La campagne de boycott antisioniste sur la rue St-Denis à Montréal: Une inquisition anti-Québécois et une opération nazie/fasciste


Le présent article est le résultat de plusieurs mois de luttes contre le groupe PAJU qui harcèle certains commerçants de la rue St-Denis à Montréal depuis octobre 2010. Je vais donc essayer ici de rassembler les pièces du dossier comme le ferait n’importe enquêteur de police ou d’un autre service. Et je dois dire d’emblée que cet article se révèle à la fois être un résumé, un répertoire, un bottin, le premier d’une série de plusieurs articles ou même l’introduction d’un livre, tant la quantité des liens et des connections est importante à connaître. Tout au long de ces interminables mois durant lesquels je me suis rendu manifester contre le groupe PAJU pour essayer de contrecarrer leurs efforts envers les boutiques Le Marcheur et Naot, et ce parce qu’ils auraient commis l’odieux crime de vendre des souliers fabriqués en Israël selon les dires du PAJU, j’ai toujours eu l’impression que nous n’avions pas les bonnes clés d’interprétation pour comprendre le conflit et, ce faisant, ne nous pouvions alors adopter la bonne stratégie pour gagner la bataille. J’avais l’impression que ce qui se passait dépassait largement les cadres de l’antisémitisme et des dérives de la gauche. Comme pour vaincre une maladie il faut d’abord faire le bon diagnostic, l’honnêteté par rapport aux faits est essentielle. Cette campagne a toutes les allures d’une opération de renseignement de très haut niveau. J’adore les opérations de renseignement, les analyser, les décortiquer…sauf quand elles font paraître mon peuple comme une bande d’idiots ou d’antisémites, ce qui est le cas présentement. J’ai donc décidé de retourner aux sources afin d’avoir une meilleure vue d’ensemble, dans le but de tuer dans l’oeuf ce qui m’apparaît comme une véritable voie de fait contre le peuple québécois. Ce n’est qu’en leur remettant le nez dedans, eux les ingénieurs de cette opération, qu’on pourra la désamorcer. 

J’en profite pour clarifier que je ne reprendrai pas l’argumentaire présenté par Pierre K. Malouf dans son merveilleux livre Les faces cachées d’Amir Khadir (Éditions Accent Grave, 2012, 280 pages). Ce serait inutile. Dans une formule tout à fait appropriée, Malouf a affirmé que Françoise David et Amir Khadir représentait « la vitrine présentable de Québec Solidaire ». En ce qui me concerne, partant de là, je vais plutôt m’attarder sur ce qui se trouve à l’intérieur de la boutique de l’extrême-gauche québécoise, pour ne pas dire dans l’arrière-boutique et peut-être même dans la ruelle, si c’est possible. Je m’intéresse aux conditions sociales, politiques, historiques, idéologiques et financières qui ont rendu possible cette campagne de boycott sur la rue St-Denis pour commencer. Aussi, je veux mentionner que je ne prétends pas que tous les liens présentés ici sont nécessairement fondés et pertinents à notre investigation. Tout enquêteur sérieux et compétent est parfois amené à s’intéresser à de fausses pistes et à de fausses connexions, sans le vouloir. Que voulez-vous, ça fait parti du métier et toutes les hypothèses doivent être regardées systématiquement pour en venir à isoler la plus plausible. Néanmoins, les découvertes que j’ai faites lors de cette enquête sont suffisamment troublantes pour mériter que je vous les présente dans cet article. Mais pour permettre à ceux qui ne seraient pas familiers avec la manifestation du PAJU sur la rue St-Denis d’en connaître les grandes lignes, voici une entrevue de Pierre K. Malouf accordée à l’émission En Direct De Nulle Part.

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Interview with Jules Archer about the 1934 coup attempt to seize the White House

FTR #602 The Plot to Seize the White House: Interview with Jules Archer

Racket de protection 101 et antisémitisme: Une étude comparative entre les Nazis et le PAJU

Le boycott

Pierre K. Malouf vient de pondre un excellent livre, Les faces cachées d’Amir Khadir, dans lequel, en plus d’analyser le parcours politique et les actions d’Amir Khadir, il raconte méthodiquement l’historique de la manifestation BDS (Boycott-Désinvestissement-Sanctions) qui a eu et qui a toujours lieu sur la rue St-Denis à Montréal contre des boutiques vendant des produits israéliens. Ce merveilleux livre de Malouf a révélé plusieurs faces cachées d’Amir Khadir et il en reste probablement beaucoup d’autres à découvrir. Dans cet article, je voudrais attirer votre attention sur les similitudes qui existent entre les méthodes employées par les Nazis dans les années trente et celles employées aujourd’hui par le PAJU, le groupe organisant la campagne de BDS à laquelle Amir Khadir s’est associé, ainsi qu’entre l’Allemagne des années trente et le Québec d’aujourd’hui.

D’entrée de jeu, on doit réaliser que les Nazis ont commencé à répandre l’idéologie antisémite de façon graduelle en ciblant tout d’abord les commerces juifs d’Allemagne. Comme en fait foi cette photo ci-dessous, les Nazis encourageaient le boycott des commerces juifs. Ils disaient: « N’achetez pas les Juifs ».

Le PAJU, de son côté, nous dit: « N’achetez pas de produits faits en Israël ». Dans cette vidéo, on peut voir le groupe exhiber leur banderole sur la rue St-Denis, en face de la boutique Naot qui vend exclusivement des produits fabriqués en Israël. Rappelons que le PAJU ne manifeste plus en face de la boutique Le Marcheur depuis juin 2011 suite à une légère altercation survenue entre Amir Khadir, qui passait là « par hasard » en voiture lors de la manifestation, et les contre-manifestants. Continuer la lecture

1928: The year fascist bigots prepared the sinking of the Enlightenment

This show by Dave Emory is dedicated to exposing the Opus Dei secret society, a reactionary Catholic organization founded by Father Josemaria Escriva de Bal­a­guer. After having quietly gained momentum behind the scenes for a couple of decades, Opus Dei came to the forefront of the Church’s public life by playing an important role in the ascension of both Jean-Paul II and Benedict XVI. In this broadcast, Dave Emory explores several connections that seem to indicate that Opus Dei is in fact part of the Fascist International, i.e. the network of all fascist and extreme-right organizations in the world. Among many elements, the radio host explores the P2 lodge, the murder of Roberto Calvi, P2 lodge Grand Master Licio Gelli, Pope Benedict’s personal assistant Georg Ganswein, the Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver couple, the beatification of Aloy­sius Stepinac, the role played by Sam Brownback in U.S. politics, etc. The written description for this show is excellent, like it is often the case with For The Record. Check it out and listen to the show, of course.

On the other hand, I must say that the thing that striked me the most in this broadcast, about Opus Dei, is the fact that it was founded the same year that the Muslim Brotherhood was, in 1928. It can’t be a coincidence. There is no such thing in this world as « coincidences ». Most of the times, things are made to happen. And because they are not overtly advertised in the press or in governmental brochures, it doesn’t mean that they are not happening. To me, it looks as if there was a plan put into execution by the forces of the Fascist International to literally seize control of all institutions to have a maximum global effect. If Hitler and Mussolini took control of the world of politics in their own countries and tried to expand it then beyond their borders, it seems that others tried the same coup for the two most important religions, in terms of world power, geo-political and geo-strategical interests, Catholicism and Islam. By founding the Muslim Brotherhood, Hasan al-Banna may very well have sabotaged and sinked all chances that the Arab/Muslim world had to achieve modernity and to realize the ideals of the Enlightenment. And by founding Opus Dei, it seems that Father Josemaria Escriva de Bal­a­guer tried to do the move in the opposite direction. The western world was on its way to realize fully the potential of modernity and the ideals of the Enlightenment, and that was accomplished in the ’60s and ’70s, or so it seems. Father Balaguer cooked up something in the shadows to try to overturn the stream of evolution, and it looks like his movement gained credibility and influence over time, to the point where one could argue today that it now controls the Vatican. Continuer la lecture

EMPact America: Connecting the dots about Iran’s nuclear program…before it is too late

Kenneth Timmerman: « The confidence that users of intelligence today in the United States have in the ability of the intelligence community to successfully connect the dots is very low » . (around 21:00, part 2)

This press conference held on November 1st 2011 in Washington, D.C., is literally a godsend. At a time when the vast majority of our elites are asleep, stunned and dumbed down, when both the mainstream and the alternative media are spreading disinformation and propaganda to satisfy their aims, insisting on trivial events, it is long overdue that a panel of experts like this take relevant intelligence and present it to the population. By going public like this, these experts are doing a us, the people, a big favor. Because, let’s speak frankly here, normally, that would be the job of our elected politicians and officials and their teams to keep us appraised on such matters. Unfortunately, in these times of never-ending entertainment and petty pleasures, bad news or bad information are constantly swept under the rug…until their reality hit us with violence through terrorism, riots and wars. We live in a culture where we don’t want to see bad things and bad realities, so we keep trying to ignore them when they surface and postpone their confrontation.

It is that very same attitude that allowed somebody like Hitler to rise, expand his grip on Europe and eventually to seize control of the whole continent, while our elites stood by silently, faking not to see its reality, thinking maybe that the threat would disappear if they were to ignore it. And today, we are facing a similar problem. Ahmadinejad and his government has shown more than once its true colours. He leads a regime that is anti-semitic, anti-Israel, holocaust denier, hostile to democracy, to America and to European culture and civilization, encouraging and funding terrorism and boycott campaigns, willingly admitting to desire wiping out Israel from off the map and to destroy America, the Great Satan. And this same regime is pursuing a nuclear program. If it is not enough to raise your eyebrows and give you cold chills down your spine, I don’t know what will.

This event by EMPact America, an organization for citizens concerned about nuclear and electro-magnetic pulse attacks, regroups the skills and experience of several individuals belonging to the intelligence community. The first speaker, Reza Kahlili, presents himself as an ex-CIA undercover agent in the Revolutionary Guards of Iran. He has infiltrated the Guards and spied for the CIA during the 80’s and 90’s. He appears in this press conference masked with sunglasses, which renders his authentification impossible. At some point, you have to make a decision whether or not you consider him and his testimony credible. Following Kahlili, we hear, in order, Lieutenant Colonel Tony Shaffer, President of EMPact America Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, CEO of Foundation For Democracy in Iran Kenneth Timmerman, ex-CIA agent Chet Nagle, and President of GeoStrategic Analysis Peter Huessy.

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Uncle Sam and Nazism: The role played by Henry Ford and other industrialists in the rise of the Third Reich

Dave Emory’s For The Record show #511 revisits the broadcast of May 23rd 1980 in which connections between American industrialists and financiers and their German counterparts during WWII were explored. Among many others, the role played by Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford is discussed at considerable length. First, Henry Ford published a very important book that would prove to be instrumental in the rise of both fascism and anti-semitism in Europe, titled The International Jew. Hitler praised Henry Ford for the book, which became the basis of his ideological views on the economy, the nation and on the Jews. It is said that Hitler literally copied several portions of The International Jew and incorporated them into his own book, Mein Kampf, besides being influenced as well by another very important publication of this era, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fake manifesto describing a worldwide plot by the Jews to take over the world, was written by the Tsarist police to discredit the Bolshevik revolution. Ford financed Hitler considerably and his stature as an industrialist greatly contributed to give Hitler and the Nazis credibility. Hitler eventually awarded him with the Grand Cross of the German Eagle on July 1938. Also, Ford’s son was named on the board of directors of American I.G., the American counterpart of I.G. Farben of Germany, a company that would play a key role for the Reich before and during WWII. Among other things, they are the ones who manufactured the Zyklon-B gas that was used to kill the Jews in concentration camps.

Emory explores the role played by I.G. Farben, German General Electric, United Steel, ITT, the Rockefeller family, the Bush family, Brown Brothers Harriman, Sullivan and Cromwell, and other interests who were ready to work in favor of Germany. A lot of « arrangements » made during WWII between American and German companies and/or subsidiaries. After all, business had to continue despite of the war. For example, the reinsurance sector led to a lot of leakage in intelligence as American insurance companies were reinsuring assets, such as boats about to depart for Europe, in Munich. As the Germans knew in advance what ship would leave on a particular date with a specific cargo, all they had to do was to send submarines along the shores of America and wait for the targetted boats and sink them. Another element that was instrumental in the success of the Third Reich, at least at the beginning of the war, was the technology transfer and licensing being done under the Rockefeller company Standard Oil of New Jersey and General Motors to I.G. Farben, for the fabrication of synthetic oil: the hydrogenation process, iso-octane and tetra-ethyl lead technologies and butyl rubber. It allowed Hitler and the Nazis to go forward with their war plans and proceed with the invasion of Poland and other countries. If that transfer of technology had not happened, WWII would not have occured in the first place.

Uncle Sam and the swastika: 25 years later