9/11: Pearl Harbor Meets the Reichstag Fire

This archive show from anti-fascist researcher and radio personality Dave Emory takes a look at 9/11 on a military and symbolic point of view. Like the title of this show suggests, 9/11 appears to have been engineered, orchestrated and executed by elements of the Underground Reich as a way to draw the United States into a new war, or into the continuation of WWII. Elements faithful to the previous Third Reich infrastructure, along with their domestic enablers and accomplices inside the U.S., have concocted this massive terrorist act in order to draw the U.S. into the Middle East, and at the same time to jeopadize democracy in the U.S., that’s why the metaphor of the Reichstag Fire is employed here. In a nutshell, the fire of the Reichstag, the German Parliament, opened the doors wide open for Hitler, who just got into power a few weeks earlier, to consolidate his grip, obtain supplementary powers and more or less abolish democracy. In all probabilities, the fire was set by the Nazis themselves. Since a couple of decades, the Underground Reich has been busy uniting elements of the Islamic world. The Reich has worked to unite various elements and interests among Sunni, Shia and secular groups and tendencies. The ultimate goal is to get the United States and Britain out of the Middle East to secure the oil reserves for the Underground Reich. To understand the complexities of this « Great Game », as Brzezinski would say, one has to realize that many people in America and in the western world, among the intelligence and political apparatus, play both sides of the fence, like they did before and during WWII. So, whatever side wins this Great Game, having invested on both sides, these Underground Reich elements will win and cash in the profits.

More precisely, the Underground Reich has exploited a vulnerability in our foreign policy toward the Middle East, and now the world is safer…for Saudi Arabia. The Umma, the international community of Muslims, has awaken. In order to do so, the Reich has exploited social and cultural weaknesses that were afflicting Arab/Muslim countries: failed societies, the million of dead in the Iran-Irak War, the millions of Arab/Muslim refugees, the fact that oil doesn’t benefit the local populations, the fact that the war with Israel is in a deadlock and the fact that political reform didn’t bring democracy. As a result, religion became politicized. If yesterday America and the West used to mingle in the internal affairs of other countries overseas, now it is the Arab/Muslim countries that are trying to influence American policies. And they succeed.

FTR #344 Pearl Harbor Meets the Reichstag Fire, Part1

The Armenian genocide: A rehearsal for the holocaust of the Jews?

This documentary details and explains the Armenian genocide. The massacre of the Armenians began at the end of the 19th century. Between 1894 and 1896, roughly 200,000 Armenians were killed in battles between Armenian nationalists and armies of the Ottoman Empire. However, the Young Turks Party took power in Turkey in 1908 after the Sultan was removed and the conditions of the Armenians improved for a while. Then in 1912-13, Christian regions of the empire, namely in the Balkans, such as Greece, Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria, challenged militarily the Ottoman Empire to get their independance. And they succeeded. Thousands of Muslim Turk refugees gathered at Istanbul as a result, thus creating tensions between Christians and Muslims. In 1913, a radical wing of the Young Turks Party, the Commitee of Union and Progress, formed as a coalition featuring three prominent leaders: TanЯT, who would become Minister of the Interior, EHBep who would become Minister of Defence and AҖaman, who would become Minister of the Navy. They embraced an ideology of Turkish nationalism. EHBep wanted especially to join Germany with its war against the Russians and then seize the occasion to conquer the Caucasus and Central Asia to be able to unite all the Turks in a Grand Turkey.

Some Armenians chose to fight on the side of Russia. In 1914, the Turks attacked the Russians and suffered a terrible defeat. Then the Turks disarmed the Armenian soldiers, in a move to neutralize them as possible collaborators with the Russians. Many were killed. On April 24th 1915, the Turkish government deported some 250 Armenian intellectuals to Constantinople where they were tortured or killed. Later, through « emergency executive legislations », the Turkish government undertook massive deportations of Armenians. Some one million people died as a result, either from hunger, sickness, extreme fatigue, dehydration, etc. Furthermore, the « Special Organization », a smaller group inside the CUP, were dedicated to the extermination of the Armenians. They formed mobile killing units. They recruited among criminals, the lumpenproletariat, Caucasian tribes, convicts and released prisoners, to stop Armenian convoys and murder their travellers.

A lot of people in the U.S. were aware that this massacre was happening and were publicly taking stands on the issue, such as Ezra Pound, Theodor Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, etc. The New York Times published tens of articles contemporary to the massacre. After the war, the Turkish military tribunal conducted a trial on the case and concluded that the Young Turks Party was responsible for the conception, organization and execution of the Armenian genocide. In absentia, TanЯT, EHBep and AҖaman were convicted and sentenced to death. Although they fled at the end of the war and went into hiding in neighbour countries, all three were killed within a few years, one after the other. To this day, the Turkish government still refuse to ackknowledge that such genocide took place. There is even a movement among the Turkish population and officials to openly denigrate its advocates. This amounts, in some respect, to holocaust denial. But, after all, for a nation that has been working hand in hand with Germany in both WWI and WWII, is it really surprising? For more information and to continue studying this crime against humanity, please visit this post and radio show by anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory, here:

Who still talks about the extermination of the Armenians?

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The evergoing Inquisition: Vatican’s Holocaust and Nazi Croatia

I must be honest, this documentary is absolutely disgusting to watch. And yet, it is essential to a better understanding of not only Nazism in the Balkans but also of how the Catholic Church is continuing its Inquisition against infidels. Seizing the window presented by WWII, the Church made an alliance with the Ustashe regime of Croatia to be in a position to torture and murder thousands of Orthodox Serbs. According to an estimate, 700.000 to 800.000 Serbs were killed in Croatia by the Nazi Ustashe, along with Jews and Gypsies. For the Church, it was a golden « opportunity » not to be missed, as the demarcation line between the Catholic world of the West and the Orthodox world of the East lies in the Balkans. Through mass extermination and aided by Hitler, the Church could push forward the demarcation line. Somewhere around 244.000 Serbs converted or were converted to Catholicism. Nazi Croatians perpetrated during the fews years of the Ustashe regime absolutely awful atrocities that disgusted even the German Nazis. We are talking about here of mass murder of children, rape, gauging out of eyes, cutting ears, tongues and nozes off, beheading, dismembering, death pits, torture…in short, all things that were seen during the Inquisition. Concentration camps were used thoroughly as well.

The leader of the Ustashe regime was Ante Pavelic. Because of the enthousiastic collaboration of the Church, he was able to use Catholic monasteries, namely Franciscan, as warehouses and strongholds. Pavelic could count on the good services and « faith » of Archbishop Stepinac. Currently, during the war, Croatian citizens were told by Ustashe regime and Church representatives to literally « kill all the Serbs ». It was done thoroughly along with the killing of Orthodox priests and destruction of churches. The documentary recalls that on the occasion of a visit to Rome, representatives of the Ustashe regime brought with them, to be presented to the Pope, a basket which contained some 40 pounds of human eyes…that probably belonged previously to Serbs. The Ustashe regime was so brutal and sadistic that some among the German hierarchy felt uneasy and frankly disgusted, as Dr Herman Neubacher who asked Hitler to get rid of Ante Pavelic. When the Ustashe regime fell and the National Liberation Army took control of Croatia, some of the top Ustashe officials found refuge in monasteries, such as St Jerome, or in South America, in Argentina for example, through the ratlines provided by the Vatican. There they could continue their existence under new names and identities. On May 5th 1945, Ante Pavelic escaped and found refuge in the Monastery of St Diogene near Salzburg, before moving to Rome in another monastery to live under the name of Father Gomez or Father Benares. Ironically, Tito, a Croatian Catholic, became the ruler of Yougoslavia, so Croats in the end became the victors of WWII in the Balkans. Sad but true.

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The Nazis and Fascists who founded the EU – by Rodney Atkinson

Based on a talk delivered by him at the Houses of Parliament on the 26th of February 2008, Rodney Atkinson presents here some of the main characters who were instrumental in the creation and crafting of the European Union. Based on Nazi plans published in Berlin in 1942, the EU embodies the historic realization of a Greater Germany, or Greater Europe, envisioned by some of Germany’s most prominent thinkers and power figures, such as Friedrich List in 19th century, and more recently, Adolf Hitler. Among the personalities Atkinson mentions as the shadowy figures who were at the central stage in provoking the birth of the EU are: Walter Hallstein, Paul Henri Spaak, Walter Funk, Hans Josef Globke, Alcide de Gasperi, Diana Mosley, Alfred Toepfer, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Theodor Heuss, Hans Joseph Graf Matuschka, Kurt Pfeiffer, George Kennan and Guiliano Amato. Rodney Atkison underscores that it is the Treaty of Rome that led to the European Union and that it was wanted and crafted in the shadows, behind the scenes, by the Bilderberg Group at their meetings. He also mentions the specific role played by Tony Blair, Edward Heath and Roy Jenkins in removing democratic sovereignty from the nation states of Europe, for which work they were awarded the Charlemagne Prize…

Harry Beckhough, codebreaker during WWII: A century of fight against Nazism

This marvellous presentation by Harry Beckhough, codebreaker during WWII, is the ultimate result of almost a century of battles, resistance and efforts on his part against the Nazis and their machinations throughout the world and particularly in Europe. During WWII, Beckhough was semi-kidnapped by some agents from Station X who brought him to Bletchley Park, England, the headquarters for codebreakers of German ciphers and other encryption codes. Later, he also worked to break Japanese code. After the war, he was sent to Germany to help with the de-nazification process of some of Germany’s most important universities, such as in Cologne and Bonn. At the venerable of 97 years old, Mr Beckhough is a invaluable witness of the events that preceeded, unfolded during and followed WWII. He saw with his own eyes Hitler coming to power, attacking countries and nations, destroying their cultures and societies. He then saw Europe falling again under German rule, this time not through military means but through deception, in the early stages of the European Union, called in the 70’s the Common Market. In the early 90’s, the European Union was formally born with the Maastricht Treaty, manufactured specifically to meet the needs and plans of Germany. Certain countries adhered unwillingly to the EU, as they were forced to vote again after a first refusal at a referendum. The creation of the Euro and the Lisbon Treaty further extended the complete domination of Germany over Europe and its nations. Also, a few years ago a law was adopted in Germany that made that all new laws or measures adopted by the EU Parliament in Brussels needed formal approval by the German Court before coming into action. In a nutshell, Germany, using Lenin-like tactics of deception, took away the sovereignty of all EU states. It seeks global domination through what we could call the United States of Europe. Beckhough finally identifies a low-profile individual who, he thinks, will be the next Fuhrer in Europe: Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, a descendant of Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, and of Aloys II, Prince of Liechtenstien. He is married to Stephanie von Bismarck-Schönhausen.

Jean-Marie Gélinas répond aux mensonges de Bruce Katz, co-président du PAJU

Le PAJU, rue Saint Denis à Montréal, devant le magasin juif de chaussures Naot


Les mensonges de Bruce Katz

Par Jean-Marie Gélinas

Voilà tu pas que Bruce Katz, co-président du groupe Palestiniens et Juifs Unis (PAJU), révèle enfin ses sources d’inspiration et d’information dans l’interview donnée ce lundi 7 novembre 2011 en direct de Presstv, le diffuseur officiel de l’état islamique d’Iran dont la mission est de diffuser tout azimut partout dans le monde la propagande anti-israélienne et anti-occidentale du président iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Un dicton dit : « Dis moi qui tu fréquentes et je te dirai qui tu es ». Dans le cas de Bruce Katz, co-président du PAJU, la réponse est claire, en regard des révélations mensongères qu’il vient de faire sur Presstv. com.

Presstv.com, c’est la tv iranienne d’état directement sous la surveillance des dirigeants religieux iraniens et sous le contrôle du guide suprême de la révolution islamique, l’Ayatola Ali Khomeini (Khamenei). On ne peut donc pas mieux se faire prendre le portrait aussi bien que ça, monsieur Bruce Katz !

Maintenant monsieur Bruce Katz, occupons-nous de vos gros mensonges, et vous en racontez beaucoup à la fois, vous et PAJU compris sur la rue Saint Denis lorsque vous vous permettez d’affirmer qu’Israël est un état d’apartheid.

Monsieur Katz, Israël n’est pas une société d’apartheid, mais une société multiraciale. Israël recense quelque 6.9 millions d’habitants. Sa population se distingue par son extrême diversité, contrairement à vos mensonges qui affirment le contraire. La répartition ethnique de l’État d’Israël est de 80% de Juifs et 20% d’Arabes qui se répartissent principalement comme suit : musulmans, chrétiens et druzes.

La grande majorité des musulmans est d’obédience sunnite, les chrétiens eux se divisent en quatre classes principales: orthodoxes chalcédoniens, orthodoxes non-chalcédoniens (appelés parfois monophysites), les catholiques romains (latins uniates), les Arméniens, les protestants et les druzes. À toutes ces communautés arabophobes déjà nommées viennent s’ajouter en Israël d’autres petits groupements ethniques et religieux: les Circassiens, les Samaritains et aussi des congrégations chrétiennes venues d’Europe telles que la communauté allemande de Beit El à Zikhron-Ya’akov.

Toutes ces ethnies ont été accueillies avec générosité en Israël et jouissent du niveau de vie le plus élevé du Proche et Moyen-Orient. Ils disposent et jouissent aussi des mêmes droits civils et politiques que les 80 % de Juifs d’Israël. L’arabe est langue officielle au même titre que l’hébreu.

La différence entre les Arabes et les Juifs d’Israël est d’ordre social et psychologique et non d’ordre économique ou juridique : elle trouve son origine dans l’état de guerre permanent qui sévit depuis plus de 63 ans au Proche-Orient et une certaine communauté d’identité entre les citoyens arabes d’Israël et ceux des États voisins en conflit avec l’État hébreu.

Les milliers de réfugiés arabes revenus en Israël dans le cadre de la réunion des familles ont reçu de plein droit la citoyenneté israélienne, avec toutes les prérogatives qui s’y rattachent. Leur situation économique est aujourd’hui plus prospère que celle des Arabes d’autres pays. Elle est même meilleure que celle de certains Juifs.

Ils jouissent de tous les droits des citoyens israéliens. Des députés arabes siège à la Knesset (le parlement israélien). Certains d’entre eux soutiennent les thèses de l’OLP et du Hamas et prônent même la destruction de l’État d’Israël.

Il faut souligner cependant que, contrairement aux autres citoyens israéliens, les Juifs, les Druzes, et les Circassiens, les Arabes sont dispensés du service militaire.

Que fait donc le PAJU sur la rue Saint Denis en face des commerces juifs ? Il raconte des mensonges sur Israël et sur le Peuple Juif. Continuer la lecture

Photo d’époque de 1937 de William Lyon Mackenzie King lors d’une visite officielle en Allemagne nazie

Ceci est une photo datant de 1937 tirée d’un journal de l’époque. On peut y apercevoir au centre William Lyon Mackenzie King, Premier Ministre du Canada, en visite officielle en Allemagne nazie. L’ouvrage de Normand Lester, Le livre noir du Canada-Anglais, Tome I, permet de jeter un regard explicatif à la fois sur cette photo et aussi sur cette période trouble de notre histoire. Les informations qui suivent, à moins d’indications contraires, sont tirées de ce livre, pages 267-272. Selon les recherches effectuées par Normand Lester, Mackenzie King avait un caractère trouble, crédule et irrationnel, à la frontière de pathologies psychiatriques, ce qui en faisait un candidat de choix pour des activités comme le spiritisme, dont il était un fervent adepte. Mais il était également un antisémite convaincu, à une époque où le monde entier s’embrasait dans cette vision haineuse du peuple juif. Mackenzie King vouait une admiration non seulement pour le régime nazi mais également pour Hitler lui-même, au point où il croyait que ce dernier pourrait devenir un sauver du monde, comme il l’écrivit dans son journal personnel, cité par Lester à partir de l’ouvrage None is Too Many de Irving ABELLA et Harold TROPER. Lors de cette visite officielle, Mackenzie King prend contact avec l’Allemagne antisémite et nazie dont les symboles sont affichés partout dans Berlin. Les Juifs sont exclus de plusieurs professions et endroits de la ville…comme c’est le cas également en Ontario, note Lester. Mackenzie King n’est donc nullement choqué de cet état de choses puisque c’est devenu la norme un peu partout dans le monde occidental durant les années trente. En fait, il semble même l’approuver, comme l’indique d’autres passages de son journal intime cité dans Le livre noir. En gros, Mackenzie King semble avoir été un antisémite ayant des sympathies nazies, quoiqu’il n’est pas clair jusqu’à quel point il adhérait à cette idéologie. Il demeurait néanmoins convaincu qu’Hitler et Mussolini étaient des « personnages de qualité ». À vous de juger.

Le dossier « Les liens privilégiés entre Nazis et Palestiniens »

Le document suivant circule passablement sur l’internet. On peut le trouver en différents endroits. Il présente les liens privilégiés entre le Nazisme et les Palestiniens. Les photos sont vraiment probantes. On peut voir Hitler en compagnie du Grand Mufti de Jérusalem, ce dernier lors d’une visite d’une troupe de Waffen SS musulmans, ceux-ci en train de faire la prière musulmane, etc. La page web présente également des documents, comme par exemple une liste d’anciens nazis devenus conseillers de pays arabes, des affiches de propagande palestinienne/nazie, ainsi que des articles de journaux en langue allemande faisant également de la propagande contre Israel. Si vous croyez toujours que les Palestiniens sont dans le droit chemin et ont la juste cause de leur côté après avoir vu ça, vous êtes probablement un imbécile. Aussi, pour avoir une idée de ce à quoi ressemble des militants palestiniens dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, voyez cet article précédent.


Addendum on Greek Tragedy and the Rape of Europe: The Rise of the Fourth Reich

In a recent article, I was trying to make the point that the European Union was in fact the historic realization of nazi Greater Europe, or Greater Germany, envisioned by Hitler and other people. This week, a Mail Online article came as a confirmation to what anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory has been saying for years and that I completely support and agree with. The European Union is a farce, a masquerade by which Germany has taken control of all European countries with the Euro and other means. European politician Nigel Farage is one of the few critics of the European Union, so once again I am making the suggestion that you take the time to listen to him, after you read the article, here.

The Rise of the Fourth Reich: European debt summit