Amy Robach hot mic incident about the Jeffrey Epstein case followed by an interview with Ryan Dawson

This the groundbreaking news video published by Project Veritas on the Jeffrey Epstein story. In this hot mic recording, Amy Robach of ABC expresses her frustrations about the case. Her network had the whole story three years ago and didn’t put on the air, supposedly because it «didn’t meet ABC’s high journalistic standards». Yeah, right. When it’s time to put out propaganda about Trump though they are not so demanding. Anyway, I want to take the opportunity to republish this interview with Ryan Dawson presented on Red Ice TV. The video is no longer available on Youtube due to the deletion of their channel but it’s still available on BitChute. Ryan Dawson and host Henrik Palmgren make here a complete presentation of all the known facts.

Ryan Dawson comments on the death of Jeffrey Epstein, on Red Ice TV

Alex Jones about the 9/11 classified files and the ‘Dark Overlord’ collective

This is an extract from one of Alex Jones’ show. In this segment, he informs us that a collective of hackers known as the ‘Dark Overlord’ is making threats to dump classified files on 9/11. According to Jones, these files would inevitably expose the corruption in the city of New York City and in Washington D.C. Presently, on the surface of this Earth, there are not much people who still believe in the official version of 9/11. Most of humans are rather convinced that it was an inside job of some sort. These documents would prove that probably in a spectacular way. Think about this for a second. The United States has tremendous surveillance capabilities, with its satellites and the whole grid made of cameras linked to computers and servers. We can’t even sneeze without them knowing about it. So how in the world could they have been blind to such a massive operation like 9/11? How could they have not seen it being prepared in advance? Answer: It is impossible. We live in a Big Brother world. The level of surveillance is highly sophisticated and if the security apparatus know at what time you take the bus, what you say on Facebook or what food you buy at the supermarket, they would know if something big like 9/11 was in preparation. The level of corruption is incredible to have allowed something like that to happen.

The second video features one of the very few who was not duped by it, and it is the present President of the United States, Donald Trump. He called a television station on the day of 9/11 to describe what he saw. During the interview, he suggested that explosives might have been used. That was a priceless statement that you can hear around 6:45 of that video. It is not clear though if he wanted to say that explosives were on the planes, in the building or both. Nevertheless you can see here that he knew exactly what was going on. Donald Trump is being honest with the American people. It is one of the reasons why I supported his candidacy as President and why I still support him to this day and will for the rest of his presidency.

Interview with Steven Mosher about Communist China and 5G on Infowars

The interview starts around 27 minutes in the show hosted by Alex Jones, up to around 1h 04 minutes. What Steven Mosher describes here from his own experience in Communist China is absolutely disgusting and terrifying at times. To set the stage for this great interview, Alex Jones presents a lot of very relevant information prior to the interview itself, so it is a good idea to watch the whole thing from the start.

Sean Hannity: L’Amérique à un point tournant…

Hannity identifie dans ce monologue les différents aspects de l’opération de sabotage qui est en train d’être menée contre le Président Trump et son administration. Nous vivons des moments cruciaux dont il faut sortir vainqueurs. Les patriotes doivent tenir le coup devant cette opération d’information (information warfare) sans précédent dans l’histoire moderne.