Miscellaneous articles for – Articles divers pour 09-19-2011

America’s Financial Armageddon and Afghanistan

The Muslim Brotherhood and Buddhism

Police conducts drill in Norway hours prior to Breivik’s killing spree

A Fourth Reich in the EU

La judéomanie

Un monde hautement dangeureux

Pogroms anti-chrétiens et anti-juifs

La Lituanie réécrit son histoire

Sucker Punch or how to make Monarch mind control sexy

Conrad Black on why America suffers

Conrad Black on what makes America great

Energy realignment toward Russia

A test run for Eurasia

A ring of fire around China

Rudy Dekkers releases new book

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: Russia in the league of weather warfare

© Patricia Fatta | Dreamstime.com

According to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a Duma member, Russia could be tempted by the use of electromagnetic weapons to conduct warfare against other nations. In an article published in The Nation, he alludes to Georgia that could be annexed by Russia and to the instability in the Middle East region. The article comes, for me, as a confirmation of something that I have been aware for a certain period of time. States and nations are at war using various types of means, including the use of electromagnetic radiation, whether they are ELF, HF, microwaves, regular EM waves, etc. It think we can assume that there are at least a dozen countries and/or entities that have developped the capability to use electromagnetic waves and conduct warfare with them. Russia and China immediately come to mind, and the Third Reich evidently as well, as a de facto « State » with no aboveground official territory. The other states that could have the technology are anybody’s guess. The article is also very helpful to remind us that the American facility based in Alaska, HAARP, doesn’t have to take the blame for every curious and dubious weather phenomenon that occurs. If an artificial weather phenomenon has been triggered with electromagnetic waves, it could come from anyone that possesses the technology. I think it is fair to assume that, in the past, the people who work at the HAARP facility in Alaska have been unfairly accused of triggering weather catastrophies, while it was probably somebody else’s fault. In respect with our situation here in North America, it is conceivable to envision that the Underground Reich, Russia and oil-producer reactionary elements of the Middle East are the best candidates to do environmental damage over here. I guess we will see in the near future who does what.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky on The Nation

Pepe Escobar on the Boiling Frogs: more insights about the Middle East uprisings

In this interview with the Boiling Frogs, Asia Times reporter and Real News Network Pepe Escobar shares his observations on the uprisings in the Middle East, more specifically on countries such as Libya, Egypt, Bahrain and Tunisia. He puts into context the various roles played by western powers and interests such as France, Britain and NATO in the development in these popular revolts. In Libya in particular, Gaddafi was apparently beginning to make deals with the Chinese, and that might have created a certain uneasiness in high places in western countries. The different points he makes present a considerable amount of overlap with Dave Emory‘s assessment of the situation. This interview is certainly a good complement to what Emory has already found on the subject. In the second part of it, he then comments on the ever changing U.S. official version of the operation that killed bin Laden, taking the opportunity there to look more closely at specific details of a narrative that doesn’t seem to make sens on a military standpoint. In his opinion, and I agree with him, the operation was a PSYOPS to begin with. Read my earlier post to see how I presented it then, and this one also, when we learned that Bradley Manning might have blown the operation in advance. Why was it conducted? Because in the geo-political theater of the 21st century, Pakistan seems to be getting more and more cosy with China and Russia, and that could explain the raid on the compound. Check this post as well, where I presented the situation in that area of the world as a stage for the everlasting Anglo-Afghan War inspired by Brzezinski’s Grand Chessboard game. Escobar touches several other points that are worth taking into consideration.

However, I have a critical observation to make though. His position on Israel is flawed. But in the so-called progressive sector, he is definitely not alone in that situation. In fact, the vast majority of « progressives » fall into that category, as they blame Israel for all kinds of things that are not true or inaccurate. At the very end of the interview, as he and the Boiling Frogs’s hosts wrap up, he then comments on Obama’s proposal to Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, for a possible resolution of the conflict. Obama’s proposal presents the creation of a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders, in other terms with the frontiers that were in usage before the Six-Day War. The pre-1967 borders are not defensible. You don’t need a Ph.D. in military operations to understand that. Any state, to be able to defend its borders needs some kind of natural obstacles such as mountains, forests, sea, lake, river, ravine, etc. Because otherwise, it is just impossible to defend them on open territory. Such borders are possible in the case of countries that are really close in terms of policy, regime, agenda, etc, like Canada and the U.S., and even with those two, there are problems. So you can imagine that between countries that are enemies to one another, that don’t share the same culture, religion, ideology, interests, etc, it can’t be acceptable. Furthermore, a lot of groups, governments, activists and religious extremists are dedicated to the destruction of Israel, and they would just jump on the occasion to finalize what they have begun for so many years. With the pre-1967 borders, it opens the doors for the mass extermination of the Israelis and the disappearance of Israel as a country. But Escopar is just another « progressive » who thinks that it is a good idea to implement those frontiers, while Netanyahu is not stupid and will never accept that.

Here is this interview with the Boiling Frogs. Following, there is an excellent post by Sibel Edmonds exploring several leads in trying to explain the timing of the bin Laden operation. Again, the idea is presented that the U.S.-Pakistani relationship has been disintegrating for several years and that, on the opposite, a much better one is being developped between Pakistan and China.

The Boiling Frogs with Pepe Escobar

Sibel Edmonds on Pakistan-China relationship

Afghanistan: Bzrezinski’s Grand Chessboard game and the continuation of the Anglo-Afghan War

Since the early ’80s Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould have been highly devoted to expose the truth about what is really going on in Afghanistan. They have travelled there on a few occasions, notably at the very inception of the Afghan War in 1981, in 1983 and also more recently after 9/11. What they have found is extremely different from what you would expect, judging by what you can hear in the mainstream media in the western world. They have produced a documentary titled Afghanistan Between Three Worlds, worked and delivered stories for CBS, ABC, PBS and also have published two very important books, Afghanistan’s Untold Story and their latest, Crossing Zero: the AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire. This is an overview here of what they have found in their research.

First of all, I don’t pretend that I can summarize the situation in Afghanistan. It is extremely complex, far more than any westerner can imagine, because Afghanistan is another world. The mainstream media doing the job of blurring all those areas where our thought needs to be educated and informed, we have most of the time a vision of Afghanistan that is caricatural, grotesque, appearing almost coming out of a Lord of the Rings novel. I will try to do my best to sketch the situation as it appears to be according to the information available in the interviews and videos that you can consult on this page. To be able to get the picture about what is going on in Afghanistan, you have to do the efforts yourself to dig in the information and learn. I can’t do it for you.

To begin with, the ISI, the Pakistani intelligence service, which has strong ties to the military, was a creation more or less of the United States from the start. They are in control of the government of Pakistan since its inception in 1947. The Taliban, in turn, are a creation of the ISI. The ISI bring candidates for the Taliban into « seminaries » where they are formed and trained in Pakistan. Also, you have to realize that there are several branches of the Taliban, active in Pashtun territory, in Punjab territory, in Baluchistan which seeks its own independence, and in various areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. So, understandably, the whole region has to be considered as a same geo-political entity. And the Durand Line (1893), which separates Pakistan and Afghanistan, is highly contested and a serious source of conflict that complicates the situation even more.

Second, a long-term geo-political agenda is at play here, which was first implemented in early 19th century by the British Empire. You will remember that Great Britian and Russia were at war at the very beginning of that century (1807-1812) and at other occasions later on, for example during the Crimean War (1853-1856). That was what is called the « Great Game ». But here, it is the reminiscence of the Anglo-Afgha War, with its two phases, 1839-1842 and 1878-1880, that is even more determinant. The foreign policy of Great Britain and of the United States since the beginning of the 20th century is simply an extension, a continuation of that state of perpetual conflict with Russia through Afghanistan and other states in the same area, which were and still are a proxies. Zbigniew Bzrezinski with his Grand Chessboard game is one of the most proeminent modern architect of that strategy today. The general idea is to seal off China and Russia by creating a wall of states and territories that would be friendly to the interests and to the agenda of the U.S. and of other western states. The end goal here is obviously the control of resources, oil, mines, lands, etc. That is why that part of the world is called the Earth Island, a stretch of land that begins at the Detroit of Gibraltar and goes way up to the confines of China. It is in that part of the world where we find the most resources, the most population, the most lands, etc.

Continuer la lecture

The Libyan operation: another piggy back coup?

In Dave Emory’s FTR #735, we have seen that the « uprisings » in the Middle East are probably to a large extent the results of a vaste operation conducted by the intelligence agencies of the West in order to change the leadership in that area of the Earth. Although there is nobody more convinced than me that these regimes need to be changed for democratic ones, I have been, as Dave Emory and other observers of the geo-political scene, more than skeptical about the « democratic » nature of the so-called revolutions. And with reason. When you have been deceived more than once, as it is the case with several events that happened since WWII, you develop a certain apprehension, prudence and carefulness when dealing with sudden changes.

Now, is the Libyan operation a piggy back coup on the Egyptian one, which was in itself a piggy back coup on the Tunisian operation? It is possible. In an earlier post, I have already said that Khadafi should remain in power for the moment, at least temporarily, to fight  back against Islamists forces, because the risks of such a takeover is too great in case of an overthrow. First, let me ask you this: where do the rebels get their weapons to fight Khadafi forces? Well…I guess that is one information that we don’t have but it is definitely important. In effect, in order to have weapons the rebels must buy or obtain them from a source that is ready to provide such weapons to that group, knowing very well that they will serve to try to overthrow Khadafi. So who is selling these weapons to the rebels? I don’t know. It is the job of the journalists to find out anyway but nobody does a particularly good job at this for the moment.

Second, haven’t you noticed that Libya shares a border with Sudan? The last time I checked, the north part of the country was controlled by Islamists and terrorists, while the south part has recently voted in favour of its secession from the north, its citizens being tired of the incessant harassment, killings, tortures, rapes, etc, brought so « generously » by the Islamic Jihad of the northmen. Maybe the weapons with which the « rebels » of Libya are fighting against Khadafi are coming in fact from the Islamists of North Sudan. That would be logical. And from whom these North Sudan Islamic Jihad warriors get their weapons? Again, and I don’t want to be patronizing, but it is the journalists’s job to bring these facts to the light of day. The operation launched by the Coalition Forces against Khadafi, although maybe sincere, might prove fatal in the long run for western civilization. Khadafi is definitely the strongest man in the area and if he falls, I don’t see who could be able to stand against the Islamists and their western sponsors.

According to Dave Emory, this vaste operation launched in the Middle East has got the approval of both branches of the CIA/State Department, the Democrat branch and the Republican branch (for that matter, see the  interview with John Loftus FTR #731). It is probably the truth. However, I fail to see how the Democrat branch would be able to recuperate those messy countries and bring them to democratic parlementary or presidential governments after such violent and improvised overthrows. Democratic life is not like flipping a switch. It doesn’t take on immediately. It takes time, during which any totalitarian mafia can organise itself and seize power. It will be interesting to see what measures the Democrat branch of the CIA/State Department will put in places to make sure that these countries really get on the path of democracy. But it will certainly have to counteract first the machinations of the Republican branch, and that is not small stuff.

Also, and Emory alluded to it in its last show FTR #736, one possibility that is certainly foreseeable, is that a plan is under implementation to create a wall between the western world and an Eastern Block of nations that may form in the near future or already in formation, that may comprise China, Russia, India, Pakistan and satellite nations such as Vietnam, North Korea, maybe Japan, etc. Is the West trying to secure oil reserves in anticipation for a takeover of these by entities created by or under control of a number of states of such an Eastern Block? It is certainly possible. If one takes China alone, just by the growing demand in energy of its population of 1.5 billion people, that’s enough to make anyone envision the worst scenarios. And I am even not mentioning here the fact that China is still a communist regime and that we don’t know for sure to what extent Russia has really succeeded in extinguishing the soviet flame or its imperialistic ambitions. That certainly doesn’t help the situation either.

I will cease here the speculation. Just keep your eyes open and question everything you are told. I think that is the best attitude. I have attached two news. The first concerns the  latest « facts » about the Libyan « uprising » and the next covers sudden investments made by the Saudis in the Middle East. According to you, are the Saudis trying to calm down the population by injecting money into the economy or are they securing their earlier investments because they know very well that they will become even more profitable in the near future? I will let you decide.



Feminism is bolshevism: two examples

Here are two newspaper articles that express the naivety and immaturity of what is called « feminist » thinking, which is nothing else than disguised bolshevism. The 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day is coming next tuesday on March 8th. The precursor of the Day, the National Women’s Day, was organized by the Socialist Party of America in 1909. In 1911, the first International Women’s Day took place in Austria, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany, at which occasion women took the opportunity to advocate for their rights. Starting in 1913, the Day was progressively transfered to March 8th. In 1917, the Day was held on the 23rd of February in Petrograd. A bread riot broke out led by women. They marched through the streets gathering men from the many factories. Up to 100,000 people occupied downtown districts for three or four days. Many people joined the protests, quite similar to what we are seeing now in the Middle East. More recently, to give a local example, in 2000, 50 feminist activists met at Philips Square in downtown Montreal on March 9th, the day after the Day. They proceeded to Mary Queen of the World catholic cathedral where, inside, they spray-painted slogans for abortion on the altar, sticked sanitary napkins on pictures and walls, spread condoms all over the place and committed various mayhems. You surely have your own examples in your area.

I propose to you two articles to feed your reflection on the links between feminism and bolshevism. First, a paper from Naomi Wolf, in which she tries to convince us that women played an important role in the uprisings in the Middle East. You see, we have to read reality as it is, not as we would like it to be. She idealizes these women from the street protests as if they were some kind of heroes, linking them implicitely to women in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, while they probably were only, like their male counterpart, useful fools participating in a much bigger game. We have to let go with this infantile and desastrous tendency to intellectualize and conceptualize things. Reality is what it is, not what we would like it to be. Women as much as men are the prey of powerful forces that couldn’t care less about women’s rights or rights of any sorts, unless they play along with the agenda of the oligarchies that rule the world.


The second article is by Janet Bagnall from the Montreal Gazette. Incidently, she opens her article by mentioning the 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day. She tries to make the case of Norway as a model for equality. Again, we have the « privilege » to be gunned down with numbers relative to gender representation in certain jobs. She gives for example the statistics that only 3% of women are chief executives of the world’s biggest 500 companies, and that only 15% of parliamentary positions are held by women, as if it was only a question of mathematics. There are plenty of factors that explain why women are under-represented in certain jobs, the most important being biological and physiological differences that make a woman different from a man. That, the feminists can’t understand. They absolutely have to get their 50% quota of representation because if not, they won’t sleep at night. In all animal species, the female give birth and take care of the offsprings while the male chase and bring food. It has been like that for a long time with humans and it will remain exactly like that probably until the end of times, because humans don’t choose what they are. They manage with it and make the best out of it.

Bagnall brings the example of Norway as being almost the closest realization of feminist Paradise on earth. In 2006, the State introduced a law that requires at least a 40% representation of women in boards of publicly traded companies… But what if there are not enough qualified women to fill all these positions? Does that mean that they have to hire incompetent women to complete the quota? It looks that way. Skei Grande, leader of the Liberal Party in Norway, said to Bagnall that they don’t even think about gender representation anymore. It is 50%-50% and that’s it…

You know, I am a strong partisan of competence in workplaces and I don’t like these forced quotas that enterprises have to conform to. In the end, I can’t help but to see in this the footprint of bolshevism, which I call red fascism. Equality doesn’t mean egalitarianism. Women and men being equals doesn’t imply that they have to do exactly the same things and the same way. Our women in the western world have been corrupted by a totalitarian ideology, feminism, which is only a front for bolshevism. That is why they have been complaining for a century and are still continuing to do so. Bolshevism can’t make women happy and it will never be able to. Women have to look elsewhere, inside of them first, and second in the wisdom of the tradition. Man is not the enemy of woman, he is her partner.


The Egyptian powder keg or how fascists of all types use to steal revolutions from the people

I would like very much that the Egyptian revolution be genuine. It probably is, in the sense that people who gather in central Cairo are young Egyptians desperate to have a job, some money in their pockets and some food in their stomach. They demand for democratic changes to be able to better their situation and have a life, finally. That’s great. My apprehensions remain on the aftermath of all this. The Muslim Brotherhood hasn’t dissolved into thin air since the beginning of this popular uprising. They kept themselves at a distance, more or less into passivity. Will they accept that a democratic government take control of Egypt if President Moubarak leaves now? Well, that remains to be seen. As far as I’m concerned, they haven’t abandonned the Jihadist and pro-Sharia agenda that they used to have so far. The way I see the Muslim Brotherhood, they are the equivalent of the CIA for the Muslim World. They infiltrate, analyse, study their opponents and with a strategy to defeat them. Is it possible that they are simply waiting in the dark, willingly using these democratic protesters to do the dirty job of ousting the dictator for them, in order to seize power after he has left the country? I think it is a distinct possibility.

Dave Emory in his last For the Record show FTR#734 refered to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in the early years of the twentieth century. Effectively, a more moderate group, the Mensheviks leaded by Martov, was trying to bring about a revolution as well. Both groups, Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, were competing to do it and at first, the Mensheviks were the ones who succeeded to implement the first stages of the process. But in the end, the Bolsheviks, the more radicalized group of these two, violent and anti-liberal, probably better trained in propaganda and tactics, recuperated the movement and chased the Mensheviks from power. Many of them went into exile after this. The spectre of a new manifestation of this sociological drama is waving in the distance in the so-called Egyptian revolution. The Egyptian democrats, the equivalent of the Mensheviks in this case, those who believe in democracy and in the liberal system, might end up doing the dirty job for the Muslim Brotherhood, the equivalent of the Bolsheviks.

Some observers have made the case that foreign influence might be at work in both Tunisian and Egyptian uprisings. While German and Sweden nationals have been arrested recently in Tunisia with weapons, which is definitely curious and dubious, the Moubarak government itself is putting the blame for the uprising on western influence. Western journalists are even harassed and beaten sometimes by the angry mobs. So I think that, in order to have a real understanding of the situation, we have to reach out again and use the marvelous science of geo-politics. It comes down to this: what are the signs with which we can appreciate the context of the uprisings in terms of western foreign policy in the cases of Tunisia and Egypt? Here are three basic facts to take under consideration:

  1. Tunisia and Egypt already are non-Islamic states;
  2. Tunisia and Egypt are ‘friends’ with the western world and Israel;
  3. Egypt has signed a peace treaty with Israel.

Considering the possibility that pro-democratic forces in the western world could have manufactured or stimulated these protests, what are the odds that it is the case? What improvement would revolutions bring  in Tunisia and Egypt if they already are friends of the western world and of Israel? What supplemental benefits would pro-democratic interests and players from the West receive from all this?

Considering now the possibility that fascist/reactionnary elements in the western world have been working in the shadows to foment these uprisings, now the possibility is much more distinct. If we take the same three elements concerning Tunisia and Egypt, you see that Islamists/Jihadists and their Fascist International sponsors have every interests to foment trouble in these countries favorable to the West and Israel. They would like very much indeed to seize power to be able to implement Islamic governments with Sharia as the governing Law. It is obvious because Islamists have a corporate fascism view of capitalism. Then, the Fascist International with their proxy warriors, the Islamists pro-Sharia fanatics, have all the reasons to try this. Especially at this point.

Besides a few authors such as John Loftus who have identified Muslim Brotherhood and nazi connections with regard to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, some institutions have begun to do the same in  an effort to mobilize the citizens of the ‘free’ world against a danger that is rising rapidly in the  geo-political arena. In effect, the Center for Security Policy, a think tank based in the U.S.,  has produced a document this last fall titled: « Sharia: The Threat to America ». Although the document doesn’t venture to pinpoint the mistakes and errors of judgement that Westerners have commited in their war against communism, namely their use of not only nazi war criminals but fanatic Islamists as well to destabilize parts of the U.S.S.R. and China, it nevertheless identifies clearly the Muslim Brotherhood as being the center group that is doing the covert undermining and slow sabotaging of the liberal world here and abroad. This document of the Center For Security Policy exposes the connections between all Islamic groups and the way they coordinate their work in order to take over the ‘free’ world.

So the Islamists have been exposed in their attempt to co-opt the liberal world or social-democracy and transform it into a Sharia-based society. It is expected now that they will react swiftly and strongly and I suspect that is exactly what is going on in North Africa these days, still with the help and ‘encouragement’ from their Fascist International sponsors. But we will have to wait for the dust to settle in order to have a clearer view of the situation. The action is just beginning. Stay tuned.

Al-Qaeda about to produce and use radioactive dirty bombs

Who are the bastards who sell or give this kind of material to these terrorist groups to begin with? The Third Reich per se? Corrupted officials in the western military? Organized crime? No-conscience scientists and traitors among the science personnel of nuclear facilities? Frankly, this is not the time to play the fool, don’t you think? We are on the verge of a major catastrophy and these terrorist bastards are the last whom you want to furnish weapons of any kind to, whether they are nuclear, bio, chemical or of any other type. Where is your CONSCIENCE?????????????
