Aldo Sterone sur le suicide mental dans le monde islamique

Sterone insiste ici sur le fait que dans les sociétés arabo-musulmanes on invite les citoyens à ne pas faire la distinction entre le bien et le mal, sensée être réservée à Dieu seul. Mais, lorsque l’on éteint son cerveau, dit-il, on ne peut pas le faire seulement partiellement. Si on le fait, on le fait totalement. C’est ainsi que les pouvoirs politiques en place ont réussi à soumettre et à dominer les populations du monde arabo-musulman pendant tous ces siècles, en leur demandant de ne pas essayer de faire la différence entre ce qui est bien et ce qui est mal. Je joins aussi une seconde vidéo commentant l’État islamique.

Aldo Sterone: L’éducation à l’occulte et à la mort dans les sociétés arabo-musulmanes

Excellente intervention ici de notre collègue défenseur de la liberté Aldo Sterone, sur l’éducation des masses arabo-musulmanes à l’occulte et au culte de la mort. Pour Sterone, les comportements inhumains et de type animal manifestés par les djihadistes de l’État islamique et autres groupes affiliés, ne sont que la conséquence logique de l’éducation et du lavage de cerveau dont les populations de ces pays sont l’objet. Cette intervention fait très bien suite au quatrième chapitre de mon texte sur l’occupation de l’Occident.

A second shooter involved in Robert F. Kennedy assassination: RFK was shot from the back

Yes, my friends. The « Dead Kennedys » is the name of a popular punk group. This name nevertheless expresses a very dark reality, that the Kennedys were not killed by lone wolves, lone gunmen or lone nuts but by very powerful forces behind the scenes. It was true for both JFK and RFK. Labelled by Dave Emory as the « Underground Reich », a nexus of elements ranging from organized crime, nazi operatives, anti-communist agents, so-called leftists, big corporations and so on, these forces continue to exert a very strong influence in world affairs of today. As a key witness to the assassination, Nina Rhodes-Hughes, has recently retracted her original official statements saying that a second shooter was involved, Sirhan Sirhan’s (the supposed killer of RFK) attorneys announced that they were filing a challenge to the verdict, alleging a conspiracy by the authorities. But that’s not all. RFK Jr.‘s wife was found dead by hanging a couple of days ago…Dead Kennedys… Do you still believe in lone nuts? This is a video that supports the hypothesis of a second shooter. I join two blog posts by antifascist researcher Dave Emory that explores these connections further.

“No More Coverups!”: Another Witness Says More than One Shooter in RFK Assassination

Sending a Message? RFK Jr.‘s Wife Found Dead by Hanging

Russ Baker on the MK-ULTRA program, the CIA and LSD

Please read this excellent article by Russ Baker on the CIA MK-ULTRA program and LSD. Originally commissioned by the New York Times Magazine, the editorial board changed their minds at the last minute. It was however published by The Observer in Britain and by Spiegel in Germany and many others around the world. The article tells the story of an American citizen named Stanley Glickman who went studying in Paris in the ’50s. One night a stranger discretely put a LSD dose in his drink, as part of a series of early experiments with what was at the time a new drug. Developed by the Sandoz company, originally part of the I.G. Farben cartel that was instrumental in the rise of Nazi Germany and that was broken into several smaller companies at the end of the war (including BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, counting for 95% of the total business) LSD was the subject of intense research until psychologist Timothy Leary began sharing the « experience » with a larger public in San Francisco and around Boston in the late ’60s, which led LSD to be declared illegal and Leary to be arrested at the border of Mexico in the ’70s. For more details, please read his excellent autobiography, Flashbacks. The CIA probably wanted to create the perfect drug with which to control the minds of the population. Instead, they created one that expends the power of the human mind, thus achieving the exact opposite of what they wanted to do. Isn’t that such an irony? Here is a short video about Leary.

Brave New World preschools in Sweden: Another expression of the Pirate Bay vortex?

© Skumar2008 |

This article of The Globe and Mail by Jenny Soffel is extremely relevant. It presents the case of a preschool in Sweden, Egalia, funded by taxpayers and located near Stockholm, where incredible efforts are made to have children avoid making any connections to gender identity for the sake of equality of the sexes. For example and among other things, children’s books in Egalia deal exclusively with homosexual couples, single parents or adopted children, but not with heterosexual families. Talk about equality! Also, staff members try to avoid masculine and feminine references from their speech and have adopted the neutral pronoun «hen», used by gays and feminists to replace the « han » and « hon », the equivalents of him and her. Generally speaking, Sweden is a society where breaking down gender roles is a priority, if not an obsession. Certain preschools even have « gender pedagogues » (no kidding) to make sure that no one goes down the dangerous path of stereotypization, if I can coin that term. To give a concrete example, at Egalia, Lego blocks are intentionally placed next to the kitchen…to make sure the kids get the message to think and behave as neutrals.

I have been reflecting for a while on how much Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was really not in fact a « novel of anticipation » as it has been advertised to be, but rather a blueprint for a world ruled by fascism that was to come. I think that with Egalia, we have a perfect expression here of that agenda. Sweden has been presented in the media as a kind of earthly paradise were social-democracy had triumphed over capitalism, where men and women and citizens of all origins are all equal, a peaceful society where everything slides smoothly with no squeaky wheels. Famous IKEA company has become the emblem of that «perfection». It is a smaller embodiment of that paradise where you can find everything you need for your house and even have lunch, while your kids are being taken care of…in an on-site day-care center! Talk about foreseeing the needs of the clientele! Continuer la lecture

Osama bin Laden: The most wanted teddy bear

This CNN video is so hilarious. We see our most wanted bogeyman in a studio somewhere recording a message, probably to scare the poor chickens that we are. Interestingly enough, the sound has been cut off. What are they trying to prevent us from hearing? Anyway, in this video, we see that person, who supposed to be a bogeyman, a dangerous, fierce, agressive and violent individual, behaving so diligently and softly. Honestly, he looks rather like a comedian, asked to shoot his lines for the camera. You see him looking off the camera, on the sides, as if he was seeking the approval of somebody or a director in the room. Observe him. Is he really the dangerous bogeyman that was sold to us? He seems so harmless, benign, almost like somebody you would take into your arms to console… Frankly, they could have found somebody else to serve as the number one bogeyman on Earth. It’s difficult to take him seriously with these pictures. But, hey, what do I know! I’m just a blogger.

Julian Assange, Santiniketan Park Association kids and Dance Music

Julian Assange is probably one of the strangest birds, to use Dave Emory’s formulation, to have flown around for a long time. Everything about him is strange, physiologically and psychologically. Among other things, his platinum blond hair color is definitely a distinctive character of his. According to Dave Emory’s research and findings, Assange has been raised in a cult called the Santiniketan Park Association, a mind-control cult leaded by Anne Hamilton-Byrne. By mind-control one has to understand the use of techniques, similar to what we could expect from programs such as MK-ULTRA, to break up the mind and subjugate and submit the personality to the will of the group. Depravation of sleep, of food, abuse, torture and rape of any kinds are standard methods. The organization seems to have links with the intelligence community, the Australian secret service among others, and also with Swedish fascist financier Carl Lundstrom, and pharmaceutical company Sandoz which has put together LSD. The cult provides multiple identities and passports for the children they raise. When children don’t have natural blond hair, Hamilton-Byrne has a dye given to them which indicates a kind of obsession there reminiscent of the Third Reich. I encourage you to read the complete post written by Dave Emory and listen to the show about it here, for you to see who Assange really is and understand all the connections. The second link here shows you a picture provided by a listener of his show, For the Record, that seems to portray what appears to be a younger Julian Assange. The resemblance is certainly striking.

Also, I am proposing to you a couple of Dance Music videos in which we can see dancers wearing platinum blond hair. Is this only a coincidence or the entertainment industry has links with the Santiniketan Park Association and a similar agenda, I don’t know. But it is certainly curious. The first video is of Dutch DJ artist Armin van Buuren and the second is of British Pop singer Lolene.

‘You’re going to have to shoot them in the head,’ Beck said of Democrat leaders

That is the brilliant declaration of Fox News conspiracy host Glenn Beck. After that, we wonder why episodes of violence occur… And Sarah Palin continues to refuse any responsability for what happened in Tucson, Arizona, after using a poster with Democrat targets.


Sarah Palin right on target

Look at Sarah Palin’s hit list for her campaign trail. Marshall McLuhan says that the media has to be studied like a grammar. Is it possible that the targets on this poster have been interpreted as a trigger by Jared Loughner to unclench his MK-ULTRA programming? Don’t we always say that a picture is worth a thousand words?