The rally in Charlottesville: The ‘coup’ against the Alt-Right and Trump…

It pains me a great deal having to write this article but it is my duty as a responsible citizen to do so, so bear with me. Things are not going well with the Trump Administration. The policies put in place by President Trump are importantly different from those advertised by Candidate Trump and it doesn’t bode well for the future. What we saw in Charlottesville a few weeks ago when the supposed ‘white supremacist’ rally, called Unite The Right, happened was a real circus, a theater of smoke and mirrors to deceive the many. The media lied about it in a way for me that was unprecedented. I knew the media was lying but they surpassed anything I was expecting. Even Fox News, a supposedly right-wing network, lied up to their cheeks. The female host who was describing the events going on live was absolutely horrible, calling rallygoers racists and nazis. She was so completely over the top, unprofessional and dishonest that you were wondering if she was not making a pitch to be hired by some other network. I had to check the station identification logo to be sure.

To set the record straight, here is what happened at Charlottesville, from the facts and witnesses accounts that I could gather. Right-wingers of a variety of school of thought and political philosophy gathered in that town to protest the removal of Confederate monuments, the statue of Robert E. Lee among many. It was also an occasion to meet other right-wingers, to network and create bonds. A lawfull permit was given to the organizers and the police was informed of every detail. Everything was looking good. Rallygoers start to assemble in the morning and the atmosphere was peaceful. The police was monitoring and securing the event. Then the antifa showed up and increased their numbers rapidly. Some of them were armed with clubs and other weapons. Then for some reasons not explained the rally was declared unlawful, the State of Emergency was declared and things deteriorated rapidly. The police, at the request of local authorities clearly not in sync with the ideas and values of rallygoers, pushed Unite the Right participants toward the antifa thugs making them easy targets for injuries of all sorts. What is important to precise here, again according to people who were there such as Richard Spencer and others, is that the perimeter had been set in a way that made rallygoers trapped and had nowhere to go to escape the antifa. So violence broke out between the two groups. That’s a chance that right-wingers brought shields to defend themselves. Then, there was also the incident with the car but we don’t even know if it was intentional. We don’t know the circumstances.

The media portrayed the whole event as a nazi and KKK event while it was nothing of the sort. There might have been a few people with nazi flags but that doesn’t make all rallygoers nazis. Effectively, if your neighbour puts a Bolivian flag on his balcony that doesn’t make the whole neighbourhood Bolivian. You also have to remind yourself that sometimes people in the New Right or the Alt-Right for exemple use nazi paraphernelia as a means of provocation, not because they are real nazis. I agree with Richard Spencer when he says that the Charlottesville rally was a total set up. Everything was ready, the police, local authorities, the media, to be able to present the event as a nazi rally.

But then who was the target of such an extensive operation? Obviously the Alt-Right movement first, which is gaining momentum and in strength rapidly. I think that those who planned this ‘coup’ against the movement wanted to be able to tie in the stain of nazism to the Alt-Right to be able, in turn, to get to President Trump. You see, the media and the Left have been trying unsuccessfully for months to portray Trump as somebody who ‘collude with Russia’. They have been repeating this story over and over again but it doesn’t stick. It is obvious that they have decided to change tactics: If the Russia label doesn’t work maybe the nazi label will. That’s what it was all about. Members of the Alt-Right movement, largely represented at this rally in Charlottesville, were instrumental in providing support to Candidate Trump to assure his victory on November 8. They made the difference, so to speak. So they were targeted to be smeared as nazis in Charlottesville, by the Left and other nefarious forces, to be able to smear Trump himself in a second step as a nazi and discredit him.

Then you have Trump’s response to the events. To be perfectly honest, I am not sure that Trump gets it the way he should. Or maybe he gets it but his entourage don’t let him think besides what Washington expects. In the very dangerous world in which we live, the puck is going very fast. So, in order to survive and win, you have to think fast and act fast. In the aftermath of the rally in Charlottesville, Trump provided a response that was rubber-stamped by the swamp, so to speak. He talked about ‘bigotry, hatred, racism, etc. Then, a few days later, going off script, he provided a much better response when he denounced ‘violence on both sides’. But again that’s not what happened.

It is obvious that Charlottesville was a set up, a very clever, meticulous, articulate information warfare and propaganda operation designed to break Trump’s Presidency. All the signs are there showing that a soft ‘coup’ is under way to overthrow the President and marginalize his supporters. Within the Administration, those who support his agenda and policies are being pushed aside, fired or dismissed. The ousting of Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka are sending the signal that the Trump Presidency will not be about what Candidate Trump made campaign on. Also, those who support or used to support President Trump are being kicked out of social media, they see their videos on Youtube being demonetized, censored, they see their access cut from payments services, etc, in other terms they are being targeted for their political ideas. In that regard, everybody can notice that there seems to be more censorship going on since Trump took office than there was during Obama’s Presidency. Obama transfered the control of the internet to ICANN, the organism that delivers names and numbers for websites. Technically, while that is still a matter of interpretation by legal experts and lawyers, that transfert took off the protection offered by the First Amendment on speech, since now it is no longer the government that is in control of the internet but a non-profit organization.

President Trump could have easily denounced that transfer and proposed to cancel it, bringing it back under the government’s control. Why hasn’t he done that? President Trump said a few times that he would defend ‘religious liberty’. Well…there’s just one problem. Religious liberty and freedom of speech are not compatible. If you look at history, you will notice that very often religions were imposed on populations by force, sometimes by the sword. So religions spread throughout the world thanks to their ability to suppress the freedom of speech of those they wanted to convert. As far as I know, all religions of any importance did it. And today, we have to face the problem of Muslims trying to impose shariah law on non-Muslims. To let the Muslims deliver their propaganda in order for them to impose shariah on us is not ‘liberty’. It is folly and submission. When President Trump made his trip to Saudi Arabia to meet with the leaders of the Muslim and Arab nations, he was received and treated as a king. Personally, I am not sure I like it. Islam is a supremacist religion that tolerates nothing and no one outside its realm. When Muslims don’t like somebody, usually, that’s a good sign, a sign that that person is not submitting to shariah and is actually defending our values and freedoms. In that regard, you could say that Muslims are divided on Trump. Some of them like him, others don’t. Recently, Muslim activitst Linda Sarsour proposed the idea that resisting Trump was a form of jihad. Was the whole circus of Charlottesville part of that jihad?

I would like to finish with this broader question: How far are we willing to go in the West to accommodate the Muslim world before getting destroyed? I suggest that you listen to these two witnesses accounts, those of Richard Spencer and James Allsup.

Entrevue avec Bernard Lugan sur l’Algérie

L’érudit présente ici son dernier livre, Algérie, l’histoire à l’endroit. Précédée d’une capsule sur les Croisades, l’entrevue débute vers les 19:00 minutes. Une des forces du livre de Bernard Lugan est de rappeler aux lecteurs que les populations d’Afrique du Nord en grande majorité ne sont pas des arabes sur le plan ethnique mais bien plutôt des berbères qui ont été arabisés et islamisés de force.

Capsule historique sur la Libération-épuration en France en 1944

Soixante-dix ans de recul historique permettent de mieux juger cette période de l’histoire de France. Aussi, cela permet de mieux comprendre ce qui se passe aujourd’hui. En effet, il peut être tentant pour des gens désirant obtenir le pouvoir ou désirant le garder, d’utiliser des mercenaires étrangers — comme des islamistes par exemple ou différents indésirables qui peuvent débarquer dans nos pays via l’immigration ou le statut de réfugié — pour faire l’épuration de la population à une époque où les plus hautes sphères du pouvoir sont ébranlées et remises en question. Utiliser des mercenaires étrangers, cela permet aussi d’utiliser la « déniabilité plausible » et de blâmer quelqu’un autre pour l’échec de ses propres politiques économiques et sociales. Une capsule vidéo à méditer longuement.

La chasse aux sorcières, l’Espagne musulmane et les purges staliniennes

Je vous présente trois capsules historiques de TV Libertés. Elles vont droit au but en identifiant clairement les clichés et déformations les plus répandues sur ses sujets. Vous savez ce qui rassemble ces moments de l’histoire? L’intolérance. On pourrait dire que ce sont des exemples de sociétés qui se trouvent « à gauche » sur le spectre politique. Invariablement, ce genre de sociétés où l’intolérance est érigée en système, donc totalitaires, versent dans des comportements répressifs qui vont de la simple intimidation, du harcèlement, des menaces jusqu’à l’emprisonnement et même à la mise à mort parfois. Voilà pourquoi nous devons défendre nos valeurs chrétiennes et occidentales bec et ongles (la première capsule vous apprendra que l’Inquisition était en fait conduite par des laïcs). Ronald Reagan avait bien raison: la tyrannie n’est jamais plus éloignée que d’une seule génération. En ce jour de la commémoration des attentats du 11 septembre 2001, souvenons-nous en.

Deux entrevues avec Ricardo Duchesne sur Red Ice Radio

Ricardo Duchesne est un sociologue de l’histoire qui a déjà plusieurs publications à son actif. Ses recherches l’ont amené à réfléchir sur la façon dont l’Occident avait évolué à travers l’histoire, sur les questions d’identité qui surgissent à l’ère de l’immigration de masse que nous subissons, sur les ravages du multiculturalisme et comment celui-ci était en train de détruire la nature même de la civilisation et de la culture occidentales. Environ deux années séparent les deux entrevues mais elles s’arriment très bien l’une à l’autre. Lors de ces entrevues, il a l’occasion de présenter le contenu de ses deux principaux titres.

Ricardo Duchesne: Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age

Ricardo Duchesne: The Uniqueness of Western Civilization & Multicultural Madness

Entrevue avec Harry Hubbard sur le site archéologique de la « Petite Égypte » en Illinois

Harry Hubbard nous parle d’un site archéologique absolument extraordinaire situé dans le Marion County, dans l’Illinois, où l’on peut retrouver des vestiges des civilisations grecque et égyptienne, entre autres. Hubbard raconte également ses péripéties pour faire reconnaître cette découverte et les difficultés personnelles et professionnelles qu’il a dû rencontrer. Cette découverte remet sur la sellette le niveau de suppression et de distorsion que l’homme moderne fait subir à l’histoire.

Harry Hubbard: The Illinois Mystery Cave sur Red Ice Radio

Rencontre de Gilbert Collard avec Bernard Lugan

Gilbert Collard interview ici l’érudit remarquable Bernard Lugan, dont les champs d’expertise recoupent notamment l’histoire, l’anthropologie, l’ethnologie, la géographie et l’Afrique. L’essentiel de l’entrevue se propose de présenter un récent ouvrage sur l’Afrique, Histoire de l’Afrique du Nord. L’islamisation de l’Afrique du Nord fait l’objet ici de nombreux échanges entre Collard et Lugan. À voir.

Entrevue avec Bill Warner sur l’histoire des conquêtes musulmanes

Je vous recommande cette excellente entrevue avec Bill Warner sur l’histoire des conquêtes musulmanes, donnée sur les ondes de Red Ice Radio. Les travaux de Warner se rapprochent de ceux de Stephen Coughlin et se concentrent sur l’histoire et la théologie de l’islam. Les recherches réalisées par Bill Warner tendent à montrer la réalité de l’islam au-delà des clichés, demi-vérités et mensonges que l’on entend souvent à ce sujet. Warner, comme Coughlin d’ailleurs, se basent sur les faits et sur l’histoire et non pas sur des idées ou des fantasmes que l’on aurait de cette religion.

Bill Warner sur Red Ice Radio