Interview with Harold Rhode about Iran after the death of Soleimani, on SFR

Interview with LTG Steven Kwast on China’s strategy and their quest to dominate space, on SFR

Well, that’s another occasion where I feel completely vindicated. This interview with Lieutenant General Steven Kwast sums up a lot of thoughts and worries that I have been ruminating for years about Communist China and totalitarian regimes in general. The assessment of the situation presented here by Lieutenant Kwast is absolutely perfect. Kwast is what I would call an «adult». In an era where the political landscape is overwhelmed by the childishness of media commentators and of politicians, Kwast delivers the reality of the world as it is. He doesn’t try to embellish it or to transform it into something else that fits his desires. During this interview, he speaks about what China is actually doing to become the masters of the world and how they will use space to do just that. They will use the electromagnetic spectrum to deliver energy directly into devices and installations on a dual-use basis, allowing them to turn off power at will on anybody. As a military officer, Kwast thinks that the U.S. doesn’t have a good strategy to win the war for global domination and that the Chinese will win this war if nothing changes. Kwast recalls that all empires crumble the day when they fail to see the winds of change and that they become complacent and arrogant while surfing on their past glory. This is what is happening to the U.S. right now. A lot of people see that around the world and many of the so-called allies of the U.S. have already shifted their allegiance to China while keeping the appearances in public and in diplomatic circles that they still support the United States. And the fact that China is providing cheap 5G is not helping the U.S. to win that war. The country needs a new strategy to defeat its many enemies and face the challenges of this new ear we are entering in.

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson created a marvelous show in the sixties called Captain Scarlet. In this show, the Earth is being attacked by the Mysterons, a race of aliens living on Mars. They possess control over matter and energy. Captain Scarlet belongs to a security force called Spectrum. Their job is defend Earth against the attacks of the Mysterons. That marionette series was absolutely visionary. The future of mankind lies in what is going to happen with the electromagnetic spectrum. We will be liberated or we will be enslaved with it, it depends on us.

This interview is a five-star. You don’t have the right to miss it…unless you would prefer to be ruled by the Middle Kingdom…or by the Mysterons.

Dalai-Lama: Europe is for Europeans, on Red Ice TV

Lana Lokteff comments on some very wise words by the Dalai-Lama…I wish we had a Pope like that!

Interview with Peter Navarro on Trump’s tariffs on Mexico

The latest spending bill and the National Emergency declaration by President Trump

I am glad that President Trump declared the state of National Emergency on the southern border. However, some people feel very uncomfortable with the spending bill that he approved just prior to his address. Among others, Daniel Horowitz wrote a very depressing but very astute analysis of some of its provisions. In a nutshell, this spending bill (that exists in more that one version, by the way) seems to limit the ability of the President to deter the invasion instead of enhancing it. He got peanuts for the funding (1.375 billion instead of 25) and accepted things such as amnesty, an increase in low-skilled workers, veto powers for local officials, etc. So Trump made his National Emergency address essentially to say that he would seek funds for the wall through some other channels. But that’s not all. On top of that, during his National Emergency address, President Trump missed the point about the invasion. As was cleverly pointed out by Stewart Rhodes of, the address failed to underline the military and terrorist dimensions of the invasion, focusing only on the crime and drug aspects of it. Cartels are not only in the business or drug and crime but also active in the fields of terrorism and military operations. With all that in mind, I think it is a sad day for America. It would have been better for the President not to sign the bill at all and simply declare National Emergency. At this point, we don’t even know if there will be a wall at all. In closing, I think we can see now some pattern emerging from the political machinations of both Democrats and establishment Republicans. Washington politicians are doing anything they can to obstruct President Trump. When spending bill negotiations occur, they impose on the President the worst possible conditions and demands. In other terms, they put Trump into a position where he has to give his consent to a lot of crap and poison pills in order to get a little bit of what he wants. That was already obvious in the spending bill last fall that renewed the funding for the military and it is even more obvious now. To shut down the government is better than to sign bills that go against national security. Rosemary Jenks at NumbersUSA gives her take about this recent bill on the air of Secure Freedom Radio just below. I also provide the video of the National Emergency address by the President.

Discours de Maxime Bernier à Québec, décembre 2018

Je ne suis pas nécessairement d’accord avec tout ce que dit Maxime Bernier mais je trouve sa mentalité, son attitude et son approche rafraîchissantes et stimulantes. Maxime Bernier est un fédéraliste convaincu, ce que je ne suis pas, moi qui suis en faveur de la souveraineté du Québec. Néanmoins, tant que le Québec fera partie du Canada, les souverainistes québécois n’auront d’autres choix que de continuer à s’impliquer dans la politique fédérale, puisque celle-ci a un impact direct sur nos vies. Il est dans l’intérêt des Québécois d’avoir le meilleur homme possible comme Premier Ministre du Canada et Bernier est de loin le meilleur candidat en liste pour les élections de 2019. Entre autres éléments, sa politique favorable au développement de l’industrie pétrolière au Canada lui donne beaucoup de crédibilité. En effet, cela ne prend pas un doctorat en sécurité nationale pour comprendre qu’il est beaucoup plus sécuritaire pour le Canada de consommer et d’exporter le pétrole que l’on trouve ici plutôt que l’importer de pays arabes ou musulmans, qui sont souvent des terroirs générateurs de terroristes. Que dans certaines provinces comme le Québec on préfère le pétrole de l’Algérie ou du Kazakhstan à celui de l’Alberta est complètement dingue, irrationnel et irresponsable. D’ailleurs, à cet égard, il faudrait que l’on arrête de dire que le pétrole de l’Alberta est     «sale». Les Albertains sont des gens respectueux, civilisés et bien élevés, ce qui n’est pas nécessairement le cas des citoyens de bien des pays qui exportent du pétrole. D’autres positions de Bernier me plaisent également, comme celle sur l’immigration. Bref, j’appuie Maxime Bernier et j’espère qu’il deviendra le prochain Premier Ministre du Canada.

Alex Jones comments on the rightful decision by President Trump to bring the troops back

Trump is right to pull the troops from Syria and Afghanistan. The Conservatives are mad about the decision. They are saying that it will leave a vacuum that will be filled by the Russians and the Iranians and that’s probably right, at least in the short term. But I agree with President Trump because in the middle and long term, it is not in our interest to continue these wars in foreign lands. I think we have been had and it all started at the time of the Viet-nam war at a minimum. You see, the people that we call the globalists like to create wars in which they drag the United States. Alex Jones discusses this topic in this video while being on the phone. He is right on the money. The globalists create these phony/fake wars abroad to entrap the Unites States and its allies into fighting them. There, western countries send their best men and women, the youngest, bravest, fittest, strongest and most intelligent of our people. Inevitably, these fine individuals get killed or injured and sometimes their lives are ruined forever. Generation after generation, that makes a lot of people who won’t reproduce and transmit their great qualities to their offspring. Fast-forward to today, we can see now that we have been depleted of what makes a nation great, of its youth, its life and its power. The globalists had one goal that anyone can see here: They wanted to weaken our countries to make them easier targets for invasion and conquest. Anytime the military of a country is deployed in a foreign land, that makes the homeland more vulnerable, as soldiers are no longer there to defend the territory. Combined with the end of mandatory military service and the absence of a second amendment (in a lot of western countries), the effects are dramatic on the national security of any country.

So that was the plan. Attract our soldiers outside the country to be able to invade and conquer it more easily. Is it surprising then that we are being invaded both by Islamist terrorists and by hordes of migrants from the third-world? No it is not. It’s only logical. Trump brings back the troops to allow them to do what they were meant to do: Defend the territory of the United States. The flow of migrants who think they are entitled to everything we have is just beginning. Thankfully, the United States have a President who sees clearly the world as it is. All countries of the world that let their borders wide open for the migrants and refugees will crumble and disappear. By building the wall and maintaining the military inside the territory of the United States (with a few exceptions) this President will be able to save the day and it will be up to the next President to continue with this very wise policy decision.

Interview with Rosemary Gibson about our dependency on China for pharmaceutical products on SFR

That interview is of paramount importance. Rosemary Gibson lays out the case that our dependency on Communist China for pharmaceutical product is very dangerous. In effect, chances that we may get counterfeited, contaminated, diluted or even dangerous products for our health is very high when you allow them to be manufactured in a communist country. When you know the culture that exists in China, it wouldn’t be a surprise to find pharmaceutical products on the market that don’t meet western standards of production. When I was a kind, it was very rare that somebody would react badly to non-prescription drugs. But today, even the most benign acetaminophen, vitamin C or B12 can bring nausea, heartburn, indigestion, stomach-ache, etc. Also, it is very common to meet people who tell you that they got even sicker after taking the medication than they were before just with the illness itself. Is it an accident, comrade? And when it comes to prescription drugs, we should be worried even more, as these medications are more powerful. I always found that we were governed by fools and this situation exemplifies it perfectly. You don’t need a Ph.D. in military strategy to understand that if you depend on a rival or an enemy for critical products such as food, medicine, military equipment, software and technology in general, that rival or enemy will use that dependency to attack you in some fashion. But we are governed by people who only think in terms of the bottom line, the profit in the case of the business people, the polls and power in the case of politicians. We are losing the war because we have ceased to think like warriors, as we used to in the Middle Ages. We have to wake up now!