Yes, Israel, that’s it! Fight back against Islamists and show no mercy!

© Penny Mathews |

Congratulations, Israel, that’s the spirit of the Resistance! Fight back! Stand up and don’t let yourself be intimidated by a fifth column living inside your borders! That’s the spirit! Make sure that the Hamas pay a heavy price for every drop of Israeli blood that they would take! Let the blood of Jews be the most difficult thing to get on this planet! And mostly show no mercy, because if they ever have a chance, whether it is the Hamas, the Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood, they wouldn’t pass over the opportunity to destroy you and kill all your citizens to the last one. Keep on fighting! As a Christian, I give you my blessing. Do what it takes to defend Israel and make it prevail!

The problem is Islam – by Wafa Sultan, or how Muhammad created a political system that will destroy the whole world

So, what were we telling you since a couple of years? That it is Islam the problem, not the Arabs per se, not radical Islam, not political Islam, not wahhabism nor anything else. Now these statements, which were qualified as islamophobic, are corroborated by a Muslim woman from Syria. Yes, Islam is the problem. Muhammad, this great individual, was an unliterate. He was a killer and probably a psychopath. He married his second wife when she was 6 years old… Yes, you got me right. He was a pedophile, to express it in western terms. Listen to Wafa Sultan, a Syrian woman, explain how she got tired of Islam and its lies. She calls you to stand up and fight back against this « religion of love and peace » because it might be the greatest threat that the world has ever faced. Islam has a power of corruption never seen before in our world, and unfortunately our leaders seem to be complicit in allowing all these Muslims, who are in fact infiltraters, to come over to America and Europe to pervert and force the local populations into submission. Thank you New World Order, you have screwed us all.

Document complet sur les Frères musulmans présenté par Aschkel Info

Le site web pro-israélien Aschkel Info nous présente ici un document sur les Frères musulmans de plus de cent pages que vous pouvez lire en ligne ou imprimer. Je vous avoue que je n’ai pas eu le temps de le lire mais je fais confiance à ce site. Comme nous n’en serons jamais assez sur les Frères musulmans de toute façon, j’ai pensé que je devais vous signaler l’existence de ce document. Bonne lecture.

Les Frères musulmans

A resistant against Islamic fascism sets the example: continue to fight back, Yoel!

© Penny Mathews |

Resistance is Life!Yoel Zilberman, a young israeli military, has decided to fight back. Tired of the incessant harassment, beatings, robberies, mayhems, sabotages, exactions, violence, etc, that his people but especially the farmers have to suffer since the creation of the State of Israel, he then decided to create a militia with the agreement of the government. Composed for the moment of roughly 600 people, Zilberman wants to make it grow up to 6000 people by 2015.  Seven Preparation Centers have been deployed to protect the lands, the farmers and the people of Israel. You see? That’s the spirit of the Resistance. Instead of passively accepting the violence of the Islamic and Arab anti-semites that populate Palestine, he has decided to take matters into his own hands. Israel will defend its borders and territory against the malfeasance of Islamic and Arab Freicorps and Brownshirts.

By the way, the Arab population in Palestine has passed from 250 000 in 1880 up to 1 250 000 in 1948 (Source: Aschkel Info). So much for the « occupied » Palestinian population. I recall to your attention that the Balfour Declaration of 1922 created the basic structure for the State of Israel. You see, when a state is occupied, normally the inhabitants seek to flee the country, not to get in in such great numbers as they did. As such, everyone can see there that there is much more to the issue of Palestinian « refugees » than meets the eye, i.e. that anti-semite Islamic fascists and fundamentalists emigrated to Israel to bring terror, death and destruction to Israelis. My Jew friends, if you don’t defend yourselves, there is new Shoah that is coming soon and this time, that won’t be the Germans who will perpetrate it but the Islamists. So stand up and fight! Don’t stand down before the human filth and dirt and is coming from the Muslim world, fight back!

Crocodile tears on display at U.S. Congress: an extraordinary performance

Check this video featuring Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison’s Testimony during House Committee on Homeland Security Hearing on Radicalization. What a performance! This guy deserves an Oscar! Well, Matt Damon, Tom Cruise and the like, you’d better watch your backs because this guy is coming to steal your jobs! Wow! Isn’t he just terrific? Frankly, I am moved. It is so touching… I have no idea if what he says about Hamdani is true or not but it sounds bogus to me. It smells just like another attempt to portray Muslims as innocent little creatures who only want to be hugged and loved and who feel compassion and tenderness for their neighbours. Well, if you think that, maybe you should check the news. For example in the Middle East, where everyday hundreds  of Christians are massacred by « innocent » Muslims because they are characterized as « dhimmis », i.e. non-believers in the Koran. Thank you Representative Keith Ellison but we will pass. Next time we see you cry, we will think about the hundreds of thousands of Christians who have been massacred in places such as Sudan. That will put things into perspective. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

Hang on, Colonel Ghadafi! You have to continue to fight back against Islamists!

Yes, dear readers. Ghadafi MUST continue fighting the Islamo-fascists that are trying to take over the country. It is a question of life and death for western civilization! We are assisting now at an attempt to recreate the Ottoman Empire, through a Caliphate that would begin at the Detroit of Gibraltar to end at the confines of China. An immense land-mass, the Earth Island as it is called, containing the biggest concentration of natural resources, of oil, of land, etc, where unadulterated Islamic beliefs and practises, Sharia, would be the law of the land. An Empire where pure corporate capitalism would have the time of its life, free to conquer, submit, destroy and exterminate at will! Really, you have to continue the fight, Ghadafi. You might be our last hope to avoid such a nightmare. If Libya stays strong, firm, defiant, it might be enough to sabotage this attempt by the forces of darkness to corrupt the world more than it already is and to bring it to total destruction. Keep fighting back! Stay strong! The future of the whole world is on your shoulders! Check these articles where Ghadafi is seen arriving in a hotel in Tripoli, his fists high in the air in sign of combat and defiance. Really, that expresses beautifully the spirit of resistance!



Hate is coming to Orange County? What about the desire to resist and fight back?

You know what? I like it… I know, it is not beautiful, not sexy, not elegant, not « mesured » or « moderate » but I like it, because it expresses finally these emotions that for political correctness, relativism of values and mutliculturalism we have suppressed for so long. We have to fight back against what is clearly an invasion of our space and life. Islamic militants promote a barbaric philosophy that, if allowed to flourish, will make humans de-evolve to barbarians. We have to rise and fight against these people, even if it is not cute.

Pat Condell on Islam illuminati Anjem Choudary

Check the newest video from Islam debunker and atheist activist Pat Condell. His analysis is excellent as always. I just have one question regarding Choudary. His rhetoric is so gross, so direct, so plain, that I am beginning to suspect that he is in fact a covert operative or an agent provocateur hired to discredit Islamists who have infiltrated western society. Because, let’s face it, if otherwise, he is a complete fool. The rules of taqqiya apply to any Muslim who is on jihad. The only logical explaination is that he has been recruited to expose this threat. But by who? It is not clear. Islamists and Jihadists are very clever people. They don’t expose themselves as grossly as Choudary does, not so frankly, otherwise they are idiots, as I said. It will be interesting to see how his different actions and statements will play out in relation with Muslim infiltration and its opposition by local resistance and reaction. In the second video, you can hear Choudary pontificate on Sean Hannity’s show. Hannity is certainly not a reference here but it gives an idea of what kind of rhetoric Choudary proposes. I will let you judge by yourself.


83% des femmes en Égypte auraient été harcelées sexuellement

Sur cette page du site web Bivouac-id traitant de l’agression sexuelle de la journaliste Lara Logan de CBS, on trouve en addition un vidéo datant de 2006 présentant la déplorable situation des femmes en Égypte. Que voulez-vous, si vous mettez ensemble une culture incapable de se moderniser avec une propagande islamique efficace, ça ne peut pas donner de bons résultats. Après cela, ils viendront dire que nous, les occidentaux, sommes décadents! Avis aux coeurs sensibles, ces images sont dégueulasses.


Prière musulmane à Venise: 23 morts

Je trouve cela une excellente idée de prier ainsi dans les rues de Venise, en raison du  criant manque d’espace en Europe. Puis-je suggérer d’autres endroits magnifiques disponibles comme les océans Pacifique, Atlantique, Indien, Artique, Antartique? Vous trouverez en ces lieux, chers musulmans, de vastes étendues vous permettant de prier à votre guise en toute sérénité…
