Documentaire: Quand la CIA complote avec l’OLP

Ce documentaire présente des tractations et négociations stratégiques effectuées par la CIA avec l’OLP dans le but de sécuriser les intérêts américains dans les territoires de la région. Entre autres, il nous fait connaître le « merveilleux » personnage de Ali Hassan Salameh, lui qui a été impliqué dans le massacre des Jeux Olympiques de Munich de 1972 où plusieurs athlètes israéliens ont été assassinés par une faction palestinienne appelée Septembre Noir. Pour en savoir plus sur Salameh et l’opération de Munich, voyez cet épisode radio de Dave Emory. En gros, ce documentaire montre de façon éclatante le double discours des Américains, pro-Israël de façon officielle et publique mais irrémédiablement pro-arabe en secret, lorsque cela protège leurs intérêts nationaux

Michelle van Cleave and other guests comment on the continuation of the Cold War on Secure Freedom Radio

Who Said The Cold War Was Over?

A suicidal culture

Sexual entrapment, financial blackmail and family pressure: Tim Lister comments on some of the challenges of espionage in 21st century

Interview airs in segment #2.

Tim Lister on 21st century espionage

Interview with Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio: Bogus « democratic » revolutions, civilization jihad and the subversion of western societies

When the so-called Arab Spring took place last year, very few people actually showed any form of moderation in their analysis of the situation. Heated by the French Revolution-type atmosphere of the events, they displayed emotions ranging from euphoria, joy, happiness, etc, but very little in terms of careful examination of history and in terms of reflexion. A few media personalities and political analysts recommended caution on the contrary, and we have to acknowledge today that they were right. Dave Emory, a radio host and antifascist researcher for more than thirty years, was one of them. In a series of shows starting in FTR #733 through #739, he presented a whole collection of elements and connections that bring anyone studying this event to seriously put into question the official version of things. In effect, a careful examination of the so-called revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya show that there is virtually zero chance that any democracy could come to the light of day in these countries. Why? For a lots of reason, among them history, the type of Islam preached and imposed there, and the absence of significant civilian society structures. In all fairness, we have to recognize that his analysis was correct. You can access these shows below.

Last week, we learned that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood will in the end present a candidate, Khayrat el-Shater, for the Presidential Election, after stating earlier that they would not. On Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, Diana West, a member of Team B II and of the Center for Security Policy which produced the marvelous report Shariah: The Threat to America, offered this week a testimony on how the Muslim Brotherhood was not only taking control of societies in the Middle East but was successfully infiltrating and coercing the United States. Parenthetically, we could add that they are doing the same thing virtually in every other western societies. To exemplify this, she brings the example of how the U.S. military is slowly being accustomed and acclimated to Sharia, in order to make it more compliant with all the requirements of Islam, to a point of humiliation. In effect, troops in Afghanistan are asked not to do anything that could « offend » Muslims, at the expense of soldiers’ security, and to turn a blind eye to pedophilia. In other terms, soldiers are expected to show « respect », i.e. obedience and submission to Sharia Law, and the result is an immense feeling of demoralization. (By the way, demoralization is the first step in the process of subversion of a society. For more on this topic, check this earlier post in which Yuri Bezmenov, a defector from the KGB, presents the complete process of subversion.) Continuer la lecture

Yuri Bezmenov: The science of destabilization and subversion

This conference by Yuri Bezmenov, alias Tomas Schuman, is a terrific presentation on the nature and mechanics of subversion. A defector from the ex-Soviet Union, Bezmenov worked for the KGB as a propaganda expert before passing to the West. As 85% of all KGB efforts were directed not at spying per se but rather at distracting western society in order to subvert and destroy it, this presentation is worth viewing again. Bezmenov begins his speech by reminding us about Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general who has authored the tremendously important The Art of War, a book on military strategy. The point of reminding us about this is obvious: all the signs that our western society is being the target of one or of several destabilization operations by foreign and domestic forces are evident. That’s why we need to focus our attention on the specifics of how a subversion operation works.

Bezmenov presents the stages of such operations as follows:

1-Demoralization, during which the different components of a society are infiltrated and then hijacked to take them away from their initial mission. Artificial bodies of bureaucrats come to replace the citizens;

2-Destabilization, during which the process of subversion began in step 1 increases in intensity and means;

3- Crisis, during which a society inevitably faces either civil war or invasion by foreign forces;

4- Normalisation finally, during which all activists and « revolutionaries » who got involved in social change and uprisings are eliminated by the new power elite. Bezmenov gives several examples of communist revolutions where early backers and actors of the revolution have been killed once the situation has settled. Continuer la lecture

Interview with Fara Mansoor, Part 2: Iran may have nuclear capability since 1974…

This is part 2 of an interview that Fara Mansoor, a member of the Iranian Resistance, gave to radio host Dave Emory in January and March 1993, on three separate shows. In part 1, we saw that the 1979 hostage crisis in Iran was in fact a coup d’état in which the Republican branch of the CIA replaced the cancer ill Shah of Iran with Ayatollah Khomenei. The general idea of this coup was to replace the Shah with somebody fiercely anti-communist and, at the same time, to destabilize Jimmy Carter relatively enough to make him lose the next Presidential Election. In this second part of the interview, we now learn that Iran may have nuclear capability since 1974. This story is rather complex and involves a lot of names, dates and characters. So, instead of trying to present the integrality of it, I will rather illustrate the spearhead from which you will be able to continue the research. Note here that we have to remember that Iran, as a country, was a key component in a strategy to create and consolidate a military and ideological bulwark against communism.

According to Fara Mansoor’s investigation, the CIA provided nuclear capability to Iran during the time of the transition from Richard Nixon to Gerald Ford, in 1974. It was accomplished through an Iranian-born and American citizen nuclear scientist, sent by the CIA, named Dr Mojtba Taherzadh. At this time, Taherzadh was working for Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. When he arrived in mid-1974 from the U.S., Taherzadh was placed at the head of the Nuclear Research Center in Iran. Then, he began researching and installing nuclear technology capable of producing nuclear weapons. In July 6th 1976, Dr Taherzadh signed a deal with Gifted Ink, one of Albert Hakim‘s companies, in order to acquire laser equipment to enrich weapon’s grade uranium. The sell export of this technology, fabricated by the Lischem corporation, was illegal at the time, so Hakim’s partner in Gifted Ink, Naim Perry, arranged with a CIA contact to smuggle it out of the country through U.S. Customs. Nevertheless, Bush Administration warnings at the time were saying that Iran might have obtained nuclear technology through China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and North Korea. Also, we have to remember that during these years, Iran signed contracts with France and the U.S. to obtain nuclear reactors. During this several hour interview, Fara Mansoor continues to present all the details and connections that need to be stressed out in relation with this event. To get the full story, please listen to the full interview and take notes. Continuer la lecture

John Loftus on the secret war against the Jews

This is a short interview with John Loftus, ex-U.S. Justice Department attorney. At the beginning of his career he worked on the Belarus file, which led him to uncover some inconvenient truths about the holocaust, the Jews, WWII, the Nazis and the involvement of the Allies in all these matters. At the peril of his own security and the one of his family, Mr Loftus published several astounding books, such as America’s Nazi Secret, The Secret War Against the Jews, Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and the Swiss Banks, among others. His efforts in trying to educate the public about the dark corners of our history are priceless. We owe him a great debt of gratitude. That’s why I am encouraging you, after you watch that clip, to read his books. If you want to know more about him, and to continue listening to what he has to say about these very important issues, I suggest a recent interview he gave to Dave Emory for his weekly show « For The Record ». Have a good listening and above all, a good reading.

FTR# 731: Interview with John Loftus on America’s Nazi Secret

A Fireside Chat: Get to know more Dave Emory as he explains the concept of the « Underground Reich »

This show by anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory is definitely « different » from the other shows. In this broadcast, we get to know more of Dave Emory as he explains a key concept of his political analyses, that of the « Underground Reich ». As a starting point, Emory presents a glimpse into the political  and military strategy of Sun-Tzu, a Chinese general, as he wrote in his manuel, The Art of War. Incidently, these few passages were excerpted in The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen. Reinhard Gehlen, for those who don’t know, was Hitler’s intelligence chief for the Eastern Front before he was hired by the CIA at the end of the war. Through the Cold War, Gehlen continued to spy on the Soviets but then on for the benefit of the CIA. As Emory explains more in details what he means by the « Underground Reich », he tries to make us reflect on the possibility that such tactics as described by Sun-Tzu could very well be applied here in the western world, and on the means that we could use to fight back against them. Finally, through psychological, spiritual and metaphysical analyses, Emory invites us to reflect on the higher meaning of life and on what it means to resist and fight back against tyranny. This show is absolutely fabulous. This is a must-listen!

A Fireside Chat

Interview with Fara Mansoor, Part I. The hostage crisis in Iran: A coup d’état against both the Shah and Carter

This fascinating and incredibly massive several hour interview features Fara Mansoor, a member of the Iranian Resistance. It was recorded in January and March 1993 on Dave Emory’s radio show, For The Record, during three separate shows. At the time, Dave Emory had a 4-hour airtime format at his disposal. That’s why he could allow his guest to utilize so much space to talk, present and explain all the different connections, details, etc, about this case, and Fara Mansoor certainly didn’t miss such an opportunity. The wealth and scope of detail in Mansoor’s research is absolutely fantastic, impressive and beyond description. In these times of mass media tyranny, where everything is downsized to its simplest expression and where the Twitter format of 140 characters has relegated the classic tools of expression such as the book, the academic journal, the Ph. D. thesis, the university or scientific research to the antics of history, this interview tastes like an oasis of science, research and intelligence.

In these eight segments, representing the first two shows, that I have attached here for you and that you will find regrouped in the second link titled « The Terror Connection », Fara Mansoor explains something that is never presented anywhere else in the media. In a nutshell, these are the basic elements that you will discover:

The received story about the hostage crisis of 1979 and the Iranian Revolution is a lie. In order to understand what has taken place during these crucial months, one has to know certain facts of history. The first and most important, is that the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, has been brought to political power by a coup d’état fomented by the CIA against the moderate and Moscow-backed goverment of Mossadegh in 1953. The connections between U.S. intelligence agencies and governements and the regime of Iran are overt. What is the link between that and the Iranian Revolution, you will ask? This: Richard Helms, former CIA director (1966-1973) and then U.S. ambassador in Iran (1973-1976), learned around 1975 that the Shah had cancer. So the geo-political and geo-strategical motivations that were behind the destitution — because that’s exactly what we are talking about here — of Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953 were sent back in motion again. But this time, it would be the Shah who will have to be replaced by again another fierce anti-communist. Continuer la lecture

Conférence de Guy Millière du 8 décembre 2011: La politique pro-islamiste de Barack Obama

Décidément, Barack Obama aura réussi à berner tout le monde, sauf Guy Millière et quelques autres bien entendu. Il a concocté un numéro de séduction d’une adresse telle qu’il a réussi à charmer, endormir et anesthésier non seulement le public américain mais le monde entier aussi, alors que ce qu’il incarne n’est de toute évidence pas très beau. Comme le révèle Guy Millière dans cette excellente conférence, les suites de l’élection de Barack Obama étaient prévisibles, pour peu que l’on connaisse son passé. En effet, ce que les médias ne vous disent jamais, c’est qu’Obama est un islamiste convaincu. Les premiers gestes qu’il a posés suite à son élection le confirment, de son entretien chaleureux avec Mahmoud Abbas à sa visite au Caire, sans parler des gens qui composent son entourage. Aussi faut-il ne pas trop se surprendre du « printemps arabe ». Les événements de l’hiver et du printemps derniers, bien qu’apparentés à des révolutions, sont en fait des renversements, des coups d’état, qui étaient annoncés en filigrane dans le discours d’Obama au Caire. Un hiver islamique s’annonce donc. Guy Millière analyse ici le rôle joué par l’administration d’Obama dans le « printemps arabe » et les répercussions que celui-ci aura sur la sécurité, la prospérité et l’avenir d’Israël. À voir absolument.