Green fascists at work in Canada: Environment useful fools at the service of Saudi Arabia

© Oystein Sando |

Pitiful pipeline protest in Ottawa

Ottawa oilsands protest

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Saudi Arabia and SunNews Network: Theocracy versus Liberal Democracy

Watch these two SunNews videos (the first two links). They are about an ongoing broil between the government of Saudi Arabia and Canadian broadcasters. The whole thing started with an add presented by, a NGO website that encourages people to buy oil from countries that embody liberal democracy principles, such as freedom of speech, human rights, and not to buy it from countries, like Saudi Arabia, that do the opposite. The add focuses more specifically on women’s rights and Saudi Arabia is given as an example to the contrary. Apparently, the Saudi government issued threats to broadcasters, such as CTV, to cease and desist running the add. The tv network, having to choose between principles and business considerations, decided to pull out the add to save legal expenses, among other things. In other words, they caved, instead of fighting to defend and save democracy and its principles. In the first video, you will see a short response from minister Jason Kenney. I like his tone of voice. In the second video, you’ll see Ezra Levant commenting on the situation. He brings, with great accuracy, the role that should play feminists in a situation like that, while we don’t hear them at all, and the same with the CBC…but we are not surprised. Toronto newspapers fortunately have talked about it and, evidently, SunNews Network.

Overall, I must say that I am beginning to be rather tired of the cowardice of our elites. CBC’s behavior in this is outrageous but, as I said, I am not surprised. They seem to have a bias in favor of Middle East petro-dollars. We can see it clearly when they cover news about Israel. The Jewish state is always portrayed as the bad guys, and Arab or Muslim states always as the good ones. So is it surprising that they keep silent about something that embarrasses their « partners »? Probably not. The CTV behaves as cowards too, motivated by profit and short-term business relations. And the most digusting behavior of all comes from those whom we would expect it the least, the feminists. It is curious. When I was growing up in the ’70s and ’80s, men’s behavior were scrupulously studied, analyzed, observed, and if one of them was caught doing something judged not « acceptable », he was lynched in the media, in the public arena and his whole career and life were ruined. I have the impression that men are not equally treated on the Earth. If you are a man of colour, especially an Arab, you can treat women like animals and do anything with them. Feminists in the western world don’t give a damn. But if you have the unfortunate characteristic of being a white western male, then you are considered guilty as charged and feminists will make sure that you are accused and brought to justice for stuff that, all things considered, are not that terrible if you compare them with things going on in the Middle East. Feminists apply a logic that is beyond logic: the worst you behave with women, the best treatment you get; the best you behave with them, the worst you are treated. Continuer la lecture

The controlled demolition of America on 9/11, part II: Richard Clarke’s allegations and the Underground Reich

Decidedly, the 9/11 case is the worst of all times. Not only there are countless dimensions and connections to be aware of and that need to be stressed but in the end, there are so many threads that one has difficulty keeping the focus on what really matters. In part I, I took a look at the direct links between the reactionary religious bigotry that is encouraged in Saudi Arabia and terrorism activity in general in the years just prior to 9/11. The Saudi connection seemed to have played a major role in the engineering, crafting and carrying of the 9/11 attacks. In another post a few days earlier, I took a look at the connections between international drug cartels and the hijackers. Let me recall that Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi infiltrated the Iran-Contra network involved in drug trafficking that was still in use at the time of 9/11.

This second part article will take a look rather on the flipside of part I. I will try to provide a picture of what could have gone wrong inside the U.S. to have 9/11 happened despite all the intelligence agencies, the FBI and all the capable people within the government. As a starting point, I will bring to your attention something that has made the news in the progressive sector last week but that was totally ignored, or close to that, in the mainstream press. Two young producers, Ray Nowosielski and John Duffy, made an interview with Richard Clarke, NSC Chief of Counterterrorism from 1992-2001, in October 2009. They recently launched a website to publish the interview and related articles and news. The site was temporarily taken offline due to CIA legal threats. To sum things up, Richard Clarke alleges that he was kept in the dark about the presence in the U.S. of two Al-Qaeda agents, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, that would become some of the hijackers that flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon. His allegations concern directly three key individuals who were within the government apparatus at the time of 9/11, George Tenet, head of the CIA, Cofer Black, head of the Counterterrorism Center of the CIA, and Richard Blee, who was made Chief of bin Laden Unit in 1999 at Alec station, a listening post in the Middle East dedicated to Al-Qaeda. To watch the interview with Clarke, you can visit their website. Continuer la lecture

The Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan have sung in duet at the Second Global Conference on World’s Religions after 9/11

Well…I feel the need to pontificate a little today. Being a blogger and feeling sometimes relegated to the backseats of social and political discourse, I often have the impression that what I have to say about the world is considered useless and inconsequential by the power elite of this world. More humble people obviously appreciate this site and I am glad they do because, in the end, it is for them that I write and publish all these posts on my own time, for free. So today I hope you will allow me to celebrate my instincts, although I would have prefered evidently to be wrong. Last May, when I first heard about this coming Conference in Montreal, I had the feeling that the Dalai Lama and Tariq Ramadan would adjust their strategies and work on a common agenda. That’s why I had titled my post The Dalai and Tariq Ramadan will sing in duet…and that’s exactly what happened.

Let me explain a few things. A journalist from French-speaking radio station 98,5FM in Montreal, Canada, named Alain Pronkin, attended the Conference on September the 7th. In a two-part interviews given to host Benoit Dutrizac, he reported two things rather relevant for our purpose. First, Tariq Ramadan, this Muslim Brotherhood agent so « charming » and « moderate » that has become literally a sweatheart for the so-called progressive sector, was asked by a Buddhist raised in a Christian family why the Dalai Lama couldn’t visit the Mecca. Ramadan plainly and dully responded that the vast majority of Muslim scholars agreed on this and that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia wouldn’t allow it anyway. Period. So much for the religious freedom and « tolerance » that Ramadan is desperately trying to force upon Westerners. In other words, what Muslims mean by religious freedom is the possibility for them to impose their laws, their sharia, their Islamic veil, their sacred holidays, their prayers at whatever moment of the day and in whatever places they see fit, etc, that we, Westerners, have to accept in the name of so-called « openness ». But this principle of religious freedom doesn’t seem to work the other way around. If we, Westerners, want to express our religious freedom by visiting a holy place of Islam, even if it is only out of curiosity or for touristic experience, we can’t…unless Muslims permit it. Now you get the picture about religious freedom, Muslim style. Continuer la lecture

The Economics of 9/11. When greed becomes high class virtue: social darwinism on the horizon

© Madmaxer |

Much has been said and discussed about the various hypotheses related to the engineering of 9/11, in terms of concrete, physical means. Controlled demolition, nano-thermites, beams of energy, wired buildings, etc, every possible lead has been explored, including the one of the official narrative. Because it entails a much deeper, complex set of evidence and pieces of information, I will discuss this aspect of the subject in a later post. However, for the moment, let’s be aware that very little has been said about the financial or economical dimensions of 9/11, which are in fact extremely important for the comprehension of what happened on that date.

As it is often the case, I rely for that matter on the research of the excellent anti-fascist radio host Dave Emory. To begin with, to set the scene, one thing that has to be cleared right away is that there are powerful elements in western society, including America, who are in business joint ventures with the Muslim Brotherhood. The MB, as an entity, has a corporate capitalism doctrine based on the teachings of Ibn Khaldun, a medieval Muslim philosopher. Because of that, members of this reactionary group have been identified as dignified business partners by these same elements of our society who advocate economic laissez-faire policies. In other terms, what we also call free market capitalism, or used to call fascism in the ’30s and ’40s, is now in league with Islamists to impose by force their economic and financial model over the world, at the expense evidently of local populations who only demand for democratic reforms, freedom of speech and respect of human rights. In that regard, the situation is comparable to what happened during WWII, when U.S. and other western corporations did business with Nazi Germany while U.S. and allied troops were dying on the battle field fighting against them. Continuer la lecture

Israel is preparing to produce 50 000 barils of oil a day: Take that, Third Reich!

© Emirsimsek |

A major project in under way in Israel to produce a shale gas deposit in the area of Jerusalem. According to Dr Vinegar of Israel Energy Initiatives, Israel has the second-biggest shale deposit in the world, just under Saudi Arabia with a 250 billion barils estimate. It would allow Israel to produce domestically 50 000 barils a day out of the 270 000 barils that it needs for its daily consumption. Authorities are considering environmental risks, and are planning for a 18-month pilot phase, which would be followed by a 4-year demonstration phase. At this point, up to 1000 people could be employed by the time commercial exploitation begins. Take that, Third Reich! You have not won the war yet! We will fight you until our last breath!

Wall Street Journal article

The TransCanada Corporation pipeline project: it’s way better to shed oil than blood

Yesterday’s Globe and Mail edition featured an article on oil spills that have happened recently in relation with the North American pipeline that is in the process of being completed. Among recent spills, we have had incidents in a Michigan river, a Chicago suburb, a small ranch and a forest in Alberta and now in North Dakota. As it was to be expected, many have expressed reservations in regards with the pipeline industry, doubting that the activity in itself is anything but secure. Elizabeth May of the Green Party took the opportunity to celebrate her victory in the last elections by presenting the known propaganda line of the Green movement and, after all, she has been elected to do just that. I don’t have a problem with it.

What I have a problem with is, again, the lack of long-term vision that affects a lot of Canadians when comes the time of studying and analysing a situation. Terrorism and Islamic civilization-jihadism is sponsored by oil producer countries, namely Arab and Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia, states of the Gulf, Iran, possibly Pakistan, and others that we don’t know. What we are trying to do in America by constructing this pipeline is to become independent vis à vis these countries that sponsor terrorism and that use the oil supply to exert threats and blackmail on western countries. To give the example of Europe, it seems rather too late for them, if we are to judge on the fact that they have embraced the campaign of delegitimization of Israel put forward by the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Being dependent on the oil coming from the countries of the OIC, the European Union has committed treason on their citizens by accepting that Europe would be progressively assimilated by Islam and its values. We can see it by the enormous amount of immigrants that pour in every year coming from Arab and Muslims countries. These immigrants are arabizing and islamizing Europe, and its leaders don’t do anything to counter that, because they are complicit. They have struck a deal with the OIC and they have to keep their end of the bargain. Is it what you would like to happen to North America, to have a bunch of mullahs and imams setting their agenda on us, to be able to islamize and assimilate our countries? Continuer la lecture

China’s aggressive bids in the mining industry: its counter-attack against the West?

State-owned China Minmetals Corp has made a $6.3-billion offer in cash to acquire canadian copper producer Equinox Minerals Ltd. Equinox operates, notably, mines in Zambia and in Saudi Arabia. Recently, Equinox has made an offer to acquire Lundin Mining Corp, which was rejected. This bid now by Minmetals sinks Equinox’s offer for Lundin anyway. The bid also shows a change of attitude on the part of China in relation with takeover tactics. They seem to want to adopt the western attitude. Apparently, if the bid is successful, Minmetals will still want to get their hands on Lundin, which would make them an important player in the copper industry.

Question: Is this China’s response to the « uprisings » (see my earlier posts: this, this and this) in the Middle East, through which the western world seems to be reaffirming its control over the resources, oil and others? In other terms, instead of counter-attacking militarily to the West’s aggressive takeover moves for resources in the Middle East, China has chosen to, for the moment, use economic and financial tools to achieve that same goal? With a population of 1.5 billion, their need and hunger for raw materials and energy is insatiable and will just keep growing. How long will they be able to restraint their efforts like this to get the resources they need without deploying more agressive solutions, such as military means? I don’t know. But we are certainly witnessing on their part a change of strategy. Their economy is roaring and with all these mouths to feed and these industries to furnish materials and energy to, it is just a question of time before things get a little more physical. The second article shows that, although copper doesn’t seeem like a good investment at this time, the Chinese want to have a bigger chunk of the cake.



Tunisia President Ben Ali’s wife might have taken 1.5 tonnes of gold

Yep…the money loot continues. Welcome to the land of crooks and bandits! According to this article of the Guardian, the gold would have been flown to Saudi Arabia as late as the last days of their reign. The vice governor of the central bank couldn’t confirm any disappearance of gold. « Most of our gold is in Fort Knox »…oupsss…that’s not a good sign, if you consider that the gold at Fort Knox is believed to have been stolen!!!
