Archives de catégorie : Guerre
Interview with Bill Gertz about China’s unrestricted warfare against the U.S., on SFR
Phil Simpson presents the heroic story of the Cimbri, on Red Ice TV
The Cimbri are a good example of what courage is and of what to do when confronted with adversity against incredible odds. I disagree though with their decision to commit mass suicide. This is not the way to go for patriots and nationalists. On the contrary, we must keep living our lives as long as we can to continue the fight against the tyrants (the modern Romans) who are trying to enslave us. The first video features Phil Simpson giving an interview on the air of Red Ice TV about the Cimbri. The second one is one of Simpson’s about the Cimbri and the consequence of cowardice.
La Petite Histoire – Croisades: Le grand mensonge, sur TV Libertés
Lana Lokteff on race and mass murder
Lana Lokteff responds to accusations that white people would like to mass murder non-whites, while it is the opposite that is true. The current trend shows an increasing danger for the lives and well-being of whites. The case of South Africa, where white farmers are being killed regularly, is certainly the most extreme. But we can see the threat growing in the western world as well as non-whites become increasingly aggressive and impolite toward whites, on top of predatory moves made on their property, their wealth and resources.
Lana Lokteff on interracial relationships on Red Ice TV
In this video, Lana asks her viewers why is that interracial relationships are pushed on white women. Effectively, everywhere in the media we constantly see couples made of a black guy and of a white woman. That translates into the real world as well. Look around you and you will notice these couples everywhere you go. So why is that this type of relationship is pushed on white women? Lana Lokteff gives a lot of good reasons here, like the intention to erase the white race by mixing it with other races. But the main reason she doesn’t mention (not in plain terms) is that this type of relationship is designed to signify to the white man that he has been conquered by the black man. Following the conquest of a territory, men of the victorious tribe always take the women of the conquered ones. It is a constant in history. So, if black males appropriate white females for themselves, leaving white males to be alone or to watch porn, that can only mean that they have, or at least that they consider that they have, conquered our western territory, home of the white men. You see, that type of relationship has nothing to do with love or desire. It is engineered to make the white man feel subdued and conquered by depreciating him before his peers, before the women of his tribe and before himself. Again, unfortunately, that is another thing that we can add to the legacy of Barack Obama. No one in the history of the United States has done more to divide people among themselves.
Frank Gaffney’s speech at CPAC 2018
Entrevue avec Pierre Hillard sur les perspectives d’avenir du système politico-financier actuel
Interviews with Bill Warner and Robert Spencer about Shariah supremacism on SFR
Entrevue avec Tara McCarthy sur les attaques terroristes survenues au Royaume-Uni
Tara McCarthy commente ici sur Red Ice TV les dernières attaques terroristes qui se sont produites au Royaume-Uni et qui ont coincidé avec une élection cruciale dans ce pays. Je joins également la vidéo d’une nouvelle blogueuse, Stell Bell, qui signale avec justesse que la «tolérance» joue de mauvais tours au Occidentaux en ce qui concerne la terreur.