Gaza: un camp de concentration à ciel ouvert ou les pauvres aimeraient bien s’y retrouver

Regardez ces photos de la Bande de Gaza publiées sur le site web Bivouac-Id. Mon dieu, que c’est épouvantable de vivre dans des conditions pareilles! C’est absolument inhumain de laisser des gens crever de faim ainsi, dans le désespoir. Il faut faire quelque chose… Non mais, qu’est-ce qu’ils sont cons ces islamo-gauchistes et autres gauchistards et traîtres de la bonne conscience bourgeoise. Vraiment, ceux qui prétendent que les Palestiniens de la Bande de Gaza sont opprimés par les Israéliens disent n’importent quoi. On peut le voir sur ces images. Israel ne pratique pas l’apartheid. S’il le faisait, les Palestiniens seraient vraiment pauvres.

The Gaza Strip, the UNRWA and the transnational welfare state

© Marcosborne |

Today, dear readers, I will present you something that will, I hope, continue to convince you that we must abandon all rhetoric relatively to the supposed « Israel lobby », to rather concentrate on real matters, on reality. The Third Reich has been really skilful and crafty at putting out propaganda and disinformation concerning the Jews and Israel, and we have to remain constantly vigilant. You must have heard that supposedly, the Jews, due to their powerful « lobby » control the media, right? Well, explain to me then why you probably never heard of the information that I will present to you now. Have you ever heard of the UNRWA? Well? The UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. While this organization is supposed to have been created to help Palestinian refugees, it nevertheless dedicated itself in practice to render impossible any attemps by them to assume indepedence, by creating a permanent welfare state in which they have tremendous difficulties getting out. Eight « camps » were established solely for the Gaza Strip in 1949, plus dozens of ghettos where refugees live under the rule of a totalitarian paramilitary state, terrorized by the Hamas. The population of these camps, in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and as well in surrounding countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, has grown from 726,000 in 1950 to 4,8 million in 2010.

Normally, refugees are handled by the UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The mandate of the UNHCR is to resettle or integrate refugees into their homelands or new host countries. The Palestinians are the only group to be under the jurisdiction of a separate UN entity. Why is that? To make a long story short, it appears that the forced submission imposed on the Palestinians by the UNRWA to a welfare state seems to facilitate a permanent state of war with Israel. It looks as if the UNRWA was created to make in sort that the Palestinians could never have a home of their own, to be able to drive them more easily into a permanent state of agression toward Israel. To give a few concrete examples, apparently some Palestinian recruits use UNRWA facilities and equipment as recruitment centers and to serve terrorist organizations. UNRWA’s Siblin Vocational Training Center in Lebanon was used to store weapons and military equipment from 1975-82.

These are just a few facts from the article below. Read it. In the end, it shows how stupid the fantasy of the Israel lobby can be for someone who thinks strait. The United Nations, the western countries, the corporations, the Islamists, the Third Reich and the Arab countries weigh much more in the balance when it comes to what Israel experiences. But, unfortunately, because nobody cares about the Jews, whenever a « genius » can blame the problems of the Near East on them, everybody remains mute. Well, you would better start saying something because anytime Jews are slaughtered, it is all mankind that is under the menace of extermination. If any of the Arab and/or Muslim states that possesses the atomic bomb drops it on Israel, it won’t matter to them to kill just the Jews. They will kill you too, if you are in the way. Don’t let yourself be deceived by the Third Reich. Stand up and fight back! Defend the Jews, your brothers. The Jews symbolize the human race. If you stand by doing nothing, we are all, those of us who believe in humankind and democracy, doomed.



Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein y la familia Bush: cuando el lucro esta mas poderoso que la virtud

Descubre la periodista investigadora Lucy Komisar sobre los vinculos entre Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden et la familia Bush. Descubre también la banca BCCI y su implicacíon en el comercio de drogas, de armas y en la financiacíon del terrorismo internacional.

Lucy Komisar

Lucy Komisar on Naked Short Selling and other Wall Steet gambits

© Ivan Kmit |

Here is an interview that Lucy Komisar, an investigative reporter specialized on matters related to financial fraud and tricks, gave to Dave Emory for his show, For The Record. Being not a specialist of the financial sector, I won’t venture too far. But there are certain things that I want to draw your attention to, and these are the few tricks that have been developped recently by the crooks of Wall Street. Here they are: short selling, naked short selling and credit default swap.

Short selling happens when a broker buys shares for a client and wait for a certain period of time before transfering it to the buyer. In other terms, the broker waits for the value of the shares to rise on the market before transfering it, therefore making a direct profit in the exchange, besides his normal commission. To give an example, let’s say a broker buys shares at $10 and then waits three days, the legal period of wait, and transfers them at the new current value, for example $12. He then makes a direct profit of $2 per share, plus the commission. Naked short selling happens when a broker buys shares that don’t exist, through a mecanism of « lending » of shares that the Wall Street crooks have invented. With this scheme, the client buyer is not really the owner of the shares, even if he or she possesses papers of ownership. This scam is exposed when there is a vote of share owners and that a greater number of votes are counted than the actual number of shares that exist for that stock. But evidently, the broker gets paid by the « buyer » the value of this phantom share as if it would be real. And credit default swap happens when debts are bundled in large packages and resold in the form of derivative products. You might have heard of the expression « toxic assets ». Anyway, I remind you that I am not sure to get all the nuances for these abstract notions and financial manoeuvres, that is why I am suggeting you to listen to the interview and read the description that Emory made of it in FTR #650. Also, I have joined an article by Lucy Komisar posted on her website about AIG and their financial gambits and problems.

We are governed by crooks and liars. If it is not evident for you already, I think there is more than enough material for you here to change your mind. Welcome to Brave New World.

FTR #650

Lucy Komisar on AIG

Addendum on the piggy-back coups in the Middle East: the Turking Taffy series

To wrap things up on the piggy-back coups in the Middle East, I present to you the Turkish Taffy series by Dave Emory. I explored with you these complicated and highly evolved operations in these earlier posts: Karl RoveLibyaThe Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda. Make sure to go back and read the information available to refresh your mind before continuing your study. This is not an easy case. Fascism is on the rise on Earth and we must learn the new tricks that the transnationals have found to deceive us. Don’t be fooled: they are always several steps ahead, or so they believe or so they want.

FTR #737

FTR #738

FTR #739 audio

The bourgeoisie and the political DisneyLand sleep pill

© Cammeraydave |

Something else that gets on my nerves is the bourgeoisie or the middle-class. Don’t get me wrong. I like the middle-class and I think it must continue to exist. The middle-class is essential to the preservation of democratic life. It is a recurring fact that where democracy doesn’t exist or is deficient, just by coincidence these are countries where the middle-class is almost non-existent. My point is that the middle-class lives in a paradise of ideas, theories and concepts that lead it to become estranged from the reality of the political life of its own country or territory. How is that? Simply because in any society, the rich exploit the poor. The rich know that they exploit the poor and the poor know that they are exploited by the rich. But what happens with the middle-class or the bourgeoisie? Well, because they are not the ones exploiting the poor and that they don’t experience directly the exploitation made by the rich, they tend to deny that this exploitation is even happening, they try to downsize it or they express relativist ideas about it.

By personal experience, I know how difficult it is to explain to someone from the middle-class how the world really works. They have all those theories learned at the university or at their workplace about the various aspects of life. They play with a lot of concepts such as: the Right, the Left, social currents, capitalism, communism, Third-World, etc, and obviously, they absolutely have no clue about what these concepts really refer to. Among other sources of phony DisneyLand theories about the world that they express, I have to mention the academic discipline of Sociology. It is incredible the amount of stupidities that it can produce. Sociologists build these gigantic theories about the world and yet it is obvious that they don’t understand the fundamentals. You see, they build their models of the world as if secret societies, intelligence agencies, blackmail, death threats, smear campaigns, double agents of all kinds, infiltrators, etc, wouldn’t exist. It is incredible the naivety of those people.

And the other problem that is revealing itself when we try to alert the minds of bourgeois about the state of the world, is that they have all those nice jobs with social positions and classes that go with them. Are they ready to put that into jeopardy for some « conspiracy theory » proposed by a friend or a family member? I don’t think so. They say to themselves: « If that were to be true, they would have talked about that on CNN or in the Washington Post ». That’s how it works. They’re willing to accept anything that comes from the corporate media without counter-examination or criticism but ready to reject the same that is not reported in the big media. It seems that their whole view of the world is determined by what they are told in the corporate media.

So the bourgeoisie feeds on these theories and gets carried away on a disneylandesque fantasy that brings it to a state of complete hypnotism, unconsciousness and profond sleep. Am I ready to throw the towel on the bourgeoisie? Not yet. But I am getting tired of it. I would like to see more consciousness on its part. That’s probably what Jesus meant when he said that the Kingdom of God belong to the poor. Remember that there was no middle-class in Israel at the time he lived. Even if there was, it probably wouldn’t have understood how the world works anyway, like the middle-class of today.

The « Israel lobby » or how to masquerade anti-semitism

© Ivan Mikhaylov |

I’m going to talk to you about something that is getting on my nerves pretty much since a couple of months. Yeah, that’s right, the so-called « Israel lobby ». At the forefront of propagandists for this alleged lobby are a whole bunch of right-wingers, Islamists, Arabs, bourgeois and people from the middle-class, leftists, so-called progressives and liberals. In other terms, it covers rather the whole spectrum of the political life. Everybody whines about this, except Jews and Israelis, of course. To begin with, it is obvious that everybody in a democracy is entitled to have his or her own opinion on the subject and express it. I don’t have any problem with that. My problem is that all those awareness-raisers that entertain us so generously on the « Israel lobby » don’t bring anything to substantiate their claims. No names, no dates, no files, no amount of money, no representative’s names, etc, nothing. They don’t propose anything to back up what they say. I am somebody very open and I am ready to listen to anyone. If I have the occasion to learn something new, I will take it. I am ready to give a chance to anyone. But the problem is that these individuals show neither proof nor evidence to back the alleged Israel lobby theory that they postulate. So I am forced to conclude that the whole thing is in fact a fabrication, manufactured to express but hide at the same time anti-semitic sentiments. It is as plain as that. Because if there was such proof of an Israel lobby, don’t you think that Israel’s detractors wouldn’t present it to give credibility to their case? They certainly wouldn’t miss such an opportunity. That’s what leads me to believe that it is a complete fabrication to masquerade anti-semitism.

Ray McGovern’s performance during Clinton’s speech on freedom on the Internet: childishness or more smearing?

I hesitated a lot before covering this story, and then suddenly I decided to go ahead with it. I wasn’t sure exactly what to think, I had certain doubts and questions but now I see more clearly. In fact, what I actually thought on first impression has imposed itself as the valid explanation. I also have to mention that the story was covered as well by people I respect in the progressive sector and because they covered it in a way that I feel is not correct, I feel obligated to retort and set the record strait. I became aware of this story through the Boiling Frogs show and the Peter B. Collins show. As you may know, the websites for these two shows are listed on your right in the category Politics and Policy, and I also took the time to write a description of them in the section Resistance that you can read here. So I was more than perplex about the incident and the coverage they made of it.

First of all, let me set the scene to help you understand the context. Hillary Clinton is giving a speech about freedom of speech on the internet and let me precise as well that he video available on Youtube for this incident could be better. The framing, at the beginning of the scene, doesn’t allow us to see the whole room, with McGovern it it. We only see Clinton and we have to make do with it. This room, as the camera frames back, reveals itself to be of a relatively small dimension, and filled with people who are relax and seemingly willing to listen to a speech. And then we witness McGovern being seized by security guards, and after a few seconds we can hear him shout « So this is America? », and the video ends. I wish we could have a better document on which to base our analysis but all we can do is rely on this one. Continuer la lecture

Yes, Israel, that’s it! Fight back against Islamists and show no mercy!

© Penny Mathews |

Congratulations, Israel, that’s the spirit of the Resistance! Fight back! Stand up and don’t let yourself be intimidated by a fifth column living inside your borders! That’s the spirit! Make sure that the Hamas pay a heavy price for every drop of Israeli blood that they would take! Let the blood of Jews be the most difficult thing to get on this planet! And mostly show no mercy, because if they ever have a chance, whether it is the Hamas, the Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood, they wouldn’t pass over the opportunity to destroy you and kill all your citizens to the last one. Keep on fighting! As a Christian, I give you my blessing. Do what it takes to defend Israel and make it prevail!

The problem is Islam – by Wafa Sultan, or how Muhammad created a political system that will destroy the whole world

So, what were we telling you since a couple of years? That it is Islam the problem, not the Arabs per se, not radical Islam, not political Islam, not wahhabism nor anything else. Now these statements, which were qualified as islamophobic, are corroborated by a Muslim woman from Syria. Yes, Islam is the problem. Muhammad, this great individual, was an unliterate. He was a killer and probably a psychopath. He married his second wife when she was 6 years old… Yes, you got me right. He was a pedophile, to express it in western terms. Listen to Wafa Sultan, a Syrian woman, explain how she got tired of Islam and its lies. She calls you to stand up and fight back against this « religion of love and peace » because it might be the greatest threat that the world has ever faced. Islam has a power of corruption never seen before in our world, and unfortunately our leaders seem to be complicit in allowing all these Muslims, who are in fact infiltraters, to come over to America and Europe to pervert and force the local populations into submission. Thank you New World Order, you have screwed us all.