Hezbollah: The World’s Leading Narco-Terrorist Organization, by Christopher Holton

I rarely do that but this time I am making an exception. This article by Christopher Holton is worth a post by itself. It details the links between Hezbollah and drug trafficking and related criminal activities. The real stuff.

Hezbollah: The World’s Leading Narco-Terrorist Organization

Robert Spencer: How the ‘Palestinians’ were invented…

The Soviet Union with the help of Yasser Arafat created the ‘Palestinians’ out of thin air to be able to delegitimize and propagandize against the state of Israel. Those that we call ‘Palestinians’ were referring to themselves, in 1947, as Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians, etc. Nobody thought of himself as a ‘Palestinian’. The Soviet Union and the Eastern Block were able to do that by exploiting the remnants of WWII antisemitism and by tapping into the endless reservoir of hatred for the Jews that lies in the Koran and in the religion of Islam and that you can find in any Arab-Muslim country to this day.

Caroline Glick on a few Israel-related subjects: Livni, options and the next Lebanese war

The excellent Caroline Glick stikes back with some good articles on Israel’s political situation. Among several subjects, she comments here on Israel’s opposition leader Tzipi Livni, former Foreign Minister, who has embraced the international Left and the Palestinian cause for her own political gain, at the detriment of the interests…of her own people. Considering that during WWII six millions of her compatriots were exterminated by the nazi regime, there is only one word that can be used to describe such political action: treason. With « friends » like that, you don’t need enemies. It is one thing to be an opportunist but it is another to deliver your own people into the hands of butchers, and that is exactly what Livni is doing. What is wrong with her? She makes me think to those Jews who collaborated with the Nazis during WWII, thinking that their lives would be spared. Sometimes they were, sometimes not, especially when they became useless. There is no difference today between the Left and the Extreme-Right. It is one and the same. The words and the clothing might be different, but in the end it is all about ripping off the poor…and killing the Jews. She should think about it, because the State of Israel is the only thing that prevents the mass-extermination of Jews and that’s why so much enemies are pressing at its doors these days. In the other two articles, Glick analyses Israel’s options and the possible start of a war with Lebanon. Good work!

Tzipi Livni

Israel’s only two options

The next Lebanese War

A little humour on the Palestinian « crisis »: A look at the professional refugees

Hello folks. I was away for a few days on vacation. You see, everybody needs that once in a while, even a Resistant like me. I went to the ocean, trying to relax and forget about the problems of the world and my own at the same time. I couldn’t or so little. Surprised? What can I do. Everything is going down the drain. I would be foolish to behave as if everything was fine. Anyway, a friend shared this video with me and I just thought it would be a terrific way to continue after a week off. It brings some humour to a tragic situation. The « Palestinians », as they are being called, are professional activists. They work for either Iran, Syria or Lebanon, or a combination of them. Their work is to try to destabilize and delegimitize Israel and the Jewish community by spreading anti-semitic propaganda, and we have got to be honest, they are good at it. The problem is, people like me and my friends, don’t buy it. We expose these stooges for what they are, i.e. anti-semites and racists, sometimes fascist or socialist depending. A few days ago, Greece took care of these useful idiots during the aborted Gaza Flotilla 2 departure and I was thrilled. Enjoy the irony, truthfulness and accuracy of this production. Two thumbs up!

While everyone is preoccupied by Syria and Libya…China is reversing back to full communism

© Yobidaba | Dreamstime.com

Totalitarian ideologies are similar to cockroaches or rats: when you think that you got rid of them, they always come back. Come on, admit it. You thought that communism was defeated, right? Oh, so because the U.S.S.R. had collapsed and with it the Eastern Block, you thought that communism/socialism was over? Do you realize how much you were naive? Ok, listen. I don’t want to be too harsh on you. I know that the clues in sight seemed to indicate that it was the case. But as you can see, it will be a long road before we finally finish the job against communism.

In effect, after a few years during which China seemed to have opened its political and economical systems to allow for free enterprise and western-like initiatives, the country is in a process of returning back to the old communist ways, the ones inspired by Mao. China was never a part of the Eastern Block, they had their own version of communism that allowed them to survive the crash of 1989-1990 when the Berlin Wall came down and the U.S.S.R. broke into pieces. But recently, the dragon of communism made its way back to the hearts of the Chinese and convinced them that it was time to revert to what made Mao’s pride. And so, the “five noes” have been reaffirmed at the National People’s Congress. They lay the path for the years to come and will determine China’s both domestic and foreign policy: « No multi-party elections, no diversity in guiding thought, no separation of powers, no federal system and no privatization ».

With nazism that has gone underground after WWII and that has been active ever since behind the scenes to sabotage our world, with Islamism on the rise and trying to replace western civilization as the dominating system, and now with the revival of communism in China adding more weight and credibility to the socialist-inclined version of Islam put forward by Iran and its Hezbollah spearhead in Lebanon and Syria, you see that we have a lot of job on our hands. It is not a time to be weak. It is a time to be strong. If we don’t resist and fight back, we are going to be assimilated and/or destroyed by one or all of these totalitarian ideologies. It is time to make a stand for democracy, for freedom and for humanity. Resist before it is too late!

For a french interview on the same subject with a specialist of China, Loïc Tassé, click here.

Patricia Adams – Nationalizing China

Israel seizes German-owned cargo ship carrying weapons…from Iran

© Ivan Mikhaylov | Dreamstime.com

Israel seized a cargo ship on March 14th in the Mediterranean sea, a few hundreds miles from the shores of the Gaza Strip. The ship was carrying Iranian weapons intended for Palestinian militants in Gaza. The ship set off from Syria, stopped in Turkey before heading toward Egypt. As a reminder, weapons are smuggled from Egypt to the Gaza Strip using a network of underground tunnels. Iran has denied involvement, as it was  to be expected. The incident follows earlier attempts from hostile Arab or Muslim countries to provide weapons to destabilizing or terrorist agents in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank. The IHH-sponsored Gaza flotilla incident is a notorious example of that, which was a clear provocation from the part of Turkey.

What is really interesting though is the ownership of the vessel, German… Honestly, who could have guessed? The Third Reich is deploying more and more overt provocations toward Israel. The message is clear: be ready to be wiped out. The anti-Israel sentiment is growing around the world and especially in the Middle East and we can see the wolves and sharks getting closer as they smell the blood of Jews. Frankly, we are governed by psychopaths. If real good people were in charge of the Earth, we wouldn’t see things like that. As a result, the hatred of the Jews will continue as long as humans won’t decide themselves to put these psychopathic killers behind bars or six feet under. If we don’t do that, the human race is doomed for extinction. For more details on the Gaza flotilla and the general context surrounding their shipments, see as well a couple of posts by Dave Emory.




FTR #723

Al-Manar TV broadcasts anti-semitic propaganda

This satellite tv broadcasts disgusting propaganda. They have a series in which a blood libel is shown here, in this video, beginning around the half of it. This document has been made to show the similarities between nazism and islamism. A blood libel, in the Middle Ages, was a fabricated story in which Jews were being accused of sacrificiing christian children in order to use their blood in religious rituals. Look at this. This is utterly disgusting!!! This tv network is based in Lebanon…were the Hezbollah reigns!!! Notice as well in the video a Hezbollah meeting where they give the Nazi salute and the indoctrination of young children like with the Hitler Youth! Same mentality, same habits, same conduct. Wake up world!