Ezra Levant – Indoctrinating children in the labs of the proto-fascist Green Movement

Here is the excellent Ezra Levant on the co-option of the Green Movement by fascist elements, through complacent leftist activists. See this post as well from radio host and anti-fascist researcher Dave Emory that highlights the rebranding of the new German nazi party, the NPD, to include nutritional and ecological programs. See also great shows by the same Dave Emory on the historic links that existed between Nazism and the Green Movement, below. I also join the text of authors Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier, Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience.

FTR #628 It’s Not Easy Being Green: Nazi infiltration and Co-option of the Green Party

FTR #629 It’s Not Easy Being Green, Part II: “Ecofascism”

Fascist Ecology: The « Green Wing » of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents

L’opération de déstabilisation du Québec, deuxième chapitre: L’ascension fulgurante de l’archange-Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

© Yobidaba | Dreamstime.com

Dans un article précédent, je vous ai parlé du scandale de la corruption dans l’industrie de la construction du Québec. À l’époque, je présentais le tout comme étant une campagne de salissage menée par la gauche québécoise, dans le but évident d’affaiblir le Parti Libéral du Québec, lui qui demeure l’emblème même de la démocratie libérale québécoise à l’intérieur du Canada. Et je dois rajouter aujourd’hui que cela fait sans doute parti aussi d’une stratégie pour contrebalancer l’arrivée au pouvoir d’un gouvernement de droite à Ottawa. Bien que je signe toujours cette interprétation, je crois maintenant que cela va beaucoup plus loin en fait. Ce qui se passe au Québec présentement dépasse le cadre d’une simple campagne de salissage. Il s’agit selon moi d’une opération de déstabilisation du Québec, visant non pas simplement à renverser le gouvernement en place mais plutôt à renverser le régime de démocratie libérale que nous avons depuis une cinquantaine d’années, pour le remplacer par un régime d’extrême-gauche d’inspiration communiste ou marxiste-léniniste, selon le modèle cubain ou iranien, par exemple.

Afin de bien comprendre l’ampleur de l’opération, on doit remonter dans le temps jusqu’au « scandale des commandites ». Le scandale des commandites a ni plus ni moins détruit le Parti Libéral du Canada, ainsi qu’affaibli le Bloc Québecois qui en était le contre-pouvoir, ce qui a ouvert la voie aux Conservateurs et aux Néo-Démocrates. Ces deux partis politiques ont-ils manœuvré, ensemble ou de part et d’autre, de façon à faire advenir ce « scandale », la question se pose sûrement. Mais une chose est sûre, la démocratie libérale au Québec s’en trouve ébranlée et le peuple québécois ne peut qu’en sortir perdant. Ensuite, plus récemment, il y a eu le scandale cette fois de l’industrie de la construction, qui lui a affaibli grandement le Parti Libéral du Québec. Le parti de gauche Québec Solidaire et son leader Amir Khadir en sont sortis les grands gagnants, alors que le Parti Québécois restait en touche plus ou moins. Question: Ne trouvez-vous pas curieux qu’Amir Khadir, durant tout l’épisode du scandale de la corruption dans l’industrie de la construction, se soit toujours retrouvé à la bonne place au bon moment pour « récupérer la balle au bond », pour reprendre l’expression de certains commentateurs politiques? Amir Khadir s’est avéré tellement bon pour « récupérer la balle au bond » que l’on a l’impression que le script de ce qui allait se jouer lui a été remis à l’avance…mais par qui? Continuer la lecture

Le retour du nazisme en Europe: Quelques groupuscules commencent à s’afficher

De toute évidence ces images sont parlantes, avec l’utilisation de torches et de masques style « Anonymous », ainsi que d’une musique religieuse évoquant aussi bien les chasses aux sorcières, l’Inquisition que les pogroms. Le nazisme, lui qui n’a jamais vraiment disparu, qui s’est plutôt réfugié dans l’ombre, est en voie de faire un retour en force, notamment en Allemagne et en Ukraine, comme en témoignent ces vidéos. Des temps difficiles s’annoncent.

Yuri Bezmenov: The science of destabilization and subversion

This conference by Yuri Bezmenov, alias Tomas Schuman, is a terrific presentation on the nature and mechanics of subversion. A defector from the ex-Soviet Union, Bezmenov worked for the KGB as a propaganda expert before passing to the West. As 85% of all KGB efforts were directed not at spying per se but rather at distracting western society in order to subvert and destroy it, this presentation is worth viewing again. Bezmenov begins his speech by reminding us about Sun Tzu, an ancient Chinese general who has authored the tremendously important The Art of War, a book on military strategy. The point of reminding us about this is obvious: all the signs that our western society is being the target of one or of several destabilization operations by foreign and domestic forces are evident. That’s why we need to focus our attention on the specifics of how a subversion operation works.

Bezmenov presents the stages of such operations as follows:

1-Demoralization, during which the different components of a society are infiltrated and then hijacked to take them away from their initial mission. Artificial bodies of bureaucrats come to replace the citizens;

2-Destabilization, during which the process of subversion began in step 1 increases in intensity and means;

3- Crisis, during which a society inevitably faces either civil war or invasion by foreign forces;

4- Normalisation finally, during which all activists and « revolutionaries » who got involved in social change and uprisings are eliminated by the new power elite. Bezmenov gives several examples of communist revolutions where early backers and actors of the revolution have been killed once the situation has settled. Continuer la lecture

Ayers and Dohrn, Barack Obama, the death of Andrew Breitbart and the rise of Third Position fascism

(06-08-2012) N.B.: Before I let you read the article, here are a couple of points that I posted on SpitfireList.com on May 20th 2012 as a response to some criticism about the article from the website host. These remarks should serve as caveat, precisions, to be able to put into context the core of the text. I admit that this article was a reckless attempt, not necessarily successful, to explain and put into context something rather difficult to conceptualize. In the end, I think Obama is a good man but he is surrended by people who are not and who are trying to seize the occasion to do harm. Here it is:

Thanks for these remarks. I will clar­ify a few points just to be sure we agree on my posi­tions con­cern­ing Obama and the rest. Maybe the writ­ing of my arti­cle could be improved to reflect that.

First, I have never said that OBAMA killed Bre­it­bart or that he wanted to kill him. He nev­er­the­less signed, if I am not mis­taken, an Exec­u­tive Order that legal­izes tar­get­ted assas­si­na­tions of Amer­i­can cit­i­zens. Some­body else could have done it. Maybe.

Sec­ond, I have never said that Obama was third posi­tion. It is rather the crowd sur­round­ing him and with whom he evolved that gives me that impres­sion. For me, the Chicago milieu is bad and breeds rad­i­cals. But the right is not any bet­ter, of course.

Third, I agree, the Weath­er­men were prob­a­bly agent provocateurs.

Fourth, con­cern­ing Israel, reli­gious Zion­ism is prob­a­bly wrong as you say, but we must not for­get that Israelis face anni­hi­la­tion not only since 1922 (that’s 1917 in fact- Ed), year of the Bal­four Dec­la­ra­tion, but since the begin­nings of Chris­tian­ity. John Loftus’s The Secret War Against the Jews remains, for me, the best tool to under­stand the sit­u­a­tion. When the fate of the Jews is secured, the state of Israel is secured, we will have plenty of time to crit­i­cize Zion­ism and Netanyahu or any other politi­cian in place. I don’t like Netanyahu court­ing right-wingers, but there is not much of a choice. Obama is not favor­able toward Israel and the U.S. has only two parties…

Fifth, yes, Obama is very dif­fer­ent from Bush. Ide­aly, if we could com­bine the best of the two in just one can­di­date, that would be great. But unfor­tu­nately, it doesn’t work like that it seems.

I kept it brief and I hope it clar­i­fies things.


The recent death of Andrew Breitbart has opened a Pandora’s box. The controversy has raged over the fact that he was very vocal during the whole month of February about releasing, on March 1st, some tapes that would irremediably hurt Barack Obama and seriously undermine his chances to get re-elected. Apparently, the videos show Barack Obama during his college days with radicals. The fact that he died only hours before having the occasion to do so, has led many in political circles to ask themselves whether or not Breitbart could have been eliminated. The sudden heart attack that brought him down is seen by certain people as possibly only the official version of the story. Well, we may never know what really happened. However, this event has opened a rift, so to speak, in the political analysis spectrum, and now certain connections from the past emerge on the surface. A first tape has been released on March 7th. It shows Barack Obama during his college days at Harvard University endorsing and hugging Derrick Bell, a controversial professor who expressed radical leftist ideas about race. The hugging part of the video was censored at the time of the Presidential Election to avoid doing any damage to Obama’s campaign.

A thread is common and I want to present it to you. Kevin Coogan, a marvelous author, has written a book titled Dreamer of the Day: Fran­cis Parker Yockey and the Post­war Fas­cist Inter­na­tional. This book presents the political philosophy of Francis Parker Yockey, a post-war fascist political thinker. In a nutshell, Yockey wanted to breed a new kind of fascism where nazism/fascism, communism and Islam would merge, along with elements characteristic of Third World sensibilities, to create a new form of fascism that didn’t exist before WWII. Uniting the Far-Left and the Far-Right, with the Iran of the Ayatollahs and the Nation of Islam, was a priority and a goal in itself for him. Continuer la lecture

Des fascistes de gauche empêchent Marine Le Pen de prendre la parole à l’université Paris-Dauphine

Bienvenue au XXIe siècle. Les fascistes sont maintenant à gauche. Vous ne me croyez pas? Regardez autour de vous. Les gauchistes sont contre Israël, le capitalisme, la liberté d’expression, la souveraineté nationale, le droit des peuples de se gouverner par eux-mêmes, etc, etc. Et ils utilisent des moyens dignes des pires fachos. L’intervention de cette milice de gauche pour empêcher Marine Le Pen de parler est totalement inadmissible et antidémocratique et elle doit être dénoncée. Cette contestation m’en rappelle une autre, survenue en 2002, où des étudiants islamo-gauchistes, supposément de grands défenseurs de la liberté d’expression, avaient provoqué une émeute lors de la venue de Benjamin Netanyahu à l’Université Concordia de Montréal au Canada.

SOS racisme…

L’abolition du registre des armes à feu: Ne jamais déposer les armes aux pieds de l’adversaire…

Le Gouvernement du Canada dirigé par les Conservateurs est en voie d’abolir l’enregistrement obligatoire des armes à feu longues. L’enregistrement des armes de poing, ainsi que celles à utilisation restreinte va cependant demeurer. Les utilisateurs d’armes à feu devront toujours également obtenir un permis de possession et d’acquisition. Cette entrevue de Benoit Dutrizac avec le député Conservateur Maxime Bernier permet d’illustrer assez bien la lutte idéologique qui se déroule présentement au pays entre le vieux Canada multiculturaliste, trudeauiste, gagné aux idées de go-gauche de l’après-Deuxième Guerre Mondiale et le nouveau Canada qui est en train d’émerger. Ce nouveau Canada, qui n’en a rien à foutre ni de Pierre Elliott Trudeau ni du multiculturalisme, a commencé à se délester petit à petit du manteau gauchiste que l’on nous a imposé, pour adopter plutôt des valeurs et des positions plus centrées, plus réalistes, plus concrètes. Les rêveries des fumeurs de pot marxistes-léninistes des années soixante ne nous intéressent plus. Nous avons compris qu’un pays, ça se gouverne avec des politiques qui tiennent la route sur le plancher des vaches.

Le registre que le Gouvernement Conservateur s’apprête à abolir a été adopté en 1995, puis progressivement implanté pour être finalement inauguré dans sa phase finale en 2001. Il se voulait une réponse au massacre de l’École Polytechnique, alors que l’arme de Marc Lépine était dûment enregistrée, comme celle du Caporal Lortie auparavant d’ailleurs. Par la suite, les armes utilisées respectivement par Valery Fabrikant et Kimveer Gill seront, elles aussi, dûment enregistrées. Il est donc tout à fait logique que l’on abolisse ce registre inutile, puisqu’il ne remplit pas la fonction pour laquelle il a été créé. Mais pourquoi alors y a-t-il autant de levées de bouclier pour le maintenir? Il y a deux sources principales d’opposition à l’abolition du registre: les policiers d’une part et, d’autre part, toute une série de groupes et personnalités dans lesquels on retrouve des gauchistes, des hommes féminisés, des femmes victimes de violence conjugale, des regroupements de victimes d’actes criminels, des proches de victimes de tueurs en série, etc. Les uns militent pour son maintien parce que c’est un outil de travail, et les autres parce qu’ils laissent leurs émotions prendre le dessus, alors que c’est une question méritant une très grande attention, ainsi que concentration et objectivité. Continuer la lecture

Fascism and gun control: What you don’t know

This lecture by Dave Emory takes a look at a phenomenon that has taken place around the world, and here at home as well in the U.S. and in Canada. The whole issue about gun control appears to be a gimmick conceived by pro-fascist elements of the intelligence community in order to suscitate a reaction against gun control itself, thus creating a tension in the population between partisans of gun control and people who oppose it. If it eventually passes into a law, it has the advantage of disarming the people, rendering them susceptible to surrender to a coup d’état of some kind. In the event of such coup d’état, bunch of thugs belonging to the extreme-right type, such as neo-nazis, would be deputized, i.e. transformed into agents of law and order, such as the Freikorps or Brownshirts were in pre-war nazi Germany. Nazi Germany passed a gun control legislation in 1938, just before the war, so Jews, liberals and dissidents couldn’t defend themselves against these thugs who were sent to round them up. Also, it appears that the gun control legislation that was passed in the U.S. in 1968 copy-pasted to a large extent the German law of 1938.

An argument that is made pretty often to justify gun control is that guns kill people, so by reducing the number of guns and their accessibility, a society then reduces statistics on murders. Well, if you think about it carefully, that’s stupid. A gun by itself has never killed anyone. It is humans who kill. Nothing will ever happen until a human being takes the gun and shoots. Dave Emory brings (at the time of the lecture, in the ’90s) a very important statistic concerning Switzerland. Although the country had a very high proportion of citizens who possessed a weapon, the crime and murder rates were among the lowest in the world. You see? That’s the opposite of what the propaganda says. A disarmed population has a much higher chance of being subject to crime and agression if they can’t defend themselves. Emory goes on to say that everyone in Switzerland had to do some time in the army…and that they brought their weapon with them when they got out of it, with full rounds of amunitions. The concept that is being defended here is that every citizen in Switzerland is considered to be a member of the army and as such, is susceptible to be called to defend the country in case of a coup or agression. According to you, what would happen to bunches of Brownshirts who would try to round up these citizens? They would receive a bullet between the eyes. That’s why everybody keep quiet in that country. In the end, what is important to remember, is the fact that an armed population favor the decrease of the crime rate, not the other way around. I am particularly glad that the Conservative government here in Canada is willing to abolish the long-gun registry. In case of a coup d’état, the population needs to be able to defend themselves.

And in Norway, people there should not let themselves be disturbed, distracted and influenced by the mass-killings that have happened recently. What is important is the well-being of the community in the long run. Being aware that Breivik is probably an agent of these same pro-fascist elements of the intelligence community that Emory describes in this lecture, the population has to keep the focus on what is good for them and not let themselves be carried away by their emotions. Judgement and discernement are always essential.

L-4 Fascism, Gun Control and the Intelligence Community

Right-wing useful fools: When Tea Partiers become Tea Baggers

There is something I have got to tell you concerning the financial crisis in the U.S. I am tired of hearing that it is Obama’s fault for this, Obama’s fault for that, and so on. Right-wing activists, Tea Partiers and the like, are always quick to blame the Left and what they call the « liberals » and/or Democrats for everything that happens in their country. If you use your intelligence and discernment, you can see obviously that things are not that simple. Obama didn’t create the debt nor the deficit. They were there when he took office, but somehow Tea Partiers seem not to remember that. They talk about Obama as if he would have taken the country with no debt and no deficit at all and brought them to their present levels. When they speak, and I know that at first hand because I have people like that in my proximity, all they have to say involve the Left and the liberals…but the Right has nothing to do with anything. Overall, they have a rather positive opinion of George W. Bush while he contributed greatly to the U.S. debt by creating the war in Irak out of nothing with its huge spending budget, with the only intention of wrecking the U.S. economy. Check this post for more details about that.

I am a liberal democrat. I have never hidden it. I defend the interests of the Center of the political spectrum and believe me, from here, I can see that there are as many fools on the Right side than there are on the Left side. So please, give me a break with your scapegoating of Obama. You are not Tea Partiers but rather Tea Baggers. You take the mantle of patriotism and truth, but in the end, what you do amounts to treason because you are creating the very conditions by which the destruction of the U.S. will come, destruction that supposedly you are trying to avoid. Hypocritically, you are doing exactly what you are pretending trying to have the country avoid. I suggest that you read one of Dave Emory’s latest blog entry, in which he puts some meat around the bone on that subject. I also suggest that you read all the comments that people have posted on it. Think about it. Reality is a complex thing. I also join a newspaper article by Kelly McParland that analyses the situation and gives the same diagnosis.

Dave Emory on S&P downgrade

Kelly McParland

The NDP orange wave victory in Quebec: when the color orange looks rather like brown

© Mahesh14 | Dreamstime.com

Well…what can I tell you? My fellow citizens, Quebeckers, have voted with their emotions, not with their head. That’s rather strange, if you consider that if there is a moment when you have to use your head instead of anything else, that’s when you choose your leaders. But Quebeckers, apparently, don’t do that. No. They prefer to listen to good talkers, singers and dancers instead if doing intelligent choices. For the last 20 years, they were attended and pampered by Gilles Duceppe who, as the leader of the Bloc Québécois, was taking care of business for them in Ottawa. But now, a new singer has arrived: Jack Layton. He is so cute, so nice, so gentle, that Quebeckers couldn’t resist. He will be their new momie in Ottawa representing them and caring for them…

Personally, I have difficulty giving credibility to this man and this party. The NDP advertises itself as social-democrat but the atmosphere surrounding it is rather the expression of a soft concoction of socialism, leftism, popularism. Furthermore, according to Tarek Fatah, Canadian political activist and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, the NDP, since Jack Layton has become the leader, has apparently opened the doors to Islamist activists in very large numbers. Islamists, generally speaking, especially the ones related or belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood, have a pro-corporate philosophy. They relate themselves to Ibn Khaldun, a Muslim philosopher of the Middle Ages who taught a pro-corporate financial and economical model. That’s why the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists are often used by the Far-Right to implement fascist agendas in countries or areas. But they often infiltrate institutions and political parties too in order to corrode and corrupt them and render them more Islam-friendly.

Jan Valtin, german communist and soviet agent between the two World Wars, has written in his book Out of The Night that the communists were collaborating extensively with the Nazis to sabotage conferences and meetings of the Social-Democrats in Germany, Social-Democrats being roughly what we call in North America Liberal Democrats. Check my earlier post here to read the whole story and a passage of his book. Even before the Nazis, there was a group of activists in Germany refered to as the « brown shirts ». Brown shirts are what we could call proto-fascists, that is to say a group that behave in a way to prepare a population, a country or a nation for the arrival of a fascist takeover. Activists of such an organization may not know that they are in fact facilitating such arrival, they may think on the contrary that they are working to install a socialist or left-wing regime that will serve the people. But the end result is that their actions are used against them by the Far-Right and that’s exactly what I am afraid of in the case of Quebec. This bunch of Neo-Democrat MPs who appear to be nobodies, in certain cases students or simple workers with no experience of office or public life, will do considerable damage in this Province if we let them have their mandate. We must find a way to break their backbone before they completely destroy the place.

I would like to leave you on a more humoristic note. Remember the movie A Clockwork Orange? The leader of the gang that pratices ultra-violence, Alex, holds a cane throughout the movie… If we don’t want to have behaviors like that soon in our peace of land, we have to watch out for these earlier signs of proto-fascist activity. Because, sometimes, the color orange looks rather like brown… Check the video with this link…and think carefully.
