Henrik Palmgren analyses the hoax linking ‘conspiracy theories’ to terrorism

Apparently, according to some media, the FBI has produced a document linking conspiracy theories to terrorism. Of course, it is a total hoax because there is no link between these things. However, if the document is genuine, it will obviously be used to criminalize patriots and nationalists, truth-seekers, independent journalists and thinkers, who are trying to get to the bottom of things and find answers. This is a very dark road that we should not take as a society.

Revisiting the protest against the removal of the Robert E Lee statue in Charlottesville

I thought it would be interesting to revisit the alt-right gathering that took place to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue, in Charlottesville, VA, in May 2017. As everybody knows, a few months later, in August 2017, that city became the theater of one of the most outrageous smearing attempt by the Left to fabricate Nazis out of thin air. The Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville was a complete set up to smear alt-right activists as violent fascists and Nazis.The second and third videos are presentation and description produced by Red Ice TV of that first gathering in Charlottesville held by alt-right activists in May 2017 against the removal of this statue. The first video, by Stephen McNallen, gives some of the context to understand the core of the problem. We, White men and women of the West, are being taught and told that we have no history, no values of our own and that we deserve to be dispossessed of everything. Of course, this is completely false and wrong. We have a great civilization and spirit but we are the target of a deliberate campaign of smearing and deception to steal our resources, take control of our land and seize complete power. Whether the invaders succeed or not will depend on the determination of our citizens to resist, fight back and prevail. We must not let them rewrite history. We must stand our ground and defend our values and our culture. Our statues reflect our greatness and our strength. Our ancestors fought and died to give their children a future. It is our duty not to forget and to fight tooth and nail to preserve what they have transmitted to us out of their sweat and blood. No, we will not be replaced.




Red Ice TV analysis of the Christchurch shooting

Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV present some interesting facts about the recent Christchurch shooting. The analysis and the elements that are brought here differ greatly from the usual nauseating marshmallow that the mainstream media treats us with when something like that happens. When a tragedy occurs it is important to keep an emotional distance and also not to lose sight of the facts and of the context. Instead of bringing on the parade with the candles and the prayer, it is imperative to analyse, reflect and think about what has just happened. Henrik and Lana do exactly that it here for us, while the mainstream media continues to feed the masses with propaganda.

The documentary Panodrama – An Exposé of the Fake News BBC, by Tommy Robinson

The energetic Tommy Robinson has put together a documentary that is quite interesting in many respects. Using the methods used and popularized by James O’Keefe at Project Veritas of infiltration and undercover filming and recording, he exposed rather brilliantly the BBC and one of their shows, Panorama. The documentary shows that the BBC seems to be working with a far-left organization called Hope Not Hate to identify, target, frame and destroy individuals who don’t correspond to the far-left ideology of the day. After having heard that these organizations were working on a project to take him down, Tommy Robinson decided to serve them with their own medicine by exposing their methods. Among the many things that the documentary exposes on the part of the BBC, Panorama and Hope Not Hate, we find behaviors that can be classified as intimidation, blackmail, inventing false stories, conducting scripted interviews and even sexual allegations are brought up at some point. When watching the video, we have the impression that a lot is going on behind the scenes. The context of everything that is going on during the interview, the conversations, the social gatherings is difficult to establish clearly. However, there is enough meat on the bone here to see that Tommy Robinson was clairvoyant about what was going to happen to him if the BBC, Panorama and Hope Not Hate would have been able to present some kind of «dossier» or «documentary» about him. He would have been completely destroyed. Now it is they who have to defend themselves. In the world of today, the puck is going very fast. Patriots and nationalists worldwide will not survive if they don’t feel the danger and see in advance the occasions and situations where they are about to be destroyed. We all have to do like Tommy: Fight back and turn the situation on the people who are after us. There is always a weakness in a plot. Find it and you just got the means to turn a potentially dangerous situation into a smashing victory. Two thumbs up, Tommy Robinson, you did it!

Adam Green presents a very inconvenient sticker on the wall of Mark Potok’s office at the SPLC

This is a video by Adam Green of Know More News about white genocide. Among other very interesting things, it features Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. From the scenes of a documentary, we can see that, in his office, there is a sticker on the wall detailing the decline in the non-Hispanic white population in the U.S. by blocks of two decades up to the 2000’s, and continuing to the year 2015. The year 1965 (the year where immigration laws were changed in the U.S.) is especially noted on the side. Adam Green brings other examples that lead us to believe that the decline in non-Hispanic Whites in the U.S. and in other countries was planned all along and that it has been so for a long time. Folks, the Kalergi Plan is not a conspiracy theory. It is real.

Alex Jones about the 9/11 classified files and the ‘Dark Overlord’ collective

This is an extract from one of Alex Jones’ show. In this segment, he informs us that a collective of hackers known as the ‘Dark Overlord’ is making threats to dump classified files on 9/11. According to Jones, these files would inevitably expose the corruption in the city of New York City and in Washington D.C. Presently, on the surface of this Earth, there are not much people who still believe in the official version of 9/11. Most of humans are rather convinced that it was an inside job of some sort. These documents would prove that probably in a spectacular way. Think about this for a second. The United States has tremendous surveillance capabilities, with its satellites and the whole grid made of cameras linked to computers and servers. We can’t even sneeze without them knowing about it. So how in the world could they have been blind to such a massive operation like 9/11? How could they have not seen it being prepared in advance? Answer: It is impossible. We live in a Big Brother world. The level of surveillance is highly sophisticated and if the security apparatus know at what time you take the bus, what you say on Facebook or what food you buy at the supermarket, they would know if something big like 9/11 was in preparation. The level of corruption is incredible to have allowed something like that to happen.

The second video features one of the very few who was not duped by it, and it is the present President of the United States, Donald Trump. He called a television station on the day of 9/11 to describe what he saw. During the interview, he suggested that explosives might have been used. That was a priceless statement that you can hear around 6:45 of that video. It is not clear though if he wanted to say that explosives were on the planes, in the building or both. Nevertheless you can see here that he knew exactly what was going on. Donald Trump is being honest with the American people. It is one of the reasons why I supported his candidacy as President and why I still support him to this day and will for the rest of his presidency.

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