Secure Freedom Radio: The situation on Somalia, REAL ID cards, Internet freedom and Venezuelan-Chinese collaboration

02-23-2012- Secure Freedom Radio

Do you still doubt Ron Paul is a fascist? Really?

It would take hours to analyze everything in that article by Daria DiGiovanni. Basically, I agree with it. In a nushell, what you have to understand is that in all likelihood Ron Paul is the media spearhead of the very system, establishment or cabal he is supposedly denouncing. He is a fascist, disguised as a libertarian democrat. Listen to his arguments. They all tend to make you doubt about your own government and its institutions. Who would benefit from that? Those who want to overthrow that same government… Ron Paul can’t be taken seriously because he is working to abolish democracy itself.

Tin Foil Returns for 2012

Femmes voilées, femmes violées: L’agression de Caroline Sinz en Égypte

L’agression physique et sexuelle de Caroline Sinz, cette reporter française, qui s’est produite en plein jour au Caire, sur la place Tahrir, en dit long sur le degré d’endormissement de nos élites. Il me semble que cela n’est pas la place d’une femme que d’être envoyée sur les lieux de guerres, de révolutions, de révoltes et d’émeutes où il y a du brasse-camarade en tout genre. Cela ne prend pas un doctorat en sécurité pour comprendre que ce genre de contexte place les femmes dans des situations vulnérables. Quand est-ce que les médias, gouvernements, armées, institutions et compagnies de l’Occident vont réaliser cela? En plus, l’Égypte est un pays musulman où la culture et la religion suggèrent aux hommes qu’une femme non voilée demande à être violée. Femmes voilées, femmes violées, l’un mène vers l’autre. Frustrés, portés par l’hystérie de la foule, gagnés par la rage révolutionnaire de type « Révolution Française », ces gens ne peuvent résister au viol d’une femme occidentale, blanche, blonde, française et chrétienne car pour eux, elle incarne le mal. En fait, ce genre d’événement ressemble beaucoup aux viols de certaines femmes au Moyen-Âge qu’on pensait être des sorcières. On les violait pour les tuer ensuite, puisqu’on considérait qu’elles ne valaient guère mieux qu’un animal. Franchement, notre société est vraiment idiote si elle pense que les femmes vont être bien traitées dans les pays musulmans, surtout ceux en révolution.

Caroline Sinz en entrevue avec Mario Langlois

Pat Condell on wearing a burka on Halloween…

It seems that Pat Condell has been aware of our little friends of the PAJU, Palestinians and Jews United, who received such a tremendous support last week by women wearing niqabs. Well…I agree with him. We should ALL wear burkas on Halloween. It is such a garment that can bring together all communities and also bring cultural understanding and compassion, that it would be a shame to miss that an opportunity. Burka definitely represents the future of our society…

Saudi Arabia and SunNews Network: Theocracy versus Liberal Democracy

Watch these two SunNews videos (the first two links). They are about an ongoing broil between the government of Saudi Arabia and Canadian broadcasters. The whole thing started with an add presented by, a NGO website that encourages people to buy oil from countries that embody liberal democracy principles, such as freedom of speech, human rights, and not to buy it from countries, like Saudi Arabia, that do the opposite. The add focuses more specifically on women’s rights and Saudi Arabia is given as an example to the contrary. Apparently, the Saudi government issued threats to broadcasters, such as CTV, to cease and desist running the add. The tv network, having to choose between principles and business considerations, decided to pull out the add to save legal expenses, among other things. In other words, they caved, instead of fighting to defend and save democracy and its principles. In the first video, you will see a short response from minister Jason Kenney. I like his tone of voice. In the second video, you’ll see Ezra Levant commenting on the situation. He brings, with great accuracy, the role that should play feminists in a situation like that, while we don’t hear them at all, and the same with the CBC…but we are not surprised. Toronto newspapers fortunately have talked about it and, evidently, SunNews Network.

Overall, I must say that I am beginning to be rather tired of the cowardice of our elites. CBC’s behavior in this is outrageous but, as I said, I am not surprised. They seem to have a bias in favor of Middle East petro-dollars. We can see it clearly when they cover news about Israel. The Jewish state is always portrayed as the bad guys, and Arab or Muslim states always as the good ones. So is it surprising that they keep silent about something that embarrasses their « partners »? Probably not. The CTV behaves as cowards too, motivated by profit and short-term business relations. And the most digusting behavior of all comes from those whom we would expect it the least, the feminists. It is curious. When I was growing up in the ’70s and ’80s, men’s behavior were scrupulously studied, analyzed, observed, and if one of them was caught doing something judged not « acceptable », he was lynched in the media, in the public arena and his whole career and life were ruined. I have the impression that men are not equally treated on the Earth. If you are a man of colour, especially an Arab, you can treat women like animals and do anything with them. Feminists in the western world don’t give a damn. But if you have the unfortunate characteristic of being a white western male, then you are considered guilty as charged and feminists will make sure that you are accused and brought to justice for stuff that, all things considered, are not that terrible if you compare them with things going on in the Middle East. Feminists apply a logic that is beyond logic: the worst you behave with women, the best treatment you get; the best you behave with them, the worst you are treated. Continuer la lecture

Republican Reverse Robbing Hoods, part II: The Koch brothers caught pants down

Peter B. Collins receives Brad Friedman of with groundbreaking news. Friedman succeeded to get access to a recording of the Summer Seminar organized by the Koch brothers in 2011 in Vail, Colorado. An anonymous source who participated in this activity taped key portions of this Seminar, featuring both Charles and David Koch, Governor Chris Christie and Judge Napolitano, and provided Brad Friedman with the recording. Friedman posted the complete audio and transcript of it on his blog and released the story as well to Mother Jones publication. Well, the revelations of this recording are so juicy and crusty. While listening to this tape, we have the « pleasure » of hearing Charles Koch referring curiously to Saddam Hussein while he speaks about defeating Obama, David Koch talking about Governor Chris Christie as « my kind of guy », speakers describing how the rich are the victims of an evil Obama, and how Democrats have been stupid (I agree with that statement!) to accept cuts in social programs and the social safety net, etc. Overall, you will hear a bunch of ultra-rich potentates showing absolutely no respect for the poor and the people who suffer in the lower classes. After years of constant attacks and attempts to rob and crush the poor and the middle class in the U.S. during the Bush Administration, a « second wave » is now under way with these neo-extreme-right activists, who for the most part stay in the shadows, well hidden behind the Tea Party useful fools. But now they have been masterfully exposed and showed for what they trully are by this anonymous inside source and by investigative journalist Brad Friedman. I have joined the podcast of Brad Friedman’s interview with Peter B. Collins, some of the related articles published on Mother Jones, and the integral audio files and transcripts of the recording of the Summer Seminar, posted on Excellent work, guys! Excellent anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory has been working as well on the Koch brothers case for some time. In particular, FTR #726 is of great interest to get acquainted more with these shadowy figures of American politics. What the Koch brothers are proposing to America leads directly to fascism. In effect, their machinations and use of the Tea Party clearly intends to repel the New Deal implemented by Roosevelt to replace it by something that would go along the lines of Mussolini’s Corporate State. Also, to read another example of Republican Reverse Robbing Hooding that I covered in a previous article, click here.

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The controlled demolition of America on 9/11: Meet the Saudis and their Islamic nano-thermites

I will try in this post to do the impossible: assemble and summarize the most important elements of information available on 9/11 but that are not, for the most part, belonging to the official version. I rely for this, as it is often the case, on Dave Emory’s research, and as well on other sources, such as Daniel Hopsicker’s investigative reporting and John Loftus’ vast knowledge in intelligence. This is definitely the most complicated, complex, deep and troubling file probably of all modern times, so please bear with me. I have already presented the financial and economical aspects of 9/11 in an earlier post, so check it out for more information.

First, the main lead concerning 9/11 seems to implicate the Saudis, especially the Royal Family and the bin Laden family. The Bush Administration refused to release to the 9/11 Commission as much as ¾ of the national security papers available during the Clinton era, in all probability for the highly sensitive material that they contain. According to some sources in the journalistic community that Emory cites, previous attempts to use planes to launch terrorist attacks were contemplated in the years prior to 9/11 by Al-Qaeda, involving in some cases the Eiffel Tower, the city of Tel-Aviv in Israel, various other targets…and the World Trade Center. Several intelligence agencies throughout the world, such as Egyptian, Italian and Israeli intelligence, and in the U.S., tried to warn the Administration of an imminent attack that would take place around the Millenium, but their warnings were ignored. U.S. dependency on Saudi oil and the considerable reinvestment that the Saudis effectuate in the U.S. played a key role in the cover up of this intelligence. Continuer la lecture

Letters to the National Post: Some readers show their support for Warren Buffet

In a recent article, I supported Warren Buffet. This week, in a letter adressed to the editor of the New York Times, he defended the principle that the rich and the wealthy must contribute significantly to the financing of the State, that it was not only to the poor and the middle class to do that. Curiously, two columnists in the National Post, Peter Foster and Jack Mintz, joined their voices to criticize and almost discredit Mr Buffet. Honestly, belonging myself to the class of low-wage workers and surviving from paycheck to paycheck, I found these « opinions » so heartless, irrelevant and out of touch with reality that I didn’t even bother to respond. Normally, as a blogger I would have, but I said to myself: « what the hell ». And then on Thursday, August 18th, the newspaper published some readers reactions that corroborated my firts impressions. So I am not going to say much more. I am just going to invite you to read them. They do justice to the issues involved. It appears finally that I am not the only one who has good feelings for Warren Buffet, and for sanity in general, when the time comes to administrate the State and the economy. I also join the articles in question from both Foster and Mintz.

Ryan Mulatz

Ronald Pletan

Styli Pappas

Peter Foster – The Stooge of Omaha

Jack Mintz – Buffet misses mark