Like in many other western countries, Sweden has turned over to foreigners the task of defining who we are as people, cultures and societies. Henrik Palmgren presents us here the head of a governmental institution in Sweden, the Swedish National Heritage Board, a fellow by the name of Qaisar Mahmood, a man of pakistani origin. It is curious how our fellow nationals see the world. Everything that exists in Europe or the Americas has been built by people of European descent (before we used to say Indo-European). Roads, bridges, farms, lands for agriculture, schools, institutions, everything was done by us. To take the example of Canada, when the French and British colonists came (note here the use of the term ‘colonists’ and not ‘immigrants’) there was nothing. The land was an immense forest and they had to cut all the trees and build the roads to create a country out of these woods. When it was time to work hard, with a lot of sweat, immigrants and refugees were nowhere to see, with the exception of course of Africans who were brought by force. But now that our societies are fully developed, with plenty of resources, wealth, food, services, women and land, they all want to come here and teach us how to live, while plundering our resources. I am sorry but we have built these countries and we don’t have to take lessons from anyone from these so-called third-world countries. These dubious characters are trying to rewrite our history in an effort to replace our culture, religion and traditions by their own. One of the most comical attempt to rewrite western history is made by certain Arab or Muslim activists when they try to make the case that Vikings were Muslims! So, in supplement to Henrik Palmgren’s presentation of Qaisar Mahmood, I also join an earlier show of Red Ice TV where the theory of the Muslim Vikings was explored.
Archives de catégorie : Marxisme
YouTube Censorship Surge with Jared Taylor & James Allsup
Entrevue avec Yvan Blot sur la menace révolutionnaire du terrorisme islamiste
Entrevue avec Laurent Obertone sur son dernier livre, Guerilla
Dans le roman d’anticipation intitulé Guerilla, Laurent Obertone présente le scénario-catastrophe d’une France aux prises avec une guerre civile lors de laquelle des émeutes en banlieues s’additionnent à des actes terroristes. Si l’auteur ne souhaite pas, évidemment, que ce scénario se réalise, après avoir parlé avec différents membres de la police et du renseignement, il craint néanmoins qu’il soit possible. Il présente ici les grandes lignes de ce livre sur les ondes de TV Libertés.
Entrevue avec Nick Adams sur la rectitude politique
L’auteur australien Nick Adams définit la rectitude politique comme étant une idéologie totalitaire qui est en train de dévorer le monde entier. Adams, durant cette entrevue d’une heure accordée à Frank Gaffney sur les ondes de Secure Freedom Radio, passe en revue les différents éléments du problème de la rectitude politique, ainsi que les forces en présence, comme les gauchistes de tout poil, les islamistes, les activistes qui s’attaquent à la liberté d’expression et l’utilisation qu’ils font de la victimisation, etc. Il regarde également des phénomènes comme l’immigration de masse et les migrants en relation avec la rectitude politique. Une entrevue à ne pas manquer.
Pat Condell sur les viols en série commis par des gangs de Pakistanais en Angleterre
Très bien dit. En plein dans le mille.
Cultural Marxism in Canadian Society: Ricardo Duchesne and Shawn Dalton on ThatChannel
Barack Hussein Obama: « The Unvetted » presented by America’s Survival, Inc & AB Independent Productions
To learn more about this subject, please visit
Lord Monckton about Rio+20 and the UN Eco-fascist-communist agenda
Joel Gilbert: Barack Obama’s real father was Communist Frank Marshall Davis
That’s it folks. The cat is out of the bag, thanks to Joel Gilbert’s research. Like everyone else, I was wondering why Barack Obama would go to such lengths as to provide a fake birth certificate if he really was an American-born citizen. For what purpose? To cover what? Well, precisely for covering that his real father was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA and a famous one, Frank Marshall Davis. After being exposed that he, Obama, provided a fake birth certificate and other dubious documents such as his school records, this is the real meat of the matter. Obama is the son of Frank Marshall Davis, a Marxist-Socialist revolutionary, and of Ann Dunham, a pin-up girl from the Betty Paige era whom he used to meet and take pictures of. To get all the details, listen to these interviews presented on the Alex Jones Show. To get more information on the fake birth certificate, see this post about Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s work on the subject. To study at a greater length the influence that Davis had on Obama, listen to this interview with Paul Kengor, author of The Communist, on Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney. For more information about Joel Gilbert’s work, you can visit his website, here.