Excellente analyse de David Icke sur les liens existants entre la tragédie du 11 septembre 2001 et l’arnaque de l’opération de la covid-19. En effet, l’attaque du 11 septembre 2001 a été réalisée dans le but de préparer le terrain pour la mise en place de la tyrannie covidique. En se servant du prétexte des événements du 11 septembre, les autorités ont commencé à s’attaquer aux droits individuels et aux libertés civiles, dans le but de «protéger» la population. La tyrannie covidique continue tout simplement ce qui a été commencé le 11 septembre 2001 mais de façon beaucoup plus intense et étendue. À VOIR.
Archives par mot-clé : Israel
Entrevue avec le docteur Vladimir Zelenko sur les injections géniques pour la covid-19
Ne manquez surtout pas cette percutante entrevue avec le docteur Zelenko. Vous verrez qu’il ne mâche pas ses mots et qu’il dit les choses directement. À voir absolument.
Florian Philippot aux Grandes Gueules sur les manifs anti-passe sanitaire
David Icke s’entretient avec The Academy of Divine Knowledge
No-Go Zone et Flashback Friday sur Red Ice TV
David Icke nous entretient de la prochaine étape de la censure de l’internet qui s’annonce à l’horizon
David Icke s’entretient avec Guy Tal sur la pandémie en Israel
Entrevue avec Shai Dannon sur la tyrannie covid qui s’est installée en Israel
Plusieurs parallèles sautent aux yeux entre le régime nazi et le type de société qui est en train de se mettre en place sous le prétexte de faire face à la pandémie de covid-19. Shai Dannon est israélien et il partage dans cette entrevue donnée à David Icke ses inquiétudes quant au sort qui sera réservé aux Juifs d’Israël, en relation avec la campagne de vaccination mais aussi avec l’ensemble des mesures visant à restreindre les libertés. Une chose est sûre, c’est que, cette fois-ci, ce n’est pas seulement les Juifs qui sont ciblés pour être exterminés mais bel et bien tous les humains, peu importe leur couleur de peau, groupe ethnique, sexe ou autre caractéristique. Si l’Allemagne Nazie était un test-bêta pour le plan d’eugénisme mondial, maintenant, nous assistons à l’opération complète. L’être humain vit présentement ses heures les plus sombres. Nous devons résister et défendre notre droit d’exister en tant qu’être humain. Refusons cette tyrannie. Je joins une deuxième vidéo où David Icke analyse plus en longueur le même sujet.
Real right-wingers confront Charlie Kirk and Rob Smith at a TPUSA event
Something really important happened this week and I want to take the time to share it with you. Charlie Kirk founded an organization called Turning Point USA. TPUSA is what we can call a «conservative» organization that is promoting freedom, free markets, limited government and other usual talking points that we hear today from the so-called «Conservative» movement. Its target audience are high school and college students broadly. TPUSA holds events and speeches throughout the USA. This video features one of their events, a speech titled «Culture War». Their founder and President, Charlie Kirk, was one of the speakers. He was accompanied by Rob Smith. What is so interesting about the event is that, probably for the first time, real right-wingers were capable of talking and asking questions and they definitely made their voices heard. To sum it up, these real right-wingers basically said that there is nothing conservative in promoting the kind of things that conservative organizations are promoting these days. I think that event allowed us to hit a nerve and here is why.
We have been through a lot of things since 9/11 and at times we probably got lost in all the issues and problems. All this time, something really dramatic was happening behind the scenes: the subversion of the Right or what is called the Conservative movement. This subversion is being done in a way to favour Israel, Jews, Blacks and gays. Pick whatever conservative organization that you know about, you will see that issues involving or interesting Blacks and gays are promoted as if they were the most important things in the world and that everyone of these groups make an allegiance to Israel in a way that is not rational or sane.
I think I know what is going on. The Left has succeeded to bring together Latinos, Arabs, Muslims and Natives. You see them protesting together at rallies. They are usually anti-Israel, anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-West. It looks as if a decision was in Conservative circles to try to combat that alliance between Latinos, Arabs, Muslims and Natives, with another alliance made of Israel, Jews, Blacks and gays to help the people already fighting in the Conservative movement. I think it will fail miserably because one important group has been forgotten and that is the Whites. Most of Whites don’t give a damn about Israel, Blacks or gays. Whites want their political organizations to defend their values and principles, the ones of their civilization which is a mixture of Pagan and Christian ideas. Conservative organizations presently are completely ridiculous and irrelevant for the most part for their constant pandering to minorities. They should focus instead on defending their people, you know, the people with white skin who founded our great civilization.
I think that this event is major breakaway. For the first time, or one of the first time, the silent majority was allowed to speak and it spoke very loud. The real right-wingers are not given the stage right now. We have to take it back from the usurpers who have turned the Conservative movement into a circus. The first video is the stream of the event that was recorded by Nick Fuentes, a prominent figure in the Alt-Right. He superimposed himself in the bottom right corner on his own stream of the event. His reactions are absolutely hilarious and you can see that he is very excited and for a good reason. The second video features an interview with Dave Reilly on Red Ice TV. Dave Reilly was one of the guys who confronted Charlie Kirk on the gay agenda that TPUSA is trying to push.
That was such a great victory. Absolutely epic!
Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff analyse the IsraAID operation in Greece, on Red Ice TV
This great video produced by Red Ice TV was purged from Youtube if I remember correctly but thank god it’s available on BitChute. It presents the actions of a curious Israeli NGO, IsraAID, that specializes in helping migrants reaching Europe…