Bat Ye’ Or explique le concept d’Eurabia: L’intégration de l’Europe et de l’Afrique du Nord dans une même entité

Bat Ye'or. Un grand courage.. par Fishover

Chris Hedges attacked on the CBC: Again it is showing no class whatsoever

See how a CBC host, Kevin O’Leary, treated Chris Hedges almost like a hack of shit. If the CBC thought Hedges was such a « nutbar », why did they invite him on the show? With plenty of guests who can be invited, the matter is not a question of absence of choice. CBC is definitely one of the bastion of the Left in Canada, so I am more than puzzled about this statement. Hedges simply states the obvious, i.e. that the financial sector, with the banks, the hedge funds, etc, and with all the speculation that it creates, is responsible for the crisis. Everybody knows that…except certain people who would like the « market » to be always right and not to be accountable for anything.

FTR #337: Protocols of the Elders of Oil

Dave Emory’s FTR #337 continues the ongoing analysis of the 9/11 blitzkrieg that began in FTR #325 and forward. Among the many highlights of the show, we find Silvan Becker, a Verfassungsschutz Agent that was killed in Libya; the mention of a few publications that place Saudi oil in the midst of a political intrigue that prevented investigators and FBI agents to properly do their job in the 9/11 case; the project leaded by Unocal and negociated with the Taliban to have a pipeline bringing oil from the Caspian Sea; that Osama bin Laden was seeking to replace the House of Saud as the prime example of Wahhabism and that the Saudi chief of intelligence, Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz, was his mentor; that Crown Prince Abdul­lah of Saudi Arabia warned George W. Bush that U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was considered unacceptable. The show also presents other relevant elements, such as the role played by the Carlyle Group.

Andrew Gavin Marshall on The Boiling Frogs: NGOs, universities and social engineering

This interview with Andrew Gavin Marshall on The Boiling Frogs show presents many relevant issues. In a nutshell, Marshall tries to raise our awareness on how the education system and so-called non-profit organizations have come to play a central role in the shaping of people’s minds. We are way passed the point where our universities and NGOs would still be in the business of helping people and caring for their needs as future responsible citizens. We live in an information (read intelligence) era where control has become the objective of every policy maker. The second half of the show is particularly striking for this. Marshall helps us to realize that Foundations such as the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford provide founding only to NGOs that have pre-selected agendas and actions that fit with the ideology of these giant corporations. Social engineering is the new science by which oligarchs, industrialists and corporations now control the world. If you control people’s minds, you do actually control them. During the last decades, we have seen the realization of what was only contemplated or projected in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: A world where every need and desire is foreseen in advance and duly manufactured and presented to the people as a « choice ». NGOs and universities make sure that citizens have a pre-fabricated mind perfectly suited to accept, integrate and consume these ideas, and in turn approved products and services. All for the benefit of giant corporations that came to replace the royal families and the Church as the ruling elite during the 19th and 20th century.

Andrew Gavin Marshall on BFP

Series of articles on the financial and economical debacle in Europe

This series of articles deal with the financial and economical debacle in the countries of the euro zone and the European Union. They were suggested by a listener of Dave Emory’s For The Record show, terrafractyl. The majority of them are relevant for the understanding of this crisis and they complete very well the analysis and material already provided by Emory.

A euro power play that backfired

In Europe, new fears of German might

The worst institution in the world

Selling more CDS on Europe Debt

Euro Zone Death Trip

Why not give the Greeks their say?

Euro zone countries could split

Commerzbank will refuse loans which don’t help Germany or Poland

Wishful thinking and the road to eurogeddon

French and Germans explore idea of smaller euro zone

Le passé fasciste de François Mitterand et la formation de l’Union monétaire européenne

Dans sa toute dernière entrée de blog, le chercheur antifasciste et animateur de radio Dave Emory nous rappelle les liens qui existaient entre l’establishment français et parisien, et le fascisme en Europe. Un des acteurs marquants de l’époque, François Mitterand, a été associé à la Croix de Feu et à la Cagoule, deux organisations fascistes qui ont tenté de renverser le gouvernement français en 1938. Or, c’est François Mitterand qui a insisté pour qu’une monnaie commune soit utilisée en Europe au moment de la réunification de l’Allemagne. Comme nous pouvons voir que les effets de cette monnaie commune sont désastreux, certaines questions s’imposent sur les réelles intentions de ceux, incluant Mitterand, qui ont mis de l’avant cette solution. Cette entrée de blog de Dave Emory explore les différents aspects de l’Axe Franco-Allemand et ses répercussions pour aujourd’hui en se servant du cas de François Mitterand et des actions de Robert Zoellick.

Dave Emory sur François Mitterand