Andy Bostom on John Brennan’s abuse of classified information, on Secure Freedom Radio

If you listen to that show, one thing will become very clear. At the top of western countries, a lot of them, we find people who are nothing short of communists. From their places of power and influence, they can empower and enable islamists and shariah-adherent operatives and use them to terrorize our population to force them into submission. Islamists are hired guns. They couldn’t do anything if they were not enabled by people from our own ranks who have betrayed western civilization and its values. That’s the Red-Green Axis in its full deployment. John Brennan is one of the many people who went down that road. Now it’s easy to understand what really took place during the Obama years, why it happened and how. All those years we couldn’t make heads or tails with what the Obama Administration was doing while it was in our face all along. The Arab Spring and the rising of ISIS didn’t happen spontaneously. The Obama Administration made it happen, and now the whole planet it stuck with the problem. To continue your research, I also provide the link for an article by Andy Bostom on this very subject:

John Brennan’s Useful Idiocy For Stalinism and Sharia

John Loftus talks about intelligence matters on For The Record with Dave Emory

Dave Emory has gone through a dental surgery and his voice suffers from it. But the subjects he is talking with John Loftus in this interview don’t. The great John Loftus recaps here some of the most important matters regarding the world of politics and intelligence that have occured in the last century. Don’t miss it:

For The Record #749 Side 1

For The Record #749 Side 2

Center for Security Policy Stephen Coughlin: An exegesis of Shariah Law and what it means for westerners

Continuer la lecture

Interview with Diana West on Secure Freedom Radio: Bogus « democratic » revolutions, civilization jihad and the subversion of western societies

When the so-called Arab Spring took place last year, very few people actually showed any form of moderation in their analysis of the situation. Heated by the French Revolution-type atmosphere of the events, they displayed emotions ranging from euphoria, joy, happiness, etc, but very little in terms of careful examination of history and in terms of reflexion. A few media personalities and political analysts recommended caution on the contrary, and we have to acknowledge today that they were right. Dave Emory, a radio host and antifascist researcher for more than thirty years, was one of them. In a series of shows starting in FTR #733 through #739, he presented a whole collection of elements and connections that bring anyone studying this event to seriously put into question the official version of things. In effect, a careful examination of the so-called revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya show that there is virtually zero chance that any democracy could come to the light of day in these countries. Why? For a lots of reason, among them history, the type of Islam preached and imposed there, and the absence of significant civilian society structures. In all fairness, we have to recognize that his analysis was correct. You can access these shows below.

Last week, we learned that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood will in the end present a candidate, Khayrat el-Shater, for the Presidential Election, after stating earlier that they would not. On Secure Freedom Radio hosted by Frank Gaffney, Diana West, a member of Team B II and of the Center for Security Policy which produced the marvelous report Shariah: The Threat to America, offered this week a testimony on how the Muslim Brotherhood was not only taking control of societies in the Middle East but was successfully infiltrating and coercing the United States. Parenthetically, we could add that they are doing the same thing virtually in every other western societies. To exemplify this, she brings the example of how the U.S. military is slowly being accustomed and acclimated to Sharia, in order to make it more compliant with all the requirements of Islam, to a point of humiliation. In effect, troops in Afghanistan are asked not to do anything that could « offend » Muslims, at the expense of soldiers’ security, and to turn a blind eye to pedophilia. In other terms, soldiers are expected to show « respect », i.e. obedience and submission to Sharia Law, and the result is an immense feeling of demoralization. (By the way, demoralization is the first step in the process of subversion of a society. For more on this topic, check this earlier post in which Yuri Bezmenov, a defector from the KGB, presents the complete process of subversion.) Continuer la lecture

Ayers and Dohrn, Barack Obama, the death of Andrew Breitbart and the rise of Third Position fascism

(06-08-2012) N.B.: Before I let you read the article, here are a couple of points that I posted on on May 20th 2012 as a response to some criticism about the article from the website host. These remarks should serve as caveat, precisions, to be able to put into context the core of the text. I admit that this article was a reckless attempt, not necessarily successful, to explain and put into context something rather difficult to conceptualize. In the end, I think Obama is a good man but he is surrended by people who are not and who are trying to seize the occasion to do harm. Here it is:

Thanks for these remarks. I will clar­ify a few points just to be sure we agree on my posi­tions con­cern­ing Obama and the rest. Maybe the writ­ing of my arti­cle could be improved to reflect that.

First, I have never said that OBAMA killed Bre­it­bart or that he wanted to kill him. He nev­er­the­less signed, if I am not mis­taken, an Exec­u­tive Order that legal­izes tar­get­ted assas­si­na­tions of Amer­i­can cit­i­zens. Some­body else could have done it. Maybe.

Sec­ond, I have never said that Obama was third posi­tion. It is rather the crowd sur­round­ing him and with whom he evolved that gives me that impres­sion. For me, the Chicago milieu is bad and breeds rad­i­cals. But the right is not any bet­ter, of course.

Third, I agree, the Weath­er­men were prob­a­bly agent provocateurs.

Fourth, con­cern­ing Israel, reli­gious Zion­ism is prob­a­bly wrong as you say, but we must not for­get that Israelis face anni­hi­la­tion not only since 1922 (that’s 1917 in fact- Ed), year of the Bal­four Dec­la­ra­tion, but since the begin­nings of Chris­tian­ity. John Loftus’s The Secret War Against the Jews remains, for me, the best tool to under­stand the sit­u­a­tion. When the fate of the Jews is secured, the state of Israel is secured, we will have plenty of time to crit­i­cize Zion­ism and Netanyahu or any other politi­cian in place. I don’t like Netanyahu court­ing right-wingers, but there is not much of a choice. Obama is not favor­able toward Israel and the U.S. has only two parties…

Fifth, yes, Obama is very dif­fer­ent from Bush. Ide­aly, if we could com­bine the best of the two in just one can­di­date, that would be great. But unfor­tu­nately, it doesn’t work like that it seems.

I kept it brief and I hope it clar­i­fies things.


The recent death of Andrew Breitbart has opened a Pandora’s box. The controversy has raged over the fact that he was very vocal during the whole month of February about releasing, on March 1st, some tapes that would irremediably hurt Barack Obama and seriously undermine his chances to get re-elected. Apparently, the videos show Barack Obama during his college days with radicals. The fact that he died only hours before having the occasion to do so, has led many in political circles to ask themselves whether or not Breitbart could have been eliminated. The sudden heart attack that brought him down is seen by certain people as possibly only the official version of the story. Well, we may never know what really happened. However, this event has opened a rift, so to speak, in the political analysis spectrum, and now certain connections from the past emerge on the surface. A first tape has been released on March 7th. It shows Barack Obama during his college days at Harvard University endorsing and hugging Derrick Bell, a controversial professor who expressed radical leftist ideas about race. The hugging part of the video was censored at the time of the Presidential Election to avoid doing any damage to Obama’s campaign.

A thread is common and I want to present it to you. Kevin Coogan, a marvelous author, has written a book titled Dreamer of the Day: Fran­cis Parker Yockey and the Post­war Fas­cist Inter­na­tional. This book presents the political philosophy of Francis Parker Yockey, a post-war fascist political thinker. In a nutshell, Yockey wanted to breed a new kind of fascism where nazism/fascism, communism and Islam would merge, along with elements characteristic of Third World sensibilities, to create a new form of fascism that didn’t exist before WWII. Uniting the Far-Left and the Far-Right, with the Iran of the Ayatollahs and the Nation of Islam, was a priority and a goal in itself for him. Continuer la lecture

Islamic Militants in Gaza: « We Harvest the Skulls of the Jews »

Isn’t touching to see such « moderate » Muslims expressing their love and tenderness for the Jewish people? Barack Obama must be proud of them. They definitely represent the future of the Middle East and of the Muslim populations. And the « Arab Spring » is the beginning of a new era of democracy…

Connecting the dots on Al-Qaeda: Afrikakorps 2 and the Palestinian liberation movement distraction

During these last re-broadcasts, Dave Emory explores the Al-Qaeda movement as a re-formation of Afrikakorps, the expeditionary force of Nazi Germany in North Africa, especially present in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia. The mission of Al-Qaeda, examined under that spotlight, is to incense Arab and Muslim populations against Israel, the British and the United States, in an effort to secure the oil reserves of the Middle East for the Underground Reich, the same way Afrikakorps was trying to secure them for the Third Reich. FTR #333 explores the character of Ali Hassan Salameh, apparently a CIA asset and operative of the Black September organization that helped to engineer the Munich massacre of 1972. His father, Hassan Salameh, played an important role in the Palestinian issue. A key aide to Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hassan Salameh planned to poison the wells of Tel-Aviv. The goal was to create an uprising against the British to divert Allied troops. Fortunately, the operation failed. In this context, the Palestinian/Israeli question must be seen as a distraction to take the attention away from the real deal: oil. As Emory points out quite justly, even if Israel wouldn’t exist as a country, Arabs would still experience misery. Their suffering and poorness have another cause. There is something in their societies, surely due to their religion but also to the civilization itself from which they are the product, that blocks them from evolving and becoming prosper. Only the transformation of their minds and hearts will allow them to free themselves for this misery.

P.S.: Don’t you think that what we have witnessed during the « Arab Spring » resembles a lot to the events of WWII with Afrikakorps? Afrikakorps was present in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia…and curiously, that’s exactly where uprisings occured last winter. And the Palestinian/Israeli question used as a distraction while the real deal is oil… It seems to me that we are still where we were during WWII in these matters. If you replace the British by the United States, the situation in the Middle East is almost identical as to what it was during the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.

FTR #332

FTR #333

FTR #334

Russ Baker on The Boiling Frogs: Debunking a few lies

The excellent Russ Baker is back on The Boiling Frogs only a few weeks after another terrific interview given on Peter’s own program, The Peter B. Collins Show. In this conversation with Peter B. and Sibel Edmonds, Baker tries to debunk a few lies that have polluted our political and media landscape for the last months, notably the fake Arab Spring, the bogus claim that Qaddafi ordered mass-rapes of Libya’s women fueled with Viagra  and the total incompetence and lazyness with which the coverage and analysis of the Pan Am 103 incident have been made by our media. I totally agree with Russ Baker on these issues. Dave Emory started to analyse the real action behind the scenes during the time of the Egyptian « revolution », in a series of shows that I have referenced on my blog and that are called the  Piggy-Back Coup series and the Turkish Taffy series, and Baker is continuing the analysis with the same diagnosis. It was fake, all the clues are there, you just have to look at them. It was, in all probabilities, engineered by agents of the intelligence community. I provide you as well with a few articles, in which Baker goes deeper into the analysis on that topic. 

Also, Baker takes a few moments during the interview to raise our awareness on a gross example of psychological warfare that has been fabricated, the mass-rape claim in Libya. In effect, Qaddafi might be a dictator, he might cruel but he is not a fool. To order such thing in a time when the spotlight of the international community is on him would be totally suicidal. I agree with Baker that it is virtually impossible that this story could be genuine. Chances are that it has been cooked up in the labs of psychological warfare crews somewhere in the West, in an attempt to smear Qaddafi, adding to the shame already coming with the Pan Am 103 bombing. As soon as I heard this story, I didn’t believe it for a second and Baker comes in that interview as a second opinion that confirms what I had thought from the start. By the way, have you noticed that all of a sudden there are a lot of sexual « scandals » around the world, form DSK to Wiener to Qaddafi, etc? Do the power elite have a problem with sex? Or is it just the simplest way to smear someone without any chance for him/her to have a defense and continue unharmed? Anyway, listen to the interview and read the articles. Baker is one of the best journalists in America, if not of the world, and he deserves fully to be encouraged. If I were millionaire I would give him a good pay and a house…but unfortunately I am in the same situation than he is. It looks as if it is only the poor who are ready to struggle. The rich are all corrupted or cowards and they don’t do anything to help the world survive.

Russ Baker on The Boiling Frogs, #48

Libya Update

Connect the dots

Libyan sex atrocity

Why are we in Libya

Kerry and McCain unite