Ayers and Dohrn, Barack Obama, the death of Andrew Breitbart and the rise of Third Position fascism

(06-08-2012) N.B.: Before I let you read the article, here are a couple of points that I posted on SpitfireList.com on May 20th 2012 as a response to some criticism about the article from the website host. These remarks should serve as caveat, precisions, to be able to put into context the core of the text. I admit that this article was a reckless attempt, not necessarily successful, to explain and put into context something rather difficult to conceptualize. In the end, I think Obama is a good man but he is surrended by people who are not and who are trying to seize the occasion to do harm. Here it is:

Thanks for these remarks. I will clar­ify a few points just to be sure we agree on my posi­tions con­cern­ing Obama and the rest. Maybe the writ­ing of my arti­cle could be improved to reflect that.

First, I have never said that OBAMA killed Bre­it­bart or that he wanted to kill him. He nev­er­the­less signed, if I am not mis­taken, an Exec­u­tive Order that legal­izes tar­get­ted assas­si­na­tions of Amer­i­can cit­i­zens. Some­body else could have done it. Maybe.

Sec­ond, I have never said that Obama was third posi­tion. It is rather the crowd sur­round­ing him and with whom he evolved that gives me that impres­sion. For me, the Chicago milieu is bad and breeds rad­i­cals. But the right is not any bet­ter, of course.

Third, I agree, the Weath­er­men were prob­a­bly agent provocateurs.

Fourth, con­cern­ing Israel, reli­gious Zion­ism is prob­a­bly wrong as you say, but we must not for­get that Israelis face anni­hi­la­tion not only since 1922 (that’s 1917 in fact- Ed), year of the Bal­four Dec­la­ra­tion, but since the begin­nings of Chris­tian­ity. John Loftus’s The Secret War Against the Jews remains, for me, the best tool to under­stand the sit­u­a­tion. When the fate of the Jews is secured, the state of Israel is secured, we will have plenty of time to crit­i­cize Zion­ism and Netanyahu or any other politi­cian in place. I don’t like Netanyahu court­ing right-wingers, but there is not much of a choice. Obama is not favor­able toward Israel and the U.S. has only two parties…

Fifth, yes, Obama is very dif­fer­ent from Bush. Ide­aly, if we could com­bine the best of the two in just one can­di­date, that would be great. But unfor­tu­nately, it doesn’t work like that it seems.

I kept it brief and I hope it clar­i­fies things.


The recent death of Andrew Breitbart has opened a Pandora’s box. The controversy has raged over the fact that he was very vocal during the whole month of February about releasing, on March 1st, some tapes that would irremediably hurt Barack Obama and seriously undermine his chances to get re-elected. Apparently, the videos show Barack Obama during his college days with radicals. The fact that he died only hours before having the occasion to do so, has led many in political circles to ask themselves whether or not Breitbart could have been eliminated. The sudden heart attack that brought him down is seen by certain people as possibly only the official version of the story. Well, we may never know what really happened. However, this event has opened a rift, so to speak, in the political analysis spectrum, and now certain connections from the past emerge on the surface. A first tape has been released on March 7th. It shows Barack Obama during his college days at Harvard University endorsing and hugging Derrick Bell, a controversial professor who expressed radical leftist ideas about race. The hugging part of the video was censored at the time of the Presidential Election to avoid doing any damage to Obama’s campaign.

A thread is common and I want to present it to you. Kevin Coogan, a marvelous author, has written a book titled Dreamer of the Day: Fran­cis Parker Yockey and the Post­war Fas­cist Inter­na­tional. This book presents the political philosophy of Francis Parker Yockey, a post-war fascist political thinker. In a nutshell, Yockey wanted to breed a new kind of fascism where nazism/fascism, communism and Islam would merge, along with elements characteristic of Third World sensibilities, to create a new form of fascism that didn’t exist before WWII. Uniting the Far-Left and the Far-Right, with the Iran of the Ayatollahs and the Nation of Islam, was a priority and a goal in itself for him. Continuer la lecture

Interview with Robert Parry on For The Record: The Bushes and the bin Ladens helped each other

This great interview with Robert Parry of the Consortiumnews website by anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory must be listened to. For lots of reasons but especially because we never get to hear the full story in the mainstream media, as well as in the so-called « alternative » media, on anything. It is always one side of the coin only, if ever one side is covered correctly without ideological biases, preconceptions, prejudices, etc. The received rhetorical line concerning 9/11 and its aftermath goes like this: « The evil Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda warriors have attacked America. George W. Bush, as a true Commander-in-Chief, has stood up against these bloodthirsty terrorists and he is making sure that America stays safe and secure. He has struck back at them by going to war in Afghanistan and in Iraq ». That’s the way it goes.

Well…like it is often the case in life, it is not that simple. To begin with, let me remind you of a couple of things. First, in 2001, the Bushes and the bin Ladens were on the board of directors of the Carlyle Group, which Dave Emory has studied and presented in For The Record # 347. The Carlyle Group is one of the most influential investment firms of the world. Only the greatest of all get the chance to sit on that precious panel. And on the day of September 11th 2001, they just happened to hold their annual investment conference. Probably only just a coincidence, one could say. Members could then watch live the events unfolding in Manhattan. Among others, Frank Carlucci and James Baker III were present. Second, let me remind you as well that on September 12th, when nobody else could fly in the U.S., 12 members of the bin Laden family were flown out of the country. Third, both the chief of intelligence for Saudi Arabia and the head of the FBI were replaced in the weeks just prior to 9/11, which is rather curious and frightening, to say the least.

All things considered, the « war on terror » has been good for both the Bushes and the bin Ladens. For George W. Bush, this war has allowed him to be in the spotlight and be admired as the great defender of America, to acquire additional powers for his presidency and finally to shout out all those who were contesting (rightfully) the validity of his election at the detriment of Al Gore. And for the bin Ladens, the war on terror allowed Osama to strengthen the cause of Al Qaeda and recruit new warriors. In 2004, only four days before the presidential election, Osama bin Laden released a video in which he denounced George W. Bush. Intelligence analysts at the CIA were of the opinion that Osama bin Laden was in fact trying to help George W. getting reelected. In effect, such a virulent attack against Bush by Osama before the election was obviously recuperated by the Republican team as an endorsement of John Kerry. That was enough to swing the vote in favor of George W. And why would Osama do such a thing, would you ask? Because Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda didn’t want the U.S. out of Iraq, U.S. troops being too good for the cause of Al Qaeda.

Mr Parry talks about a lot of other different relevant points. One of them is the obvious biased coverage by the press of the performance of Democrat politicians. Robert Parry explains that a game of professional credibility assessment was at play in the media, as Conservative politicians were quite often accusing journalists of being « liberal ». Reporters reacted to these accusations by becoming harder and tougher on Democrats, unfairly most of the times, to establish their credibility, with the unfortunate consequence that Al Gore was treated miserably. Parry gives many examples. This is a great show. In order to listen to the audio archive, you must have Realaudio installed.

Interview with Robert Parry on For The Record #575

Martin Lee presents The Beast Reawakens on For the Record

This nice interview with Martin Lee by anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory is a great follow up to A Fireside Chat. In that program, Dave Emory takes the time to explain the concept of the Underground Reich and its implications for today and for our lives. In this chat, FTR #81, Martin Lee takes the opportunity to present his masterpiece work The Beast Reawakens. That book remains a milestone in the understanding of current events in terms of a return of fascism since the end of WWII but especially since the reunification of Germany. More precisely, it tries to underline the signs that are visible out there that the « beast » is effectively in a process of reawakening. We can see it in many different things and Martin Lee brings us to realize the scope of its implications. Among the many subjects Lee passes on, we find the rise of anti-semitism in the German Army, the use of psychological warfare on populations, the National Alliance, the role played by the Wehrmacht, the operations « Stay Behind », the pro-fascist junta in Greece, the militia, Elohim City, the Oklahoma City Bombing, etc.

At one point, Dave Emory brings the concept of « perceived discontinuity » in trying to explain the incapacity of a lot of people to understand things that are taking place and to read them correctly. In effect, if things look discontinuous, one might be tempted to conclude that there are no relationship between what is happening today and what happened in the past, several decades ago. That’s a very good point and I would add that it is probably an engineered one, for the very reason that it is necessary for the gradual and insidious implementation of fascism.

Interview with Martin Lee

L’affaire Desjardins-Montagna: La preuve retenue par le tribunal en raison de la sécurité nationale?

Raynald Desjardins, ancien bras droit du parrain Vito Rizzuto, est accusé du meurtre de Salvatore Montagna, un ancien dirigeant par intérim de la famille mafieuse new-yorkaise des Bonanno, survenu le 24 novembre dernier à Charlemagne. Desjardins avait été la cible d’un attentat raté le 16 septembre dernier, à Laval. Suite au meurtre de Montagna, un « contrat » aurait été mis sur la tête de Desjardins. Le début des procédures pour meurtre intentées contre Desjardins se sont donc fait sous haute surveillance. Or, ce qui est particulier dans ce dossier, c’est que le tribunal refuse de divulguer toutes les preuves qui ont servi à inculper Desjardins, à la defense. Seules des considérations de sécurité nationale, de terrorisme ou de possibles atteintes à la vie de personnes peuvent justifier la retenue de ces preuves. En effet, il appert que la police aurait réussi à décoder le protocole de communication crypté développé par la compagnie RIM, fabriquant le Blackberry. Me Claude Olivier, un des avocats de la défense, se dit surpris que la GRC puisse être en mesure de déchiffrer ces communications puisque, dit-il, « le FBI n’est pas capable de le faire ». Certaines questions se posent donc, à savoir si, par hasard, RIM n’aurait pas collaboré avec la police en partageant des renseignements. Aussi, on est droit de se demander quelle pouvait bien être la nature des conversations qui ont eu lieu.

En dernier ressort, la vraie raison qui doit bien motiver la retenue par le tribunal de ces preuves envoyées et enregistrées par les appareils Blackberry demeure probablement l’avantage technologique. En effet, pour que la police et les services de renseignements puissent détecter et désamorcer des attentats en préparation ou autres crimes majeurs, ils doivent avoir une « coche » d’avance sur ceux qui voudraient utiliser la technologie pour leurs fins personnelles et ainsi causer du tort à la collectivité. On ne saura jamais probablement ce qu’il y avait dans ces messages mais je me dis que notre ignorance vaut bien mieux que des groupes islamistes, terroristes, nazis, d’extrême-gauche, d’extrême-droite et autres totalitaires puissent prendre connaissance de la façon de déchiffrer le code crypté de RIM. Je vous propose une courte entrevue avec Me Claude Olivier sur les ondes de l’émission de Paul Arcand du 98,5 FM, ainsi que quelques articles faisant le tour des faits principaux.

Me Claude Olivier

Meurtre de Salvatore Montagna

Raynald Desjardins accusé de meurtre

Desjardins sauvé par les policiers

FBI Whistleblower Coleen Rowley, Patriot Act Victim Susan Lindauer and radio personality Dave Emory on NDAA 2012

The U.S. Senate and House have just approved a very dangerous bill that could mark the end of democracy itself in America. Here are the reflections of a few significant personalities who have very interesting things to say about it and its implications for our lives, the future of western society and for the principle of democracy to begin with. First, let’s hear Coleen Rowley and Susan Lindauer on the Peter B. Collins radio show. Next, a recent blog entry by radio host personality Dave Emory presents a similar analysis: It could reveal to be the end of democracy itself in the U.S.

Peter B. Collins Show

Bye Bye Democracy…

FTR #337: Protocols of the Elders of Oil

Dave Emory’s FTR #337 continues the ongoing analysis of the 9/11 blitzkrieg that began in FTR #325 and forward. Among the many highlights of the show, we find Silvan Becker, a Verfassungsschutz Agent that was killed in Libya; the mention of a few publications that place Saudi oil in the midst of a political intrigue that prevented investigators and FBI agents to properly do their job in the 9/11 case; the project leaded by Unocal and negociated with the Taliban to have a pipeline bringing oil from the Caspian Sea; that Osama bin Laden was seeking to replace the House of Saud as the prime example of Wahhabism and that the Saudi chief of intelligence, Prince Turki bin Abdul Aziz, was his mentor; that Crown Prince Abdul­lah of Saudi Arabia warned George W. Bush that U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was considered unacceptable. The show also presents other relevant elements, such as the role played by the Carlyle Group.

Le reportage de l’émission Enquête sur les opérations Mr Big: À mi-chemin entre les techniques policières et les opérations clandestines

Ce reportage de l’émission Enquête de Radio-Canada sur les opérations policières de type « Mr Big » laisse un goût amer. On aurait pensé, dans un pays comme le Canada où supposément la démocratie libérale se porte bien, que ce genre de tactiques ou de méthodes policières sont utilisées plutôt rarement. Eh bien, non. Il semblerait qu’elles soient fréquentes. Les deux cas présentés dans le reportage, celui d’Alain Perreault, et celui de Sebastian Burns et Atif Rafay, nous montrent comment certains corps policiers canadiens utilisent ces techniques pour pouvoir incriminer des suspects dans des dossiers où les preuves sont difficiles à obtenir. Ils « vont à la pêche », autrement dit, et cela leur permet presque toujours non seulement de porter des accusations mais aussi d’obtenir des condamnations. Dans le dossier de Sebastian Burns et Atif Rafay, vous aurez l’occasion de voir mon collègue Daniel Laprès, qui a suivi le dossier de près, sans jeu de mots, pendant plusieurs années.

En gros, je dirais que ce genre de techniques me semble dépasser largement le cadre du mandat des forces policières, qui est celui d’accumuler des preuves concernant des crimes qui ont été commis, pour ensuite procéder en cour lorsque le procureur estime qu’il y a suffisamment de matériel pour accuser quelqu’un. Avec les opérations de type « Mr Big », on se retrouve dans un monde où les opérations policières normales côtoient l’univers lugubre des opérations clandestines des services de renseignement et le monde du crime. Cela nous rappelle à tous, peu importe qui nous sommes, en ces temps de descente dans les bas-fonds du fascisme, que personne n’est désormais plus en sécurité. Avant, il suffisait à un individu de payer ses impôts, de ne pas commettre de crime, de travailler, de ne pas emmerder ses voisins, pour avoir la paix et ne pas avoir d’ennuis. Mais plus maintenant. Ceux qui dirigent la société, avec tous leurs sbires et collabos, peuvent décider, n’importe quand, au moment où cela fait leur affaire, de monter une opération contre quelqu’un pour le foutre en prison. Plus personne n’est en sécurité et ça, ce n’est pas la faute à ben Laden. Le problème se situe plutôt entre les deux oreilles de nos élites politiques et économiques. Mais à quoi bon suivre et obéir à toutes ces lois si l’on peut se faire « framer » à tout moment par des scénarios de cinéma? Continuer la lecture

Russ Tice on the Boiling Frogs: More about electronic surveillance, wiretaps and NSA Police State

It is another excellent podcast on the subject. Near the end of it, it becomes really interesting as Sibel Edmonds tries to make Russ Tice talk to the upmost limit of his knowledge. She doesn’t succeed to make him cross the line, but it gives us an idea that with 9/11, there is a lot more than meets the eye. I agree with that.

Russ Tice on the Boiling Frogs

The controlled demolition of America on 9/11, part II: Richard Clarke’s allegations and the Underground Reich

Decidedly, the 9/11 case is the worst of all times. Not only there are countless dimensions and connections to be aware of and that need to be stressed but in the end, there are so many threads that one has difficulty keeping the focus on what really matters. In part I, I took a look at the direct links between the reactionary religious bigotry that is encouraged in Saudi Arabia and terrorism activity in general in the years just prior to 9/11. The Saudi connection seemed to have played a major role in the engineering, crafting and carrying of the 9/11 attacks. In another post a few days earlier, I took a look at the connections between international drug cartels and the hijackers. Let me recall that Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi infiltrated the Iran-Contra network involved in drug trafficking that was still in use at the time of 9/11.

This second part article will take a look rather on the flipside of part I. I will try to provide a picture of what could have gone wrong inside the U.S. to have 9/11 happened despite all the intelligence agencies, the FBI and all the capable people within the government. As a starting point, I will bring to your attention something that has made the news in the progressive sector last week but that was totally ignored, or close to that, in the mainstream press. Two young producers, Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy, made an interview with Richard Clarke, NSC Chief of Counterterrorism from 1992-2001, in October 2009. They recently launched a website to publish the interview and related articles and news. The site was temporarily taken offline due to CIA legal threats. To sum things up, Richard Clarke alleges that he was kept in the dark about the presence in the U.S. of two Al-Qaeda agents, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, that would become some of the hijackers that flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. His allegations concern directly three key individuals who were within the government apparatus at the time of 9/11, George Tenet, head of the CIA, Cofer Black, head of the Counterterrorism Center of the CIA, and Richard Blee, who was made Chief of bin Laden Unit in 1999 at Alec station, a listening post in the Middle East dedicated to Al-Qaeda. To watch the interview with Clarke, you can visit their website. Continuer la lecture

The controlled demolition of America on 9/11: Meet the Saudis and their Islamic nano-thermites

I will try in this post to do the impossible: assemble and summarize the most important elements of information available on 9/11 but that are not, for the most part, belonging to the official version. I rely for this, as it is often the case, on Dave Emory’s research, and as well on other sources, such as Daniel Hopsicker’s investigative reporting and John Loftus’ vast knowledge in intelligence. This is definitely the most complicated, complex, deep and troubling file probably of all modern times, so please bear with me. I have already presented the financial and economical aspects of 9/11 in an earlier post, so check it out for more information.

First, the main lead concerning 9/11 seems to implicate the Saudis, especially the Royal Family and the bin Laden family. The Bush Administration refused to release to the 9/11 Commission as much as ¾ of the national security papers available during the Clinton era, in all probability for the highly sensitive material that they contain. According to some sources in the journalistic community that Emory cites, previous attempts to use planes to launch terrorist attacks were contemplated in the years prior to 9/11 by Al-Qaeda, involving in some cases the Eiffel Tower, the city of Tel-Aviv in Israel, various other targets…and the World Trade Center. Several intelligence agencies throughout the world, such as Egyptian, Italian and Israeli intelligence, and in the U.S., tried to warn the Administration of an imminent attack that would take place around the Millenium, but their warnings were ignored. U.S. dependency on Saudi oil and the considerable reinvestment that the Saudis effectuate in the U.S. played a key role in the cover up of this intelligence. Continuer la lecture