Ronald Rychlak on the techniques of disinformation

In this interview with Frank Gaffney, Rychlak presents the content of his new book, Disinformation: Former Spy Cheif Revelas Strategy for Undermining Freedom, Attacking Religion, and Promoting Terrorism. Definitely an extremely important interview to be able to understand the critical areas of the information war that is going on today. Information dominance is the key. Interview airs in segment #3. Two thumbs up!

Ronald Rychlak on Secure Freedom Radio

Documentaire sur les Ismaéliens ou « Assassins »

Arte La secte des assassins 01 par el_manchou

Arte La secte des assassins 02 par el_manchou

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Bill Warner: The classical culture was not taken down by « barbarians » but by Muslims…

A tremendous contribution to the understanding of the true nature of Islam. It is of Bill Warner’s educated judgement that the classical culture was not taken down by so-called « barbarians », such as the Germans, the Franks, the Ostrogoths, the Wisigoths and so on, but by Muslims through the jihadist expansion, rapid and spectacular, of Islam that occured from the 7th century to a few centuries ago. And that is yet another lie that is fed to us by our so-called university « teachers » and « scholars » and government officials. It is time to wake up and to reject this stack of propaganda.