1928: The year fascist bigots prepared the sinking of the Enlightenment

This show by Dave Emory is dedicated to exposing the Opus Dei secret society, a reactionary Catholic organization founded by Father Josemaria Escriva de Bal­a­guer. After having quietly gained momentum behind the scenes for a couple of decades, Opus Dei came to the forefront of the Church’s public life by playing an important role in the ascension of both Jean-Paul II and Benedict XVI. In this broadcast, Dave Emory explores several connections that seem to indicate that Opus Dei is in fact part of the Fascist International, i.e. the network of all fascist and extreme-right organizations in the world. Among many elements, the radio host explores the P2 lodge, the murder of Roberto Calvi, P2 lodge Grand Master Licio Gelli, Pope Benedict’s personal assistant Georg Ganswein, the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver couple, the beatification of Aloy­sius Stepinac, the role played by Sam Brownback in U.S. politics, etc. The written description for this show is excellent, like it is often the case with For The Record. Check it out and listen to the show, of course.

On the other hand, I must say that the thing that striked me the most in this broadcast, about Opus Dei, is the fact that it was founded the same year that the Muslim Brotherhood was, in 1928. It can’t be a coincidence. There is no such thing in this world as « coincidences ». Most of the times, things are made to happen. And because they are not overtly advertised in the press or in governmental brochures, it doesn’t mean that they are not happening. To me, it looks as if there was a plan put into execution by the forces of the Fascist International to literally seize control of all institutions to have a maximum global effect. If Hitler and Mussolini took control of the world of politics in their own countries and tried to expand it then beyond their borders, it seems that others tried the same coup for the two most important religions, in terms of world power, geo-political and geo-strategical interests, Catholicism and Islam. By founding the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna may very well have sabotaged and sinked all chances that the Arab/Muslim world had to achieve modernity and to realize the ideals of the Enlightenment. And by founding Opus Dei, it seems that Father Josemaria Escriva de Bal­a­guer tried to do the move in the opposite direction. The western world was on its way to realize fully the potential of modernity and the ideals of the Enlightenment, and that was accomplished in the ’60s and ’70s, or so it seems. Father Balaguer cooked up something in the shadows to try to overturn the stream of evolution, and it looks like his movement gained credibility and influence over time, to the point where one could argue today that it now controls the Vatican. Continuer la lecture

The Palestinian Wall of Lies: The truth about the Muslim Student Association

Alain Finkielkraut et Tariq Ramadan s’affrontent sur le plateau de « Ce soir ou jamais »

Sacré Tariq Ramadan. Il faut dire que le type est un apologiste de haut niveau. Comme représentant et porte-parole des Frères musulmans, il est impeccable. Sa rhétorique est travaillée, sculptée, parfaitement adaptée à la société occidentale. Il en connaît toutes les failles, toutes les faiblesses et il connaît tous les trucs pour gagner la confiance de l’auditoire. Je vous le dis, sans une connaissance approfondie de l’islam, du contexte géopolitique et géostratégique mondial qui s’est installé dans les dernières années mais qui découle de la politique étrangère de l’occident depuis le dix-neuvième siècle, sans des connaissances historiques détaillées des événements marquants du vingtième siècle, du nazisme, du communisme, de la chute de l’empire ottoman et le reste, il est très difficile de bien saisir « ce qui est écrit entre les lignes » dans le discours de Ramadan. Finkielkraut répond assez bien aux interventions de Ramadan mais pas vraiment sur le fond et le problème reste entier, puisqu’il ne sert à rien de discuter avec des gens comme cela. Le rôle de Ramadan en Occident est d’endormir les populations. Il s’en fout des droits, de la démocratie, de la liberté d’expression. Tout ce qu’il veut est de ramollir notre vigilance de façon à favoriser l’acceptation de l’islam et la capitulation de notre société. Si vous ne l’avez pas encore compris, il serait temps que vous vous réveilliez.

Muslim Brotherhood calls for the killing of all Israelis in Egypt

Yes, my friends, you see the truth now. Islamists are not interested in peace. They want to erase Jews from Israel, from the entire world and from history. They will never negociate a peace deal in good faith and in good will because they simply want to exterminate the Jews. By the way, this nice fellow, member of the Muslim Brotherhood, said a very important thing. The Arab League started the war with Israel in 1947 not because Jews were supposedly occupying their land since the U.N. resolution but for the mere sake of stopping the « Zionist » project itself. Yeah. He said it. Will you believe them now, the Islamists, the Hamas and the Hezbollah and their rhetoric?

The Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan have sung in duet at the Second Global Conference on World’s Religions after 9/11

Well…I feel the need to pontificate a little today. Being a blogger and feeling sometimes relegated to the backseats of social and political discourse, I often have the impression that what I have to say about the world is considered useless and inconsequential by the power elite of this world. More humble people obviously appreciate this site and I am glad they do because, in the end, it is for them that I write and publish all these posts on my own time, for free. So today I hope you will allow me to celebrate my instincts, although I would have prefered evidently to be wrong. Last May, when I first heard about this coming Conference in Montreal, I had the feeling that the Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan would adjust their strategies and work on a common agenda. That’s why I had titled my post The Dalai and Tariq Ramadan will sing in duet…and that’s exactly what happened.

Let me explain a few things. A journalist from French-speaking radio station 98,5FM in Montreal, Canada, named Alain Pronkin, attended the Conference on September the 7th. In a two-part interviews given to host Benoit Dutrizac, he reported two things rather relevant for our purpose. First, Tariq Ramadan, this Muslim Brotherhood agent so « charming » and « moderate » that has become literally a sweatheart for the so-called progressive sector, was asked by a Buddhist raised in a Christian family why the Dalai Lama couldn’t visit the Mecca. Ramadan plainly and dully responded that the vast majority of Muslim scholars agreed on this and that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia wouldn’t allow it anyway. Period. So much for the religious freedom and « tolerance » that Ramadan is desperately trying to force upon Westerners. In other words, what Muslims mean by religious freedom is the possibility for them to impose their laws, their sharia, their Islamic veil, their sacred holidays, their prayers at whatever moment of the day and in whatever places they see fit, etc, that we, Westerners, have to accept in the name of so-called « openness ». But this principle of religious freedom doesn’t seem to work the other way around. If we, Westerners, want to express our religious freedom by visiting a holy place of Islam, even if it is only out of curiosity or for touristic experience, we can’t…unless Muslims permit it. Now you get the picture about religious freedom, Muslim style. Continuer la lecture

La Seconde Conférence mondiale sur les religions: lorsque des dogmatiques nous font la leçon sur la démocratie

Dans un article prédécent, j’ai émis de sérieuses réserves sur cette Conférence qui aura lieu le 7 septembre prochain. Le point de départ de ce scepticisme se trouvait tout simplement dans le fait que les personnalités invitées à y prendre parole ne sont pas tout à fait renommées pour leur sens de la démocratie, du respect des droits de l’homme et de la liberté d’expression. Par exemple, la Conférence accueillera Tariq Ramadan, qui se réclame de la philosophie des Frères musulmans. Rappelons que les Frères musulmans étaient alignés avec l’Allemagne nazie durant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Leur philosophie est réactionnaire, hostile aux femmes, à la démocratie, aux valeurs de la modernité et cherche à renverser l’occident pour instaurer le règne de la charia. En d’autres termes, il s’agit de quelqu’un que l’on ne devrait même pas accueillir en sol canadien. Pour ce qui est du Dalai Lama, il est le leader d’une théocratie. Lorsque les gens désobéissent au Tibet, on leur crève les yeux. Vous trouvez cela démocratique? En 1938, une expédition a été organisée pour se rendre au Tibet par des SS sous le patronage de Himmler. Des gens comme Bruno Beger et Ernst Schafer en faisaient parti. Le but de l’expédition était de créer un contact diplomatique entre les Nazis et le gouvernement tibétain et celui-ci s’est maintenu par la suite jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Par exemple, le Dalai Lama a reconnu pendant des années Heinrich Harrar comme étant son tuteur spirituel. Or, Harrar lui aussi était un ancien SS. Pour plus d’informations sur le sujet, vous pouvez consulter ici cet article de Dave Emory sur son site SpitfireList.com.

Je dois remercier le site web Pointdebascule de proposer une analyse de la situation qui appuie et renforce la mienne. Ces grands bonzes de la religion, du dogmatisme, de la réaction politique et du refus de la modernité viennent ici nous faire la morale, alors que cela devrait être nous, les modernes, qui les tenions en respect. N’avons-nous aucune conscience de ce que nous sommes? Ces bonzes-là vont venir nous faire la leçon alors qu’ils sont les plus mal placés pour ce faire. Et Pointdebascule a raison à 100% sur ce point: la Conférence est une immense mascarade qui n’a pour but que de permettre à des personnalités du monde religieux conventionnel d’endosser les idées réactionnaires de Ramadan et du Dalai Lama. Quel gâchis! Je vous présente donc une série d’articles préparés par Pointdebascule sur la Conférence. Faites vos recherches et réfléchissez. Voulez-vous vraiment appuyer ce genre d’individus?

Un appel à la censure

La compréhension de Tariq Ramadan

Interfaith Dialogue

Ramadan, 27 juillet 2011

Le complaisant Gregory Baum

The TransCanada Corp Keystone XL expansion: personal tragedies and human suffering through civilization changes

This National Post article about a Nebraska rancher opposed to the passing of the Keystone Pipeline XL expansion on his land is revelatory. Randy Thompson, a cattle buyer, is fighting to avoid a foreign company, TransCanada Corp, from bringing its pipeline on his land. I am saying revelatory because similar situations have happened on thousands of different occasions in the past. Everytime a new empire sets foot, or a new civilization takes roots, or an old one dies, we see good and decent people being caught in the implosion, explosion or redefining of the old ways to set the path for the new ones. People like Mr Thompson who have been forced to relocalize or cede a part of their land, by persuasion or by force, have been millions throughout history. Whether we talk about the Roman Empire conquering the world, the French Revolution cutting a few strategic heads, the armies of Muhammad conquering North Africa or the American colonies declaring their independence, in these occurences, there were always people who, even though they hadn’t done anything wrong, were caught in the processes of change to their detriment. That’s the way I see what is happening to Mr Thompson.

The Anglo-American Empire is under attack by the forces of the Third Reich that have gone underground after WWII, and they are more alive than ever. In effect, they have veiled their activities in all kinds of cloaks, such as the Green movement, social activism of all sorts, counter-culture activities, religious cults, religions per se, and sometimes intelligence agencies and other governmental, military and international organizations that they have infiltrated and co-opted to implement and push forward their agenda. Furthermore, the Anglo-American Empire is under attack as well by the most reactionary people that you can find on the surface of this Earth, the Arab/Islamic world that has been, since WWII, contaminated by nazism due to the collaboration of Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, with Adolf Hitler. This world, driven by the morals of Sharia, proposes of bringing the world back to what it was in 7th century A.D. Clearly, we can’t go back to that era, simply because of the most basic rule of human history: to always look forward. These reactionary elements that we find in the Arab world, in Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia and other states of the Gulf, are basically 7th century Bedouins…with billions of petro-dollars in their pockets…which makes them extremely dangerous. Contrary to westerners, these Bedouins have not worked to get their wealth. They were only lucky enough to be the nomads walking the country when the gasoline engine was invented and that oil became something important. Continuer la lecture

The Globe and Mail on Hamas: When journalism pays lip service to Islamic Jihad

This documentary by Patrick Martin, Inside Hamas, is undrinkable. It stinks propaganda and cheap interests. If your desire is to surrender everything that we have, all that we have accomplished to this bunch of terrorists, why don’t you just say so? Your pro-Palestinian agenda is literally disgusting. In this documentary, and I’m not even sure we can call it that way, we only hear the Palestinian side of the story, which is, as always, that they are the victims of bloodthirsty Israelis who can’t control themselves massacring innocent civilians, children and women. You mention in the film that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded in the 1920s. O.K. But do you know that it was aligned with Nazi Germany during WWII? That Hasan al-Banna, its founder, offered the help of his group to Adolf Hitler and that Hitler accepted? Do you know that PIJ, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, do the nazi salute when they meet? That Israel received something like 12 000 rockets in the last years alone? You probably know these things…but it doesn’t fit with your agenda to mention them. Another gross and demented element in the document is the use of the term « resistance » to describe the activism and terrorism activities of the Hamas. Thanks for the reference to my site…but that’s not what I do. I think the Jews are good people, that the State of Israel has legitimacy and I don’t condone violence justified with religious bigotry. Resistance is the struggle against political or religious systems that are trying to keep humans down. The Hamas is everything but that. They are dedicated to the destruction of Israel, the only democracy in that part of the world, and they won’t rest until it is accomplished. You see, for the Islamists, the problem with Israel is that…it’s populated by Jews. The so-called Palestinian refugees are sometimes expelled, denied citizenship, refused entry by Arab countries. The Arab League created the Palestinian refugee problem when they rejected the two-state plan for Palestine in 1947 and when a few of its countries attacked Israel in 1967. Do Palestinians care about that, do they manifest, organize Intifadas, protests, etc? No…because these countries are populated by Arabs and Muslims and they don’t want to hurt their brothers… So all the hatred, frustrations, disappointments are re-driven, re-targeted toward Israel…because they’re Jews and Jews don’t have the right to possess their own state. Like the Koran says, Jews are pigs and dogs, so it doesn’t bother if you harass them or kill them…they’re just Jews.

I used to buy the Globe and Mail to read during my lunch break. But it’s over. From now on, I will buy the National Post. They respect Israel, the Jews, and they know how to differentiate between terrorists and real moderates or true resistants. Frankly, the world is going to pieces and with these kind of attitudes, we can be sure that it will be destroyed. In finishing, by the way, be sure of one thing: whatever lip service you might provide for Islamists, when the time comes, they will get rid of you if you don’t convert to Islam. Holy Jihad requires that all non-Muslims be killed unless they do so. Documentaries like can’t save anyone’s life.

Inside Hamas

Addendum on the piggy-back coups in the Middle East: the Turking Taffy series

To wrap things up on the piggy-back coups in the Middle East, I present to you the Turkish Taffy series by Dave Emory. I explored with you these complicated and highly evolved operations in these earlier posts: Karl RoveLibyaThe Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda. Make sure to go back and read the information available to refresh your mind before continuing your study. This is not an easy case. Fascism is on the rise on Earth and we must learn the new tricks that the transnationals have found to deceive us. Don’t be fooled: they are always several steps ahead, or so they believe or so they want.

FTR #737

FTR #738

FTR #739 audio