridiculous. By the way, Russ Baker has researched this topic for five years. These efforts produced a remarkable book titled Family of Secrets. Check it out.

Russ Baker on the state of the media

This is an interview with Russ Baker, author of Family of Secrets. He talks here on KUNM-FM Albuquerque on the state of the media in the United States, and as a whole throughout the world. Since he started his website,, he is trying really hard to give back to the profession of journalism the kind of distinction, class and professionalism that it used to have, if it ever did. Great interview to reflect on the significance of these zillions of bytes on information that we consume everyday.

Russ Baker on the CallIn Show on KUNM-FM

Russ Baker on Libya on the Peter B. Collins Show: French Intelligence

Again, it is a great pleasure for me to reference the work of a great journalist. Russ Baker has been doing a terrific job for many years, and since the publication of his masterpiece Family of Secrets, he hasn’t cease to work, enquire, search for trails of investigation, for leads to be able to bring new facts or evidence to the light of day on subjects or cases of interest. Here he takes on the difficult subject of Libya. I must say that what he presents in this new article makes a great deal of sense. In a nutshell, the Libyan war has been planned and orchestrated by elements of both French and Italian intelligence. The whole thing began with Qaddafi’s protocol chief, Nouri Al-Mesmari, visit to France in October 2010. Under the cover of alleged medical treatments, he began talks with French intelligence to examine the possibility of taking Qaddafi down. Among many elements Russ Baker’s excellent article dwells on, is a project that apparently was concocted by the European Union to NATO-ize the Mediterranean, strangely reminiscent of the mare-nostrum contemplated during the days of the Roman Empire. Also, mining and oil considerations have played a big role in the Libyan « uprising » if you consider that Libya exports 32% of its oil to Italy alone. Europe has no source of oil that is local. They have to import oil and other resources from neighbouring countries.

I just have one element to add and I think it is important. One year ago or so, Qaddafi threatened Europe to swarm the continent with Black immigration if the EU didn’t give him something like 5 bn euros a year. He made this incredible demand, that sounded rather like extortion or blackmail, during a two-day visit in Italy. Also during this trip, he hosted two « convert to Islam parties » which infuriated the Catholic Church. No surprise he got toppled… So first, you can familiarize yourself by listening to the interview with Russ Baker on the Peter B. Collins Show and then read the entire article. I also joined the article from the Mail Online that talks about Qaddafi’s threat.

Russ Baker on the Peter B. Collins Show

Russ Baker on the Libyan war

Gaddafi demands EU 4bn

Interview with Russ Baker on the Peter B. Collins Show

Listen to this terrific interview with Russ Baker, author of Family of Secrets and founder of, a website dedicated to the pursuit of true, unimpaired and non-co-opted investigative journalism. Peter B. Collins receives him in his « secret » studio for a friendly conversation on subjects related to his work as a « forensic journalist ». Among different topics, the bin Laden case gets their immediate attention as Baker explores various issues and questions that he has concerning the timing, framing, engineering and crafting of the operation, and the communication or rhetorical job that was done by the Administration afterwards. For example, Baker notes that as the official version kept changing constantly, it was a clear sign that the story was in fact scripted, which opens many options in terms of what really happened in the first place. The DNA test, the burial at sea, the behavior of bin Laden when the operation occured, the behavior of women in the compound and several other elements lead Baker to raise serious doubts concerning the veracity of what we are being told by Washington. You know that I, for myself, was a skeptic form the start, as you may have read it in this earlier post written 48 hours after the events. Also, Baker proves again that he is a great person to have on board for a radio host and Collins, as usual, offers all the space his guest needs to share with us his inner thoughts, in this case on the killing of bin Laden, which resumes itself in the end to be one of the most important PSYOPS in decades. Baker also touches on the subject of private Bradley Manning, the man who allegedly dumped a series of files to the WikiLeaks website. Baker comments on Manning in a way to make us realize that he is not really a whistleblower, like other observers have also said in recent past. I also propose to you a series of articles by Baker posted on WhoWhatWhy, that deal with the bin Laden execution to help you continue your study. As well, for a review of Family of Secrets, you can visit this page here.

Interview with Russ Baker

12 questions about bin Laden

More questions on bin Laden

Evidence on Abbottabad

Ray McGovern’s performance during Clinton’s speech on freedom on the Internet: childishness or more smearing?

I hesitated a lot before covering this story, and then suddenly I decided to go ahead with it. I wasn’t sure exactly what to think, I had certain doubts and questions but now I see more clearly. In fact, what I actually thought on first impression has imposed itself as the valid explanation. I also have to mention that the story was covered as well by people I respect in the progressive sector and because they covered it in a way that I feel is not correct, I feel obligated to retort and set the record strait. I became aware of this story through the Boiling Frogs show and the Peter B. Collins show. As you may know, the websites for these two shows are listed on your right in the category Politics and Policy, and I also took the time to write a description of them in the section Resistance that you can read here. So I was more than perplex about the incident and the coverage they made of it.

First of all, let me set the scene to help you understand the context. Hillary Clinton is giving a speech about freedom of speech on the internet and let me precise as well that he video available on Youtube for this incident could be better. The framing, at the beginning of the scene, doesn’t allow us to see the whole room, with McGovern it it. We only see Clinton and we have to make do with it. This room, as the camera frames back, reveals itself to be of a relatively small dimension, and filled with people who are relax and seemingly willing to listen to a speech. And then we witness McGovern being seized by security guards, and after a few seconds we can hear him shout « So this is America? », and the video ends. I wish we could have a better document on which to base our analysis but all we can do is rely on this one. Continuer la lecture