Interview with Steven Mosher about the Chinese Communist Party’s totalitarian vision for the world, on SFR

China has become the utmost realization of the totalitarian nightmare. What George Orwell and Aldous Huxley envisioned respectively in their novels 1984 and Brave New World has now become a reality but on steroids. Hitler and Staline couldn’t reach total control of their population simply because they were lacking the technological tools to do it. Now with Communist China, that scenario has become a realistic proposition. Massive surveillance through a very tight grid made of cameras, computers, Wi-Fi networks, satellites, working in sync with social media profiles, social credit scores, professional occupations and consumption habits, provide the communist regime all the data it needs to finish the enslavement of the population of China. It is very sad that the Chinese people couldn’t overthrow the regime in 1989. The people still had a chance in those days where the state of technology couldn’t deliver yet that perfect control to the government. 30 years later, time is running out for the Chinese to liberate themselves from these tyrants. The communist regime of China killed millions to realize its totalitarian utopia. And it destroyed the lives of everybody else in the process. Communist ideals and projects are always marvelous on the paper. But when the rubber meets the road, that’s another thing. That interview with Steven Mosher provides a glimpse into the reality of Communist China. Communism is a cancer that will devour humankind if it is not stopped.

And the worst part of it is that our leaders in the West have been complicit, if not actively participating in the building and expansion of Communist China. Among other things, western liberals and their crooked friends have allowed our factories (and all the jobs with it) to move to China thus facilitating the destruction of our industrial base; they have financed the development of the Chinese economy at the expanse of our own local markets that desperately needed money to renovate, change machinery, upgrade computers, invest in research and development, etc; they have transferred technology to China, sometimes illegally, allowing the regime to build its totalitarian machine and concentration camps where dissidents are detained and tortured; they have transferred military secrets, illegally, allowing the regime to build a war machine that will be used to enslave the rest of mankind and probably destroy us. And the liberals did that for one specific reason: they wanted to build up Communist China in order to use it to destroy the United States. It is so clear. That’s why I will never be able to forgive them what they have done to us. This is treason in its purest form. President Trump is doing what it takes to put a stop to their ambitions and we must support his efforts. If China is allowed to prevail, the Earth will become one single gigantic Gulag and there will be no escape.

The ‘room 101’ treatment of Tommy Robinson…

It is a very dark day for Great Britain. Tommy Robinson has just been released from prison, and that’s good news. The bad news is, as anyone can see in this interview given to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, that Robinson has apparently suffered from some kind of psychological damage or trauma as a consequence of his imprisonment. Will that damage be permanent? Nobody knows but the British government bears responsibility. During the interview, Robinson recalls that he was placed in solitary confinement in a prison with a large representation of Muslims and that those Muslims used to throw feces through his open window, among other things. He was arrested on very disputable grounds, his rights were not respected, due process was not followed, etc. The whole thing seemed like a kangaroo court-type of procedure. The look of horror on Tucker Carlson’s face while Robinson tells his story is worth the trip because it says it all. What country on Earth, supposedly a democratic one, would treat one of its citizens like that, especially a patriot who, beside a few minor things, does nothing wrong and is beyond reproach? Great Britain apparently.

But why, would you ask yourself. Let me provide my own explanation. Robinson was arrested simply because he was protesting in front of a court building where a specific case that interested him was held. Authorities used the pretext that he was already in the vicinity of a court building to bring him in, if you know what I mean, before a judge. Again why? Probably because they wanted to punish him for doing the unthinkable: speaking his mind, courageously, in public. In effect, he was the one who read the famous speech at Speaker’s Corner that Martin Sellner, in the company of Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern, was supposed to give there. You see, it has been a long time since Great Britain is no longer a democracy. Remember that both George Orwell’ 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World see their action taking place in Great Britain. It is not an accident. Also, the famous cult TV series The Prisoner, starring Patrick McGoohan, was a british production. These three artistic productions were trying to portray reality as it is, not the fantasy world that the media would like us to believe. And by the way, Canada is a former british colony (they took over from the French in 1760) and curiously, I have seen before these kind of tactics. I can recognize the modus operandi. They are used regularly here against individuals with a strong mind a strong personality, so I am not surprised. Business as usual in the British Empire.

However here, contrary to the life of relative comfort and abundance that Patrick McGoohan’s character enjoyed in The Prisoner, Tommy Robinson was given a treatment reminiscent more of the ‘room 101′ treatment in George Orwell’ 1984. In that novel, room 101 was the room where the prisoners were interrogated and tortured to break their will and their mind. And I think this whole episode with Tommy Robinson has to be considered like that. The powers that be in Great Britain are trying to break him psychologically, and to a certain degree, they seem to have succeeded at least partially and temporarily, judging by the non-verbal signals and language given in this interview. We have to denounce that vigorously because if we don’t, tomorrow, it could be anyone of us going down the same road. Yes, it is a dark for Great Britain. The least the government could do would be to apologize to him and drop charges. Will they do it? Don’t hold your breath…

Andrew Gavin Marshall on The Boiling Frogs: NGOs, universities and social engineering

This interview with Andrew Gavin Marshall on The Boiling Frogs show presents many relevant issues. In a nutshell, Marshall tries to raise our awareness on how the education system and so-called non-profit organizations have come to play a central role in the shaping of people’s minds. We are way passed the point where our universities and NGOs would still be in the business of helping people and caring for their needs as future responsible citizens. We live in an information (read intelligence) era where control has become the objective of every policy maker. The second half of the show is particularly striking for this. Marshall helps us to realize that Foundations such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford provide founding only to NGOs that have pre-selected agendas and actions that fit with the ideology of these giant corporations. Social engineering is the new science by which oligarchs, industrialists and corporations now control the world. If you control people’s minds, you do actually control them. During the last decades, we have seen the realization of what was only contemplated or projected in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: A world where every need and desire is foreseen in advance and duly manufactured and presented to the people as a « choice ». NGOs and universities make sure that citizens have a pre-fabricated mind perfectly suited to accept, integrate and consume these ideas, and in turn approved products and services. All for the benefit of giant corporations that came to replace the royal families and the Church as the ruling elite during the 19th and 20th century.

Andrew Gavin Marshall on BFP

Addendum to Brave New World preschools in Sweden: More possible links between IKEA and fascism

In a recent post about a school in Sweden that teaches kids how to bypass « stereotypization » in terms of gender roles, I alluded to the fact that IKEA stores have on-site day-care centers and that these two facts, although seemingly unrelated, could very well be. In a larger scheme, they could represent the implementation of a totalitarian agenda of some kind, probably fascist because of its similarities with the world depicted in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. In a recent blog post, anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory brought some more meat around the bone of that trail of enquiry. Emory sees a possible connection between Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, and the Bormann Capital Network that he so often talked about. For those who don’t know, this network represent more than 750 corporations that Martin Bormann, the successor to Adolf Hitler, created abroad in neutral countries to be able to ship out the entire Nazi loot that they had plundered during WWII. Sweden has the « prestigious » title of the most important recipient of these corporations, hosting 233 out of the 750. Author Elisabeth Asbrink in a new book explores these links between Kamprad and nazism. Emory also notes that the name of Per Engdahl is be remembered in the rising and development of post-WWII fascism and in connection with Kamprad.

German corporate control of American media and the meltdown

In recent rebroadcast of previous shows FTR# 298 and FTR#671, Dave Emory explored German corporate control over American media. Contrasting greatly with the so-called Jewish or Israeli lobby theory that we hear so often on so many tribunes and that is often only a masquerade to hide anti-semitic views, but not always, these two shows try to bring into the light things that are really happening to America since WWII. Far away from being the object of a takeover by « Zionist » elements within the United States, the home-of-the-brave country has been subdued and hypnotized by elements belonging to the Underground Reich, or to say things differently, by the international cartel of finance institutions, banks and corporations that is slowly but surely taking control of the whole planet and enslaving the entire population to its arbitrary dictates.

Among other elements looked upon in FTR #298, we find the German publishing house Bertelsmann that owns Random House, which is the biggest publishing house in the English language in the world, being under special examination (other shows exist that deals further with Bertelsmann). We can learn here that Bertelsmann was the major publisher for the Nazis during WWII. According to the research made by Dave Emory, Bertelsmann is linked to the Bormann Capital Network. Also called Underground Reich, this Network was created by Martin Bormann, the leader of the Nazi Party after WWII, in the last months of the war. In effect, he smuggled abroad almost the entire nazi loot and wealth that the Nazis had plundered during WWII in all the countries that they occupied, to be saved and secured into 750 corporations that he created overseas. He also invested huge chunks of this capital into holdings companies, creating thus an immense network of wealth that was used after the war to rebuild Germany and buy professional opinion…in the media and other activities around the world…and also in the U.S. Continuer la lecture

Brave New World preschools in Sweden: Another expression of the Pirate Bay vortex?

© Skumar2008 |

This article of The Globe and Mail by Jenny Soffel is extremely relevant. It presents the case of a preschool in Sweden, Egalia, funded by taxpayers and located near Stockholm, where incredible efforts are made to have children avoid making any connections to gender identity for the sake of equality of the sexes. For example and among other things, children’s books in Egalia deal exclusively with homosexual couples, single parents or adopted children, but not with heterosexual families. Talk about equality! Also, staff members try to avoid masculine and feminine references from their speech and have adopted the neutral pronoun «hen», used by gays and feminists to replace the « han » and « hon », the equivalents of him and her. Generally speaking, Sweden is a society where breaking down gender roles is a priority, if not an obsession. Certain preschools even have « gender pedagogues » (no kidding) to make sure that no one goes down the dangerous path of stereotypization, if I can coin that term. To give a concrete example, at Egalia, Lego blocks are intentionally placed next to the kitchen…to make sure the kids get the message to think and behave as neutrals.

I have been reflecting for a while on how much Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was really not in fact a « novel of anticipation » as it has been advertised to be, but rather a blueprint for a world ruled by fascism that was to come. I think that with Egalia, we have a perfect expression here of that agenda. Sweden has been presented in the media as a kind of earthly paradise were social-democracy had triumphed over capitalism, where men and women and citizens of all origins are all equal, a peaceful society where everything slides smoothly with no squeaky wheels. Famous IKEA company has become the emblem of that «perfection». It is a smaller embodiment of that paradise where you can find everything you need for your house and even have lunch, while your kids are being taken care of…in an on-site day-care center! Talk about foreseeing the needs of the clientele! Continuer la lecture

‘Happiness’ replaces ‘Harmony’ as China’s buzzword

© Mahesh14 |

Welcome to Brave New World, Communist China’s version. After several years of ‘Harmony’ being forced upon the population of China, the era of ‘Happiness’ begins in the background of the many uprisings that are happening since a couple of weeks in the Middle East and that have reached China as well, where 100 people gathered in protest against the regime have been arrested so far. The communist regime is certainly interested to change the atmosphere of recent weeks and refocus on more « positive » thinking. Officials in China have now the mandate, and they will be judged on that ability apparently, to make people feel happy. Welcome to the perfect world of communism where the State thinks for you and for your every need.
